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Manage Me (Taven's Circus Book 1)

Page 12

by Unknown

  I drop my head in my hands and just laugh.


  If I had, had my way I would have stayed in bed with Nell all day but after our water activities, I quickly got dressed and left on my bike to go meet up with Emily. I didn’t tell Nell where I was going and she didn’t ask. I didn’t want to lie to her, and I hope if she'd asked, I would have been honest but I really do not know. I was crazy her. She was relaxed and mellow. She liked having fun but it wasn’t all about fun all the time. She didn’t get out of control and so far the few verbal spats we gotten into never escalated into more than that they were. She and the band got along great and when it came to the music, she just got it. I have seen her carting that small violin case around with her. I’d hopes she would play for me or maybe with me but I had plans to make that happen soon.

  The coffee shop I told Emily to meet me at was only a few blocks away, so I arrived there quickly. I pulled into a spots, parking my bike, and heading into the shop. Looking around the café it was fairly empty and Emily was not there yet, despite the 20 minutes that I was running behind. Grabbing a latte and a piece of banana bread, I made my way over to the far corner on the shop, away from any of the other patrons. 10 minutes later, a large black town car pulls up out front and Emily breezes in. Dressed to the nines, including a white fur coat, that is probably made from the souls of baby rabbits. Did I mention that it was summer and while yes, we were in Oregon it was still around 70. As she approaches I get a glimpse of what was underneath the large coat, a short skin tight white skirt with a painted on wide-necked see-through top giving a clear view of her large breasts.

  “Hope you didn’t dress up for me.” I deadpan, as she sweeps up and air kisses my cheek. She plops down across from me, puffing her bottom lip out in a sexy pout.

  “Of course I dressed up for you, Baby. I’m glad you noticed.” She leans forward on the table pushing her expensive tits up, till they nearly fall out of the shirts. Why the fuck did I ever think that she was hot? It’s not like she left anything to the imagination, just spilled it out all on the table for anyone to see. When her toes brushed against my leg, it startles me but I'm able to hide the movement by leaning towards her. Leaning forward was a bad mistake as her expensive overbearing perfume tries to suffocate me. It too is trying way too hard for attention.

  “I hope you called me here because you changed your mind about us being together.” She purrs.

  “Uh…No. I called you because my reaction the other day was harsh. You surprised me but that doesn’t change that we won't be becoming anything more. I wrapped my shit up, even though you said you were on birth control. I get that shit happens beyond our control but it’s fairly obvious by the precautions that we took, that neither one of us wanted to come out of the weekend with baby.” She pouts in earnest now, her blue eyes welling up with tears. “It’s not that I don’t like you as a person. I just am not looking to start a family right now. I am sorry, Emily.” I say this as sincerely as I can, I really do mean most of it.

  “But Jaden this baby is yours. Are you just going to leave me to raise it on my own?” she says as a tear escapes.

  “You said you have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, right? It’s possible that the test you said you took was wrong, right? So let’s wait to hear what the doctor has to say. I don’t want this but I am not the kind of guy that’s just going to get a girl in trouble and leave her to deal on her own. If you are in fact pregnant and decided to keep it…” She doesn’t let me finish before she explodes.

  “What do you mean IF I keep it?” She seethes at me in a barely contained whisper. I look around nervously to see if anyone is listening but no one appears to be.

  “I am not saying anything. I am saying the decision in entirely up to you, if you are in fact pregnant. I am also saying that, I, do not know entirely that it would be mine if you are. I want the testing done before I 100% agree to do anything. I also want this kept out of the papers and media period. Whether you are or aren’t, there must not be a single word of this. If you are and it is mine then we will figure it out.” Emily’s furry had receded and the tears are back but she nods. Knowing that having some big scandal would make life hell for all of us involved.

  “Okay Jaden, I will let you know tomorrow after my appointment what they say. And I want you to know that I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I didn’t plan this and I am not the whore that you seem to think that I am. You are the only man I have been with in over a year. I know what the tabloids say about me but I don’t sleep around and I don’t make dumb mistakes like this.” She shutters out making me feel like shit for being so crass to her.

  “Emily, I am sorry. I don’t mean to be an asshole to you. And besides the fact that I am somewhat of a whore, this is a first for me too. I am not handling it well and for that I am sorry. I hope that we can at least be supportive of each other through this and if you are pregnant, that we can maintain a friendship for the sake of the child.”

  “Yes, friends would be very good.” She nods giving me a waters attempt at a smile. “Are you going to start seeing Craven’s daughter?” Her question throws me. How does she know anything about Nell or that Nell is Craven’s daughter?

  “Uh…How do you know Nell?” I ask hoping to deflect from answering her question.

  “Oh, Craven mentioned it when I was at his office last week. I was talking to him about my up coming tour and inquired about your tour since I wanted to meet up with you. Or I did want to meet up with you. Anyway, he mentioned that Nell was going in on a trial bases with the band as you guys needed a new manager.”

  “Yeah, she is working out well. Seems to know her shit.”

