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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 4

by Angel Medina


  Maria has gone missing but how nobody knows. Angel now has a new problem to face. Not just finding the anti-matter ball but also look for partner Maria lest she is been killed already.


  Luis and Dayvon split up and look in each auditorium for more evidence along with possible survivors. Luis finds more boar cops and salamander troopers which he easily blasts with the weapons he took from their dead corpses.

  Dayvon in the other auditorium hears a scream he rushes to the voice and finds a young man ready to be blasted. He takes out the aliens threatening the man and asks for the person’s identity.

  The injured person identifies himself as Quentin and begins to tell how he’s thankful for saving his life. He also begins to describe his job working at Virtual Labs Inc.

  Dayvon says and points his gun towards him, “So you were one of the four responsible for building the machine, right now I ought to blast you to hell! I and three others took the blame for what you and your partners did with project ‘Virtual’ you’ve better start explaining yourself!”

  Quentin calmly, but anxiously at the same time explains, “Listen while it’s true I did know what project ‘Virtual’ was all about but our intention or at least mines was to simply make a virtual reality game based on earth. However my other three partners betrayed my trust and decided to use the machine for evil purposes. I attempted to whistle blow on them, but I was fired on the spot and even threaten with my life. Somehow I found out that whatever happens here will happen on earth as well within a period of 10 days. I know how to reverse the effects and I know what the anti-matter ball is. I was the one to design it, but it was stolen from me. A spirit told me to jump into this warp into the virtual world that I would be part of the army to stop the evil from spreading.

  However, not enough of us were able to get into this world and the spirit warned me not to trust everyone due to a shield being built to keep the good out. Somehow I had the anti-matter ball in my hand, but it was taken by these alien creatures. I just have no idea were the machine would be located. Anyway I will prove to be a big help to you.”

  Dayvon lowers his gun and says apologetic, “I see the pieces are coming together slowly, you are one of the Gods soldiers he sent. Don’t worry man I got your back, to answer your question about the machine. It is in the Himalayan Mountains in India.”

  Quentin says relieved, “Damn and I know the exact formula, but we need that anti-matter ball first.”

  Dayvon asks him, “You know how to use a gun?”

  He answers “No, but I’ll learn along the way.”

  Meanwhile, Luis meets Dayvon and Quentin at the hallway and Luis asks, “Who is he?”

  Quentin answers him and tells him the same thing he had told Dayvon.

  Luis says “Ok, let’s go down and let Angel and Maria know of our findings.”

  Quentin asks, “Hey you got his number I can call him, oh never mind my phone has no signal. In fact none of these phones I see on the floor have any signal, must be the effect of the shield surrounding this world.”

  Luis, Dayvon and Quentin don’t have to walk far to find Angel however.

  Angel comes rushing in saying out of breath “Dudes… We got a problem… Maria… She’s missing and there are a whole bunch of blood thirsty aliens hot on my trail!”

  A whole army of at least 15 soldiers are after him. The four realize that they are out numbered and decide to make a run for it. They run for an elevator luckily for them the elevator is open and they go down on the elevator.

  While in the elevator Angel is introduced to Quentin and asks, “Hey don’t I know you from somewhere? I can’t quite grasp who or am I thinking of the wrong person.”

  Quentin says, “Sorry no time for explanation we need to find the anti-matter ball and bring it to the Virtual Labs Inc. laboratory and I have to formulate it a certain way…”

  Angel cuts him off saying, “Just like the Elder God said, Quentin say no more you are the last piece of the puzzle you are the one we need to protect to save earth. You Quentin or call I call you ‘Q’, are the brains of the operation. The three of us are the brawn, there was one more but she has gone missing.”

  Quentin says, “The little I understood when they took the ball from me they were heading towards the “Red Light District” in Hell’s Kitchen a new strip club in town along with ‘Rawhide’ a sex store.”

  Luis says “So that’s where we’re heading then.”

