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Page 13

by Sean Michael

  “I’m yours.”

  “You are. All mine. And I’m your Master. Your one and only.”

  Adam nodded, sighed, cock sliding slowly over his hip.

  He chuckled. “Needy boy.” He loved it.

  “Who are you calling boy?” Adam grinned at him, winked playfully.

  “The one with the hard prick.”


  He fell a little more in love every time Adam relaxed a little further.

  “Yes.” He kissed Adam’s nose. “You.”

  Adam lifted his chin, kissed Matt. “Oh, good.”

  He reached down and slid his hand over Adam’s ass, feeling the heat of it. Adam immediately pushed into his touch. He squeezed. Adam moaned. Shivered.

  “No coming until I say you can.” He wanted to play a little first.

  “Yes, Master.” Adam was groaning, body moving almost restlessly.

  He pinched one of Adam’s nipples while gently stroking the other one. Adam’s little nip tightened, went dark for him.

  “God, you’re so lovely.” Matt reveled in the fact that this beautiful man was his.

  “Need you.”

  “I know.” He did, and that knowledge thrilled him. He pinched that nipple again, tugging hard. “Are you ready for my ring?” He slid one hand down between Adam’s legs, rubbed where the guiche was going to go. They hadn’t had a chance to do it earlier when he’d first wanted to, but he certainly hadn’t forgotten about it.

  Adam’s eyes went wide. “What?”

  “My ring, remember? Hidden here.”

  “I thought-- You were serious?” That pretty cock throbbed, balls drawing up tight.

  “Of course I was.” He pinched that bit of flesh again.

  “Fuck.” Adam arched and Matt licked his lips. Adam was going to come and earn another punishment.

  Groaning at the thought, he slid his hand back, touched Adam’s hole. Hot and slick, Adam groaned and tried to take his finger in.

  “So pushy.”

  “Not me.” Adam winked again.

  He laughed, hands coming to cup Adam’s balls, roll them. The sac was tight, hard, and when he tugged, Adam whimpered. He tugged again, one finger reaching back to scratch at the delicate skin behind them. Adam bucked, hard, spunk spraying over the lean belly.

  Fuck, Adam smelled good. “You came.”


  “I told you not to.”

  “You made me.” Playful little minx.

  “And here I thought you had all this control,” he teased.

  Adam stilled, smile fading. “I’m sorry, Sir.” Sir. Adam hadn’t called him Sir since that first night.

  “Ah, lovely, I was teasing you.” He pressed their foreheads together and looked into Adam’s eyes. “I’m not a Sir, lovely. Not to you.”

  “I’m sorry. I just. I simply wasn’t thinking.”

  “Neither was I -- it was an ill-thought comment. I really was just trying to tease you.”

  “I. Do you want that? My firmest control?”

  “No. I was trying to make you come -- I’m looking forward to punishing you. Much more than I want your obedience and control.”

  Adam relaxed, took a deep breath. “That’s... that was what I was feeling.”

  He chuckled. “You’re so in tune with me. It makes teasing hard.”

  “You make me hard, Master.”

  “Good. You make me hard, too.”

  Adam nodded. “Good.”

  “It is. We’re very good together. Very good.”


  “Yes, Adam?”

  “Can we go to your house?”

  “Of course.” He was pleased Adam had asked. “My home is always open to you.”

  “I’d like to go there. For our time off, together.”

  “I like that. It’ll be easier for you to get out of work mode there, won’t it?”

  Adam nodded for him. “I want to simply be yours. All of me.”

  “You are, lovely. Top to bottom. We have a contract. And we have what’s between us here.” He pressed his hand against Adam’s heart, and then his own.

  “I know. But sometimes I don’t want to think about being a pro.”

  “And this place makes you think of that?”

  “Sometimes. This is where Oliver comes to talk to me. This is where I meet my private clients for the first time.”

  “Then we’ll use my house unless you request it.”

  Adam kissed the corner of his mouth. “Thank you, Master.”

  “My pleasure, lovely. I want to make you happy.”

