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Rome's Perfect Boy

Page 4

by Alex Fox

  And afterwards, Nodus helped me lie down on my stomach; helped put a small pillow under my hips to lift my buttocks to make it easier to sleep.

  When I was settled, he sat on the chair at the table and said, “I will sit with you till you sleep. Master's orders. He wishes that you are well and safe."

  "Umm,” I said. So tired ... Though I asked him, “Nodus, tell me about my master ... I fear I am falling in love with him. Does he love his boys? What does he do with his special discipline?"

  "That is not for me to discuss. That is Master's business, not mine.” He was quiet for a moment, then began talking again. “Though I will tell you some things about him that will help you understand him and his ways. Antonius is not easy to explain, but I have known him all my life. You see, Marcus, he believes that pleasure is our duty to seek; he believes pleasure will free us as men, even for women too—to free us to be our true liberated selves. He believes that pleasure is a discipline like his army training, and he believes that pleasure will take us to the Divine, the place where men become as the gods are."

  He paused to take a drink of wine. I listened, enthralled, not really understanding his words, but some of them were making their mark on me.

  "Please tell me more,” I sighed and let myself feel the phallus filling my anus, my master's phallus, his gift to open me for more.

  Nodus went on, “So his pleasure is not just mere pleasure to him; it is much, much more. And should be so for all men; to seek it, to master it, to allow it to help us reach the gods and be as the gods are. Antonius believes this is how the gods live, in a constant state of mastered pleasure. And the greatest pleasure our lives can give us is sexual.

  "Oh yes, Marcus, there is pleasure in food and good wine, in war, in battle, in the beauty of the earth and sky, in friendship and love, but none so great as sexual pleasure, as there we can reach ecstasy. We can reach that perfect state of bliss that only the gods know. Antonius believes we too can have that divine state of complete and constant bliss through disciplined sexual pleasures. Not just mere fucking, as that is good and serves its own purpose; but no, to Antonius, sex must be a ritual act, designed to reach bliss and not wasted. It must be ritualized, controlled with his own ideas of discipline. His desires are to reach the Divine, for who needs the gods when we can have their divine ecstasy within our own bodies and minds? Do you understand this, Marcus?"

  "Some ... some of it. But Nodus, why does he not show himself to me? Though I have seen his erection, I have not seen his naked member. Is this a part of his ritual and discipline?"

  "Oh, yes, very much a part of it. When he is disciplining you, it greatly excites him, arousing him to that state of ecstasy, and by denying his erection, denying himself release and touch, it heightens his pleasure to that divine state."

  "Does he ever release? Does he reach orgasm?"

  "Yes, boy, he does. He will reach it without you touching him, without him touching himself, and without you seeing his member. He ejaculates when you do. I know; I wash his kilts!” He laughed. “He sprays under those kilts of his, and he has a massive cock, believe me he has. How he manages to control such a monster is a wonder to me. But he will show it to you one day when you are fully trained and broken in. What you wear in your anus now is only a tiny thing; for you are a virgin and you need to be stretched more before you can take Master's great prick."

  "I cannot wait, Nodus,” I mumbled. I was falling asleep, so well beaten, so well pleasured, so filled, but before I went off with Morpheus, I asked, “Nodus, why are you here and know so much about him? Does he have old men as well as boys?"

  "Let me show you why I am here."

  He lifted up the skirt of his tunic and showed me his naked penis, and what I saw was a delight. For I had imagined a wizened up thing nestled in grey hair, tiny and useless, but how wrong I was! The sight of it aroused me, and I stared. Huge and long, thick and well shaped, healthy and slightly swollen, the eye of his cock-head poking out at me from a tight foreskin, his balls hanging low.

  "See?” he said. “Just because I am over sixty years does not mean I am not virile anymore. There are many, many old men of my age and older who are more randy than younger men, more eager to watch ourselves spurt all over the faces of our bed-partners. Even now I grow hard for speaking of it and showing it to your virgin eyes. I would fuck you myself if you were not Master's property. Would you like your arsehole opened by an older man, Marcus?"

