MC: Pres: Book Four
Page 14
“I was pissed I didn’t get what I wanted when I wanted it. It’s that fuckin simple. I was jealous that Kate didn’t stay home with me yesterday. I didn’t think about the kids, you or her. I just reacted, acting like a spoiled kid. It was pointed out to me that I’ve become a narcissistic bastard. I’ll be working on that while I see the therapist.”
I hold my fuckin face and laugh. “Narcissism is a mental disorder listed in the DSM.” He looks confused. “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. I think your ego is a bit inflated at times, but you don’t have a mental disorder.”
“How the fuck do you know this shit? You’re fuckin dyslexic.” He’s pissed.
I put my hand up. “How the fuck can you be pissed because I have trouble reading. My dyslexia is what helped me learn how to overcome obstacles. It’s not a disability so much as an ability to figure out a different way of doing things. Just because I have trouble reading doesn’t mean that I don’t read. Being dyslexic made me who I am. Apparently who I am pisses you right the fuck off. Why the fuck did you throw in with us if you can’t stand me?” As far as I’m concerned he’s got no fuckin right to be pissed.
“That’s not even close to it. You’re better at everything than me. You’re a better man than me. I respect the fuck out of you. I don’t know why Kate even loves me with you around.”
“So we’re back to that. After the way you’ve been acting, I don’t know what the fuck she sees in you, but whatever it is she loves it. The problem lies with how we’re going to handle being around each other without me ripping your fuckin head off for the disrespect you seem to need to throw at me. If I had done something wrong, I would understand it. The fact that it’s there because I’m breathing tends to piss me off.” I can’t be any plainer than that.
“I know I fucked up huge this time. I have been trying to work out my issues. I go to therapy regularly. I’m making the effort to be a part of this family. I love being part of the family. I’ll work to stay there. No, that’s wrong. I’ll fight to stay there. I know you can stop that, but I will fight for it. I’m sorry for what I did. If you tell me how to fix it I will. I need to fix what I fucked up with us before I can see Kate. What do I need to do Brother to make it right?” He’s sincere. His eyes are begging me and I feel like an ass for making him go there.
“You just did. You have some issues Ben. Stay with therapy until they’re worked out. If you need me to go with you to work us out, I will. You have a couple of things that you need to remember. Kate is about the kids on the weekends. That’s her time with them. I will always give her that. It’s what makes her such a great mom. I love that quality about her. Don’t give her shit about that time. She’s got seven kids under twelve to deal with. Rich, Patches and Tess then me and you on top of them. She doesn’t need any more stress than she carries. She’s amazing just the way she is. I won’t allow you to make her feel guilty for wanting to be a mom. Second, if you ever put your fuckin hands on me again, I will not hold back. I was serious when I said you got the only shots you are ever going to get. Third, you need to be at Security to help teach the kids to ride. They will be there in thirty minutes. You can’t expect me to keep picking up the slack for you. This is something their fathers should be doing together. That’s us and you’re up. I’ll take three and you take three.” I stand up.
“That’s it? You’re not going to beat the fuck out of me?” He asks making me laugh again. Fuckin Ben.
I hold my face. “Not today. You make me laugh. I need it. Next training I want to take your place. You’ll have to get me up to speed but I’m going.”
“Ok.” He says not believing me. This will give him some time with Kate without me being beside them. I think they need the time and this will work perfect.
“Took business in college too. I'm not a fuckin moron. I can do the job if you tell me what they need to know.”
“Fuckin Brother.” He shakes his head. I start my bike and ride away. I’m not into formation or his fuckin ego today. Steve throws me chin as I pass him going seventy.
I have the kids loaded and hope Danny shows up for their lesson. I haven’t heard from him and from what Nancy said Steve called off church today and a bunch of Brothers followed Danny for a ride. I don’t know what to think about Ben. If he is so set on me not being with the kids, I’m not sure he’s the man I thought he was. I put Danny through all this for nothing. I can’t believe I misjudged him so badly. My husband deserves a freakin medal for putting up with me. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see Danny in the lot. Ben walks out the door and watches me. At least they're in the same lot. Danny comes to the door before I shut off the suv, he has my door open and smiles as the kids jump out running to Ben.
