Book Read Free

Heart & Soul

Page 12

by Sienna Grant

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

  She may think she can lie her way through this, but her eyes though tell me a completely different story.

  “Elliott. He came back - for me. You told him I was with Carson.”

  “You were with Carson!”

  “Mum, we were friends. There was never anything between us, not from my side anyway. I never thought of him like that, he knew it and so did you.”

  “That Chase boy was never good enough for you Cassidy. What life would you have had?”

  “A better one than what I’ve had for the last ten years. I would have had my child’s father by my side helping me to bring him up, not doing it all on my own.”

  Stopping my rant to take a breather, I look at my mum.

  “If it hadn’t worked out then fine, but you didn’t even give us a chance to try. What gave you the right to do that?”

  “I’m your mother, you were seventeen, you were too young to be stuck in a relationship like that. He wasn’t right for you.” She takes a small step closer to me…

  Holding my hand out I stop her approach.

  “You had no right to make that decision. All these years I thought it was him that abandoned me and just didn’t love me - but it was my own flesh and blood that had sent away my happiness.”

  Sniffing back the emotion and the tears that are threatening to fall, I take a deep breath.

  “I want you to go. I’ll drop off Cameron at yours tomorrow, I don’t want him in the middle of this. He’s got enough on his plate at the moment with finding out his dad is in town. Also, I don’t think you want him to find out that it was you that caused all this.”

  “Cassidy, don’t do this?”

  “Do what mum? Be as callous and vindictive as you?” my head shakes as a snarky laugh breaks from me, “no, that could never happen. I’m nothing like you. I’m my Father’s daughter.”

  A thick air of awkward silence fills the kitchen, you could cut it with a knife, but I ignore the stabbing looks I can feel in my back and wait it out.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I don’t answer her, the front door shuts quietly and the breath I didn’t realise I was still holding, blows shakily from my mouth. Instead of making that coffee I so wanted when I walked in, I pour a glass of water and head up to bed, but not before pushing open Cameron’s door and watching him sleep for a few minutes. The duvet has been kicked off him, he’s lying on his tummy with one leg bent up and the other straight with both arms over his head hugging his pillow. Tip-toeing into the room, I stand at the side of the bed and gently pull it back over him. Stroking his hair and leaning down I kiss his head. “Night baby.”

  Once I’m in bed after a shower my mind ventures back into my memory; why didn’t I realise what she was doing…

  “Carson’s here for you. He’s such a nice boy Cassidy.”

  “I have a boyfriend, mum. We’re just friends.”

  “What’s the difference?”

  “A lot actually. Has the postman been yet?”

  “Yes, he has.”

  “Was there anything for me?” I ask curiously.

  “No. Sorry.”

  My stomach keeps churning, I really should have had breakfast.

  “Anyway, Carson is waiting, maybe you should go?”

  Hesitating at the door, “Why hasn’t he written? He promised he would.”

  “If you mean Elliott, it can’t be a bad thing can it?”

  Mum never has never had a good word to say about him even when we were growing up.

  “Why do you hate him so much?” Walking forwards, I stop when I’m in front of her, she looks me dead in the eye before answering…

  “Because my little sweet pea…” Her hand strokes down my cheek, “you’re too good for him. Now go have fun.”

  Leaning forward she kisses my forehead before pushing me out of the open door towards Carson. “Bye kids.”

  Watching the door shut, I turn back to Carson, he’s standing waiting for me, leaning on his door to the car. As much as I’d love to wallow in my own pity right now, I don’t think I can. Walking towards him, I smile at him and forget everything - just for a little while and enjoy my friend’s company.

  When I add everything up, everything she said or did - it all makes sense, Who would have thought my mother would be that calculating. Clearing my mind of everything, I drift off into a restless sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I’ve been on a high all weekend after Friday night, even if she did stop me from kissing her, I know why she did it; I know exactly why she does everything she does. I meant what I said to Cass too, I will get her back. The way she melted into my arms last night tells me that’s what she wants too - she’s just protecting herself which I can’t blame her. She has Cameron and I know he will always come first. Maybe now we’ve exorcised some of the pasts demons, we can concentrate more on our son.

  I’ve spent the day today re-evaluating my life, deciding on what I really want and that’s my family. So, starting with new clothes, ditching the ripped jeans and the beard, well, not totally - I’ve trimmed it until it’s really short and looks more like stubble again. It hasn’t been this short since I left town. My life has been a never-ending revolving door of women since I lost Cass. I don’t want the musician’s life anymore, but I do enjoy getting up on stage singing and playing guitar. Maybe when everything gets sorted I can decide what I’m going to do with my life.

  Knocking on the door in front of me, I wait patiently. The door opens to my girl, in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with bare feet. Her eyes widen when her gaze reaches my face and her mouth drops open.


  “H... hi.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You trimmed it. It’s really short. You look seventeen again.” She tells me with a shocked look on her face.

  “Well, I wouldn’t say seventeen again, but I’m hoping I look younger…?” I frown as I wait for her answer.