  "That is a fine member, and it would seem fine to be taught such lessons by an older tutor. I see no problems in it, but I am Master's."

  "And if not? Would you let me?"

  And his cock grew harder before me.

  "I think so."

  "That is good. You are an eager pupil.” He covered himself again and sat back down. “Go to sleep now. I cannot leave you till you sleep, and I am eager for my own boy."

  I wondered what boy Nodus slept with, but I did not ask. I was too tired and slowly went off to sleep, still happy to feel my hole stretched wide and filled.

  * * * *

  I woke in the morning to the gentle feel of something being taken from me; I woke fast. Master! Standing at my side and slowly withdrawing the phallus from my anus as I still slept. I had overslept and now he had come to take it out himself.

  "Lie still,” he said. “It is all right, my boy, you are so tired and experienced so much last night; your branding and then this, no wonder you have overslept."

  I lay still for him, hoping that he would reward me for wearing the phallus all night as he ordered me. He took it out, and again, I felt only loss and emptiness.

  Master came and stroked my hair from my eyes, my face. “So beautiful in the morning, you are, Marcus.” He turned next to my loincloth, undid the ties and took it off. I thrilled to be naked for his eyes. He parted my buttocks and looked at my hole.

  "Good,” he said. “So good, wider and so very pink and waiting for my discipline.” He pulled me open further. “Marcus, my discipline will come tomorrow night.” He continued examining my open anus as he spoke, pulling me even wider and saying, “You need to rest tonight, and tomorrow night we will start, though I am worried I am pushing you too far, too soon. Tell me your own thoughts, boy."

  "I am ready, Master. So eager to feel all you have to teach me. I am ready."

  "You are very eager; maybe we are moving too fast. No, I will leave you waiting for a while longer and we can continue with your branding and the phallus. Tonight then, after supper, I will brand only your thighs and use the phallus again. I will leave my discipline for another day. Now, I am going to take the boys to market. Go back to sleep if you wish and later, go out to play with Lucan."

  "Please, Master, no; I am ready!"

  "No, Marcus, you are not!"

  And he turned away and went marching out, leaving me lying open and feeling I had offended him, spoiling his pleasure with me. He closed the door hard and I almost cried for his loss and his anger. I cried for a little while and fell back to sleep.

  I slept for a while longer and woke to feel someone sliding into bed beside me; a warm, strong naked body. I turned in surprise to find Lucan at my side; he kissed my face and put his arms around me and held my back to his chest. I relaxed in his arms and smiled in pleasure. But soon I felt his body shaking and again I turned to face him; he was crying.

  I said, “Lucan, what's wrong? Why do you cry?"

  "Master is selling my friends, and now they are gone and I'm alone here, save only you."

  I kissed his tears as he sighed and stroked my face. “So beautiful you are, Marcus, so tender and sweet. I would take you as my lover, but of course, this is not allowed. You are Master's now."

  "I think I am."

  We held each other close, and kissed softly.

  He stroked my hair and said, “I see he has branded you; did he hurt you, Marcus?"

  "No, no, I wanted him to brand me—it was wonderful, Lucan, so wonderful..."

  He went quiet a moment.
I looked up at him as he held my head to his shoulder.

  He said, “Are you saying you wanted to be branded, that you liked it?” He seemed shocked.

  I told him, “Yes, I wanted it, Master wanted it. I pleased him and I pleased myself. I want more, much more. I want to go all the way with him and have him teach me to submit to his every desire."

  "Oh, Marcus, do you know what this means? It means he has found the boy he's been looking for all his life. It means he will no longer need me; I never submitted to his strap. I did not like it and I didn't want it. He only keeps me because I can take his massive cock, both in my mouth and my hole: he used to love me in some way, so he kept me. He bought other boys though, always looking for that special one. I think he's found you now, and he will not need me anymore. He'll sell me on. I've been here seven years, this is my home. I want to stay here with you. I could love you, Marcus."

