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Cowboy Edition EBook

Page 89

by Maree, Kay

  Walker yawned, burying his nose in my hair, breathing deeply. He pulled me closer, surrounding my body with his.

  “Babe, you must be tired, you’ve been out all night.” It was my turn to yawn. I wiggled and shifted, moulding my body to his. I liked the way I felt wrapped in his arms.

  “Darlin’ please don’t do that. I’m exhausted. Too exhausted to be turned on by you wiggling your sexy little ass against my tired dick.”

  He thrust against me, letting me feel the affect my little shimmy had on him. He was naked. The only barrier between us was his flannel that I had put back on after getting home. My clothes, once again wet and dirty from the rain and cleaning, returned to the washer.

  “Sorry, Babe.” I wiggled again, giggling as he groaned in discomfort. I wanted to play, but I could hear the exhaustion in his voice.

  “I should get up, anyway. I need to go check on things.”

  “No, you don’t,” he yawned again. “The power is still out everywhere. A massive tree fell and took out the main grid. The entire town is still blacked out. You won't be able to open the bar today. The power company said it won't be back on until lunch tomorrow at the earliest.”

  “Well, shit. Babe let me up. I’ve got to call everyone and tell them not to come in.” I struggled to move under the weight of his arms.

  “Baby, stop fussing.” There was a note of authority in his voice as he threw his leg over mine, holding me in place.

  “Walker, please let me up. I need to at least call everyone. I need to contact Cecilia and make sure the girls are ok. With Grandpa in the hospital the Rusty Wagon is my responsibility. I should be there making sure everything is ok.”

  “The bar is fine. Cecilia is bitching like the blackout was caused to specifically piss her off. She spent a good ten minutes chowing my ass out about it. Like somehow, I could have done something. I’m the Sheriff not an electrician. Apart from her crabby ass, the girls are fine.” Walker snuggled into me, getting comfortable. His weight settling around me. “Sunny got the generator going. Terry came in this morning and cooked a thank you barbeque for all the Emergency Service guys. Everyone appreciated the bacon and eggs. The Fire Chief said to let you know the next barbeque is on him.”

  “Why didn’t someone come and get me? I should have been there helping.”

  I felt awful. Walker, Sunny and by the sounds of it, the rest of the town, had been out in the cold and the wet all night. Cleaning up, making sure the town was safe. Here I was sleeping in comfort.

  “Clare made me promise not to wake you. She said you work too hard and deserve to rest. She may be tiny, but when she uses her mum voice, she’s downright scary. I wasn’t going to cross her.” He joked, attempting to lighten the mood.

  “Her mum voice is scary,” I agreed, settling back into his arms. “I should probably call the hospital and check on Grandpa.”

  “I called, and the Doc said he would stay in for at least a week. He’s been up but is resting again. I think he knows there’s nothing he can do so he may as well rest.”

  “Walker, you didn’t have to do that.”

  “Do what?” He yawned.

  “Check on the bar and the girl. Get fuel for the generator, check on my Grandpa. I should have done all of that.”

  “I know I didn’t have too, but I wanted to.”

  “Why would you do all of that for me?”

  “Because you promised me a pony.”


  I must have fallen asleep. One minute I was talking with Danica, the next I woke with her on my chest, her sweet strawberry and caramel scent surrounding me. She stirred, rubbing her face against my skin. She let out a soft moan stretching, her breasts pushing against my chest, her leg draped over me brushed my cock making me instantly hard.

  I walked my fingers over her hip, slowly inching my shirt she was wearing up. Her skin was warm under my fingers. I kissed the top of her head, tracing patterns with my

  fingers where I wanted to place my lips.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Morning handsome.”

  I captured her chin, bringing her lips to mine. I kissed her softly, slowly. I ran my tongue alone the seam of her lips begging for entry. Danica threaded her fingers into my hair, holding on tight, her tongue running up the side of mine. The taste of Danica’s mouth invaded mine, both of us groaning in pleasure. With this kiss, everything clicked into place. Danica has said that I was her puzzle piece, well she is mine. She makes me feel whole.

