Dangerous Confessions of the Heart (Dangerous Secrets of the Heart)
Page 3
“Are you finally ready?” He asked with a chuckle.
“Yeah, I think so.” I said.
He wrapped his arm around me and led me down the hall. I patted Cody’s head as I passed him. He ran into the family room and jumped on the couch as Austin opened the front door for me. I grabbed my keys from the table beside the door, placed them in my pocket and exited the house.
“Thank you.” I said to Austin. “Bye Cody.” I called back into the house.
Cody stared at me with his tongue out as Austin pulled the door shut. I grabbed my keys out of my pocket and locked the door. We walked down my walkway and toward the road. My heart sank as I seen what was parked in the road… a red mustang. It looked just like Jesse. I began to tear up.
Austin walked over to the door and opened it for me.
“Tha…thank you.” I mumbled and climbed in.
He shut my door and walked around the car. I began to flash back in Jesse car. Riding in it for the first time when he took me to school and learning about his fiancée which I didn’t know she was “dead” at the time. I know this sounds mean but I wish she would’ve stayed “dead.” I wish Jesse never learned that she was still alive. Then it would be me and him sitting here in paradise. I shook my thoughts away with the sound of the car door shutting. Austin had climbed into the driver’s seat and he roared the car to life.
“So we are going to get you a bathing suit, right?” He asked me.
“Yes.” I said trying to focus on the present instead of the past.
He began to drive me down the road. “So, that was a nice view I had earlier.” He said with a chuckle.
“Yeah…” I said blushing.
“About earlier…I’m sorry I kissed you.” He admitted. “I want to respect you.”
“It’s okay.” I said.
“No, it isn’t…But I can’t explain it…when I’m with you… It’s like nothing I’ve felt before.” He admitted.
“Austin!” I tried to get him to stop trying to explain. “It’s okay”
“Okay…” he said sheepishly.
He drove us on to a busy strip of shops. He found a place to park and got out the car. I exited the car before he could come over to me. He took my hand and led me down the side walk and into a shop with bathing suits hanging in the window. I began to try on several different bathing suits and model them for Austin. But I finally found the perfect one. It was a glittery sky blue halter top two piece bathing suit. I fell in love with it. I went to the dressing room to try it on but as I looked in the mirror all I seen was my mother’s dress that I had worn the night of my birthday. I tried to close my eyes and shake it away but I couldn’t. All I could see was that dress staring at me in the face. I screamed as my heart sank into my chest and I collapsed on the floor in tears. Austin heard me and ran to the salesperson to open the door. She opened the door and Austin scooped me up.
“Are you okay?” He asked with concern.
I could barely breathe, let alone speak but I tried to speak to him.
“I….I’m fine” I managed to mumble out.
The salesperson brought a cup of water to Austin and he helped me drink it.
After a few minutes I was feeling better. I got Austin to let me go and I stood up looking in the mirror. I could now see the bathing suit.
“I like this one.” I admitted.
“Okay…” He said. “Ami…are you alright?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said.
“Why did you scream and fall on the floor?” He asked.
“Um….I seen a spider… I’m deathly afraid of spiders…” I lied.
“Hmph, Okay?” He said in disbelief.
I didn’t want to tell him the truth. He wouldn’t understand if I did tell him.
Austin came over to me and placed his hands on my hips. He cautiously but roughly pulled at the tag from the suit.
“Get dressed…” He said with a smile. “I’ll go pay for this.”
I did what I was told and pulled my jean shorts over my new suit, pulled my pink shirt back on and met Austin at the register. I hoped he didn’t think of me as a psycho or anything. He finished paying and I stuffed my thong and the bra I was wearing into a bag the cashier provided me. We exited the store and Austin opened the car door for me to enter. He walked over to the other side and climbed in.
“So, where to?” I asked. I placed my bag in the floorboard.
“Don’t ruin the surprise.” He said.
It struck a nerve and I began to think about Jesse again. I couldn’t help it. I remembered the surprise he had at the paintball arena. My heart screamed and ached so much when I thought about what could have been. I couldn’t stand that he was with Sarah. I wanted him back but I knew I had to move on. I had to wash my hands of him and move along with my life. I was determined to do just that. I was ready to move on, with Austin.
Chapter 4
Austin noticed that I was in a daze as he pulled the car onto the road and continued on our drive to… wherever he was taking me.
“A penny for your thoughts?” he asked breaking my thoughts about Jesse.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” I lied.
“Come on Ami. You can trust me.” He said not believing my lies.
He gazed at me from the corner of his eye for an answer.
“Okay…I’m just having trouble letting go of my past.” I admitted a half-truth.
“About the guy you were telling me about last night?” He asked.
“Yes…but I know I have to move on from him…I really like you.” I confessed.
“I like you to Ami.” He admitted as he continued to drive us down the road.
“It’s just going to take me some time…you understand right?” I asked.
“I told you I did last night.” He said. “But that doesn’t change the way I feel when I’m around you.”
