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Sacred Moon: Book 2

Page 25

by Alejandro Marrero

  What was once a city made of predominant greens was now awash in fragrant flowers of white as far as my eyes could see. I turned to Leona and asked, “Do you think I took it too far? It almost appears like the title of the city should be changed to the City of Endless Flowers.”

  To which she smiled with her warm, kind eyes and replied, “I think it’s perfect. I cannot fathom a person not smiling when they observe such beautiful flowers. I’m impressed and once again in awe by you, my love,” Leona genuinely confessed.

  “You know, that’s the second time in the past few moments you’ve called me your love. I’m overjoyed and full of waves of contentment hearing those four precious, lettered words. I’ll never tire of hearing it for you say it so genuinely,” I pointed out. Feeling her words fill me with waves of compassion and love to my very core. “I love you too, my beautiful Leona. I’m so grateful our paths have brought us to each other,” I confessed while we both placed a hand on each other’s hearts.

  “It gladdens me to hear you feel the same way. For I wondered truly if you could ever realize with all your gifts of insightful sight what lay right before your eyes and under our palms. Forget the beautiful flowered paradise you created around you and take notice of the beats of our hearts underneath our palms. Do you not feel or realize what has happened, and I know to be true?” she asked, which left me a bit confused. I then brought my awareness from her loving gaze to our hands on each other’s hearts. Leona was correct, for our hearts beat in a rhythm, wholly synchronized. It couldn’t be. How could I possibly divine the futures of others but not the present moments of my own?

  “We’re star-coursed mates!” I gasped in realization, hoping with all my heart, it was true, yet knowing it was. “Yes, we are and have always been. Since the very moment, I was in glamour when I met you at Sacred Sun and read your palms I knew.

  “Think back, my beautiful love. Have I not always been by your side since we met? Have you not noticed me court you with dresses, gifts, and affections? Do you not feel when I’m near or far? You need not answer these questions for I know through our developing bonds since we met, you feel it too,” Leona said as she moved her hand to capture my own from her heart and held it.

  “You’re right! Oh, Leona, I’ve been so oblivious! I’ve been invested in my nervous attention to everyone around me so much I couldn’t see what was before me like a constant loving shadow all of the time! You do love me, and I love you. We’re star-coursed ones, and these words sing completely true!” I replied right back to Leona then kissed her Like I’ve always done but with more passion than one could ever compare.

  “Yes, my beautiful Kendra. It’s true. I was worried initially when you were mortal, for I was distraught knowing our lifespans would be different though I hid it too well, it seems. However, once you were granted the immortal attunement by Leilah, I knew the stars chose well and true. For as long as I walk the realms of this and every world or afterlife. It will always be with you,” Leona sweetly said.

  “For so long, I felt alone and not worthy of love in the times before. Then you show up for a psychic fair of all things and banish my solitude so effortlessly. I apologize for not recognizing it sooner, my fated one,” I professed.

  “You have no need to apologize. You’ve been by my side just as much as I’ve been by yours since we first met. We’ve gone through the same challenges and always found our ways drawn back to each other. We have expressed our mutual affections often even before Donovan, Abaddon, Azrael, or Leilah came to realize what they had resisted. The stars sometimes provide the most beautiful gifts to a rare few in our worlds. However, they always do so at a pace that works best for the intended pair. It’s different for everyone and perfect each time,” Leona sagely explained.

  “Well then, since I seemed to have covered the entire city in a blanket of flowers and we have hours to spare, let us make our way to the western spire and have some fun,” I said with a wink as I teleported us to our chambers with the hand I held and the body I eternally wished to touch. It was only after we were cuddled for a midday nap that I realized that was the first time I’ve teleported or flashed us anywhere. That’s right! Maybe all it took was the right motivation, a heart of pure love, the right company, and wishes granted from above. I projected a thought to Quicksilver about the seating arrangements, and he gave me the affirmative, which granted me a peace that helped me enjoy my time with Leona at ease and without wedding-related worries.

  I’m sure the others in our merry tribe could handle the rest. After all, our paths are sacred, like the sun and moon. Everything we do, as long as it’s virtuous and true, will light the path to happiness.

