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Moon Sworn (The Bound Series Book 1)

Page 15

by JF Holland

  Chapter Eleven

  A Week Later:-

  Maya woke to the scent of bacon wafting up the stairs, she rolled over and squinted at the clock, 7.30am, then tried to figure out the day, her brain was still half asleep. It was Saturday, no work today, non all week actually after bossy Kitty had spat out the dummy about her being around other males. He'd also bought up most of the shares in the small call centre she worked so she'd need to find something else soon, there was no way she was working for him, he was an arrogant arse at times but he also wore her out, and could be sweet. He was a complex man, so many facets to his character it was like several people all rolled into one.

  Thinking of Jaden, she wondered why he was already up this early on a weekend. Then she remembered that today was 'D' day for them, the last full moon of the month as it was her 26th Birthday next week. That meant tonight was the last night they could do the binding ceremony Jaden had run out of time, quicker than he realised, well according to Sam. He'd been really edgy, his cat was a little difficult, she'd had to stop going into the coffee shop and spending time with Binks and Sam. Jaden tried to hold back and keep quiet but she'd watched him pace, his eyes and head turning and fixing on the other male as he'd spoken to her and Sam had said it was better she leaves for a while. She stretched in bed and rolled over, maybe just another 5-minutes, that's all she needed, the man had the stamina of a locomotive, he wore her out.

  She'd spent the last week getting to know her mother, she liked her as a person and she loved her being around. The good memories from her childhood had begun to resurface, memories that didn't include her psycho father, life was good at the moment well apart from psycho dad and company. They were the only black spots on their horizon. It was as if they'd vanished into thin air, even though people were now searching for them. Maybe Jaden, Sam and Binks giving chase had been enough to put them off? Maybe realising that a lot of immortals lived here, were all sticking together and searching for them had finally been enough to convince them to move on? She could dream couldn’t she? It was after all basically her wedding night; well the shifter equivalent of a wedding that is.

  Jaden stood at the hob, flipping bacon in a frying pan and waiting for the smell to wake Maya. She was not a morning person, and he wasn't sure if it was because he'd woken her at least twice a night for the last week or if she just wasn't a morning person. Time would tell, but he did love teasing her, she definitely had spark, and a quick mind. He'd managed to talk her out of going back to work at the call centre in the next village. She didn't particularly enjoy the work and with him threatening to accompany her and sit next to her at her desk she'd given in and had arranged some time off. He'd done a little digging into the company while she'd been getting to know her mother, within earshot of him as he wasn't happy letting her out of his sight. She'd also taken time away from the coffee shop as his cat went nuts when she was around the other males, even though logically he knew they weren't a threat to her his cat wasn't having it. Sam had explained that it would settle once they were bound but until then he couldn't have them near her, so he still hadn't had the time to get to know his brother, or visit their parent's grave.

  To keep himself occupied for the last week, well, when he'd not managed to coax Maya back into the bedroom, he'd been doing a little buying and selling himself. His company could deal with other people's stocks and shares but he did his own. He'd found the small telecommunication's company where Maya worked was in a little bit of trouble. So over a cup of coffee he'd bought up enough stock to gain a majority share in the company. It was a good investment for his own portfolio and with the right management it should do well, so in theory he was now her boss so he could decide when she did and didn't work. When he'd told her, he'd gained a company and lost an employee as she'd resigned. She said he was a tyrant, and he'd run them ragged if he had as much stamina in the office that he had in the bedroom.

  The bedroom had been another revelation to him, he actually liked fucking in a bed who'd have guessed. He heard a growl in his head and realised she was awake, she said his language was a little too raw for her. He grinned as he thought about trying to coax her into using a few of those words, she was stubborn though and tenacious, luckily so was he. He'd wear her down, eventually.

  Maya had spent the day around the house with Jaden, tying to relax but she was nervous. Tonight she was going to bind her life to a man she'd know for just over a week. She heard laughter in her head.

  'A week, really. So what was the last 5-years, doesn't that count Maya?'

