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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 3

by Angel Medina

  Angel asks, “So wait you’re saying we only got 10 days to stop all this and if we don’t Earth will be taken over and nobody in the world will be aware of it?”

  Elder God answers, “Precisely, also these aliens have the ability to make clones of important figures on your world and kill them off with out any notice. Furthermore, nobody on earth will know how that person died or anything that happens for that matter on this virtual world.”

  Maria asks anxiously, “So how do we even stop or reverse the effects of this world on our Earth?”

  Elder God answers, “Only an ball of anti-matter formulated in a certain way being put in an anti-matter machine which is somewhere in the Himalayas in India before the 10 days are up can reverse the destruction.”

  Luis says blatantly, “Where is this anti-matter ball, what you are talking about sounds like a lot of crap to me.”

  Elder God answers, “Unfortunately all I can say the ball is in the possession of the gloobas, where exactly I cannot say. Your mission will be to find this ball, formulate it and put it into the machine. While you are on your quest you must also make sure that the gloobas do not cause any more destruction to this world, too much destruction will make the reversing process impossible. This virtual world is sparsely populated but you may find some of my soldiers that were able to get in to the world who may prove to be a big help in your quest. That is if they haven’t been captured by the gloobas or turn into traitors themselves.”

  Angel asks the Elder God, “No offense but aren’t you supposed to be a “God” aren’t you supposed to just jump in and send in your soldiers and clean house? Maybe there is something I’m Missing here or not understanding?”

  The Elder God answers, “That would be correct Angel you see when I said some of my soldiers were able to get into this world. Well this is because the world has a spiritual shield which keeps the purest souls out and only allows the most malevolent souls or mortals such as yourself. In other words I have no power to help you out directly.”

  Dayvon asks, “So to put it simply we are Earth's only hope right now and those bastards back on earth tried to make sure we couldn’t barge into their plans.”

  Elder God answers, “Although bashfully put you are correct, also don’t expect this world to be like yours in that certain rules of nature maybe able to be broken such as jumping from heights and surviving. This war has a meaning that is far beyond your comprehension and I don’t have time to elaborate the enemy is quickly approaching. My children my time has come to leave, but I will leave you with this message ‘Approach every situation with a careful tongue.’ I wish you the best of luck the fate of Earth depends on you. Goodbye!” The white light disappears into the sky.

  Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis watch as the glooba space ships attack the city and alien soldiers jump out of the ships attack the sparse population that inhabit this city.

  Maria asks nervously, “How in the hell are we gonna defeat these guys with our hands?”

  Angel sees boxes lying around and opens them to find several handguns and ammunition are found. He gives one gun to each person including one gun for himself.

  Angel says to Maria, “Honey this is how we are gonna to defend ourselves.”

  He crocks his gun and says determined, “These alien bastards want war lets give them war!”

  Luis follows, “Yeah we’re not going down with a fight!”

  Dayvon follows saying, “Despite our differences back on earth we got no choice, but to work together and put aside our differences.”

  Maria holds Angel’s hand and says, “Let’s do this!”

  Our four heroes finally understand their mission and know that what was supposed to be just a normal snowy day has turned into a virtual adventure that will determine not only their fate but that of Earth itself. They have no idea what these creatures will look like but they know there’s no turning back now in their quest to find the anti-matter ball and reverse earths destruction. Time is of the essence! The survivor horror adventure begins here!

  Chapter 2

  NYC Meltdown

  The chosen ones grab their guns and begin to move inside the building they were on top of. The intensity of the snow has slowed down considerably, but there is about 10 inches of snow that had accumulated. The gang realized they were still in their orange jumpsuit that was put on them back in death row back on earth. They need to find clothing that would keep them warm. They approach the roof door and go inside the building. The building is used for a financial company. They come to an office area its quiet then a thing approaches Maria from behind, Angel turns around and finds that it’s a…

  Angel’s tells Maria “Get Down!” Maria ducks and Angel shoots what appears to be an alien in the head instantly killing it.

  The heroes take a minute to see what the alien looks like. The alien is a salamander looking creature armed with a laser gun and long tail for sweeping attacks. Angel decides to call it the glooba salamander trooper and then says to the others, “Guys were in for a long battle.”

  The heroes search the office for any survivors then Dayvon finds a closet, the closet contains clothing. The clothes probably belong to the employees of the office, each member take a piece of clothing. Angel finds a leather jacket and a pair of army colored jeans, Maria finds a fur coat and a pair of yoga pants to put over her orange jumpsuit pants, Dayvon finds himself a hoody sweater and sweatpants and Luis finds himself a snowboarders jacket and pants. The four gather together and start to make a plan of how to approach the situation.

  However, they are interrupted by a gang of salamander troopers.

  Angel says, “Hey they come looks like the war has started!”

  The troopers shoot off their lasers while the heroes found cover, but Luis notices a laser ricochetes off the glass and headed towards him luckily he gets out of the way just in the nick of time. The laser hits one of the troopers. At the count of three Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis pop out and defeat the troopers easily.

  However, more troopers come crashing in through the windows. Maria says, “Don’t get too comfortable guys we got more company.”

