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Diana in Search of Herself

Page 56

by Sally Bedell Smith


  1 Diana breast-fed for only: B-AM1, pp. 53, 138

  2 “You’d wake up in the morning”: Pano, p. 6

  3 “Boy, was I troubled”: B-AM1, p. 46

  4 “something dreadful had happened”: Ibid.

  5 “totally darkness”: Ibid., p. 51

  6 “dark ages”: Ibid., p. 61

  7 “Her shape … was, to put”: Mi, 7/27/82

  8 “Diana fidgeted [and] whispered”: DEx, 7/27/82

  9 “a wistfulness about her”: Interview with Felicity Clark

  10 “excluded totally”: B-AM1, p. 46

  11 “endearingly human”: Mi, 9/20/82

  12 “exclusive statement”: SuEx, 8/14/82

  13 “rash” choice of words …“refused”: Sun, 8/16/82

  14 “very unkind”: NOTW, 8/15/82

  15 “cheap publicity”: DM, 8/16/82

  16 “deeply distressed”: Sun, 8/16/82

  17 at one point she went for three: B-AM1, p. 56

  18 “quite amusing”: Ibid., p. 57

  19 “she kept the bulimia”: Interview with Michael Colborne

  20 “disconcerting propensity”: B-JD, p. 398

  21 “continued to grow to the point”: Ibid., p. 399

  22 “Whatever happens, I will always”: B-AM1, p. 37

  23 Morton wrote that: Ibid., p. 139

  24 “had made virtually no contact”: B-JD, p. 480

  25 “I talked to her once a week”: Interview with Stuart Higgins

  26 Charles was reported to have: NOTW, 8/3/86

  27 By Diana’s later description: B-AM1, pp. 55–56, 133; Pano, pp. 7–8

  28 “We are now installed”: Mi, 1/18/99 (Diana letter 9/21/82 to unnamed recipient)

  29 “no one’s listening.… wanted to get better”: Pano, pp. 7–8

  30 “desperate cry for help … in my head”: B-AM1, p. 55

  31 “didn’t like … with the pressures”: Pano, p. 8

  32 Diana did later say that she had tried: B-AM1, p. 61

  33 According to a 1986 survey: A.R. Favazza and K. Conterio, “The Plight of Chronic Self-Mutilators,” Community Mental Health Journal (1988),24, pp. 22–30

  34 more often indicates: B-JK, p. 33

  35 One 1986 study of self-cutters: Op. Cit., Favazza and Conterio

  36 When self-injury occurs: B-JK, pp. 32, 34

  37 Diana enacted some of her: Pano, pp. 7–8

  38 “indifference pushed her”: B-AM1, p. 133

  39 “The trouble is one day”: B-JD, p. 401 (PC letter 10/10/82 to unnamed recipient)

  40 After Charles consulted: Ibid.

  41 On October 17, a week after: Ibid., p. 400

  42 “complaining and sulking … on the hop”: Mi, 10/18/82

  43 “bored to tears”: DS, 10/19/82

  44 “No one, but no one”: Mi, 11/15/82

  45 “out of his way whenever”: Ibid.