“I know that. I don’t want it too.” I admitted. Everything that I was telling him was true. I desperately desired to move forward with my life and stop looking backward but it was so hard to do that.
“So…the kiss we shared earlier today…that was okay?” He cautiously asked again.
“It was more than okay Austin.” I admitted.
He smiled and pulled off the main road onto a more familiar road for me. It looked like a country road. It was surrounded by trees and was very bumpy. We sat in silence as he drove down this road because if I tried to speak he wouldn’t be able to understand me. After a few minutes the car came to a halt and I was looking out at the beach. The waves were crashing on the sand. I noticed four familiar faces: Jacob, Dickey, Patrick, and Judy. I also noticed two unfamiliar female faces.
Austin got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side. He opened it and held out his hand for me to take. I grabbed it and climbed out of the car. He shut the door as the six of them ran up to us.
“Hey Austin, the surf is great today.” Dickey announced.
“Great, can’t wait to get out there.” Austin admitted.
The two new girls were staring at me. I’m guessing they wanted to be introduced. Austin noticed and quickly introduced me.
“Oh, Ami this is Melodie and Christy.” He said pointed at the girls. “Melodie, Christy this is Ami…My girlfriend.”
I smiled at the word girlfriend. He considered me his girlfriend?
“Nice to meet you, Ami...” Melodie spoke first. “I’m Patrick’s wife.” She said as she put her arm around Patrick.
“Please to meet you Melodie.” I said.
“And I’m Christy.” Christy said. “I’m with Dickey.” She said not sounding enthused about it.
“Hello Christy.” I said.
Melodie was tan, mid 30’s with jet black hair and brown eyes. She has a tattoo of a flower on her shoulder that was barely noticeable because she was so dark.
Christy was in her early 20’s, blond with sapphire eyes. She didn’t seem to be a very friendly person.
“Let’s go surf!” Dick
ey said and turned away from us and back toward the beach.
Austin put his arm around me. I tried to follow the group but Austin held me still for a moment. Ever one walked away out of ear-shock.
“Is that okay…” he started. “…the girlfriend thing?”
I smiled. “What you don’t want me to be your girlfriend?” I asked jokingly.
“No. I do. That’s why I said it but…” He started again. He sounded sincere and full of concern. “I didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that… I should’ve asked…” He said.
I interrupted him. “It’s great Austin. I want to be your girlfriend.” I confessed.
“Okay great.” He said. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.
After a few seconds I pulled away and looked up at him. I softly leaned in and placed my lips against his and began to kiss him. He kissed back tenderly and harmoniously. The rush of electricity sparked my chest as I kissed him. After a few seconds we pulled away. The others were on the beach trying to get our attention. Apparently they were ready to surf. We laughed as Austin took my hand and led me down the hill. He walked over to an old rundown shack-like building and entered it without me. I stood waiting at the door. He pulled out a white and gray surfboard and propped it up against the building. He entered it again and pulled out an unused, brand new, sky blue surfboard with a red bow on it.
“This is for you.” He said.
I looked at it and smiled. “What do I do with it?”
“Well, it’s a great day for surfing. I’m going to teach you how.” He said with a chuckle.
“I think I’ll just watch you guys.” I said with a laugh.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
“Yeah. I’ll just sit on it and watch you.” I said.
We went out into the water and he helped me up on my board and fastened it to my leg just in case I fell off. I sat on the board and watched all six of them surf. They were really happy. They looked free on the water. Even when they crashed they got right back on the board and did it again.
Back in Niagara Falls
Jesse sat on my bed and looked at the clock. It was 10:34pm. He couldn’t sleep. He began thinking about me. How would he find me? What would he say when he did? Would he keep the secrets he has kept since the day we met or would he tell me everything I want to know? He couldn’t bear to think what has happened to me. He had only hope that I was still alive. But the question was where? Where was I? He had to find some answers. But he knew the only one who would tell him would be James. He began to tear up as he called my name “Jamie…Where are you?” He said out loud as he looked up at the moon.
Austin paddled over to me after he rode a really big wave.
“This is awesome.” I admitted.
“You should try.” He said.
“I might one day.” I said back to him.
He leaned off his board and kissed me.
“Alright that’s enough kissing.” Melodie said with a laugh.
I pulled away from him and smiled at her.
It was getting dark. The others finished the waves they were on and paddled over to me and Austin.
“You guys hungry?” Patrick asked.
“Sure.” We all said in unison.
“Let’s go.” Patrick said and we all paddled to the shore.
They all placed their boards back into the building, Austin placed mine in there and Patrick locked it tight with a lock. They each put their arm around their girlfriends/wives and walked back up the hill toward the cars. Austin placed his arm around me and led me to the car. He opened the door and I climbed in. He stood talking to Patrick for a few minutes. I guess he was trying to find out where to go to next. After a few minutes he climbed into the car and started it up.
“So, do you like seafood?” Austin asked.
“That sounds great to me.” I said.
He began to drive. “Patrick wants you to try this local restaurant. It’s really good but I didn’t know if you liked fish or not.”
“Fish is good.” I said.