  “I want to be able to give everything to you. To be off work.”

  “Thank you.” He kissed Adam hard, his pleasure at the words huge. As the kiss ended, Adam clung to him, swaying. “I’m going to put a cock ring on you and a plug inside you. Then I’m taking you home.”

  “Yes, Master.” Adam moaned for him, swayed.

  He kissed Adam again and then got up. “I have them in my bag.” He’d brought a number of toys, things to use if he wanted. They still hadn’t equipped Adam’s place. Maybe they’d both known all along that they would be making his place their home.

  He bent Adam over the bed to wait while he searched for the toys. “Spread your legs a little wider, lovely.”

  Adam spread, balls hanging.

  He found what he was looking for, the plug fairly heavy -- Adam wouldn’t be able to forget for a second that it was there. The cock ring was heavy, too, heavy enough that it would tug. Adam’s cock and balls would look wonderfully obscene, too, naked as they were and exposed and pushed forward as they would be in the cock ring. Matt moaned, eager to see that, to admire it.

  “Plug first.” He stroked Adam’s ass, finding the reddened areas from the spanking, rubbing them.

  Adam moaned and rocked back toward him.

  “Lovely...” His voice was thick, full of the need that grew by the second; Adam did it for him.

  “Master. Please.”

  “God, Adam. So damn lovely.”

  He slicked up two fingers and pushed them into Adam’s ass. Adam moaned, went up on tiptoe, ass offered to him. He pushed deep, searching for Adam’s gland. He found it, working it relentlessly, forcing Adam higher on his toes. He pressed a third finger in, stretching and twisting and nailing that spot again and again.

  “Oh. Oh. Oh. Master. Fuck. Fuck!”

  “You ready for the plug, boy?”

  “Oh, fuck. Gonna make me come. Master, please.”

  “No coming again without permission.” He slid his fingers away and lubed up the plug.

  Adam’s hips rolled, bucking, fucking the air. He let the man’s own movements pull in the plug. Adam moaned, fucking himself on the thick plug, motions almost desperate. Grabbing the cock ring, Matt quickly wrapped it around the base of Adam’s cock, and around his balls. Adam whimpered, shoulders rolling.

  He raked his fingernails down Adam’s back on either side of his spine.


  He saw Adam’s ass clench.

  “That’s right.” He soothed the touch with the pads of his fingers. The air seemed filled with hunger, desperation. “Your need is stunning.”


  “You’re perfect, just like this.” Ass plugged, cock bound, body his for the taking. And wanting. Matt loved it, how Adam was learning to want him.

  He helped Adam straighten and turned him around to bring their mouths together. Adam slammed up against him, rubbing the bound cock against him. He grabbed hold of Adam’s hips, holding him in place.

  “We’re going home now.”

  “Home.” Adam was wild, Matt could see it.

  “Yes.” He went to Adam’s chest of drawers and pulled out a pair of his soft yoga p
ants. Matt caught his breath when he turned back around.

  Erect, flushed, eyes wild -- Adam was beautiful.

  Matt passed the yoga pants over. “Put these on and we’ll make a break for the car. Get home.”

  Adam nodded, hands shaking a bit. Adam moaned as he slipped the pants on.

  “No shirt.” Matt slid his fingers along Adam’s neck. “If you had a collar, I’d lead you out to the car by it.”

  The full body shudder made him feel ten feet tall. Once Adam had decided to submit, the man offered him every sensation.

  He got dressed quickly, then grabbed his bag in one hand and Adam’s hand in the other, leading the man out. When they opened the door, Adam’s phone was vibrating on the table.

  Adam never looked back.


  By the time they got to Matt’s, Adam’s level of need had faded enough that he wasn’t mad with it, wasn’t desperate. Of course, the looks Matt kept shooting him promised that they’d get there again. And probably soon.

  He’d never let himself do this -- be open and eager, let himself lose control. It was heady. Arousing. Scary.

  Matt let him in, tugging him close as soon as the door was closed.

  “Master.” He lifted his face for a kiss.

  Matt’s lips closed over his, the kiss eager, full of need.