  46 later revealed by Whitaker: B-JW, p. 176

  47 “If … her shoes are cleaned”: Mi, 11/15/82

  48 “seriously concerned”: Sun, 11/15/82

  49 “fit and well”: Ti, DT, 11/16/82

  50 “inevitable stresses”: MOS, 11/21/82

  51 “sniper … wide”: DS, 12/1/82

  52 “new lease of enthusiasm”: DEx, 12/9/82

  53 “fiend.… forced him into this marriage”: DS, Sun, 12/11/82

  54 “I got it straight”: Interview with Nigel Dempster

  55 “the greatest howler”: NOTW, 12/12/82

  56 “near to tears much of the time”: NOTW, 1/23/83

  57 “nonsense”: DS, 2/3/83

  58 whose pattern of speaking: B-DK, p. 232

  59 She was hurt that the press: Interview with Michael Colborne

  60 “did take criticism hard”: B-AM1, p. 56

  61 “None of my family knew about”: Ibid., p. 54

  62 The public squabble between: Sun, 8/16/82

  63 “I am a firm believer in maternal”: DM, 6/24/82

  64 Johnnie Spencer told: Interview with Robert Spencer

  65 “I know the royals can appear”: Ti, 6/14/83

  66 “a close member of the Princess’s”: Mi, 11/16/82

  67 “She told me then”: Interview with James Whitaker

  68 “wonderfully solid”: B-AM1, p. 64

  69 “a woman to love and be cared for”: Carpenter, p. 223

  70 “had a lot to learn”: Strong, p. 317

  71 “Ruth was very distressed”: Carpenter, p. 223


  1 “The great problem is”: Mi, 1/18/99 (PC letter 4/13/83 to unnamed recipient)

  2 Charles rarely left: DT, 4/2/83; B-JD, p. 401

  3 “nobody ever helped”: B-AM1, p. 49

  4 But in a letter to a friend: B-JD, pp. 402–3 (Diana letter 4/1/83 to unnamed recipient)

  5 Charles quickly intervened: Ti, 4/12/83

  6 She moved informally: B-DK, p. 233

  7 “She has a wonderful way”: Mi, 1/18/99 (PC letter 4/13/83 to unnamed recipient)

  8 “I’ll bet you have fun”: SuEx, 8/14/83

  9 “The Princess was plainly”: The Observer, 4/17/83

  10 After applauding his: DT, 4/2/83

  11 “You can’t tell a woman”: SuPe, 3/27/83

  12 “preserve my sanity”: B-JD, p. 402 (PC letter 4/4/83 to unnamed recipient)

  13 Sometimes they frightened: Ibid.

  14 “The terrifying part”: Ibid.

  15 “All you could hear was”: Pano, pp. 3–4

  16 In a letter to a friend: B-JD, p. 403 (Diana letter 4/1/83 to unnamed recipient)

  17 “jealous”: Pano, p. 4

  18 “took it out on [her]”: B-AM1, p. 49

  19 “I do feel desperate”: B-JD, p. 402 (PC letter 4/4/83 to unnamed recipient)

  20 Diana’s toughest moments: B-AM1, pp. 29, 143

  21 In a letter written: B-JD, p. 403 (Diana letter 4/1/83 to unnamed recipient)

  22 “We were extremely happy there”: Ibid., p. 401 (PC letter 4/26/83 to the van Cutsems)

  23 “his hand resting on hers”: B-DK, p. 241

  24 During a tree-planting: DS, 6/30/83

  25 “Isn’t she absolutely beautiful?”: DEx, 8/14/83

  26 At the end of the tour: B-DK, p. 241

  27 “Not a moment to breathe”: Mi, 1/18/99 (Diana letter 6/83 to unnamed recipient)

  28 “When trying to drag”: Ibid.

  29 “I haven’t missed William as much”: Ibid.