  The four shoot and kill the troopers, but for as many troopers they kill more keep appearing. Angel notices that his crew is being outnumbered 12 to 4, so he orders everyone to run and get out of the building. When the heroes get outside it’s a wintry picture, but not one that you would see on a Christmas postcard. Instead one that is overtaken by an army of glooba aliens and damage to buildings was a common sight as well. All four heroes continue on 8th Ave killing any troopers that got close to them while dodging lasers from the spaceships.

  All the heroes could do is run until Dayvon sees a movie theater relatively unscathed and yells, “Everyone into the movie theater!”

  So everyone go into the theater hoping to find some cover until they could form a new plan of attack.

  Eventually the heroes decide that to find the anti-matter ball faster they would split up in teams of two.

  Angel says catching his breath, “Ok it’ll be me and Maria as team 1. Team 2 will be Dayvon and Luis.”

  Dayvon says “Aww Angel has a little crush on the $5 prostitute. You two sure do look cute together.”

  Maria says to Dayvon angrily, “This $5 prostitute is gonna bust a cap if you don’t clean up that smart mouth of yours.”

  Luis screams, “Wait a minute you guys are still fighting? How are we going to survive if we can even act like grown ups? Although I have to say what gave Angel the right to make the teams.”

  Angel says trying to defend myself, “Look! Me and Maria have no love connection ok I just figured this would be a good plan of attack.”

  Dayvon says, “Fine as long as I get to stay away from the hoar, she’s your problem Angel or I should say “captain” Angel.”

  Maria says annoyed, “Dayvon you are such a jerk!”

  Angel cuts both of them off saying, “I and Maria will take the downstairs level, you guys look upstairs, are we’re cool
with this?”

  Everyone agrees. So the heroes split up and begin looking for the anti-matter ball as stated by the Elder God.

  Angel and Maria begin their search at the ticket booth they find nothing, but dead bodies of former employees. They are attacked by salamander troopers but the two make quick work of them.

  The two say in unison, “Hello anybody here, anyone?”

  No answer is received. The team continued to the 1st level snack shop, killed a few troopers and continued investigating. Until they heard a scream, but its accompanied with a sound of a pig.

  Maria says, “Sounds like a pig but where?”

  Then a person in a police uniform comes towards them with a shotgun, but only it isn’t a person it was a wild boar! Both Angel and Maria team up to take the boar down and study the body only to find out that the gloobas are planning to replace the police force with these boars by the looks of it. Meanwhile, the young movie employee that was attacked is down and bleeding though his legs.

  She goes to get something to stop the bleeding on the employee’s arm.

  The employee says to Angel, “Doomsday has approached, the book of revolutions is coming to life before our eyes and…”

  The employee dies before he could talk anymore to Angel.

  Angel says, “Damn these alien bastards are gonna play for messing up my day!”

  Then the two are ambushed by troopers. While the troopers are taken down, Angel was sideswiped by a laser on his arm.

  He says in pain, “Damn this shit burns! I’m not bleeding much, but the burning is too much.”

  Maria goes to get ice to put on his arm to cool the burn.

  Angel says relieved, “Ahh much better, well that’s one I owe you!”

  Maria replies, “Yeah don’t mention it and actually its two you owe me, the first came when I saved you from Pinnacle.”

  He comes back and says, “Oh yeah that’s right I forgot silly me.”

  She says while laughing, “Its fine. Don’t listen to Dayvon I’m not a jerk like he says I am.”

  Heresponds, “I know he’s full of it, gotta admit we make a good team, I don’t want to lose you. Anyway let’s keep investigating.”


  Luis and Dayvon start to investigate the upstairs’ level starting with the hallways leading to the auditoriums. They’re ambushed by salamander troopers and boar cops. The aliens attack and force the duo into separate bathrooms.

  Boar cops chase Dayvon. He wrestles a shotgun out of one cop and blasts another with the same shotgun.

  A third cop tries to shoot him, but he is able to summersault up avoiding the bullets. He grabs the boar and stuffs the boars head in the toilet, the he blasts off the boars head.

  He says, “I always wanted to know what lard looks like when it gets flushed down the toilet and is even more disgusting than human crap.”

  Luis enters the women’s bathroom finds a vent above one of the toilets shoots it down and quickly uses his upper body strength to pull him self up. The salamander troopers rush into the bathroom, but when he is nowhere to be found the troopers become confused and ask amongst themselves in their native language, “Where did the enemy go, earth to mothership we’ve lost the target.”

  He then shoots all three troopers in the head and says “I was in the vent suckers, what’s this? A radio to their mothership” He answers the radio, “Hey earth to mothership I’m the target your guys were looking for and I’m coming for you soon enough!” He meets up with Dayvon and asks if he is ok.

  “Hey Dayvon where are you are you good?”

  Dayvon responds, “I’m fine thanks, in fact that was actually fun. Hey want some popcorn and soda it’s in the house.”

  Luis says while in shock, “Boy Dayvon you think of the most insignificant of things. Meanwhile we almost got killed just now, but then again I didn’t have breakfast so sure I’ll use something in my stomach now.”