  “Mmmm, I could get used to waking up like this.” Danica sighed rocking against me.

  My body sprung to life. My cock hardening. Last night we had been interrupted by the storm and a town without power. I wouldn’t let anything interrupt us now.

  “I can think of a better way to wake up.”

  My lips captured hers, kissing her as my fingers trailed the soft skin of her thigh, stroking over the globes of her ass. She shifted raising her leg higher on my hip opening herself up to me. With each stoke of my fingers I made my way closer and closer to her core.

  “This is much better,” she agreed.

  “I think so,” I grinned against her lips, my fingers never stopping the slow progression towards their target.

  Danica pulled away long enough to discard my shirt, exposing her gorgeous naked body to me. I took her breasts in my hands, the creamy skin filling them to overflowing. She gasped, reaching back, taking my cock in her hand, stroking me. It was my turn to gasp. Her delicate fingers stoked my length.

  “Oh, God. Walker,” She moaned, as I pinched and tugged at her hard peaks.

  I hooked my hands under her knees, bringing her body up mine; until she was where I wanted her. Her hand tightened around my cock as I kissed the inside of her thigh. She looked down the length of her body; her strokes increasing as I took her in my mouth.

  Her taste exploded on my tongue as I licked and sucked her pussy. My cock forgiven as she rocked against my mouth. I sucked on her swollen, sensitive bud and my name fell from her lips on a moan. I was relentless and just when I didn’t think she couldn’t take any more; I slid a finger inside her.

  “Oh. Fuck. Walker, please. I need….” She lost her train of thought, arching her back, moaning my name.

  She gripped my hair almost to the point of pain as she rode my face. Taking control, taking what she needed from me, and I was more than happy to give it to her.

  I swirled my tongue, working a second finger inside her. Her thighs were shaking. I knew she was close. I wanted to prolong her pleasure filled torture, but selfishly I wanted to be inside her more.

  Sensing she was getting nearing orgasm; I quickened my pace. Tongue and fingers working in tandem, bringing her closer to the ecstasy. I sucked her clit hard, and I made a come here motion with my fingers and she exploded. My name tore from her lips as she moved against my mouth, wringing out every ounce of pleasure.

  “Oh, God. Walker, what did you do to me?” She asked, falling back against the mattress.

  “Finishing what we started last night.” I followed her, kissing my way up her body.

  “Walker, if I had known it would be like this, the town could have burned for all I care.” Her chest heaved as she attempted to catch her breath.

  “Next time,” I kissed her sternum, evading the plump, swollen flesh of her breasts. “We’ll let the town burn.”

  She shivered as I traced my fingers along the outer edge of my breast, grinning against her lips as I kissed her. I wanted to tease her; I wanted to play. There would be plenty of time for that later.

  I ran my throbbing cock through the wet heat of her pussy. She moaned rocking against me trying to manoeuvre me to where she wanted.

  “Walker, please I need you,” she panted.

  “I have me.”

  My name erupted from her lips as I surged forward, entering her. With one powerful thrust, my thick, hard cock filled her to the hilt. I moaned her name as th
e walls of her pussy gripped me hard.

  “Fuck Danica! Baby. Fuck me you feel amazing.”

  “Walker, please I need you. I need more.”

  She kissed me; it was passionate and desperate, letting me know she needed me just as much as I needed her. Together we moved, our bodies in sync as I thrust in and out, each thrust deep and powerful allowing her body to adjust to my size.

  “Danica, oh God.” There is no way I am going to last. My orgasm building. I could tell my pleasure; my release would be so powerful I don’t think I’ll ever come back down.

  “I’m so close, Baby. Oh, God.”

  “Come with me, Babe, come with me.”

  I reached between our bodies. My fingers circled her clit, picking up speed, finding another gear. There was nothing she could do but hold on and take everything I had to give.

  With one final powerful thrust, I kissed her. I roared her name as I exploded; she came with me, her body clenching around my cock. Stars exploded behind my eyes and I lost all rational thought. We rocked together, riding the dying waves of pleasure coming back to earth.