  “I saw you two getting off your bike yesterday when I surprised you on the bus. Obviously something had happened and since you will be stuck with her throughout the tour, I just thought maybe you two were going to get together.” All tears are now gone and her eyes are bright again. Almost like nothing ever happened. It seems like a quick mood change, even for her and I had a bad feeling that she was fishing for something, so I decided to lie.

  “No, nothing is happening with us.” I say with a convincing snort. “You know I don’t date girls. I told you I wasn’t ready for all that right now. I am enjoying my time being single, hooking up with Nell would just complicate things when another hot chick came along to fill my bed. She smiled at this, being reassured in some way by what I said.

  Since things are going well, I decided I should leave before I say something that set her off again. Standing I say, “Well I told my parents I would meet them for lunch, so I better be heading out.” I lean forward placing a hand on hers, “I am glad that we were able to talk and that we have worked out a plan.” I give her a smile and she grins back. She pops out of her chair into my arm, giving me a huge hug, and before I can free myself, she presses her lips against mine. She doesn’t linger more than a second or two. I am so stunned I didn’t ever move.

  “I am happy too, Jay,” she says bouncing back, “walking me to the car?”

  Seeing no other choice, I follow her out the door to her town car. She grabs my hand pressing her cheek into it. ‘Thank you Jay for apologizing and coming around. I know deep down you are a really great guy and we will work out.” She has a huge grin on her face as she nuzzles into my palm, then pulls away slipping into the dark car, which pulls away second later.

  I rattle my head around trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. Swiping at my mouth with my sleeve, I cringe at the lingering perfume smell. I walk over to my bike, hopefully the wind will rid me of that horrible stench.

  As I ride back towards the bus, I run over the conversation we had in my head. Something was definitely up but I am just not sure what. It’s true I don’t know Emily very well but in the span of that conversation her moods changed like we were on a dollar coaster. Something was up and I just hoped that she kept her word to stay quiet about it. My mother would be heartb
roken, my dad pissed, and I have no idea what Nell would think. But I know if I was her I wouldn’t want anything to do with the problem.

  Pausing at a red light, I make a quick decision to pick up a surprise for Nell, before heading right back to the bus.

  Chapter 25


  Digging through the few clothes I was able to mash into a couple suit cases and garment bag, leaves me wondering how I ever decided on any of the crap I packed. Jaden informed me when he got back that we were going to be having dinner with his parents and the rest of the bands this evening. I hadn’t planned on meeting his parents and nothing I brought was suitable for such a meeting.

  Jaden is lounging on the bed, playing a video game against Ryker, who in in the other room. And yes they even have headsets on, just so they can whisper sweet nothings to each other, via insults and name calling.

  “What type of restaurant are we meeting them at?” I ask him, wondering if a shopping trip is in order.

  “Uhh…It's just this German place that we all really like. It's family owned and not crazy FUCK OFF, BITCH!!!” he screams and I chuckle as his guy on the tv is blown up. “Sorry Beauty, not you.” He says, mashing buttons.

  “Well, I have nothing to wear. Do I have time to go shopping?” I ask hoping I can find the perfect something quickly. His guy gets blown up again on screen and he lets out a huff as the other two hoot and shout. “You’re not very good at that game.” I say with a snicker. Jaden stands, tossing the controller on the bed, he moves lightning quick, and suddenly I lay beneath him wrapped in his arms. He nuzzles into my neck, awakening, the ever quick to react skin.

  “I rarely play” he murmurs sending chills chasing after his warm breathe.

  “I think you play me precisely well.” Truly not being cute, as the idea that we were talking about a video game has completely fled my mind.

  “Oh Beauty, I love to play you but I was talking about the video game.” He says with a soft chuckle across my jaw making his way towards my lips. “Maybe you should look in the closet over there.” He says pointing behind him, “and you better hurry up because we have to leave in a half hour.”

  With a screech and a shove, I jump up, dashing to the closet. Inside rest three boxes ranging in size. I set them gently on the bed as Jaden watches me intently. The top box is white with Jimmy Choo written in silver. The other two were black and white houndstooth with a tiffany blue badge reading L.A.M.B, which I knew instantly. Squealing and dancing from foot to foot. I quickly throw off the lids one by one. But I pause to look at Jaden before peeling back the tissue paper. He has a soft smile on his face, a twinkle of excitement in his eyes, and I can’t help but think, boy he’s pretty.

  With a grin I focus back on the boxes. In the Jimmy Choo box lies a stunning pair nude peep-toe stilettos with a slight platform in polished gold. The smaller L.A.M.B. box holds a white short sleeved crop top, that didn’t seem like dinner attire but I keep going. In the large L.A.M.B. box is a tea length, high-wasted, soft peach tulle skirt. Making the short crop top much more family friendly.

  Looking down at the perfect outfit sends me launching at Jaden. Knocking him back on the bed, sealing my lips to his. Straddling his hips, his hands grabbing my ass, I enthusiastically thank him with my lips.

  “Wow, thank you so much, Jaden,” I say after breaking the kiss.