  Dayvon says in excitement, “Ooo Kit Kat’s my favorite, well hey we gotta eat while we can we might not have another shot of eating something for quite a while not knowing where we’ll end up next.”

  The two stop off at the snack shop eat some goodies and take a much needed break at the same time watching their backs for any additional gloobas.

  Luis asks, “Wonder how the others are doing?”

  Dayvon responds, “Hopefully Angel is ok and even though I still say that girl is just looking for a quick hit hopefully she’s fine as well.”

  Luis says, “Ok as relaxing as this is we gotta get moving lets split up and investigate each auditorium and see if we find any survivors like the God said they may be of great use to us.”

  Dayvon responds, “Cool you take the left and I’ll take the right side.”


  Angel and Maria continue on their investigation out of the ticket area and heads towards a big room which reads “Food Preparation and Meat Packing Room”.

  He reacts, “Wow never knew movie theaters had such a room, ewww what the hell is that hot dog meat looks like some processed crap made into a hot dog. Wow makes me think twice before I ever eat hot dogs again at a movie theater.”

  She agrees and says, “I agree this room is giving me the creeps look at the soda machine turns what looks like goo into the soda we drink. I think I’m going to be sick…”

  She vomits a little and says, “I’m fine Angel, lets just get outta here.”

  He says, “No survivors here lets get moving.” A sound of a boar is heard and another is heard right after, then a group of boar cops show up. “It looks like we’re the choice cuts in today’s future presentation, well not on my watch!”

  The two of them pump rounds to the boars, but with no effect to the boars who keep pursing the two. Some boars armed with shotguns are aiming towards the two. Luckily none of the bullets hit either of them. He finds a box which reads “In case of emergency open box and use the weapons inside” He opens the box and finds a Remington special issue riot shotgun and for Maria a MPK 9mm sub-machine gun.

  She says, “Ah here’s some firepower! Have no idea what the box is doing in a movie theater but let’s clean up this swine!”

  He agrees impetuously saying, “Couldn’t agree more honey. As for you boars looks like your the choice cut special on today’s menu, hang on Maria it’s about to get real nasty here!”

  With their new acquired weapons the two began to eradicate the boar cop army. All of the blood of the boar flies around the room and the squeals of the boars dying could also be heard. One boar cop got away and grabbed Maria from behind.

  Angel screams to the boar, “Take your dirty hands off my girl you dirty hog!”

  He grabs the boar and throws it to the meat cutting machine used for the hot dogs went on to activate the machines blades, the blades would come down on the boar and the boar was decapitated.

  He grabs her down and says, “Heads up this is gonna get nasty and we’re probably gonna be cover in blood.”

  After the remains of the boar come busting out of the machine, he jokily says, “Care for some bacon my dear.”

  She responds angrily, “No I hate bacon especially one that tried to kill me, last thing you should be thinking of is eating the swine.”

  He says defensively, “Okay I was joking with you no need to get so defensive.” Then he says in his head “Ah, girls can be so stubborn sometimes.”

  She says, “Damn I need to use the bathroom where’s a bathroom around here.”

  He responds, “Really like it matters no ones here, but if you must know there’s one by the snack shop beyond this room. Let’s go I guess.”

  So the two walk to the snack shop and arrive at the restrooms. A sign indicates the men’s bathroom is out of order. The two head to the women’s bathroom, until she blocks him from going in.

  Angel puzzled asks, “Are you serious girl you are not going to let me in? Oh for the love of God there’s nobody here and you worried about a man being in the same bathroom as you at a time of
war. Maria sometimes you are such a…”

  Maria cuts himoff saying “I’m what?” No answer is given by Angel. “Ok Angel I trust you lets go in together.” She gives in to him.

  So the two use the bathroom then she says, “Hey let me use this opportunity to put on my makeup gotta look good for the post game.”

  Angel furiously asks, “Makeup? Maria are you outta of your mind? Who in the hell are you trying to impress, King Glooba himself nobody gives a hell how you look and especially me!”

  She responds, “Well ‘Angel’ I’m a beautiful hero and don’t female heroes gotta look good when saving the world. I’m going to be on every magazine ‘Maria’ the female fattle.”

  Angel responds angrily, “Sure female fattle my ass more like Maria the best looking corpse if you don’t even make out of here alive or at least you’ll look good pushing carts around if you become a slave. Listen I’m not standing here watching you try to impress me knowing darn well those aliens may just ambush us in here, I’m going to be outside guarding come out when your done acting all Hollywood.”

  Maria says angrily, “Fine I’m better off alone doing my makeup anyway, you make me nervous.”


  After 10 minutes pass he says in his head, “Damn how long does she take to do makeup, is this her routine everyday. I really think she wants to impress me better go check in on her and apologize to her.”

  He walks into the bathroom screaming Maria’s name, but gets no response. He approaches the sink where Maria’s machine gun is laying down but no sign of her. He looks everywhere, but she is no where to be found.

  He says, “Oh that’s great Maria’s missing and I got no idea where she can be probably got captured by one of the gloobas. NO! My phone has no signal so I can’t even let the others know to be on the lookout for her. I got no choice but to go upstairs and catch up with the others.”


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