  Yes. Yes. He groaned, lips parting, opening. Matt’s tongue pressed in, his Master’s hands sliding on his skin, pushing at his pants. His hips rolled, body fucking the air restlessly.

  “I love how hard you need me.”

  “I do.” He’d never needed any single man so much.

  Matt’s hands slid his pants down, his bound prick springing free, so hard. Groaning, Matt reached for him. The ring kept him from shooting at the mere touch, and his ass clenching around the heavy, thick plug. Matt made a soft sound, fingers exploring him.

  “Please. Please, Master.” He needed Matt to control him, to touch him, make him fly and feel and need.

  “It’s my turn now. My turn to touch, to feel, to know you.”

  Oh, God. Please. “Yes, Master.”

  Matt’s fingers were everywhere, exploring him all over. His skin was alight, his muscles jerking and rippling. “I could touch you forever.”

  “Please.” Forever worked for him.

  Matt’s mouth covered his, swallowing his next plea. It was more than he could do, to not work the plug, cry out into Matt’s lips. One of Matt’s hands found his ass, fingers playing with the base of the plug. He rocked and whimpered, pushed his sounds of hunger into Matt’s mouth. No one made him need like his Master.

  “You look amazing like this, so needy. For me.”

  Matt tugged the plug partway out and then pushed it in again, giving it a little twist just before seating it back inside him. Adam groaned, the stretch a sweet burn inside him. “I love those sounds. I love that I’m the reason you’re making them.” Matt pressed another kiss on him, even as he kept playing with plug.

  He went up on tiptoe, ass sliding on the wood of the door. Matt pushed hard on the plug.

  “Master!” Electricity slammed through him.

  “Right here, lovely. Right here.”

  He was spinning wildly, and he took a deep, cleansing breath, trying to center himself. Before he could, though, Matt worked the plug out and back in again, banging firmly against his gland and lighting his entire body up. He groaned, hands on Matt’s shoulders to hold on. He needed to breathe. Needed to.

  “You owe me a punishment, Adam.” Matt’s eyes shone with heat, with desire. “For coming without permission. Whatever shall I choose? I could always give you another spanking.” Matt’s hand landed hard on his ass.

  He groaned softly, the sting sweet. “Anything.”

  “Yes. Anything that I choose. And I’m going to mark you. Two hits with a riding crop across your nipples.”

  The needy growl, the wicked promise, was so different from anything Matt had done before, so perfect.

  “But first I need to come. So badly. You make my cock hard and my balls ache.” Matt squeezed his ass and pulled him up tight against the clothed body. He could feel the hard heat of Matt’s need, even through the layer of clothes still hiding Matt’s body away from him.

  “Master. Use me.” Mouth, hands, ass. He was easy. He just wanted Matt’s spunk, that fine cock.

  “I want your mouth.” Matt let go of his ass and held his gaze as the strong hands landed on his shoulders and pushed.

  He knelt easily, eagerly, tugging open Matt’s jeans. Then his lips dropped over Matt’s prick, pulling feverishly. Matt pushed the thick cock deep enough that the open zipper rubbed against his cheeks. Adam cried out, sucking like his life depending on it, like his world was spinning.

  Groaning, Matt pulled partway out, then slipped deep again. His hands wrapped around Matt’s hips as he swallowed. His Master found a rhythm, sliding into his mouth, pushing into his throat again and again. Adam’s cock was full, heavy, aching between his thighs. The plug inside him seemed to throb with his pulse. So did the cock in his mouth, Matt’s heart beating as quickly as his own.

  He slurped, jaw open and aching, body hungry and wanton. Matt’s hands slid into his hair, tugged his head back a little, the thick cock pushing deeper into his throat. He let himself open up, let Matt in to the root.

  “Adam!” Matt shouted, fucking his mouth hard.

  Yes. Yes, Master. Love. Please.

  “Gonna. Oh, fuck!” Matt came, spunk pouring down Adam’s throat.