  “Fuck me.”

  “I believe I just did,” I chuckled against her lips, kissing her as the last shudders of pleasure left her body.


  “Danie, Honey, how’s Billy doing?”

  “Good, thanks Clare. He’s home now. The Doc said he has to rest for the next few days, but he should be back behind the bar by the end of the week.”

  “Do you really think he is going to stay at home?” Clare chuckled.


  “Neither do I. He’ll be back in here by tomorrow, I suspect. If not before. Let us know if you need something, won’t you huni.”

  “Will do.”

  It has been a few weeks since the storm. Grandpa had to stay in hospital for two weeks. The Doc said it was all for precaution because of his age. She wanted to make sure he could walk unassisted before releasing him.

  Luckily, the storm only caused minor damage to the town and apart from a few broken windows, the bar survived.

  Clare returned to the kitchen, and I went back to attending to the long list of repairs I had prior to the storm. As I went about my work, I was stopped several times by folks asking after my Grandpa and passing on well wishes.

  I spent the day working my way through my list. I had blisters, a splinter and I had to dig a shard of glass out of my hand, but all in all it had been a productive day.

  I was on my way to room eleven to fix a stuck window, when a certain snarky tone stopped me.

  “She really is a terrible person.” I heard Cecilia scoff.

  I didn’t have to wonder who she was talking about. From the moment I arrived, the woman has had it in for me. I don’t understand why. I have been nothing but civil to her, but for some reason I get under her skin.

  “Oh, please, she doesn’t fool me.” I couldn’t hear the other person she was talking to; she must be on the phone. “She has the rest of the town fooled with her sweet goody two shoes act.” I inched closer to her door of her room, that was ajar. “Didn’t you hear? While her poor sweet Grandfather was in the hospital, she was on her back, legs spread for the Sheriff.”

  “What?” I slapped my hand over my mouth, ducking back around the corner.

  How the hell did she know that? How did anyone know?

  We stayed at Walker’s place and spent an amazing day together; I wanted more time with him, but the hospital called. Walker drove me to the hospital. He came with me, filled Grandpa in on what happened with the storm and the goings on in town. An hour after visiting hours finished and the doctors finally kicked us out, Walker drove me home. In the morning drove me back to the bar and fixed the truck.

  All anyone would have seen was Walker driving me to the hospital, home and then to work. We didn’t see a single soul. Anytime we were together it was at his place, just the two of us.

  How did she know about Walker and me?

  “Please. He’s such a dottery old goat……. He has no idea what happens on a daily basis…... He hasn’t noticed so far.”

  What the hell is she talking about? Grandpa doesn’t know about what? What the hell is she up to?

  “She is a bigger whore than I am, and I am a whore! I mean seriously, what kind of person has sex when their Grandfather is laid up in hospital?” She asked, slamming the door cutting me off from hearing the rest of the conversation.

  I have to find out who she was talking to.

  I have to find out who she is talking to.

  Cecilia was dangerous.

  She could do some real damage. To me, sure, but I didn’t care about me. She could damage Walker’s and Grandpa’s reputation and that I care about.

  I care about my Grandpa.

  I care about Walker.


  “Mikey, where’s your boss?” I asked, walking into the bar.

  “She’s in her office, and don’t call me Mikey,” he called back, not stopping from flipping the stools onto the bar. “I’m not a damn kid,” he muttered as I walked past.

  “You’re under twenty-one Mikey that still makes you a kid,” I replied, heading for Danica’s office. I could hear him cursing me out as I lightly knocked of the office door.

  “Come in.”

  “Hey Darlin’.”

  “Walker, thank God.” She was standing at the filing cabinet, papers strewn all over. Her burgundy hair piled high on top of her head. When her hair is high, you know she means business.

  “You know you don’t need to call the station if you want to see me.” I teased, pulling her into my arms. “I pick you up every night. Besides, the town knows we’re… friends.” I gave her a soft, lingering kiss, distracting her from her worries. “They might not know we’re kissing friends, but we don’t have to hide from them.”