  When the elevator doors open chaos is seen the gloobas have gotten complete control of the city.

  Dayvon says filled with adrenaline, “This is gonna to be one heck of a dog fight!”

  All four rush out the elevator and start taking out as many aliens as they can. An alien on a hovering ship shoots fire towards Quentin and Angel pushes him out of the way. Luis is able to get on higher ground, time his jump and take out the alien on the ship. The ship makes a crash landing on a hot dog stand.

  Dayvon screams, “We can’t stay out here it’s too dangerous. Besides the ball may be inside the sex store, everybody get inside!”

  Unfortunately for our heroes they aren’t alone. The gloobas have taken the sex store for themselves. So Angel commands Quentin to hide at a corner. He and the other two begin to shoot aliens, whether it is face first, shooting them or ducking and using the counters as cover. By the time the gunfight is over the store is completely ransacked. However Quentin took some time checking the XXX magazines and he looked amazed.

  Angel boldly tells Quentin “Ah hate to cut into your pleasure time ‘bro’. but this is certainly no time to be getting horny over some hot looking…”

  Quentin shows him the woman in the magazine and all of a sudden he gets in the mood. Luis and Dayvon both smacked the two and told them that they need to be focused on the mission.

  Quentin said “If the ball isn’t here then we need to go to the strip club, but I know you gonna need an access card if you want to get in.”

  So the four men search high and low for a keycard, nothing’s found on the lower level. So they go upstairs where they find a bedroom probably belonging to the owner of the store.

  A salamander trooper sneaked behind him and Quentin screams to him, “Watch your back!”

  Angel takes his shotgun and shoots the trooper backwards and says, “Thanks, but I sensed him from a far.”

  His partners look impressed at his skills with the gun. Luis found a blue keycard on a corpse the keycard said “Access Card for the Red Light District”

  Luis says, “Well we got the card now time to find that anti-matter whatever it is.”

  The snow picks up in intensity once again. Conditions are worse than when the blizzard began and the winds start to howl up to 55mph gusts. This makes finding the strip club much harder to find. This combined with the aliens attacking makes the trek much harder. Eventually our heroes find the Red Light District, however because it’s so cold the access card machine malfunctions and doesn’t take the card, therefore the four would have to find another way to get inside. The blizzard is getting worse and the men’s body temperatures decrease rapidly. The four hang strong, until all of a sudden an alien ship shoots down the building across the street from the club. After the building collapses Quentin sees a circle on the floor of what seems to be a manhole.

  Angel says after seeing the manhole, “Well let’s go explore the manhole, it’s a whole lot better than freezing our butts out here.” So all four men see the manhole completely open and head inside to the rat infested sewers of NYC.

  The four find themselves in the sewer staying put for a few minutes in order to regain their equilibrium.

  Dayvon wines, “God damn this is a big place where in the hell do we begin. Listen I’m not splitting up again ok! I almost got murdered in that movie theater!”

  Luis says in frustration, “Dayvon shut up you mean I almost got murdered in that theater! You are such a crybaby!”

  Angel screams, “Enough! Both of you,
we all almost died in that theater. Now while Dayvon may be acting like a little kid he is right, it is far too dangerous for us to split up and we only have one flashlight with limited battery life remaining. Now the club is across the street so we have to go…”

  Quentin boastfully says, “We have to go east guys. You see where we are on 9th Ave is the west side of the street and to get to the strip club we have to go east so let’s go through this tube.”

  Dayvon sarcastically says “Nice job poindexter all you had to say was to go through the right tube or you just wanted to play teacher.”

  Angel tells Dayvon in a bold tone, “Can it Dayvon at least Quentin has an idea ok or do you have a better idea!”

  The scene remains silent and Angel yells, “That’s what I thought lets go!”

  The four go through the sewers find themselves complaining how bad the smell is with Luis saying, “For a virtual world it sure got the smell right God damn it’s horrible!”

  Quentin continues to find his way through the sewers. “Now it’s just the matter of finding the sewer entrance to the club.”

