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Rome's Perfect Boy

Page 5

by Alex Fox

  When his hand stroked down my chest and touched my stomach, I almost fell to the floor in my faint of pleasure.

  He breathed against my neck, his lips now at my ear. “I want to play with you all night. I want to take you into my world. I want to share my world with you, but you can only come into my world if I train you—for you cannot come with me without it. How can I know for sure you are the one I am looking for? How can I be sure you will endure me? My desires? I am afraid to break you too soon and I will lose you. So long, I've searched for the right boy and I am afraid of losing you. So, we must go slowly, step by step. Only then can I judge your response and know if you are the right one for me."

  "I am, Master, I am. I am the one you have been looking for. I know it in my heart and my soul and my body. My body is willing to do anything you command of it. I give my body to you for I want it this way. I need it this way. I want you to command me!” I fainted and fell at his feet, put my head down, and bowed low. “I am yours, Master, all yours. Use me, train me, teach me, despoil me!"

  "Marcus, I can never despoil you. Stay on your knees with your head bowed to the floor and let me think.” He turned away and I heard him pacing up and down.

  I kept on my knees and bowed my head as he wished, as I wished. Up and down before me, he paced; I heard his sandals hard on the stone floor. I did not look up.

  He said, “Stay down!” The command was so strong in his voice.

  "Yes, Master."

  Up and down, he went again and he sighed aloud. “I do not know what to do with you! I have never had a boy like you before. I want to break every bone in your body, just so I can make you helpless and heal you myself. Just so I can lift you up in my arms and lay your broken body on my bed and wrap you in my bandages. Just so I can take you to the ends of your endurance. The end of my endurance! Oh, Marcus, you are sorely testing me. Such beauty, such flawlessness, such willing submission; you make my head spin with desire, just as I do to you. I could kill you so easily; so easily and yet no. I want you impaled on my cock but I will not give it to you yet. You must prove yourself worthy of my love and my discipline, for I do believe now—you are taking me to a place I have never been before. Stand up."

  I lifted my head; I showed him my tears for he had made me cry. I knew then I was in love with him, and just to hear his commands was enough to make me weep with joy. I stood up on trembling legs, my heart beating so fast that I could feel it in my throat.

  "Stand in your pose,” he ordered me.

  I moved as he wanted me and stood in my pose, my hands again loosely behind my back, one hip slightly pushed to the side.

  Again, he appraised me. He said, “I can see why he kept you out of the sun; your skin, so pale, contrasts so beautifully with your dark pubic hair. Marcus, have your penis stand erect for me now."

  "Please, Master, I do not know how as I fear I have upset you. I don't know how to make it erect on command.” I wanted to cry for my failure to come erect.

  He paced up and down, and said, “Yes, you are not ready for this, but I want to see you hard. So, we must start again as it is my duty to teach you, to arouse you, to show the way. This means it is time to bind your wrists again and tie you to the ring. Time now for your strapping. This will make you very stiff, very hard, and I want you to ejaculate for me on my touch; though my overall aim over the coming days is for you to come without my ever having to touch you. I want you to come erect on my command, and ejaculate on my command. Do you understand this?"

  "No, Master, but I am willing to learn, desperate to learn, to do your will."

  He again was making me tremble, his very words that he could teach me to ejaculate on his command alone thrilled me.

  "You will learn."

  He took both my wrists in a single hand and took me to the ring for binding. I held out my wrists for him—waiting, shivering—as he went to the chest for his twine. Coming back to me, he tied my wrists together and pulled me forward. He lifted my arms to the ring, tied the twine to the ring, and left me hanging.

  He stood at my side and studied me, my face, my eyes; he lifted my chin with a finger and lightly kissed me, but not a lover's kiss, a light touch only. He said, “Are you excited now?"

  "I feel strange, Master, calm, but ready for your strap."

  "And your sexual pleasure? For your member is still flaccid. What do I have to do to you to make it stiff?"

  "Master ... I think your strap with harden it."

  "Yes, that is what I wanted to hear."