  “We’re not hiding,” she blushed. “I just think its best if we keep this… whatever it is between us for the time being.”

  “You know as well as I do, that there is more than just kissing going on between us Darlin’. As much as I love kissing you, I guess that’s not why you called.”

  Before Danica I have never felt the need to have the relationship conversation with anyone, but with her I do. I wanted to tell her how I felt, what I want, and I wanted her to tell me the same, but judging by the look on her face, this was not the time for that particular conversation.

  “Walker, I called the station because I wanted you here for an official police matter. Although I am happy you are here for kissing reasons,” she grinned.

  “Oh, I can definitely help you with kissing reasons. I can help you with other things too,” I smirked, wiggling my eyebrows, smothering her face with kisses.

  “Stop!” She cried, laughing, attempting to dodge my lips.

  “Ok, ok. How did Billy get on? He grumbled the whole way I bet.”

  “That he did. But once they started serving whisky and stake, he begrudgingly accepted the luxury.”

  “Stake will have that effect on a man,” I acknowledged. I kissed her again because I could. “Baby, why do you need the Sheriff?”

  “I think someone is stealing from us.”

  “What do you mean, you think someone is stealing from us?” Dropping all playfulness, I asked as the Venom Ridge Sheriff.

  “I’m not sure. Maybe it’s nothing,” she said, stepping from my arms. “Then again, maybe it’s something. It’s just a feeling. It’s a feeling I’ve been trying to figure out. That’s what this is all about,” she said, her arms flailing, pointing to all the mess around her office. “Now my office is a disaster zone. I can’t find anything. I’ve had to leave Davie and Mike to close the bar for me.”

  “OK. OK. Take a breath Darlin’,” I suggested, steering her behind her desk. “Why don’t you sit down and start at the beginning.”

  Danica flopped down into her chair, pushing the flyaway hair's back towards her ponytail. I
pressed start on her little Nespresso machine, making her a coffee.

  “I don’t even know where to start. Every time I try to explain it to myself, even I think I’m paranoid.”

  “This is a judgement free zone, Baby. Just start talking, we’ll soon figure out if you need a psych eval or not.” She glared at me, making me grin. “Here Darlin’, unless you want something stronger?” I asked, handing her the mug.

  “Walker, it’s one o’clock in the morning.”

  “Whisky doesn’t care what time it is,” I replied, making myself a cup.

  “Coffee will be fine.”

  “OK, so why do you think you’re being robbed?” I asked, taking the seat opposite her desk.

  “I love Grandpa dearly, I do, but I could kill him!” Not where I thought she was going to start, but ok. “His record keeping has been shocking since Grandma died. Honestly, I don’t know how the bar has survived. Because of this,” she shook papers at me, “I can’t be sure I’m not just losing my mind. Walker, I have been going back and forth all day. Ever since I got back from the airport. None of it makes sense. I think I’m nuts.” She heaved an enormous sigh, trying to calm down. “I’m tired is all. Walker, can you just take me home, please?”

  “Hey, now. You’re not crazy. Something made you out of sorts and something made you feel that it was off, or you wouldn’t have called me. Please Baby, just tell me.”

  “Fine. Things have been going pear-shaped for a while, but it’s weird, nothing is consistent. The food stock for the kitchen is too high. The keg numbers are down. Orders are wrong. I can't explain it, but it feels like there is a hole in the business somewhere. I’ve been looking,” she held up a stack of papers. “I just can’t find it. Sorry Walker, I know a hunch isn’t enough to launch an investigation off, but something is wrong I can feel it.”

  Danie looked lost and confused. She looked like I was going to tell her to stop wasting the Sheriffs time. By the frazzled look on her face, the ridges in her hair from where she’d been pushing it back and the purple shadows under her eyes, this was something that has been worrying her for a while. Something she was losing sleep over. I left like an asshole for not noticing. She’s been keeping it from me, but something changed enough for her to ask for my help. Not just my help as a friend, but my help as the Sheriff.


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