  “You look good.”

  The corners of my lips tip up into a smile.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “Come in. I’m waiting for Cam to come back from my Mother’s - she’s late!”

  Following her into the house I suspect something’s wrong, I could always tell when Cass and her Mum had had an argument. Cass used to put on a happy face and try to sugar-coat it, but the little frown used to stay on her forehead until I managed to soothe it away. I don’t think it’ll be as easy this time though…

  “What’s going on Cass?” gently, gripping her bicep I stop her before she gets further away. She stops and turns to face me.

  “We had an argument Friday night when I came back that’s all. I told her some home truths which she needed to hear, and I told her to leave.”


  “She knows you’re back in town. Everyone knows, it’s no secret but according to mum, it’s terrible. She was trying to treat me like she did ten years ago Elliott and I’m not letting her do it to me anymore.”

  Taking her by the hand I lead her into the living room and sit her down while I crouch in front of her and let her carry on, my forearms resting on her knees.

  “I’m an adult, she has no right telling me what she thinks is best anymore. Those days are gone,” she rants.

  Stopping her in her tracks… “Cass. I don’t want you to argue with your mum over me again...”

  “Elliott, it’s about controlling my own life,” she cuts in, “taking back my dignity and making my own choices and at twenty-seven, I should be able to do that. If she doesn’t like it - she’ll just have to deal with it.”

  My gaze doesn’t leave hers and I realise just how strong she is. She holds me captive with her beautiful but wiser green eyes, a smirk pulling at her features. Her fingers touch my cheek as she rubs softly over the bristles on my chin, her other hand moving t
o my head as her fingers push into my hair that I’ve let grow out. Her thumb traces my bottom lip.

  “You were the only one who could bring me out of my shitty mood.”

  Moving to my knees from a crouching position, I straighten up in front of her moving my hands to her hips pulling her closer to me so I’m between her knees.

  “I remember.”

  She smiles brightly, her eyes lighting up. She leans towards me but being the bigger adult here, I pull away from her, sighing and dip my head to the floor.

  “What’s wrong?” She gasps.

  “We’ll do this another time yeah?” I frown. It takes all my effort to do what’s right.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have put you in that position.”

  She looks away embarrassed. Knowing I need to repair a little damage, my finger and thumb grip her chin and I gently pull her face back to me.

  “Babe. You can put me in any position you like, but I don’t want Cameron coming back and seeing us like this. It’s not fair on him or you to have to explain. It’s hard enough for you both as it is.”

  “You’re a good man, Elliott Chase.”

  “Hmm, I’ll take your word for it. I’ve been called a lot of things over the years and that isn’t one of them.” I smirk.

  “Would you like coffee?”

  “Please,” I answer with a full-on smile.

  She gets up from the couch as I lean back and let her out. I watch her sexy arse sway in her tight jeans. With a sigh, I get up from the floor, sit in the chair and drop my head into my hands and rub them down my face until a door bangs on the wall and the loud voice of a nine-year-old boy fills the room making me sit up straighter. The churning feeling, I had in my stomach when I woke up this morning coming back to the surface again.


  “I’m in the kitchen, sweetheart.”

  I hear him bounding down the hallway, passing the room I’m currently in, reminding me of when I was a boy and used to run in the house to my mum.

  “Hello, Elliott.”

  Looking up I see the devil incarnate herself, Cass’s mum. Just great!

  “I should’ve known you’d crawl your way back into my daughter’s life sooner or later...”

  Standing up I greet her, ignoring her snide comments and smirk with my hand held out. She looks at it like it’s going to bite her, instead I place it in my pocket.

  “Mrs Summers. Good to see you again.”

  “I’m sure it is.”

  She looks out of the doorway before facing me again. Chuckling at her, I shake my head. I see Cassidy standing in the doorway from the corner of my eye, dismiss her snarky attitude and instead give her a quirky smile…

  “Is there a reason why you’re back?

  “I missed you, what can I say?”

  Cass, steps into the room fuming, her gaze not faltering form her mother.

  “Bye Mum. Cameron, come and give your grandmother a kiss she has to go now.”

  She waits, “you won’t do this in front of my son.”

  The megabitch walks from the room and sees Cameron on the way out, after saying bye, she leaves us.

  “I’m sorry Elliott.”

  “Nah, don’t be. She never liked me - it was never going to be sunshine and roses was it?”

  “No, but still, that was just rude.”

  “Don’t worry.”

  She standing close enough that I can entwine my little finger around hers in a show of support. Our eyes meet for a beat longer than they should with a nine-year-old in the house.

  “I’ll finish that coffee and get Cameron... god knows where he’s run off to now.”

  She walks out of the room again leaving me to my thoughts and nerves again. I hear her shout, a door slam and feet walking down the hallway.

  I’m in a world of my own when her voice breaks through my thoughts.

  “Cameron, this is Elliott. Elliott this is Cameron, your son.”

  “Wow. He looks so much like me when I was his age.”

  I hold my hand out to him to shake, he raises his eyebrows though and looks back at his mum. Pulling my hand back I decide on something else.

