Somewhere in Between
Page 24
Ducking her eyes, and looking at where their bodies were pressing together, Gemma smiled shyly. “Me too. Obviously.”
“I was… I was afraid though,” he croaked out. When her eyes met his again, a question in them, he elaborated. “I didn’t want to scare you. The way I feel, the way I feel about you, it’s kind of overwhelming, for me, and I didn’t want to do anything or say anything that would freak you out, make you hate me or be afraid of me.” Her features softened at his words, her brown eyes lighting up.
“I couldn’t hate you, Elliot,” she laughed. “And while I feel incredibly nervous, I’m not afraid.”
“You’re not?” he questioned.
Shaking her head, Gemma ducked her head slightly. “I um, I’ve been thinking, like I said, for a while. I finally talked to Dr. Archuleta about everything because I wasn’t sure if it was right for me to feel…well, anything.”
“What do you mean?”
“I liked you before,” she admitted still blushing and avoiding his eyes. “I liked you and then I was…hurt, and I didn’t know if I could keep liking you. I didn’t know if it was okay for me to feel anything, or if I really would ever feel anything again. But then, the way you have been, and the last month, everything has just started coming back for me, and I wanted to make sure it was okay for me to like someone… you, again.”
“What did Dr. Archuleta say?” He was a little shocked Gemma felt this way. Those bastards did a number on her to make her think she couldn’t feel anything romantic for someone again. It also made him realize why he was told to let Gemma take the lead.
“She said…” her thought trailed off. She wasn’t sure if Elliot knew their doctor had been raped once too. And she didn’t want to betray that trust so she found a way around it. “She said lots of women are attacked and they become someone’s wife. And there is nothing wrong with them.”
He nodded, relieved to hear that. But he was curious as to what Gemma had wanted to say but backtracked on. Either way, he got the answer he wanted so he was willing to let it go. “There is nothing wrong with you. Something bad happened to you, yes, but that doesn’t mean it has to define you.”
“That’s what she told me, too,” Gemma laughed with tears brewing in her eyes. As she wrapped her arms around Elliot’s torso, holding him to her, she felt it. For the first time in so very long, she actually felt somewhat normal, and best of all, she felt real happiness. She just hoped there weren’t any more surprises that would threaten that feeling.
The weekend passed in a blur. Just as before their big confessions, Gemma and Elliot spent every waking moment together. Only this time, while they still held hands, they also shared small light kisses. Both knew it would be a while before Gemma (and even Elliot after what he’d stumbled upon) would be ready for anything more than that, and they were okay with it. There was no rush. After all, they were still trying to heal.
That night, Gemma ate dinner at Elliot’s house, holding his hand at the table. The way Grace beamed at them made Gemma blush, but she knew at least it wouldn’t be her getting the inquisition later. At least not from Elliot’s mother.
When Gemma got home that night, Leigh immediately knew something big had happened and wanted to know everything.
“Well, what?” Gemma plays dumb, though it’s hard fighting the smile.
“Don’t be daft, you know what.”
“He likes me. A lot.” She lets the smile play, happy tears filling her eyes but not spilling. “And I um, I got to experience my first kiss.” A giggle escapes with this news. Everything feels too good to be true, like she’s flying.
“Oh my… are you serious!” Leigh hugs her tight, laughter in her voice. “Oh sweetie, that’s… well, I can just tell by looking at you how great that is.”
“It really is.”
“And how are you?”
It’s unfortunate that this question is asked, but it’s part of her life now. “I’m surprisingly good. I mean yeah I freaked out, but it wasn’t because we kissed. I never thought it could be real, you know? I always thought I’d like him, and he’d like someone else. I’d move on from it eventually, probably if we didn’t see each other anymore, but this just feels…unreal. Unreal but amazing.”
“I’m so happy for you, Gemma. For both of you. You guys have been through a lot. I’m so happy to see it bring you both closer together.” Leigh doesn’t know it, but that’s exactly what Dr. Archuleta had been referring too, and Gemma is happy about it too.