  As the heroes continue their journey through the stink hole know as the sewers of NYC they hear a strange noise and all of a sudden they see the shadow of something, a shadow of an octopus?

  As the creature got closer it was indeed an octopus that has been mutated to shoot ink that contains deadly toxins and strong arms to crush their prey’s lungs. The octopus shot ink towards the four and the ink although not a direct shot strikes Luis and he goes down into the water. The octopus uses his arms and grabs the remaining three. It starts to apply pressure to all three. However Angel spots a weak spot on the octopus’s head a soft spot on the right side, but Angel’s hands are tied up.

  Dayvon uses a laser gun to shoot the octopus’s arm to loosen its grip on him; he is able then to break free. Then Dayvon finds a crowbar in the water and uses it to strike the soft spot on the creature. The octopus starts to bleed out blue goo and eventually dies on the spot. Angel and Quentin are free and give Dayvon their thanks, but Luis is poisoned by the ink from the creature. Luckily for Luis, Quentin had a small amount of antidote in his pocket that he had developed to cure toxins, he applies it on Luis and Luis slowly regains his equilibrium.

  Luis says, “Ah! Thanks poindexter that’s much better, lucky for me you had that antidote.”

  Quentin says, “Your welcome but please be careful next time that was that last of my antidote.”

  Angel studied the octopus and decided to call it poisonpus naming it for the creature’s high levels of deadly toxins. Eventually the gang finds the sewer entrance to the Red Light District strip club.

  The gang finally arrives at the strip club; Luis is still feeling the effects of the poison ink and tells the rest to go on without him till he recovers. While Angel is reluctant to leave Luis, he agrees that time is of the essence and finding that anti-matter ball was priority, he knew him and his partners only had 10 days to reverse the destruction. Angel, Dayvon and Quentin decided to look around found nothing interesting. Then they arrive at the bar area and find the aliens having drinks and are throwing a party possibly celebrating their takeover of NYC.

  Angel barges in and says, “I wouldn’t celebrate too hard if I was you guys, the party’s over and we’re the crashers!"

  That statement would set up a huge bar shootout that only escalated on upstairs to the main dancing floor of the club all of the strippers ran from the scene and tried to hide from the action. A few of them were killed while trying to run. After all the dust settles the aliens were defeated, Angel senses his heart pounding hard like the spirits are trying to lead him to the ball.

  Angel says in happiness, “Guys the ball is the back room lets hurry, once we get the ball we will come back for Luis.”

  Quentin asks, “How about the girl?”

  Angel answers, “You mean Maria, forget her for now once we get the ball and put it in the machine the world will be saved. Quentin I know what you’re going to say it’s a long way to India. I’m aware of that, which is why it’s a good thing we’re getting the ball now.”

  Despite the fact Maria was missing and Luis injured our heroes were close to finding the ball of anti-matter which meant all that had to happen was the correct formula to be put in to the ball and go to India to put the ball in the machine. Our heroes are close to saving Earth and fulfilling the prophecy of winning the thousand year’s war and that Earth would be spared from darkness that their ancestors were forced to endure. It all seemed too easy a few injuries here and there but Angel could sense success in the air. Will the mission be this easy or are there more twists that will jeopardize the mission.

  “Guys we are so close to being the heroes of Earth, I do wonder where Maria is if she’s ok. It won’t matter though after we accomplish what needs to be done, we will all be able to return to our normal everyday routine lives.” Angel says in great confidence.

  Dayvon says in a soft tone, “Ah Angel “bro” to be honest I know I’ve acted like a jerk these past hours, but I have to say in only a few hours I’ve come to like you, Luis, Quentin and yes even Maria as friends; please forgive my transgressions against you and Maria. When we return to Earth lets all hang out together.”

  Angel answers forgiving Dayvon, “You are forgiven my brother and that sounds like a plan I could use a bit of R and R after this adventure.”