  He released my chin and went to fetch his belt strap; I heard him snap it, testing its strength. It was a fine thin leather, and doubled over; it gave a firm yet light sting to my flesh, flesh that was willing. Already, I felt the thrill filling my flaccid cock; soon, I would be erect and my Master would be pleased with me.

  "Are you ready, Marcus? I will brand only your thighs tonight."

  "So ready, Master, so ready."

  My heart thrashed as he stepped behind me, to my left side, and laid a swift quick snap below my buttocks, to the top of my left leg. I cried out! I could not stop it, so tender there and it hurt so much. I sobbed, gasped, cried, “More!"

  He whipped me three more times across the backs of my legs. The strokes came fast and I barely had time to brace for the next. My eyes stung and watered, I moaned and sobbed, and he moved to my right side and branded me again, terrible pain this time. I slumped in my bonds and fell against the wall, I pushed out my buttocks; oh, so much I wanted to feel him lash my buttocks, and I begged him for it.

  "Master, please, brand my cheeks, my arse, brand me there! I want it, I want it!"

  "Yes, boy."

  He gave me what I wanted, what I then craved for. Fine sweet slaps across my thrusting buttocks, again and again and again. I fell into a swoon of delight and my cock came up rigid.

  "Master, I am hard! I'm hard!"

  "Good boy, Marcus, you are so good, so good."

  He gave me another swift branding, only this time he did it from a new angle that allowed the strap to whip up between my legs and sting my balls. I nearly died with pleasure; I almost came!

  "Master! Do that again!"

  "Marcus, your flesh is aflame with my brands, oh so beautiful, the red welts."

  Then he did something that I was not expecting; he fell on his knees behind me and forced open my buttock cheeks with his hands, parted me wide, and lapped his tongue across my hole—again and again, he lapped at me. I felt him pushing his face deep into my arse and he moaned. He licked and lapped at my anus, making me wet, sending me blind with pleasure; I was reaching the Divine! I pushed my buttocks against his seeking lips and tongue; he licked up higher, then lower towards my tight balls, back to my hole, seeking entry and trying to plunder my anus with his tongue. I reached orgasm and spurted in great waves of ecstasy against the wall. I splashed my semen against the wall in a long throbbing emission that would not stop.

  I screamed aloud. He reached forward and took my cock in his hand and jerked my foreskin back and held me, feeling me spasm in his hand, directing my cum against the wall again. I thrust back and forward in his hand until nothing was left, until nothing was left of me. I was wasted, out of my mind with his gifts of pleasure. So controlled to spurt for his pleasure, I wanted my body to be his.

  So intense, I began to cry, to weep with the sheer emotion he flooded me with. I cried and cried and he came to his feet and untied me, let me down into his embrace, and lifted me up into his arms and carried me to the couch, my hero, my soldier, my commander, my Master...

  He laid me out on the couch, this time on my back, and lifted up my legs so I could not feel the leather of the couch rubbing against the backs of my whipped thighs. I lay here breathing deeply and weeping, loving him beyond all things. I looked up at him; gazed at him, fell into his eyes.

  He lowered to my side and stroked my face. “My Marcus, my Marcus; you must be the one, you must be! When you took my strap against your balls—it was that strap that
made you ejaculate and this is what I want you to do. I will torture your balls and I will discipline your anus, for these are my desires. It must be this way to reach the Divine; to discipline those parts of your body that must never been seen or touched. The most intimate parts of your body, Marcus, do you understand? I demand full obedience and compliance when I discipline your anus. Your testicles. Will you do this for me?"

  "My body is yours, Master."

  This was all I could say for I was depleted, sated, fallen into a state of bliss. My limbs were languid and I could barely form my words to speak. He was so intense! My Master, so intense. And he allowed me to return his caress as I reached out and touched his face but lightly. He took my hand and kissed it, held my fingers to his lips a moment. Only a moment.

  He released me and stood up, and then, I saw his huge erection tenting from under his tunic: would he show it to me?

  I begged him, “Master, please show it to me, please. I beg you."

  "No Marcus, it is not yet time. Soon it will be time, but not tonight."