  “How about a high five then?”

  He steps forwards slightly and smacks my hand with his.

  “How are you doing bud? It’s good to meet you.”

  “I’ll be just a minute.” Cass speaks up.

  In my peripheral vision I see her stand in the doorway of the living room but stands stock still for a moment watching us before walking out.

  He doesn’t speak just eyes me - it’s like looking in a mirror. Cassidy enters the room again with coffees in her hand.

  “Cameron. Don’t be so ignorant.”

  “It’s okay Cass.” I smile tightly.

  “Do you know how to play the PlayStation?” Cameron asks.

  “Of course.”

  “Can you play football?”

  “Meh,” My head shakes from side to side.

  “Wanna play? Then I can kick your butt. I’m brill at FIFA!”

  Blowing out a puff of air letting the tension out, I shrug. “Yeah... why not.”

  “It’s upstairs in my room. Mum, doesn’t let me bring it down.”

  I follow him from the room and up the stairs smiling at Cass, taking the mug from her on the way past, both of us shocked to the core that he’s just welcomed me like that and offered to play a game.

  How does that even happen?

  “You suck at this game. Can’t you play football?”

  “I’ve never played it like this, cut me some slack.”

  “Ugh. We may as well just say I won.” He sighs before switching off the game. “The score is like twenty to nothing, anyway.”

  He turns to face me, his eyes full of questions, “so you’re my dad?”

  “Yep. I’m afraid so. Is that okay?” I ask him.

  “I don’t really have a choice.”

  “Okay, so what else do you like to do other than beating people on the PlayStation?”

  He shrugs. “I don’t know, playing out, riding my bike, but I like my PlayStation better.”

  He smirks. I stare at him, my emotions acting are a little crazy, but I hold them back. Taking a deep breath in and blowing it out…

  “How’s school? Do you like it?”

  “Nope. It’s boring.” His hazel eyes - his mother’s eyes, are contemplating something...maybe I should be worried. “Why did you leave my Mum, didn’t you like her anymore?”

  The words get stuck in my throat... I’ve never heard a kid ask such a direct question and I don’t know how I should answer it either…

  “Erm, well...I didn’t leave her technically.”

  “Yeah, you did. Mum said you were in a band. You left her, so you left me too.”

  He stands abruptly and walks out of the bedroom running down the stairs. Air leaves me as I’m rooted to the spot - gobsmacked. My nine-year-old son has left me feeling like a complete, selfish bastard.

  Shit! I wasn’t prepared for that at all. You need putting in your place - ask a kid to do it.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Whoa! What’s going on? Slow down.”

  The deep frown engraved on his forehead sits angry, one that wasn’t there earlier. Taking him by the shoulders, I make him look at me.

  “Cameron, what’s going on darling?”

  Elliott appears at the top of the stairs and slowly starts to walk down. Holding up a finger to him, he stops.

  Leading him away into the living room, I sit down so we’re at the same level.

  “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “You could’ve fooled me.”

  Looking at him until he gives in and looks at Elliott and back at me, he shrugs.

  “Cameron, that’s not an answer, now you need to tell me - otherwise I can’t fix it.”

  Still refusing to answer me or even look
at me I decide on another plan of action.

  “Okay fine, don’t tell me; I’ll ask Elliott instead.”

  Before leaving the room, I look back at him, but he still hasn’t moved. Huffing, I leave and make my way to Elliott.

  “What happened?”

  “You tell me! He beat me at his football game and switched it off. I asked him about school and he asked if I was his Dad, then went off asking why I left you and him.” He shrugs. Wow, so alike. I can’t help but grin.

  “Cameron doesn’t like talking about his feelings, Elliott. I should’ve known when he was so chirpy earlier.”

  “If it means anything, he beat me twenty to nothing! He whooped my arse.”

  I can’t help smiling when he tells me the score as he rubs my arm.

  “Look if you want me to, I’ll go. It might be easier on him.”

  I feel my eyebrows raise.

  “Look buster, you wanted this.” My finger pokes into his hard chest.

  Raising his hands in front of him in defence, he says, “hey, I said if you want me too. I’m not running - I swear to you Cass.”

  Looking away from him for a moment’s reprieve from his intense gaze helps a little.

  “He’s hot-headed like you, you should get on great. Come on.” I sigh as we walk down the stairs.

  “Maybe I’ll introduce him to my guitar,” Elliott mumbles behind me but I think there might be something in that. Looking back at him over my shoulder, I smirk. “What?” The worried look on his face is amusing but instead of letting him in on my plan, I wink at him.

  “I think that maybe the best idea you’ve ever had…” I tell him as we reach the bottom of the stairs.

  “What idea? You’ve lost me.”

  His head shakes with a confused expression.

  “Your guitar. Maybe you could teach him or something - give him a hobby other than that stupid PlayStation, he spends hours on it if I let him.”

  “Not a bad idea...”

  “Do you have your guitar with you right now?

  “No, it’s at home, but I can fetch it…”


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