  'Oh, go away, stay out of my head. Nothing you hear at the moment will be good. Shit Jaden, I know I'm doing the right thing here but I'm going to have a few hang-ups, okay.'

  Jaden walked into the front room where she was curled up in the chair, legs pulled up and arms wrapped around them.

  "So what exactly are you worried about?" he asked her moving into the room.

  Maya looked up, her chin resting on her knees, he was stood wearing faded jeans that fit him like a second skin. A white t-shirt that looked like it had been made for him, which it probably had with his money she thought. He was fit, good looking, and she didn't have a clue what he was doing with her? He was watching her, arms crossed across that chest she loved to lick and he had a tea towel slung carelessly over his shoulder. He'd just been washing their dinner pots. Her mother had left them alone after lunch and it had given her way too much time to think.

  "What is worrying you Maya?" Jaden repeated coming to sit on the arm of the sofa opposite her and waiting, he stayed out of her head. There were too many things running around in there for him to make sense of anyway.

  "I don't know how I feel about shifting, not really. I know I've seen you shift once but…" she shrugged.

  "Argh, right. Okay then, we can put this one to rest very easily." Jaden said and stood up and took the tea towel off his shoulder, dropping it on the arm of the chair. His hand went to the waist of his t-shirt and he pulled it up and over his head with one hand dropping that there too. He toed off his shoes and socks, and unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, shrugging out of them before leaning down and picking them up. He was extremely tidy, and he picked them up and placed them on his other clothing all nearly folded.

  Maya watched him broodingly from her perch, rubbing her chin backwards and forwards over her knuckles that were resting on her knees. He was something else to look at and she wanted him constantly, it was embarrassing, especially as she was still worried about him binding her to him and then walking. They'd not disgusted it since she'd found out about the consequences for him of her not going through with it. She couldn't do that to him, she just couldn't. He may walk away at some point but at least he'd still be alive, that she could cope with, the other wasn't an option anymore. She was afraid she was already a little in love with him, how could she not be, he cooked, cleaned, looked out for her and he always knew what to say when she was unsure.

  "Maya, you need to pay attention." She looked up guiltily and bit her lip as he stood there in the middle of the living room completely naked, her eyes drawn to the part of him that always seemed ready. He cleared his throat, as he started to grow, it was impossible not to with her eyes practically devouring him. Man he loved what she did to his body but then again he also loved her body. It was his solace and his playground and the sex was off the scales. She was also the only woman in his very long life that he'd ever felt sated with. She didn't put up with any shit and he found it a little scary how quickly he'd gotten used to having her around. He'd gone from being a loner and sleeping alone to not being able to sleep if he wasn’t wrapped around her. He fell asleep listening to the sound of her sleeping. Her gentle regular breaths were his lullaby, and he woke to find himself craving her body; grumpy or not. She was an enigma and a pool of tranquillity all rolled into one and he wasn't sure he'd be able to walk away from her. He pushed away the thoughts to carry on with the reason he was presently stood here naked, with no possibility of action.
br />   "Anyway, watch. Your body will know what to do. All you do is think 'come forth', you'll always feel the cat after the binding because it's part of you, and not a separate entity. The cat is you, so just mentally step back and it will come forward, it may look painful but trust me it's not. There is no feeling better than running in cat form, well maybe the second best feeling because I have found something else that beats it hands down." He winked at her and held out his hands.

  "Now don't be afraid. I am not your father and I promise you that even as a cat I know who you are. Plus my cat is mated to you too, it’s a 2 for one kind of deal."

  Maya watched as his body began to transform before her, one minute he was a large, tall man, the next a large black jaguar stood in his place. She'd sat transfixed as his face had changed widening as the muzzle formed and his skin darkened as fur grew in its place. She'd seen his bones stretching and twisting as he finally went over onto all fours. He was big even for a cat and her breathing picked up because he really was big. She bit her lip and edged further into the chair, her hands shaking slightly as the large head lifted and those amber feline eyes fixed on her. He made like a grunting noise, and began slowly to move towards her, those shoulders rolling smoothly. She pushed herself further into the chair as he padded closer, his head coming to above the arm.