After dinner, Elliot drove Gemma home, going as slow as possible, not wanting to end their time together. He knew by the way his mom was acting that he was definitely going to be grilled about the latest developments. Parking in the driveway, he got out of his car, hurried around to the passenger side, and helped Gemma from the car. After promising to call her later to debrief on their grilling sessions, Elliot lightly kissed Gemma’s lips, smiling as he did so, before heading home. The moment he entered the house, his parents were waiting.
“Calm down, Grace, you’ll scare the poor boy,” his dad laughs while his mom bounces, it’s a trait Christie inherited.
“What’s going on?” Elliot asks, trying to play like nothing is out of the ordinary.
“Don’t you act stupid, young man! I want details,” Grace’s voice is stern but her face is all smiles.
“What kind of details?” That’s it, draw it out more.
“You were holding Gemma’s hand, not just as a supportive friend. And you have the goofiest grin on your face. We weren’t born yesterday, Elliot.”
He almost laughs at the way his mom is practically vibrating with excitement. Sitting down, he shakes his head, a smile on his lips. “I guess you could say Gemma and I are together now,” he says, then thinks about it a minute. While it is implied, he knows he needs to make sure they’re defined during their conversation later. “She told me she likes me, that she’s been worried about it because of everything, and that after talking with our doctor, she realizes it’s okay for her to like someone, to like me. And I um, I told her I like her too.” He ducks his head, his cheeks heating. “Yeah, um, we also um, well, we also shared our first kiss.”
“Oh my sweet boy, that’s wonderful!” his mom moves to him, hugging him tight. “I just knew there was something different about the two of you.”
“We’re happy for you son,” his dad smiles. “Gemma is an amazing girl. Treat her right.”
“I will.” He looks off to the side, staring toward the kitchen before returning his eyes back to his parents. “I love her.” It’s not the first time he’s said this. He told Gemma, and while she didn’t say it back, and he didn’t expect her to since his was a heat of the moment explosion, he feels relief saying it again. He just hopes she’ll be able to say it back to him too someday soon.
His mom just nods. “We know, sweetie. We know.”
That night on the phone, they laughed about the reactions they received. Gemma hadn’t told her parents yet, since neither were home when she went to bed, but she knew they’d be happy for her. Andrew liked Elliot, trusted him, and Caroline, she would just be happy to see Gemma happy.
They also officially defined their relationship. While they still intended to maintain their friendship, because it was important to them, they confirmed that they were in fact dating. And while Gemma couldn’t help the small giggles that escaped her at this, Elliot was hard pressed to wipe the ridiculously wide grin from his face.
While they spent the whole weekend talking, clearing any lingering doubt away, and kissing some more, nothing about their days changed. So when Monday rolled around, when someone noticed their increased affection for one another, it was almost a surprise.
“You guys are together? Like for real and official and everything?” Becky asked as they walked into the cafeteria for lunch. She was standing with Lisa gossiping about Ricky Carmichael and some party he was trying to sneak by his parents. Again.
��Um, yeah. We are,” Elliot answered, his grin stretching across his face, a light pink tinting his cheeks. He squeezed Gemma’s hand, noticing her sweet smile.
“Aw, that’s so sweet. Look how goofy that grin he has is,” Lisa laughed as she pinched Elliot’s reddened cheek. “The girls will be so heartbroken. Good lord I can’t wait to see that!” She said that more to Becky, who just laughed. “We should buy popcorn.”
“Definitely. Bet some guys are gonna be pissed now, too.” She winked at Gemma before smiling at the two. “But seriously. Congrats you guys,” Becky said as she and Lisa walked away.
After that, Maggie approached them, her boyfriend Stu, in tow. “I heard you guys were finally going out,” she said bluntly. For being the good Christian girl, she sure didn’t mince words. “I’m so happy you figured it out!” She pulled Gemma into a hug and clapped Elliot on the shoulder before pulling Stu away before he could utter a word.