  He pushed me down onto my back and held me, held me by my wrists and crushed me under his stronger body; the head of his cock thrust against my balls.

  "I want you, to open you.” He moaned as he kissed me. “Take you from him and we can run away..."

  "I don't want to run away! I want only him, my master. Lucan, please, let's just be friends, kiss me, play with me, but don't despoil me; you know he will kill you if you do. Please ... get off me..."

  I struggled only a little; I did not want him feeling me struggle as I thought this would only make him want me more. He looked down into my eyes and kissed me again, then he released me and pulled away. He got out of my bed and gathered his loincloth, his cock thrusting up with unfulfilled desire.

  He tried to dress himself, to push his thing back down and cover it. He said, “I will not despoil you. You are all his now. I will go to Nodus; he may be old, but he's very virile. And he doesn't spend all his time tying me up, or tying my cock up in rings or leather, or playing stupid games of discipline. He just gets on with it. I'll see you later."

  And out he went, angry, hurt, I did not know what. He slammed the door, and I could only lie in my bed and wonder about it all, this new life of mine...

  I saw Lucan again later that night in the bathhouse; he was already in the water and I joined him. I went to him and kissed him, for he looked so sad.

  I said, “Did you go with Nodus? Why not let him keep you as his boy? Then you can stay here."

  "I went to him. He had his own boy with him, I watched. I am too old for Nodus, how ironic! Twenty-four years old and I am too old for him, and he's sixty-five!"

  He laughed at this and I laughed with him.

  "What boy does he have?” I asked, for I had seen no other boys here in Master's villa save those sold this morning.

  "A boy from the city comes almost every day, sleeps with him every night. About your age—a grubby youth who works with the legion's horses and smells bad, but Nodus likes him, so where does this leave me? I am lost."

  Poor Lucan—I could do nothing for him. I bathed and got out of the water when Nodus came to run the strigil over my oiled body. Soon, he would take me to Master and I was more than ready for my next lesson with him. Nodus dressed me in a new loincloth and a fine red robe, and led me once again to Master's playroom. Every time I came here, I could not control my beating heart, my fast breath, and my trembling limbs.

  Under Master's hand, I was a trembling fawn, and I loved it, to feel this way. I wanted to run to him, to throw myself into his strong arms, to fall at his feet and gaze up at him, to worship his body, to worship his great thrusting member. I dreamt of his member! I wanted to see it so badly; I believed I would give way my obedience and beg him to show it to me. And not just his member, but his huge hanging testicles—oh, please, I begged the Lord Cupid, please let Master reveal his manhood to me tonight.

  But when I went into the playroom, I saw my Master sitting on the couch, fully dressed, this time wearing a tunic and sandals, army style. I knew he was a highly ranked officer of the Equestrian Class and his tunic reflected his rank. His hips were girded with a finely braided gold belt, from which hung a pugio dagger; his gladius sword lay on the table.

  "Marcus, so good to see you, boy. You are looking fine tonight. Come, have some wine with me; for this morning, I made good prices on the boys I sold. I made sure they went to good masters; men I know well. I made good coin today, and we will have a long night together to enjoy it. First, we will drink some wine. And you will tell me about your last master and what he did with you; for I do not understand his desires. And I wish to know the ways of other men with their boys. Please, sit with me on the couch."

  He sat on one side of the couch and reclined, and I sat at the opposite end. Before us was a low table to serve from; and it was Master who now served me! Oh, what a strange and beautiful man he was.

  He poured the wine and handed me a glass. “Taste it, it is my good Armenian wine. You will love it; it will flood your senses with sweet joy and you will be one with Bacchus. It is our duty as men to be one with the gods. For if we are to be mortal, we must seize everything that the gods have offered us and make it our own. Marcus, seize it and take it and make it ours to command."

  His eyes shone and I drank his wine; so fine!

  "It is divine, Master,” I said.

  "Of course it is—the grape vine is a gift from the gods. Drink it and tell me, what did your old master do with you?"