  “Remind me to go shopping for you more often.” Striking forward to steal another kiss then nuzzling into my neck, making my blood start to buzz once again.

  “Will your parents care about my tattoos?” I hesitantly ask, worried about needing to wear something over the adorable outfit.

  “Have you seen me lately?” He holds his arms out, and I check him out head to toe as he laughs.

  Cocking my brow, I say, “Yes, my sly fox, I have seen,” I gab up the front of his shirt and tug him back to me. Brushing my lips up against his, I add, “every bit of you.” Leaving him hanging, I quickly pull back, scoop up my beautiful new outfit, and escaping out of the bedroom.

  I have the perfect accessories and underwear to go with it that I dig out of my bag in the rack that I don’t ever sleep in. Grabbing everything I need I scurry into the main bathroom and get ready for meeting Jaden’s parents for the first time.

  Chapter 26


  “Beauty are you coming?” I rap on the bathroom door and it pops open.

  I feel like the wind is knocked out of me. Nell is so stunning standing before me that I have to physically fight the need to drop to my knees at her feet. She has always been stunning. More gorgeous than any woman that I have ever seen. But she, Nell is mine. I maybe only knew a small amount about her but her body and soul sang to mine.

  “Do I not look okay?” She asks as I just stand here staring at her.

  “You look…” pausing I reach out an arm to her hip pulling her to me. “You are, the most beautiful creature in my world.” I say softly, gently brushing a large curl behind her ear. “Your hair is curly?” I puzzle.

  Blushing “Yeah, it’s naturally curly. I usually straighten it but it seemed to go better with the dress this way.”

  “I like it,” I say softly tugging on a curl just to watch it spring up, “a lot.” Making her grin.

  “I’ll remember that. Should we go?” she starts to move past but I don’t move like she expects, so she just bumps her body into mine. “Are we going?” she laughs.

  “In a minute. I have something else for you. Close your eyes and put both hands out.” With a huge smile on her face she does as she is told. I take the small blue gift bag and set it on her waiting palms. “Open.”

  When she bites her bottom lip in excitement before opening her glorious icy blue eyes, I let out a small groan. She gasps as her eyes meet the bag and she bounces on those dangerous shoe toes.

  “Eee! Tiffany’s!” jumping excitedly from one spiked heel to the other. The air around us expands with her excitement, she’s like a little kid at Christmas, even shaking the bag lightly before diving in. She rips out the tissue and pulls out the matching blue box. A metal rattle comes from inside but it doesn’t tell her enough. Once all the layers are broken away she reaches the box containing the present. Popping the lid she expels a gasp, her eyes going wide.

  “Oh Jaden they are stunning, you really shouldn’t have!” she gushes pulling the long necklace with three keys. Each key is made from a different metal and has different designs and gemstones. One is white gold with a snowflake crested with diamonds on top, another is yellow gold with a heart crested with pink sapphires, and the last one is rose gold with a simple circle on top crested in emeralds. She looks at me like no one ever has before, tears and love filling every corner. I reach out to grasp her face in my hands.

  “Each key represents something special, just to us,” I pick up the white gold one, “from the second I saw your hair and eyes have reminded me of snow and ice but despite the coldness of their appearance, you are the warmest, sweetest person, I have ever met. Your heat pulls me in and has become my addiction,” I whisper softly, twirling a strain of her hair around my index finger, “The yellow gold one is for the mysterious key that only you possess, that allows you access behind the walls around my heart.” Tears well up in her eyes slowly spilling over. I kiss them away before grabbing the last key. “This one has something even more special, look here,” I flip the key over showing her the engraving along the stem that reads “meine Unsterbliche Geliebte” in German."

  "Beethoven?" She whispers.

  “Beethoven." I confirm. "He once wrote a set of three love letters addressed only to his “meine Unsterbliche Geliebte”, “my Immortal Beloved”. In those pages he laid his soul out to his beloved. Nell, your music that day, harpooned to my heart and reeled me in. I fell for you in that moment, as your music sang to my soul. I love you, Nell, further than the moon and too the farthermost stars.” When her jaw drops to the floor once again I laugh wrapping my fingers into her hair and securing my lips to the place
that has become a home like no other. Nell kisses me back with increasing fervor that I want to skip dinner, to bury myself in her, to hear my name panted and screamed from her soft lips. If it was any one but my family I would stripe her of her gifts right here but with regret I pull away, still holding her in my arms.

  “Jaden, I…don’t know what to say. Thank you, I love the gifts that you so thoughtfully picked out. As for your wonderful words. I...I care very deeply for you. The feelings that I have for you are so huge and they scare me. What if you don’t? What if you just think you do and in a few weeks you realize this was all a huge mistake? We hardly know each other…” tears escaping her pain fill eyes.

  Wanting nothing more than to reassure her, I open my mouth to pour my heart out, when the bus door swishes open, and Ryker jogs up the steps.

  “Hey, what the shit is taking so long?” He says annoyed.

  “We will be right there.” I turn back to those big blue eyes are looking at the ground. I grab her face tilting it up, so she has to look at me.


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