  30 “very witty”: Ti, 6/27/83

  31 “When they write something horrible”: DEx, 6/16/83

  32 “Prince Charles is largely”: Mi, 4/18/83

  33 “a big girl now”: DS, 6/30/83

  34 “different person”: Pano, p. 3

  35 She had been to at least: B-AM1, pp. 140–41

  36 She didn’t think her therapists: B-AM1, p. 55

  37 “her swings of mood continued”: B-JD, p. 406

  38 “hours comforting and reassuring”: NOTW, 10/23/83

  39 Diana made her first solo foreign: DEx, 2/2/84; NOTW, 2/12/84

  40 She became the patron: Ti, 12/28/83

  41 “my husband decided”: Pano, p. 12

  42 press reports made clear: DEx, 12/9/82; Mi, 11/7/83

  43 “The combination of style”: WO, 1/7/84

  44 “She was terribly keen”: Interview with Felicity Clark

  45 Early in the marriage: B-JD, pp. 359, 477

  46 She could sit for as long: B-WB, p. 24

  47 “queen of fashion”: SuPe, 3/4/84

  48 “visiting the very young”: Ti, 12/28/83

  49 “I think I’ve always been”: Pano, p. 13

  50 lasted less than six: DT, 10/20/98

  51 “She couldn’t understand”: Interview with Michael Colborne

  52 “understandable [Diana] would not”: B-SB, p. 235

  53 quite a few were pushed: B-JW, p. 193; DM, 5/27/83

  54 “made her feel nervous”: Sun, 3/29/82

Diana would draw a staff: B-JD, p. 360

  56 he was disheartened: Ibid., p. 406

  57 “Certain friends had to go”: McCall’s, 10/84

  58 but Diana was equally adamant: B-JD, p. 406; DT, 10/20/98

  59 “Pass the port”: VF, 10/85

  60 or were simply against: B-JD, p. 399

  61 By one account, she turned: B-PJ2, p. 102

  62 Because of the awkwardness: B-JD, p. 406

  63 When Diana was once portrayed: DM, DS, 9/28/85

  64 “I haven’t felt well”: DEx, 3/24/84; SuTel, 12/30/84

  65 “It was a good year”: Interview with Michael Colborne

  66 Even with a nanny: McCall’s, 10/84

  67 “very energetically for about”: Ibid.

  68 “The Queen could not be”: Sun, 4/12/84

  69 Charles had his own busy: B-JD, pp. 407–13

  70 “within the shell of a normal”: Ibid., pp. 405–6

  71 Charles was known for: DT, 11/6/98

  72 “a lot of tiara functions”: Mi, 1/18/99 (Diana letter 6/83 to unnamed recipient)

  73 “occasional spelling”: B-MR, p. 89

  74 “What happened after”: B-SB, p. 146

  75 “amazing team”: interview with David Puttnam

  76 “They had strengths”: Ibid.

  77 “lingering look and quick kiss”: DEx, 7/30/84

  78 “leads conversations”: Sun, 4/12/84

  79 “It was clear the royal couple”: Andrew Neil, Full Disclosure (1997), p. 256

  80 “Then she got animated”: Interview with Andrew Neil

  81 She was jolted: DM, 8/21/84; DEx, 8/23/84

  82 “Can’t stand being away”: Mi, 1/18/99 (Diana letter 8/24/84 to unnamed recipient)

  83 Diana later said she and Charles: B-AM1, p. 51

  84 but she kept the sex of their child: Ibid.

  85 “hoping” for one: DEx, 3/24/84

  86 “would be nice”: Ti, 3/28/84

  87 never stopped seeing: B-JD, p. 399

  88 she actually agreed: Pano, p. 14

  89 “By then I knew he had gone”: B-AM1, p. 51

  90 “Oh God, it’s a boy”: Ibid.


  1 “interludes of happiness”: B-JD, p. 406

  2 “Professional Diana-watchers”: SuTel, 12/30/84

  3 “in such good form”: SuMi, 2/3/85

  4 with Harry she continued: B-AM1, p. 53

  5 She rose early, took a daily swim: Ibid., p. 57

  6 “she sought to possess him”: B-JD, p. 367

  7 during the previous year’s: DS, 3/21/84

  8 rough and boring: Sun, 8/13/86

  9 antipathy that deepened: Sun, 7/17/84

  10 “very important to my physical”: Polo magazine, Jan/Feb 1998, p. 52

  11 After Harry’s birth, Diana asked: B-JD, pp. 434, 477

  12 Diana later said that Charles: B-AM1, p. 53

  13 When Charles came up: B-PJ2, p. 119

  14 “peak of royal productivity”: DEx, 1/23/85

  15 “are in no doubt that it is”: DEx, 1/10/85

  16 “so wet you could shoot”: DS, 1/10/85

  17 the resignation was: NYT Magazine, 2/21/88; B-JD, p. 434

  18 “I’ll get it in the neck”: DS, 1/25/85

  19 “dithering wimp”: DS, 2/24/85

  20 “the real ruler”: NOTW, 2/3/85

  21 “a thoroughly henpecked”: Sun, 2/4/85

  22 “prima donna”: Ibid.