It was a never ending barrage of congratulatory remarks after that. The whole thing made Gemma uncomfortable. It wasn’t so much that people felt the need to comment, it was just that they were coming at her so frequently and it was hard to take. Elliot, fortunately figured it out quickly, and they chose to take lunch in his car.
“You’d think we were the newest circus act,” he commented around his sandwich.
Gemma nodded. “Especially after Trisha all but outted us. Even if it didn’t exist at that time, it still shouldn’t be that big of a deal.”
“You know how it is though. High school, drama, who’s dating who. It’s like Hollywood, but smaller.”
Once school ended, both high-tailed it to the car to escape.
The next day, prepared for another round of commentary, Elliot had suggested avoiding the lunch room all together. Gemma was ready to agree when Leighanna stopped their escape. “Trust me. They’ll leave you alone with me around.”
She was right. With Leighanna next to them, people kept their distance, knowing that she’d probably tell them to go away. Trent couldn’t help but laugh at the way his girlfriend intimidated people. “My baby is a guard dog,” he’d said with pride in his voice.
From then on, people left Elliot and Gemma alone. Their novelty wore off as Valentine’s Day came and went, forcing boys and girls alike to think more about their own romantic lives than that of someone else. For Elliot and Gemma, it was a simple celebration. They didn’t exchange gifts, and didn’t go out to eat at a fancy restaurant. What they did do was make some popcorn, pop in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and watch all three extended edition movies until both fell asleep. They wanted to keep everything small, comfortable.
As February turned into March, Prom preparation began helping to keep further distraction off of the two. And as the days passed, and Spring Break approached, bringing about the end of March, the ease in which Gemma and Elliot fit together, was wonderful. It was effortless.
Unfortunately, that couldn’t be said for every relationship.
Josh and Christie were still only talking on occasion, as Christie still had moments of reversion any time she felt left out. And her relationship with Gemma was nearly non-existent. She had yet to say anything to Gemma about what had happened that first day back at school in January, and only spoke to Elliot at dinner, if it was necessary. Both felt very discouraged by this, but held on to the hope that Christie was just working through whatever was going on with her. They did wonder if Christie was somehow still in contact with Penny and Cassie, but were reassured from Trisha, of all people, that both girls were placed in separate boarding schools that were the strictest in the nation. How she knew, neither Elliot nor Gemma were willing to find out.
One thing that was a positive was the relationship Gemma developed with Trisha. After everything that the two young women had gone through, together and individually, they formed a special bond. It was weird for Elliot to know his girlfriend was hanging out with the one who had blinded him, but he let it go because it helped Gemma.
“You two are adorable together. You know that, right?” Trisha asked Gemma one day as they spoke before Gemma’s doctor’s appointment and after Trisha’s had ended.
Of course, Gemma blushed. “Thank you.”
“I know he liked me once. I know those rumors weren’t completely false,” Trisha said shocking Gemma. “But I also knew that it wouldn’t have mattered, even if I did give him the time of day.”
“Why’s that?” Gemma asked, wondering if she wanted to know.
“Because he loves you. You don’t have to know him to know that. It’s all over his face, deep in his eyes.” The statement was simple and forceful. “He would have realized it sooner or later if I had given him a chance. He looks at you, and always has looked at you, the way every girl who likes a boy wants him to look. I’m so happy you guys have each other.”
“I love him too,” Gemma said softly back.
“Have you told him yet?”
Shaking her head, Gemma felt guilt. While he hadn’t repeated the words since that first day, Elliot had said them to her. She knew she felt it, knew she wanted him to know, but a part of her was still terrified.
“Tell him when you’re ready. Don’t say it just because. Say it because you not only mean it, but are ready to have it overwhelm you.”