  But all I wanted was his cock, his cum filling me. I begged him again. “Let me touch you, Master, let me touch it. I swear it to you; let me touch your naked cock, please, please..."

  "I love you when you beg,” he said. “But it is enough for tonight, and you will not ask this of me again. You are angering me now. And yet still, you are dangerously making your way into my heart. I do not know if this is good for us."

  And still he stood with his erection only inches from my face, thrusting up from under his tunic, always unseen! I looked up into his eyes; he looked so handsome, different, and he was hard, though lowering now, and his breath was rapid.

  He came and kissed my cheek, and said, “This session is over. I may not see you for a while—I am very busy tomorrow. So wait for me, Marcus. And my parting orders are these: do not touch yourself. Do not ejaculate without my permission. You may kiss with Lucan, but nothing more. No touching, no ejaculations, for either of you. You will not touch him—not his cock, or his anus, or his balls. He may not touch you. You may kiss him and nothing else. Do you understand my orders?"

  "Master, I do."


  He said nothing more, and went to gather his sword from the table. He went out without a backward glance. He did not look at me. He did not say goodbye. He only closed the door on me. And I wondered if I had done something wrong, something to displease him. Did I ask too much of him when I begged to see his member? Had I somehow ruined his path to the Divine? Surely, I must have. And I sat for a long time, alone, waiting for Nodus to come and lead me back to my room.

  * * * *

  So it was that my Master went away for too long. I fell into despair. Each day I sat with Nodus and Lucan in the garden, and the old man allowed me a few moments in the sun to brown but not enough to spoil my pale skin.

  I played with Lucan at exercises, and he taught me to throw and catch the giant ball. I began to be happy again, playing with Lucan. He chased me around the fountains in the garden, caught me and kissed me behind the trees. But we both obeyed Master's orders and did not touch each other's bodies. We bathed together, and Lucan's kisses became very intense—he dived his tongue deep into my mouth. He said if he could not fuck me with his cock, he would fuck my mouth with his tongue. And so he did and I enjoyed him. Nodus stayed close to us at all times, to see that we did not fall to masturbation. We were both forbidden to masturbate, to ejaculate. And I became very frustrated, but controlled my desires with thoughts of Master's commands. I thought of him every day and prayed to his household gods every night for his swift return; for now my body was beginning to ache for his touch, his discipline, and his whip. At night, alone in my bed, I tried to imagine what he was doing now, tried to imagine what he would do to me when he came home again ... I could not wait!

  One day—six days since Master had been gone—I went out to lie in the sun for a little while in the garden. Nodus sat nearby and Lucan sat playing his hands in the fountain. I lay out on my stomach on a towel in the sun, closed my eyes, and dreamed of Master's probing fingers. As I dreamed, I felt a shadow fall over me. I turned and there he was, my handsome Master, dressed in his beautiful gleaming armour and standing over me and blocking my sunlight.

  He said, “So I find you sun-burning your fine skin. Marcus, get up and go and sit in the shade."

  I jumped up at once, bowed to him, and said, “Master! Welcome home, I am so glad to see you."

  "Go and sit in the shade."

  He stood back and I went to sit next to Nodus in the shade. Here I stared at my Master, for he was stunning in his polished cuirass and belted skirt, sword at his hip, his helmet under his arm—I died to look at him like this! But there was a darkness about him now.

  He marched to come and stand before me. He said, “Come to me tonight after your bath, in the playroom. Be ready for something very special tonight. Tonight you will need strength, courage, and trust. I have waited long for this night and now I am ready, so you must be ready for me, Marcus."

  So he said, and he turned and marched away.

  I sat with my heart in my mouth, excited beyond my wildest dreams, trembling. I looked at Nodus.

  He said to me, “I think, Marcus, if you can endure what Antonius will do to you tonight, you will be his forever."

  I shivered again and looked over at Lucan. Still he sat by the fountain, watching me, saying nothing with a look of sorrow on his face.