  23 “great flights of human spirit”: DM, 4/27/85

  24 “more of a companion”: Ibid.

  25 Diana, however, was less than enthralled: B-JD, p. 431

  26 “Mind your head”: DM, 4/27/85

  27 he buried his insecurity: B-JD, p. 431

  28 “secondhand Rosa”: Jayne Fincher, Diana: Portrait of a Princess (1998), p. 84

  29 “unsophisticated”: DS, 4/23/85

  30 “heinous hats”: VF, 10/85

  31 indulged in ever-more daring: DS, 3/21/85; Sun, 3/27/85

  32 “the wrong way round”: Sun, 12/4/85

  33 “Being a princess, even if”: Ti, 4/23/85

  34 “She said, ‘Why don’t”: Interview with Roberto Devorik

  35 Colborne had been a solid support: B-JD, pp. 296, 435

  36 One day, when Charles: Interview with Michael Colborne

  37 “stress and disruption”: B-JD, pp. 434–35

  38 “To both of them, my”: Interview with Michael Colborne

  39 “catastrophe”: Strong, pp. 361–62

  40 “iron mouse”: VF, 10/85

  41 “nonsense”: Sun, 9/28/85

  42 “snobby Vanity Fair”: DS, 9/28/95

  43 “astonishing”: DM, 9/27/85

  44 “amazing”: Sun, 9/28/85

  45 “horrid”: DM, 9/28/85

  46 “ratbag of gossip”: Mi, 10/2/85

  47 “royal wimp”: NOTW, 9/29/85

  48 “ ‘The Mouse That Roared’ had”: Interview with Deidre Fernand

  49 “Oh, gosh … well … er”: Newsweek, 10/26/85

  50 Attenborough worked with: Mi, 10/17/85; DM, 4/24/89

  51 x“Well, obviously. You feel … No, we don’t”: DM, 10/21/85; Mi, 10/21/85

  52 “friendly tiff”: DM, 10/21/85

  53 “What a smashing”: Mi, 10/21/85

  54 “Di and Charles are so”: Sun, 10/21/85

  55 “unbelievable cleavage”: B-JD, p. 471 (PC letter 11/13/85 to unnamed recipient)

  56 Their four-minute number: Mi, 12/23/85; DS, 12/24/85

  57 “provocative and sensuous”: People, “The Diana Years” (1997), p. 115

  58 “terrific” dancer: Hello!, 11/29/97

  59 “was in sparkling form”: Sun, 6/4/85

  60 Charles had also resumed: B-JD, p. 480

  61 The rapprochement with Kanga: DM, 10/24/85; SuPe, 6/2/86

  62 “blue with jealousy”: Interview with Nicholas Haslam

  63 “Camilla had a fallout”: Interview with Stuart Higgins

  64 He was an unlikely prospect: B-WB, p. 25

  65 “the love of my life”: Anthony Holden, Charles: A Biography (1998), p. 204

  66 Mannakee had been warned: B-WB, p. 25

  67 Nevertheless, Diana was disheartened: Holden, pp. 198–99

  68 “I don’t want to spy”: B-JD, p. 482 (PC letter 2/11/87 to unnamed recipient)

  69 “There appeared … to disintegrate”: B-JD, pp. 477–79

  70 “started to withdraw”: Ibid., p. 479

  71 “bat ears”: Sun, 5/7/86

  72 “plastic smile”: Mi, 5/8/86

  73 “I didn’t know anything”: B-AM1, p. 45

  74 “My husband told me off”: Ibid., pp. 55–56

  75 “Even together … they were apart”: B-JD, p. 480

  76 they kept different: Descriptions of Charles and Diana’s domestic discord are based on confidential interviews, as well as: Sun, 8/13/86; B-WB, pp. 5, 12, 28, 35, 43, 45, 53

  77 “desperation”: B-JD, p. 480 (PC letter 11/18/86 to unnamed recipient)

  78 “I never thought it would”: Ibid., p. 481 (PC letter 2/11/87 to unnamed recipient)

  79 “the warmth, the understanding”: Ibid.