Gemma never told Elliot of that conversation. Not because she didn’t want him to know, but because it was important for her to know, for her to process completely. And she didn’t want to make him uncomfortable considering he found it weird for her to be friends with someone she hadn’t been completely comfortable with months earlier.
They were two days into Spring Break when there was a knock on the door that made the fairytale take a backseat. Gemma and Elliot sat on the sofa, watching a college basketball game with Leighanna and Trent when Andrew walked into the room with a tall black-haired man wearing a crisp suit and long coat.
“Gemma, got a visitor for you and Elliot.” Andrew moved around to sit in his chair, offering a seat to the man and asking Leighanna and Trent to give them a moment.
“Hello, Gemma, Elliot.” He shook their hands before sitting. “My name is Agent Carlos Ramirez. I am the FBI agent in charge of your case. I just wanted to take a moment to speak with the two of you about how things are progressing, the steps we are taking, and anything else you may have questions on.”
For nearly two hours Agent Ramirez spoke with the two and Andrew, until Caroline came home from work and joined the conversation. He explained the nature of the case, how there were two other agents working with him in other cities, hoping to gain better ground on the three men. He told them Agents Susie Cromwell and her husband Alex were his go-to in Tennessee and Minnesota and that there had been a report of another attack, this time in the three men’s home state of Idaho. The reason for the delay in speaking with them was due to that investigation.
“They’re still at large, hurting others,” Elliot whispered, echoing the thoughts in Gemma’s mind.
“We have contacts with the Broomfield Police, and surrounding areas, including surrounding states. And in each district, every police force is at our disposal, as we have set up a task force to ensure they do not get away. No one wants to see them get away with it,” Agent Ramirez stated firmly, his youthful look fading with the force of his words. “I just wanted to take tonight to come and introduce myself, explain a little of the situation and let you know we haven’t forgotten you.”
With a promise to be in touch, Agent Ramirez left the Grady house. It was so quiet one could hear a pin drop. Until Gemma couldn’t take the quiet any longer. Rising from her spot on the sofa, finding her legs weak from the prolonged sitting and tension, she moved to the kitchen, surprised to see Trent still at the house. She’d almost forgotten he was there before Agent Ramirez arrived. She felt guilty for that, and Leigh must have noticed.
“Don’t what?”
��Whatever you’re thinking, don’t worry yourself about it.”
“I said don’t.” Leigh spoke with such finality, that it instantly quieted Gemma, her jaw snapping shut.
Several seconds passed before anyone spoke. “Gemma?”
It was Trent that time. “Yes?”
“Are you okay?” His question was soft, and so sweet coming from his intimidating frame. It nearly broke her heart.
“Not yet, Trent.” He just nodded at her. He was older than her, a senior to her sophomore, and yet in that moment, her answer made him look like a lost little boy. And she wanted to comfort him, take away that look and bring back the jovial smile he always seemed to have in his eyes. In an instant she was furious. Those three men took her innocence from her, destroyed her ability to trust easily, and made her afraid of everything. But they also hurt Elliot, and now it was reaching farther, falling onto Trent, someone who was just her sister’s boyfriend, but it mattered because he cared about her.
He reached for her hand, nearly startling her. “Like I told you before, I’m here for you. Anything you need, I’m here for you.” The haunted look in his deep blue eyes told her he’d heard everything, so that meant he knew even more. He knew what those men had done to her. He knew that Elliot had found her. Her small circle was growing and that terrified her. Not because she was scared people would talk, but because it meant that they may look at her differently, think of her differently. And perhaps in the end, want to be around her differently.
“I… thank you.” She didn’t know what to say. She just wanted to run and hide. In one way she was grateful to finally see the FBI working on her case. But on the other hand, she’d been doing so well, things had been going so well, and then with the arrival of Agent Ramirez, it just slapped everything she wanted to push away right back into her face. It was like a cosmic joke. The universe gives her everything she wanted, but it won’t allow her to be completely happy because boom! Homecoming night is thrown back at her.