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Shamelessly Worth It

Page 3

by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  She coughed, clearing her throat a few times as my eyes landed back on hers.

  “Hi.” Was all I could dribble out, my eyes searching hers.

  “You planning on taking that mental picture you just took on instant replay?” She popped her hip, those sweet hips, she placed her hand on it, glaring her beady little eyes at me.

  “Did you need something?” My eyes wandered over the room. I couldn’t keep eye contact with her. The sexual tension between us was palpable and I had to stop myself.

  She rolled her tongue over her teeth and leaned in to grab my tie, slowly pulling me close to her. The look in her eyes told me what she wanted. I couldn’t hide the fact I wanted the same thing. Moving my leg to the side, she walked in between them, her tits almost level with my face, staring at me, those beautiful perfect D cups. I pressed my lips together making sure that I wasn’t drooling with my mouth open. Millie yanked on my tie and slid her hand under my chin lifting it up to look at her. My eyes reached hers again and that was it for me. That was all it took looking into those mesmerizing eyes. I reached around her body and squeezed her perfectly plump ass while setting her down on my lap, my lips crashing into hers. My hands traveled up, lifting her skirt further up her thighs. She let out a slight moan, my lips traveled over her face to her soft cheeks traveling her jaw line before she yanked my mouth back on hers. She started to unbutton my shirt.

  Everything inside me heated up and I wanted her now. “Millie…”I moaned softly in her ear. She knew exactly what she was doing.

  “Shush, let it happen.” She yanked my tie free and loosened all the buttons before ripping my shirt open. She looked so sexy, so ready for me.

  My fingers gripped her ass and I stood up with her while she wrapped her toned legs around my waist. I gently brought her over to my small sofa. She kissed down my neck before sucking her way up to my lips. My hands ran through her hair, gripping it gently with one hand. I lay her down on the sofa climbing on top of her. She smelled so good, like a vanilla candle, so fresh. Raising her skirt up, my hand ripped her panties down and off. I grinned and she matched it. She pulled me back down to her, pressing her soft lips to mine. My one hand went to unbuckle my belt and unbutton my pants as quickly as possible. My cock sprang free and she took hold of it, pumping it up and down, her perfect fingers giving me the touch I craved. My other hand went down between her sweet folds and started rubbing. Man, she was so sexy. It could never get old looking in her eyes with the desire radiating over them. Watching her eyes roll back in her head in pure pleasure was all I needed. She took control with me and sat up pushing me back on the couch while she climbed on top of me. Her head disappeared south and before I could even object, she took me in her mouth. Fuck, that felt good. The way her tongue swirled around my tip had me about to cum at the seams. I gripped her hair and let her continue.

  After a short while, and a couple of quick orgasms later, she stood before me buttoning up that silky white blouse I wished she’d leave off, but knew she couldn’t.

  “Dean…I…” I stopped her before she could talk.

  “I don’t want to discuss that right now.” I rubbed my head. “Millie, I want you in my life. It’s as simple as that. But there is something I think you need to know about.” She sat down on the couch and pulled her skirt up while she fluffed her hair back.

  “What’s that?” She looked at me with concern in her eyes. I’m pretty sure she thought I was about to say something heartbreaking.

  “Not to kill the moment we just had, but guess who I ran into the other night at the bar?” I fixed my tie while I watched her eyes focus on me.

  “Who?” she barely whispered.

  “Brian.” Her eyes widened with fear. I pressed my hand on her thigh and rubbed it. “It’s okay.”

  “What happened?” Her voice cracked and I could see the weariness settling in.

  “He mentioned to me that Kate told him you have a boyfriend, someone from work. After I admitted that you work for me, he never put two and two together that I was the same Dean. Then, he automatically assumed that I must be the boyfriend. He grabbed me but I settled the situation. I told him to confront you before making accusations. Then I left.” Grabbing her arm, I made sure to try to comfort her. Even though she was the one who put me in this situation, I started to view it differently. I started to understand why Millie did what she did. Even though I was so damn mad, I got it now.

  “I need to talk with Kate. I need to talk with him. I don’t want him harassing you. He grabbed you? If we’re together, it’s our choice! Fuck!” She threw her hands up in the air in despair and paced the room. I glanced up at her beautiful face and smiled. It caught her attention and she stopped in her tracks. She realized she had just admitted out loud her feelings of being together with me. Standing up, I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. “So, we’re together?” I cocked my head to the side and raised my eye brow.

  “I want to be.” She smiled, leaned up, and planted a kiss on my lips. I knew then, this had been a great start to my day today and hopefully the rest of my life. I got Millie back.