  He swallowed, filling himself up with the salty come. Matt’s hands slid through his hair, the harsh pants sounding loud in the quiet apartment. Adam reached up, hands sliding over Matt’s body. Matt grabbed one of Adam’s hands and brought it to his mouth, kissing the palm. Then those strong fingers wrapped around it, holding his arms up.

  “Up,” murmured Matt, tugging gently and keeping his arms up over his head as he used his core strength to stand.

  Matt stretched him tall, pulling him.

  “Stay just like that.” Matt held his gaze, slowly letting his wrists go.

  He kept his arms up, the muscles straining.

  “I’m going to get the crop for your punishment.”

  “Yes, Master.” He curled his fingers into fists, his nipples going rock hard.

  Matt disappeared, leaving him standing against the door. His muscles started to shake after a minute, and he closed his eyes.

  “Mmm. Look at you. You make me very proud.”

  Matt’s words were followed by two sharp, sudden hits across his nipples. His muscles convulsed, jerked, but his arms stayed up.

  “So good. So strong.” Matt’s hands slid around his wrists again, taking on the task of holding up his arms. Adam let his arms relax, sucking in one deep breath after another. “You make me so proud.”

  Adam opened his eyes, lips trembling. “Master.” God, his chest burned.

  “Yes. Your Master.”

  Matt brought his arms down and let go of his wrists. Then his Master bent slightly, picking him up, one arm beneath his knees, the other his shoulders.

  “Oh...” He reached up, held on.

  “How’s that plug?”


  “Good. That’s holding you open for me.”

  He nodded, asshole squeezing around the base.

  Matt carried him into the bedroom and laid him out on the bed. “You look perfect there.”

  God, Matt made him feel beautiful.

  Reaching out, Matt grabbed his cock. “You want to come, lovely?”

  “I want to please you. Need to.” It was what he was made for.

  Groaning, Matt leaned down and took the head of his cock in, sucking and licking around the tip.

  “Master!” He arched, head banging against the bed.

Matt’s tongue teased his slit, pushing gently at it, swiping across the whole thing. He groaned, arched, then settled at the touch of Matt’s fingers on his belly. Matt grunted, the sound vibrating around his prick.

  “Yes. Yes, Master.”

  One hand slid behind him, fingers pushing at the plug that filled him.

  “Oh. Oh.” He wasn’t sure if Matt wanted him to come.

  Matt unsnapped the cockring and his teeth scraped across Adam’s cockhead. He shot hard, bones rattling, lost in sensation. Matt swallowed him down, tongue lapping at his cock, cleaning him.

  “Master. Master. Yours. I’m yours.”

  Matt pulled off, licking his lips. “I know you are, lovely.”

  He nodded, heart beating fast. Matt slid up the bed and tugged him over to lie with his head on Matt’s shoulder, the plug still heavy and good in his ass. Adam curled in, cuddled.

  “Love you,” Matt whispered, the sound sweet and solid in his ear.

  “Love.” He nodded, happy, settled, and right where he wanted to be.

  Chapter Ten

  At some point during their time together, Matt realized that it was crazy to try and make sure that what he did with Adam was different than what the man’s clients did. Adam subbed for many different masters and, really, anything he and Adam did together would be different simply because it was the two of them.

  So when Adam came back from yoga this morning, he would be ready.

  He grabbed a couple of towels and set them over the back of his couch -- it was the perfect height to have Adam lean over. He could use the flogger on Adam’s back, ass and thighs, and then fuck him until they both screamed. He set out the condoms, the lube, and the flogger, and made sure there was a soft blanket for cuddling under once they were done.

  Adam hadn’t gone home to check his phone once in the last two days, had been totally focused on him, on them together. It was wonderful, and it made him feel a lot better, a lot more confident, about his place as Adam’s Master. He was becoming more comfortable with Adam’s eating needs as well, and he had silver dollar-sized whole wheat pancakes and maple syrup waiting for a light breakfast before they played.

  Adam came in, whistling softly, lovely and loose-limbed. Matt hummed happily, opening his arms for his lover as Adam came in.

  “Good morning.” Adam came to him easily.


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