  The cat was beautiful, jet black glossy fur that shone with health. He seemed to just be black until she looked closer and noticed the slightly lighter rosettes imprinted within the fur.

  'You're safe with me Maya, I would never harm you,' Jaden whispered in her mind and she looked at the cat, it blinked and its mouth opened and she froze. The cat pulled back slightly and made that strange rumbling like bark sound again, a little like the noise a dog makes when it's upset or wants to go out. Only it was deeper. Jaden snorted in her head.

  'Really, you think I want to be let out to go pee?' Maya rolled her eye before tentatively holding her hand out towards him. The large head of the cat came closer, nuzzling into her hand, the tongue came lapping at her skin and her breath left her on a whoosh as she snatched her hand back. The cat moved his head from side to side then pushed forward again and she slowly put her hand out, running it along the feline's cheek. His fur was silky soft and thick and she itched to bury her fingers in it and feel the texture properly. She continued her exploration and moved on over the top of the head and around the ears. Once she got to the sleek back, she couldn't resist and sank her fingers in to the velvet softness, stunned by the luxurious feel. She didn't mess too long though as although it was Jaden, who she was stunned to realise she felt safe with, but he was also a very big cat. Reluctantly she retrieved her hand, but the cat followed her hand, coming closer before rubbing itself against her like an average house cat would. The move made her laugh nervously and swallow.

  'You okay?' Jaden asked, and she nodded and smiled into his eye before edging forward on her seat and putting her face against the cats head, then rubbed her cheek against it. He made a rumbling, purring sound, and it was so shocking to her that she pulled back and looked at him. Blinking a few times in disbelief as the mouth of the cat opened as if he was smiling.

  'Okay Tiddles, we're good. Thank you for your patience, but can I have Jaden, the man back now please.' He gave a grunt and licked her chin, snorting in her face and making her laugh. He stepped back and then reversed the shift while she watched as he slowly stretched out and went from 4 legs, to 2 again. His back straightening as he once again stood upright, his muzzle shrinking and his fur disappearing. Jaden was once again before her completely naked with not an ounce of modesty.

  "You okay?" she nodded trying not to stare.

  "Yeah, I'm good thank you."

  "Anytime," he winked and scooped his clothing up off the arm of the chair, bending for his socks and shoes. Her eyes followed his every move as his muscles flexed, and they travelled over his shoulders and down his back before landing on his backside, his very round, firm backside and she bit her lip.

  "Maya," Jaden groaned in warning feeling her eyes travel over his body, like the delicate stroke of her fingers. "I need a cold shower now," he mumbled and left the front room, padding up the stairs to the sound of her laughter.

  "Oh Maya, the washer has finished so you can peg it out as I'm now having to take a cold shower to get rid of the boner you caused." Her laughter increased, and he shook his head with a grin, happy he'd helped dispel some of her fears. Pushing through the bathroom door he walked into the shower cubicle and turned on the water and gritted his teeth as the stinging cold of the water hit his heated skin.

  Maya hummed under her breath as she pulled open the back door, and stepped out into the back garden, washing basket under her arm. She'd put the last load on just before they'd sat down to dinner with her mother. She was finally feeling hopeful for her future, well immediate anyway. Jaden had really helped put some of her fears about the change to rest for her. From behind her she heard him through the open bathroom window and grinned as he swore up a storm about women and cold water while he was in the shower. Shaking her head, she turned and went to put the washing basket down on the ground when something slammed into her.

  Her breath left her in a whoosh as she flew backwards with the impact, her teeth jarring as the back of her head slammed into the paving behind her. Her mouth filled with blood and her stomach rolled as she tried to cough it up, but she couldn't take a proper breath to do it. She tried to turn on her side to spit it out as she began choking but she couldn't move. Her vison wavered as she blindly struggled against the weight pinning her. Confusion making her sluggish and uncoordinated as she tried to figure out what was happening. She lifted her arms to try to push the weight away as her breath rattled in her chest. Her movement stilling as they landed against fur and she blinked, trying to clear her vision and make sense of what she was seeing through her hazy, panic filled eyes. Fetid breath blew across her face as she stared at the salivating muzzle before her and froze, her heart nearly stopping in fear as she wheezed and tried to think and take a breath.