  I do hope this evening goes amazingly and without a hitch. As I couldn’t concentrate on anything other than Leona, my forever granted wish.

  Chapter 22


  This liberated Angelus, Bezaliel, is following me everywhere, like a shadow. He thinks I haven’t noticed, but I have indeed. Who could possibly not notice this peculiarly magnetic, possibly handsome Angel or feel his watchful gaze? He’s shorter than most of our assembled group. If he dared to speak with me, he’d be looking up certainly at my height considering his. I have always been tall, but he makes me seem enormous in comparison. Though I am not the tallest of my Unicorn brethren, to be precise. Is being aloof or having exaggerated personality quirks only an Angelus trait? Thinking of Abbadon and Leilah, I feel it is true. Especially with their snark and attitude. Everywhere I am, Bezaliel somehow manages to appear in the periphery. No one may have mentioned or noticed anything about his odd behavior yet, but I’m going to approach him. I’m not like the gods of the pantheons that had him leashed. He’s in no danger from me unless he threatens my friends. I will add that he has not, at all, been anything but aligned with our goals.

  Bezaliel proved his impressive skills at the battle of Green Mount Lake. Using his lithe form for stealth and impressive gravity-defying acrobatics, dodging attacks left and right while impressively throwing endless daggers hilt first at our enemies, stunning them with precision. He followed our challenging mission to spare the lives of our foes.

  I just realized my thoughts have pointed out I’ve been doing the same to him. Ever aware of his presence even during that battle. I even recall him protecting me fiercely without an order or anyone’s word. All while I caged the beings coming through the violet gateways between the demonic monoliths surrounding the edges of the mountainous terrain around the Green Mount Lake and its roaring waterfalls. He’s stealthy scrutiny is agitating me, yet, I find myself searching for him when he’s nowhere to be found.

  Bezaliel is definitely around now, and I’m on wedding-preparations duty. From my knowledge, only a few of us foreign allies were assigned tasks for the upcoming handfasting. Queen Esmarelda was undoubtedly very motivated to host a unifying and joyous event for the Emeraldians. Understandably merited after such trialing and uncertain times for her people the last few weeks. With invaders at her doorstep.

  Even now, Bezaliel is watching me from the shadows of an alcove by the palace exit that leads out to the central gardens Kendra said she had completed her preparations for. Who is he fooling? He can’t possibly be thinking I’m not aware of his presence. It’s becoming more than irritating. This gray-eyed Angel had an agenda, and I wanted to figure it out. He didn’t need to be so roguish about it. Bezaliel clearly wants to exchange words with me beyond a passing wave of acknowledgment, greeting, or farewell gaze after a colossal battle. Am I that intimidating that he doesn’t think I’m trustworthy enough to have a more considerable conversation? Bezaliel, always mindful of my every move but barely saying a word? Is he merely going to watch me from near and far, or is he ever going to actually exchange more than pleasantries with me in passing? Enough of this. Why is he taking up so much residence in my mind when I have things to do!

  I turned around and headed in the direction of the alcove he was in. Bezaliel saw me traveling his way purposely and quickly
moved his gaze down and leaned back on the wall of the alcove with his arms crossed over his tunic. A tunic that did nothing to hide his partly-exposed smooth and dark-bronzed skin of his chest. Apparently, he was going to act like he hadn’t been watching my every move like a shadow. Unicorn dust! He was even residing in the shadows. Feigning an unconcerned composure. He, like every Angelus, wasn’t subtle. He couldn’t fool anyone, least of all me. “Bezaliel, why are you following me?” I asked while effectively trapping him in the space of the alcove.

  “Well, greetings to you as well. What makes you think I’m following you, Quicksie?” he replied with a ridiculous question. Even calling me by a ridiculous shortening of my name. I was correct. He was an annoying little snit. I recovered and centered myself as quickly as I could. Focusing the best I could on the ins and outs of my breathing.