  He leant back to recline on the couch and wait for my answer, watching me with his dark eyes and his parted lips. It was his lips I wanted to taste, more than his wine.

  I did not know where to begin, so I told him only, “My old master did not touch me, he only viewed me. I was made to stand naked in his house all day and pose for him. To adore me, my body, as the finest boy in Rome. He made me grow my hair long—like it is now, Master—and he took me from room to room and posed me where he wanted me; that is all."

  "So he did not touch you? He never trained you for sexual pleasures?"

  "No Master. I think now that looking at me naked in my poses was his sexual pleasure."

  "Did he ever touch himself in front of you?"

  "No, Master, he did not."

  "Did he ever disrobe himself in front of you? He was always dressed?"

  "Yes, Master."

  "Such a strange man! Did you ever see him erect from under his robes?"

  "No, Master."

  "Even stranger. And yet I feel there are many ways a man can reach the Divine. By viewing you naked, he gained something from you in a way I could never do and yet, I think I can understand his pleasure in merely viewing your beauty. Is this all he did with you?"

  Master's eyes were keen on my face and on my body. Even though I was fully robed, I could see the desire in his dark eyes for my naked body.

  I answered him, “Sometimes my old master had parties; many guests would come, men and women, to eat and drink and recline. He would always call for me and have me disrobe for his guests, and I was made to stand naked for their pleasure, a centerpiece at his party, and pose. But no one was ever allowed to touch me, Master. If anyone tried to touch me, he would throw them out and never invite them again. He said my nakedness was pure and to touch me was to rape me.” I gave a light laugh and hung my head. “If my old master knew what you do to me, he would have a terrible fit and die.” I laughed.

  Master also laughed as he said, “Yes, he would. Each man has his own way of reaching the Divine. It was divine pleasure to him to view you naked and watch you pose. Drink your wine!"

  I did his bidding and drank my wine. I felt so good, talking to my Master, hearing his voice in his knowledge. And when I drank my wine, he took the glass from me.

  "And now you will pose for me as I wish to try and understand more of this old master's feelings and sensations. I will try not to touch you. So, disrobe for me now, Marcus, and stand before me in your poses."

  My heart jumped with excitement. Oh yes! Disrobe for my Master.

  My old master had never made me feel this way, so excited
to take off my robes before him. For my old master, I had felt nothing; I was only his boy, his beauty. But for my new master, I felt everything; so many feelings, it made my head swoon with delight as I slipped my robes from my shoulders. When I saw his eyes watching me, so fixed on me, I was sure he saw nothing else. I thrust my hips to one side, untied my loincloth and let it fall very slowly. I heard him take in a breath as if he had never seen me naked before.

  I stood pale and beautiful before him in my best pose—my arms loose behind my back, my right hand holding my left wrist behind me and over my buttocks; buttocks that were still marked with light red welts from last night's strapping. Oh, how I shivered as his eyes travelled up and down my body. My long dark hair fell forward over my chest, my slim shoulders, my narrow hips, my long slim legs, and my manhood lying neat against my balls.

  And I looked at Master looking at me; he could not take his eyes off me; up and down my body, his gaze went again and again.

  He breathed hard and said, “Turn around."

  I turned and showed him my whipped back and my pert round buttocks, the backs of my thighs, smooth and taut. And I almost fainted when he spoke.

  "Tonight, I will whip your thighs, the backs of your thighs only. Not too hard, Marcus, only enough to raise small welts, for you really are too tender and delicious to treat like a horse or a beaten dog. For you, and only for you, my strapping will be as tender as a lover's kiss."

  "Oh Master, you are so erotic to say such things to me. Please do it now. I am trembling for you. I will faint with anticipation!"

  I heard him get up from the couch and come up behind me. He took hold of my slim shoulders in his strong hands and held me. I felt his lips touch my neck and I fainted. I fell back into his arms and swooned; he held me to his chest.

  He said, “I want to make this evening last for a long, long time. I have much work to do with my soldiers tomorrow and I may not see you again for a while, Marcus."


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