  And it was agony to wait for the evening to come—agony! The day seemed to drag and crawl as slow as a snail trying to make its way up a tall terracotta pot. Nodus brought me some early supper as he said I would need my strength for tonight's session with Master Antonius. I could barely eat—too excited, too nervous, too thrilled...

  I went to my bath. I was alone tonight; no Lucan. I bathed well and Nodus ran the strigil with extra care and attention over my entire body. He oiled my skin, dressed me in my loincloth, and draped me in robes. He brushed my hair and laid it over my left shoulder to fall over my left breast. I took deep breaths to still my thrashing heart, and Nodus led me again to Master's playroom. I went inside.

  I was alone. I looked around the room and saw the furniture had been moved—the long padded table now sat with its head under the ring on the wall. I saw at once that I was to lie on the table, my head towards the wall, so Master could lift my arms up to the ring overhead.

  My heart began to race even faster and I sat on the couch and tried to calm myself. The lamps were already alight in their bowls and the room smelled of some sweet flowered fragrance. There was wine and water in pitchers on the table before the couch, and more fresh fruit—grapes, dates, and figs—in a large bowl near the pitchers. I ate a few grapes; I drank some water, for I would not help myself to Master's wine without permission.

  So long it took for him to come that I almost began to cry. And yet he did come; I stood for him and bowed low. Tonight, he was wearing a short tunic over the top of his kilt, a light leather belt, sandals on his feet, and a cloak around his shoulders that he took off and flung onto the couch.

  He said to me, “Sit down, boy."

  I sat. I waited.

  He sat with me again like before, on the opposite end of the couch and asked me to pour us both wine. I did so, with my hand shaking.

  He said, “You are nervous, I see."

  "I am, Master."

  "You can call me ‘sir’ sometimes too, not just ‘master’ all the time."

  "Yes, Master, sir..."

  He was quiet for a long time and drank his wine; I sipped mine.

  He sighed, got up, and again went and stood at the window, his back to me.

  After a while, when I knew something was wrong and still with his back to me he said, “I will be staying home for a few days, Marcus. I will work during the day, but my nights are free for a while."

  His voice sounded sad.

  I said, “Yes, sir. Master?"

  "Yes, Marcus."

p; "Is something wrong? I fear I hear it in your voice."

  He said, “Caesar is going on campaign; he will be gone a long time, I fear. I wished to go with him on campaign, but I was not chosen to go this time. He said he would take me next time on his Britannia campaign, only this time he is going to fight the Gauls. And I am not to go, but stay in Rome and oversee logistic matters. I did not want this!"

  He lost his temper, turned and sat down again opposite me. He tried to calm himself as we drank more wine. I did not understand his life outside of this villa. I knew nothing of Rome's army or our Caesar's campaigns, but that my Master knew our Caesar was enough to thrill me.

  And I dared to ask him, “Master, sir, are you a centurion?"

  "No, I am a Tribune and I should be with Caesar now.” He stopped, stared at me, and said, “And yet, if I was with him, I could not be with you. Sometimes, I wish for you more."

  This confession of his made me blush.

  He told me, “On campaign, my desires are not met, save only in the youths I can call to my tent and yet, when they see the size of my cock, they run away!"

  He laughed then, and I did not know if he was jesting with me or not.

  He went on, “I saw Lucan today. I told him I will not sell him. I will keep him for a while at least, until I know for certain that you are the one I have been looking for."

  He stood up and began his pacing again. He said as he paced, “Even though Lucan refused my discipline and my strap, I keep him for his skill at taking my fully erect member. He has value to me for that, and yet, I do not wish to sell him; he deserves better. So, Marcus, what I will do to you tonight will determine, for certain, if you are the one. And if so, I will need to re-evaluate Lucan's role in my life. For it seems to me now that you will be able to endure me and my needs. Do you think I speak with accuracy on this matter?"

  He stopped and stared at me for an answer as if I were one of his soldiers.

  I wanted him so much; I stood up, then fell on my knees before him. I said, “Master, I think you speak with great accuracy. I think you know me now, and I think you know I am the one. You need only give me this one test tonight. I swear to you, sir, I will endure all that you give me."


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