  “Oh, forgive my manners, greetings. By the way, It’s QuickSilver, not Quicksie, and I know you know my name. You have indeed been shadowing me. Take it even literally. As you’re in the shadows even now,” I pointed out quite proud of myself. Pointing out the obvious, as he stared up at me with those startlingly clear grey eyes.

  “Well, your name is too long to always pronounce in full. Therefore I called you Quicksie, and I think it's fitting. Either way, are you sure it is not the other way around? Why are you always shadowing or looking my way? In fact, with your impressive height, anyone can point out the one casting the noticeable shadow is you,” he replied with snark.

  Why was he dodging my questions and turning this conversation back all on me? “I cannot help my height to appease you, nor was I shadowing you in the meaning you allude to. You’re intelligent enough, I assume, to understand the well-recognized idiom. Don’t argue with me about semantics. You’re present everywhere I go. My directions are guided by not only myself but others as I have tasks I’m responsible for. There isn’t a possibility in the casual world of coincidences that with every one of our numerous allies assembled, you would be near me each time I was around. I chose to come to you this moment to exchange words with you in case there was something you wanted to tell me. Apparently, I sensed wrong as you’re just not interested in answering my questions. You appear to only want to argue or disrespect me by not having the decency of granting me a straight answer,” I concluded my point. If he was going to be a snit, then I didn’t have to walk like I was on thin ice or mince words around him either.

  “Let us say all-wise and knowing Quicksie, that you’re correct, and I was indeed following you. Am I that repulsive to you that I don’t merit your company?” Bezaliel asked. He was making it his life-long mission to change my name.

  Wait a moment here. Repulsive? He’s not repulsive. I scanned his form from the top of his head to his boots. He seemed to shiver momentarily under my scrutiny. He was nearly a foot shorter than I of this, there was no argument, but that didn’t bother me one bit or pose a challenge to his battle skills. He was lithe, but you could notice from how tight his tunic was that he was indeed well-toned with a petite but well defined muscular body. He had a handsome youthful face, a cute nose, and those hauntingly beautiful eyes. Actually, Bezaliel was the opposite of repulsive. He was handsome and apparently my type.

  “You’re too attractive to be repulsive, and you know it. Stop being coy with me and speaking nonsense. Maybe you’re repulsed by me, and that’s why you have this fiery attitude with me,” I said.

  “Did you just say I was attractive?” Bezaliel asked, all while knowing I said so already.

  “You know what I said, Beza. It was clear in my tone. Maybe I’m the one you find repulsive since you converse with me like engaged in battle with your tongue,” I said while giving him a bit of space in case he did find me repulsive. At least I got my revenge and changed his name as well.

  I’m not vain, but I didn’t think I was unattractive. I thought of myself as fit and kind. What if Bezaliel was indeed repulsed by me? For some reason, that thought frightened and disappointed me. Maybe he was just too self-absorbed with his magnificent beauty to have a decent opinion or shred of respect for me. I wasn’t enough for him. I was probably too big, different, or intimidating to merit his approval and company. I found myself dejected, dropping my shoulders in defeat. Maybe I wasn’t enough for anyone right now. This handsome Angel, who I thought was following me all along didn’t like me. He was just doing his duty as a soldier.

  Without realizing it, Bezaliel stepped closer to me and wiped the wet that was apparently escaping my eyes with his soft fingers. “I’m sorry big guy. I was rude, and you most certainly don’t repulse me,” he said. Then I looked down to meet his gaze and saw him looking at me with a kind of hunger in his eyes. Why was he looking at me like that? Before I could comprehend what was happening, he pulled my face down by the neck and kissed me. Fireworks went off in my head as waves of lust and fiery want coursed through me from that kiss. I opened my mouth and let him in as his tongue indeed engaged in battle with me in another entirely welcomed way. He then jumped on to me, wrapping his legs around me to kiss me deeper. I put my arms around him, holding his firm and muscled butt in place as I brought us deeper into the shadows of the alcove.

  Settling his back against the wall, I found myself scorched and flushed in the wakes of our perfect kisses. When the lustful want for me to explore this further was starting to ensnare my mind, I remembered my duties for the night ahead. I reluctantly separated from our kiss to take in the beauty of this grey-eyed Angel with platinum curly locks of hair that reached his shoulder. He was a sight to behold with his light hair perfectly contrasting his tanned skin. Beza had a sapphire ring of a halo braided into the crown of his head.