  Chapter 3

  “Truth is, I'll never know all there is to know about you just as you will never know all there is to know about me. Humans are by nature too complicated to be understood fully. So, we can choose either to approach our fellow human beings with suspicion or to approach them with an open mind, a dash of optimism and a great deal of candor.” – Tom Hanks


  Words couldn’t even describe the feelings I was having towards Dean. I was excited that he was still interested in being with me after I had held the most important information from him for so long. As much as I was excited, I was also scared. I had been with only one man for the last fifteen years. Being in another committed relationship was a feeling I couldn’t shake. It was that tingling, burning sensation in the pit of your stomach. The heartbeats that sped up when you thought about them. The excitement in your day when you knew you’d be seeing them later on. It was those moments that scared the shit out of me. Moving on for some may be easy, but for me, it was hard. I still had to see my ex-husband.

  Kate barged through the door of my parents’ house with a pissed off look plastered to her face. I immediately thought, oh no, crabby teenager. But my gut instinct was to find out what was wrong and if good ol’ Mom could help. I put the dishes away after enjoying having the house to myself. Now was a perfect time to talk with Kate about some plans I’d been making as well.

  I opened her bedroom door and watched as she placed her headphones over her ears. Well, this meant “Mom, leave me alone.” But that wasn’t going to happen. I walked behind her and tapped her shoulder with my French manicure. She turned to me in the chair and cocked her head to the side with her attitude following her every move. I signaled with my hands to take the headphones off. She did, but not without an eye roll.

  “What’s wrong, sweetie?” I brushed her hair back and she took my hand, pushing it off. Well, this was going to go well.

  “Nothing, I’m fine.” She sighed and crossed her arms together. I took a step back and sat on the edge of her twin bed.

  “Kate, what’s wrong? You’re not fine. You can’t fool anyone, especially your Mother,” I smiled, “Now, talk.”

  She huffed out a puff of air. “Ben and I got in a fight. It’s nothing. I’ll be just fine.” She went to place her headphones back on but I stopped her before she could.

  “Kate,” I sighed. “Look, I know being a teenager you don’t want your mom around and intruding in everything possible, but I’m your mother and I am here for you. I know what it was like being a teenager once. I can’t even imagine how it is now.” I quickly changed the subject. “What did you and Ben fight about?” I gave her my full attention. She looked at me a couple times and then back to the floor, then back to me.

  “It was just something stupid. He said I didn’t do as well as he thought I would at my dance rehearsal today. It pissed me of
f because I just wanted to hear him say how well I did.”

  She twiddled with her pen pushing the tip in and out making that annoying clicking sound.

  “How did you do?” I crossed my one leg over the other. Finally she was opening up to me and I didn’t have to push too hard.

  “Crap. I missed so many moves and I was delayed and completely off. My teacher didn’t say much other than she expected to see better,” she shrugged her shoulders.

  I hesitated but it needed to be said. “Do you think Ben is distracting you from your homework and dance?” I held my breath.

  “No! Mom! Just never mind, you don’t understand.”

  “Oh, Kate, how well I do understand. I’ve been in your shoes before, kiddo. Ben was being real with you, and sometimes, well, most times, that’s what boyfriends and girlfriends do. If he told you that you rocked the show and did amazing, he would be lying wouldn’t he?”

  “I know. I just didn’t want to hear it. I know, Mom. Sometimes you have to hear the truth and the truth sometimes hurts.” She rolled her eyes. She knew my words and speeches well. Just meant she’d been listening.

  “Look, I wanted to talk to you about something. I’ve been looking at some apartments and wanted your input.” My smile grew wide hoping to make her mood cheer up.

  “My input? Why?”

  “You’re going to live there. I want us to be happy wherever we move.” I took out my phone and passed it to her while I let her flip through some of the pictures of the places I’d been looking at.

  After we discussed a few of them, she told me her top two and we actually agreed on them. Now it was just a matter of getting them to do the background check and finding out which one I could get for the right price. Just as she was about to hand me my phone back, it pinged and she read the displayed message.

  “You got a message from Dean. So who is this guy, are you dating him or something?” She asked and I knew it was coming but this was also another one of the things I wanted to discuss with her.

  “We’re friends, Kate. I like him, and I might consider it dating at some point. How do you feel about that?” I made a small white lie, but I wanted to see where her thoughts were first before telling her the full feelings I was having.

  “Whatever, Mom. Don’t you think you’re going to hurt Dad?”

  I wasn’t expecting her to be so blunt and frankly if I hurt him, I didn’t care after how much he hurt me. Since Kate didn’t know about that, I was going to keep it clean.

  “Your father and I are divorced. If we want to see other people at this point, we can. It’s our choice and if your father wants to see another woman he could. I want you to be comfortable with Dean. He will be around often and I want you to be nice. Did you tell your father about Dean?” I watched her mouth open a little. She wasn’t expecting that question.

  “I…I…just…I just said that you had a boyfriend from work. Am I in trouble?”