  80 “knowledge … cared about our marriage”: Pano, p. 14

  81 other staff understood: B-WB, pp. 12, 57; B-PJ2, p. 103

  82 “the change of behavior pattern”: Pano, p. 15

  83 “a certain woman”: B-PT, p. 25

  84 “It’s agony to know”: B-JD, p. 479 (PC letter 3/11/86 to unnamed recipient)

  85 “the whole royal ‘setup,’ ”: B-PT, p. 28

  86 “berating Charles for seeing”: Ibid., pp. 29, 33

  87 “pretty devastating”: Pano, p. 14

  88 “terrified”: B-AP, p. 121

  89 “spent my whole time … letting them see it”: B-AM1, pp. 50–51

  90 “She was teary and … out of sorts”: B-SF, p. 98

  91 Richard Foster had spent: Hello!, 11/22/97

  92 “She was tense
down to”: ST, 11/1/98

  93 “after five years of being … tell her”: B-AM1, pp. 54–55

  94 But she recalled …“he just gave me”: Ibid., p. 56

  95 A footman at Balmoral: B-WB, p. 49

  96 “Friends on my husband’s side”: Pano, p. 15

  97 “matchmaker Diana”: B-SF, p. 69

  98 abetted by Diana and Charles: Mi, 12/24/85; B-WB, p. 38

  99 She once said that the royal family: B-AM1, pp. 61, 64

  100 “tried to lacerate me”: B-AM2, p. 65

  101 “[Charles’s] grandmother is always”: Sun, 8/24/92

  102 “Diana sometimes said”: Interview with Roberto Devorik

  103 “something troubling”: B-AM1, p. 53

  104 initially got on well: B-WB, pp. 33, 109

  105 “pique”: DM, 1/23/85; DEx, 12/22/84

  106 “Her Royal Rudeness”: Time, 2/28/83

  107 “rattle her cage”: B-AM1, p. 54

  108 “hopping mad and quite”: Mi, 3/24/82

  109 “country gentry”: Biographical material on Sarah Ferguson is drawn primarily from her memoir, My Story.

  110 “kept rearing her head”: B-AM1, p. 58

  111 “set me free”: B-SF, p. 3

  112 “I was robust and jolly”: Ibid., pp. 97–98

  113 “Why can’t you be more”: Ibid.

  114 “It must have been hell”: Ibid., p. 75

  115 “Diana felt the Queen”: Interview with Roberto Devorik

  116 “our common interests”: B-SF, p. 97

  117 After listening … “maybe I ought”: B-AM1, p. 58

  118 “flavor of the month”: B-SF, p. 119

  119 “a tower of strength”: Mi, 5/15/86

  120 “near obsession about how”: DEx, 5/8/86

  121 “the cold indifference”: Mi, 5/15/86

  122 “I don’t know why there”: Sun 5/10/86

  123 “It doesn’t matter what”: DS, 7/3/86

  124 “fasts and feasts”: Sun, 5/12/86

  125 “weeping self-doubts”: NOTW, 5/11/86

  126 “Nothing like a touch of”: NOTW, 8/10/86

  127 “Having a wonderful time”: SuPe, 8/10/86

  128 “Recent worries about”: To, 8/11/86

  129 “for the things she enjoys”: Sun, 8/13/86

  130 “Whether that was bad”: Interview with Stuart Higgins

  131 “Charles spends long hours”: NOTW, 8/3/86

  132 Charles lightly cuffed: NOTW, 8/3/86; Sun, 8/13/86

  133 “Diana seemed to be permanently”: DM, 9/24/86

  134 “I never got any O levels”: Ibid.

  135 “I just come and talk”: NYT Magazine, 2/21/88


  1 In November 1986: Descriptions of Diana’s affair with James Hewitt are drawn primarily from his “as told to” memoir, Princess in Love, by Anna Pasternak.


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