We followed in a line behind the 3 other cars until we reached what I thought was the restaurant. Austin helped me out. I was looking at more clothing stores. They had really pretty Hawaiian dresses hanging in the window of the shop we were looking at.
“I know you don’t want to go to the restaurant in that.” He said. “So, go pick you out a dress.” He told me.
The girls climbed out of the cars and grabbed my arm. They all cheered as the men stood back and watched us enter the store. The girls had already gotten a dress and were only going inside to change.
Judy had a long dark blue dress and matching sandals.
Christy had a black dress and black sandals.
Melodie had on a purple dress and purple sandals.
They grabbed my arm and helped me into a dressing room. They threw over the top a few dresses for me to try on. I tried on a pink one and walked out to model for them. They all agreed that it wasn’t the dress I should get. I went back into the dressing room and tried on a neon orange dress that they picked out. It didn’t work for me. Finally I tried on a blood red dress and matching sandals. I exited the dressing room and the girls cheered. We went to the register and Melodie went out to the car. She grabbed Austin’s credit card from him and told him to wait outside. She came back in and paid for my new dress. The girls hid me as we walked toward the door. I felt like a secret princess as they opened the door to reveal Austin standing there waiting for me. I walked out as he stared at me in wonder.
“Wow, you look beautiful.” He admitted to me.
He grabbed me and kissed me.
“Alright enough of this lovey, dovey shit… Let’s go.” Patrick said. He grabbed Melodie and helped her into the car. The others did the same including Austin and me. We followed Patrick to the restaurant.
The outside of the restaurant was semi-quiet. Only a few people were on the outside. Austin helped me out of the car and we climbed a set of stairs leading to the front door of the restaurant. The place was full of people and the sound of dishes and conversations filled the air. But it had a romantic feeling as well. The hostess took us to our table and got our drinks. We looked at our menus for a few minutes and then ordered our food. As we sat and waited for our food the girls began questioning me.
“So, Ami…Where are you from?” Melodie asked.
“I’m from the Niagara Fall’s region.” I admitted.
“Oh, really. What’s it like there?” They asked.
“Cool. Not too hot. Peaceful. It’s a great place to live. I don’t live in the busy parts, I live on the outskirts, and there aren’t much people. I love living there.” I said thinking about home and how much I truly missed it.
“If it was so good then why did you leave?” Christy bluntly asked.
“Christy!?” Melodie and Austin said in unison.
“What?” Christy asked.
“No, it’s fine guys. I don’t mind telling her why I left.” I admitted. “I fell in love…but it turns out that he has a fiancée and I couldn’t live with all the painful memories around there and plus I lost my mother right before I decided to leave.” I confessed the mostly true story.
“That’s terrible…” Judy chimed in. “How did it happen?” She asked.
“Well…she was killed.” I admitted.
“Oh my… by who…?” Melodie said.
“My mother became unfaithful to what was going to be my step dad… he is a crazy, drunken man…and when he found out about her pregnancy” I began to tear up. “He ordered his son to dispose of her…” I confessed.
“That’s so terrible.” Dickey said.
Tears filled my eyes and Austin pulled me close.
“I don’t believe a word of that sob story.” Christy said.
“What?” The others asked together.
“She is just trying to get pity from us.” Christy said.
I began to tear up more. I placed my napkin on the table
and left.
Chapter 5
I went into the ladies room and sat on the toilet. I began to cry. Why didn’t she believe me? It was the truth. Thoughts of my mom and Jesse filled my head. I needed them. I wanted to go home.
“Sweetie?” A female voice called out to me followed by a knock at the door. I opened it. Melodie and Judy were standing in the doorway.
“Yeah?” I asked.
“Are you alright?” Melodie asked.
“I will be…my past is a hard thing to talk about…” I admitted.
“I know honey.” Judy said.
“Let’s go back to the table and drop this whole conversation, okay?” Melodie asked me.
I wanted to run away but I was really hungry and I didn’t want to disappoint Austin. They walked me to the mirror and helped me wipe my eyes. They patted my face with paper towels to reduce the redness. I finally looked better.
“…Ready to go?” Judy asked.
I shook my head yes. We walked out of the bathroom and bumped into Dickey.
“…Dickey. What are you doing?” Judy asked.
“Ami…” He said ignoring Judy. “I’m sorry for the way she was acting. We had a big fight earlier and she shouldn’t take it out on you.” He admitted. “I just broke up with her…she left.”
“It’s fine Dickey. You didn’t have to break up with her…” I said.
“No…I was going to do it later but she just kept pushing. I didn’t want to do it this way but I have had enough of her disrespect toward my friends.” He said. He placed his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I thought about the word “friend.” I needed friends now more than ever. I was happy I had met such good hearted people to be friends with here in Hawaii. Judy and Melodie put their arms around me too and hugged me. After a few seconds we let go and walked back to the table.
“Ami…! Are you okay?” Austin asked upon my return.
“I am now…my friends helped me through it.” I said and smiled at Melodie, Judy and Dickey.