  Quentin says nervously, “I’m nervous don’t mean to be negative not at all, but don’t you feel this has come to us all too easily. I mean why these guys would attack so hard and yet leave the ball of anti-matter out in the open so easily for us to take, almost like they want us to come.”

  Angel responds, “I have to agree we are gonna have to approach this with a careful tongue, hate to say it this could all be a trap but time is not on our side. Let’s move guys!”

  Angel, Dayvon and Quentin all move towards the room containing the ball of anti-matter. They enter the room which is surrounded by green brick, Angel grabs the ball but notices a funny feeling and that feeling is nothing almost the ball appears to be weak or a phony.

  Angel says with great concern “I got a funny feeling this is not the ball we seek its quiet too quiet like we’re in for a surprise. This doesn’t feel right, whoa!”

  The right wall turns and reveals Maria chained to the wall screaming, “NO! LET ME GO! SOMEBODY HELP!”

  Angel screams, “What is this, what is going on?”

  Then he sees two salamander troopers holding Luis who is unconscious, they throw Luis towards the direction of the heroes.

  Angel attempts to shoot the salamander troops but his gun jams up on him and an alien voice says “Nice try Angel, but yes indeed you have fallen into our trap and nobody try anything funny or else.”

  Angel says in a defeated tone, “Shit they got us good this time, I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do we are surrounded by them, we are theirs for now at least.”

  Then a huge gate closes behind our heroes and then the front wall opens showing an army of gloobas with their guns drawn.

  The alien voice says evilly, “Hahaha we got you now and we’re gonna fry your asses. Guys take them into the ship and take them to death row I’m going to enjoy seeing these guys executed and as for you Mr. Medina try to get out of this one!”

  It was indeed too good to be true the anti-matter ball was nothing, but a phony disguise to trap Angel and his friends. As the skies turn dark, snow continues to fall at a good clip and as nightfall arrives our heroes thought they were close to completing their destiny. However the gloobas had other plans, although Maria was finally found. However now our heroes found themselves in a helpless situation, the gloobas take our heroes to “death row” which is the maximum security prison in Rochester N.Y. the same prison Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis broke out back on Earth. However this time the enemy isn’t human. Death Row is a place our four heroes have been to before and they smelled death during their last visit. They found a way to cheat death
one time can our heroes break out of Death Row and cheat death a second time? The people on Earth are oblivious to the destruction that has plagued their lives, nobody on Earth have any idea who or what’s behind the destruction. Little do the people on Earth know that their fate is in the hands of our heroes finding a way out of “Death Row"

  Chapter 3

  Death Rowing It Again

  Our heroes find themselves in death row again, but this time though they are placed on separate cells to prevent any unwarranted escapes. Execution will take place soon, however Angel's execution was about to take place right now. The aliens set up a chair that when activated would send thousands of volts of electricity to this body. The gloobas brought Angel to the execution room, while other gloobas gathered in the viewing room. The curtain wasn't raised yet, although the aliens anxiously await Angel's execution. Angel was sat down on the chair being strapped down with mechanical straps to lock him in. The aliens activate the machine; ask if Angel has any final words, Angel has no words to say. The machine started to put out thousands of volts of electricity and Angel is in real bad pain. However...

  The machine starts to malfunction, the straps were released and Angel was able to break out. All the gloobas that were with him had left to the viewing room assuming he was dying and were preparing to lift the curtain to see Angel.

  Meanwhile the only alien close by is a boar cop asleep in the security room in the execution room. Angel slowly opens the door and chokes the boar cop to death. There’s a cabinet behind Angel where he finds a pistol and some rounds of ammunition. Angel also finds a switch for the sentry guns in the waiting room that would shoot anyone on sight.

  Angel says confidently, "Hmm these alien bastards are going to get one heck of a show alright, however let’s just say the script has been rewritten just a little."

  He waited patiently for the gloobas to open the curtains, the curtains open to the gloobas surprise Angel was no where to be found.


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