  “No, you can talk to your father about anything you want, and you can talk to me as well. We love you kid, and we want what’s best for you.” I poked her shoulder, which made her laugh.

  “Love you, too, Mom.”

  “Get your homework done, and I’m going to go work on dinner.” With that she put her headphones back on and I made my way into the kitchen. My parents were out for the evening with their golf club and I felt excited that we’d be on our own again soon. Finally, I’d been able to save up enough money working with Dean and paying off the debt I had to be free from living with my parents. After all, I knew it would only be a temporary thing.

  I headed towards the kitchen checking the message from Dean.

  Dean: Hey beautiful. Could I come by later tonight? I can bring ice cream.

  Me: Yes! Please do. I love chocolate!

  Dean: See you, babe.

  Me: Could you bring UNO too….

  Dean: I’m thinking we won’t need UNO, because I’m going to strip that beautiful body before I get a draw two or a wild card, baby.

  A huge smile grew on my face and a warm sensation embraced me from within while I put a pot on the stove. All I could think about was how this night was going to unfold. I wondered if I would have to shuffle the cards in the right order to get that wild card to make my night.

  A knock at the door startled me and I rushed to see if it was Dean surprising me early. I opened the door and was shocked to see Brian standing there in jeans and a t-shirt. He looked rough but there hadn’t been a time lately where I thought he didn’t look it.

  “Can we talk, please?” He asked pushing his way through the door.

  “Sure, just invite yourself in.” I mumbled, aiming my hand down the hallway sarcastically. I closed the door and followed him into the living room off the kitchen. Kate’s door was closed so I was sure she couldn’t hear him with her blaring headphones pounding in her ears.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about Dean?” He ran his hand through his hair, his agitation growing.

  I panicked. Did he know something I didn’t? Why would he be busting through the house right now demanding to talk over that? He had no say in who I dated. Sweat started to come through my skin and for the moment, I was flabbergasted and didn’t know what was going down before me.

  “Tell you about Dean?” I played stupid.

  “Yeah,” he enunciated, “why didn’t you tell me about Dean?” He raised his voice.

  “Can’t we talk about this calmly instead of you demanding things from me, charging in the house like you owned the place?” I asked, stalling for what I hoped to be overreacting from Brian.

  “Hey, Dad!” Kate yelled from the hallway. “What are you doing here?” She walked up and gave him a welcoming hug. “You should stay for dinner.” She giggled and walked over to me. “Mom, is that okay? I haven’t seen Dad much with his busy schedule.”

  I looked at Brian, fuming. My eyes danced between him and Kate. I swore I was going to start shooting smoke out of my ears, I was so hot with anger. If this couldn’t get any more awkward. If he hadn’t just been in my face wanting me to tell him things I wasn’t sure I could.

  Brian looked at me and shook his head back and forth. “That’s up to your Mother.”

  I glared again popping my eyes out at him, signaling for him to just go home. He shrugged his shoulders and wrapped his arm around Kate. “I wouldn’t mind the daddy/daughter time.” He chuckled. The little asshole thought this was funny.

  I knew now he was doing this on purpose. He knew staying here was crossing a thin line especially after what we were just about to discuss. The nerves set in and made my brain kick into overdrive. I wasn’t sure what was going to be said tonight. Maybe his “daddy/daughter” line meant he knew something. Oh lord, I didn’t know if I could handle tonight for much longer without speaking to him alone.

  “Sure. Make yourself at home.” I rolled my eyes at him then smiled at Kate and turned back towards the stove. I ignited the flame and tossed my package of ground beef into the frying pan. Homemade sloppy Joes it was, and coincidently it was Brian’s favorite.

  Kate plopped down on the couch and turned the TV on to some reality show she’s into on MTV. It always made Brian and I shake our heads to watch it but it was funny for her. She had her cell phone out texting to whom I assumed was her boyfriend, which still made me nervous thinking she even had one. I couldn’t get on her ass too much, though. She was still maintaining excellent grades in school. She had her One Direction concert coming up this weekend and it’d be the first concert I let her go to on her own which scared me. She was going with Ben but with two other girlfriends and their parents, which eased my mind a bit, but still made me nervous. Brian sat down next to Kate on the couch but kept eyeing me from a distance. He was making me small and that was the last thing I wanted to feel. But those eyes . . . looking back at him also made me realize how much I missed those eyes.

  “So, Millie, how is work going for you?” I shot a glance his way from the kitchen while I chopped up the meat in the pan
breaking it all apart as it cooked. I slapped my wooden spoon down and started putting the buns in the toaster oven.

  “Work is great. How’s work going for you?” I kept it simple. He didn’t need to know anymore.

  “I got let go.” Both Kate’s eyes and mine darted in his direction and I almost dropped the tongs on the floor.

  “What?” I asked focusing my attention back on the pan.


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