  She was growing weaker, oxygen not getting through as the blood gathered at the back of her throat and began to close off her windpipe. As she got lightheaded her hands dropped uselessly to her side as through the haze of her vison she stared into the wild eyes of what looked like a wild, rabid dog. Her mind became cloudy as her eyes grew heavy, and she had a vision of Jaden laughing and teasing her in bed as he tried to get her to talk dirty.

  'Jaden, I'm sorry. I know you never would have left me because I would have loved you too well. Be happy…' She heard a roar in the distance as her chest stilled and her eyes flickered closed.

  Jaden had just stepped out of the shower, shaking with cold after the frigid water. He was just reaching for a towel when he felt Maya's fear. He reached out to her but was met with confusion and panic, and he couldn't make sense of what was happening. He flew out of the bathroom and jumped straight over the bannister landing in a crouch in the hallway, when he suddenly heard her in his head saying goodbye, just before she faded.

  "No, Maya, you hold on," he roared. 'Be happy,' whispered through his mind and he felt his heart squeeze in his chest as she vanished from his mind completely. He wanted to scream, slam his fist through a wall and tear out his own beating heart as the pain of loss tore through him, an open festering wound as his mind searched frantically for hers and came up blank.

  She'd only gone into the garden to peg out the washing, how could she be gone? At the inane thought his cat took over, snarling and rushing to the forefront to protect him and his mate. It spun on its heel and tore through the house and into the kitchen, powering through the window in the closed door and landing in a crouch in a shower of broken glass. It growled, razor-sharp teeth fully visible at the sight of the Jackal standing on his mate's chest. He lunged for it, putting his full weight into the movement as his large front paw slammed into the jackal with such force, he sliced its throat clean open. The impact of the hit threw the Jackal
off her, and straight into the side fence, smashing through the wooden panel. His cat snarled and looked towards the Jackal, ears back and barking out a warning, as it checked to make sure it hadn't gotten up again.

  Jaden threw off the change and knelt at Maya's side, placing a shaking bloody hand on her neck, swallowing his panic as he checked for a non-existent pulse. He blinked, his throat going tight at the sight of her lay so pale and still on the back path. Her lashes resting against her bloodless cheeks and her chest was motionless. There was blood trickling from her slightly parted lips and he rolled her onto her side, pushing a finger into her mouth he swept the interior to clear her airway. Once he thought he'd gotten most of it out, he slapped her back before rolling her back over. Where the hell were the others? He thought as he looked towards the motionless Jackal while he tore the front of her t-shirt down the middle. He placed his hand on the centre of her chest, just below her breast bone and linked his fingers, one palm resting on the back of the other. He pressed down with the heel of his hand 5 times, then tilted her chin back, pinching her nostrils he blew into her mouth, making her chest rise. He whispered a litany of prayers for help as he continued to perform CPR on her several time, getting desperate, this own throat feeling as he once again looked over towards the Jackal and snarled.

  "Damn it Maya, breath. You're stronger than this, now fucking breath," he swore as he brought a fist down onto her chest below her left breast and it a thump, her body jolted but her heart didn't begin beating.

  "No Maya, don't you dare leave me, not like this. Fuck, not like this. Now fucking breathe." He shouted as he again did compressions and blew into her mouth, thumping her chest once more, he wiped his brow on his forearm to clear the sweat from his eyes as she gasped and took a breath. He could have cried as she coughed, more blood bubbling around her lips and he rolled her onto her side again where she threw up more blood. Jaden ran his hand across his face in relief, staring as his hand came away coated in more blood. His mouth pinching as he realised it was from her mouth as he'd breathed for her. Bending forward he shuddered in relief as he pressed his forehead into her hair as he rubbed her back. He heard a shuffling noise and lifted his head, looking over his shoulder in time to see the Jackal stumbling to its feet. The wound in its throat was already healing.


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