  “I was right about you, my handsome Beza. You’re indeed a master at battling with your tongue,” I said with a smile. This made his tan cheeks color up a bit as he laid his head on my chest while I still carried him.

  “You’re excellent with yours as well, Quicksie,” he confessed, and finally, I found the hidden endearment in his name for me.

  “As much as I’d love to continue our clandestine meeting in this shadowy alcove, I’ve got to help with the preparations for Leilah and Azrael's wedding. Would you keep me company while I do?” I asked in an invitation.

  “Oh, yeah! Azrael’s big day is today, I heard! Absolutely. We Angels in all our history have never had such an event. Nor were we allowed to do much anyways. Our previous masters were ass-hats. It’s the first time ever we’re free since we were created. Eons of slavery were ended, thanks to everyone in your group! It’s why we’re all so motivated to see you all succeed. I’m excited your friends and the sovereign of this realm are hosting such a monumental event. Will I be your plus one at the wedding?” he said.

  “Oh, you’ll be by my side, alright. Hopefully, more afterward, too,” I whispered a lustful promise into Bezaliel’s ear. He tightened his hold on me, which I took as an affirmative understanding of my wants, and then unwrapped his legs from my waist.

  “Well, then we better get to work,” he answered.

  “Alright, follow me. Kendra spoke with me earlier and put me in charge of seating in the Emerald palace’s central gardens for the guests. I never thought of it the way you described. I guess it is the very first and historically best festive occasion for Angels. I’m guessing we’ll have a lot of attendees. I’m glad you’ll be in my company,” I said as I led us out of the alcove towards the giant open doors that led to the palace.

  When we stepped outside to the palace gardens, I was momentarily lost. Kendra had mind-spoke to me in a rush earlier and sounded distracted about seating for the wedding. When I walked out of the tall palace doors for a moment, I think anyone would think they had stepped into another realm altogether. “Holy crap!” exclaimed Beza. The mouth on my petite Angel was undoubtedly modernized. He spoke like the residents outside the paranormal realms of Terra.

  “Kendra certainly outdid herself here. This is beautiful,” I added.

  Gone were the shiny greens and gold
s that gave the large Emerald City its name. Everything was resplendent in white flowers. It looked like the Emerald City as far as my senses could go, was bathed in perfumed and countless white flowers.

  “Well, if we’re going to have a historic wedding, Kendra certainly got trigger happy. This looks like a paradise made up of every flower the perfumes in Sephora are made from,” Beza said to my confusion.

  “I’m not familiar with that land. Where is Sephora?” I asked, genuinely curious. I thought I knew of all the realms here on Terra.

  “It’s not land. It’s a shop that’s popular in the human realm. People go there to buy cosmetics, lotions, perfumes, and therapies for their skin,” Beza explained. Now I got the relevance, and what he said made more sense.

  “Well, I guess then you are right to compare Kendra’s conjurings in this city with that shop. The city is undoubtedly fragrant and beautiful. I can see how people would want these scents on their person,” I agreed.

  “I don’t really like perfumes or colognes, so don’t wear any on my account. You have a delightful scent of pine and sandalwood. More masculine and sexy,” Beza confessed with a smile that sent pleasure through me to hear.

  “I wouldn’t want you to change your scent either. It’s a mouth-watering scent that reminds me of elderberries and cinnamon,” I complimented in kind. Bezaliel rewarded me with a smile.

  “Flattery will get you anywhere with me, sexy Quicksie. To give you a bit more about my background, I’m known as the Angel of Observance or shadow of the gods. I guess your spidey-senses were right about that. Though, usually, I can be stealthy quite well when I want too. I just have no interest in being hidden from you. Back to giving you the rundown on me. My biography in brief if you will. I was part of the twenty original Angelic watchers of the realms. I remained invisible mostly to humans, but I’d get fascinated by their happenings and follow them around. That is how I know of Sephora.


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