“I’m glad to see you honey. I wasn’t sure what to expect.”
He smiles with his hand on his face and kisses me. Sparks run through me. I smile up at him. “Everything’s fine baby.”
“Thank you for that. I’ll be glad when you’re not in pain. Is this going to aggravate it?” I put my hand on his face.
“No baby. Ben is going to take three and I’ll take the other three. It will work out fine.” He kisses my head.
I feel my eyes burning. “Thank you.” I look over at Ben, he’s watching.
“Go ahead baby, it’s all good.” He turns me toward Ben.
Tears fall. Danny made it better. I walk up to Ben. Danny calls the kids to him as I make it to the stairs. “I’m still pissed at you. We need to talk but I’m glad you’re here.”
“I deserve it and more. I’ll work to make it up to you. I’m sorry for the way I acted. You were right in everything you said. Will you give me another shot to get it right?” I can see he means everything he saying.
“Ben you don’t need another shot. I already love you. You need to prove that I wasn’t wrong to give you my heart. My kids mean everything to me, that isn’t going to change.”
“It shouldn’t change. I love you just the way you are. I’m sorry I put doubt on you and I’m sorry I disrespected Danny so badly. I know that hurts you too. I will work to fix all of it.” He’s serious. I nod and hug him. He kisses my head.
Danny looks over and smiles. My husband is the best freakin husband in the world. I give him a big smile. He goes back to talking to the kids. “I need to do my part. I’m sorry Kate. I really will fix all of it.”
I squeeze him. “Good. You need to. Go teach my kids how to ride so they won’t kill themselves.” He laughs and kisses my lips then jogs over to them.
Two Weeks
My boys are getting married today. I’m so fuckin proud. Tess insisted Ben do the ceremony so he got a license over the internet and agreed. Kate hasn’t stopped crying. She says they’re happy tears but I’m not so sure. She said something about them moving away and her not seeing them. Ben didn’t say anything but I noticed his wheels turning as he looked at her. Things have been better than they were before he had his ego popped by the Brothers. Kate wouldn’t let him touch her for three days. I don’t care if it makes me a douche, I was fuckin happy about it. He was a fuckin dick. I’m glad he fixed it and we’re back on track. He even came with me to the doctor and waited while they adjusted the plate through my eye socket. It took for fuckin ever. Thank Fuck he didn’t tell Kate. She never sees me without the patch so it should never come up. Besides I told him I’d beat the fuck out of him and tell Steve he’s the one that took the picture and put it on the billboard. He was so shocked he didn’t say a fuckin word. I didn’t know he really is the one that did it. I meant I was going to blame it on him. I’m happy as fuck I have this on him. It’s going to be fun playing with that.
Tess lets me dance with her. She’s so fuckin cute she told me she psyched herself up for it. They leave early but the party goes on into the night. I dance with my Beautiful K and make her laugh through three songs. I have a good time teaching Ally how to waltz with me. She laughs as I lift
her and spin around the floor. When we finish everyone claps for her. She fuckin bows. Too fuckin cute. We all have a good time.
I’m going to miss my family while I’m in Colorado doing the training thing. Ben spent a couple of nights showing me the book he uses and the examples he gives. It’s pretty cut and dry. I think he isn’t so sure of me going but I’m not taking no for an answer and I got the picture thing to hold over him. I can't wait until he sees what I did to his book. He's going to hit the fuckin roof when he sees the three highlighter colors covering every sentence on every page. I smile just thinking about it.
“LaPonte’s always fuckin smilin.” Steve says from the side of me.
“Yep. That’s how you know if we’re true LaPonte’s. Non smiling fucks are imposters.” I tell him turning so my back is to the wall. Tiny laughs.
“You set for tomorrow?” Tiny asks.
“Yeah I am.”
“Doc said you should be all healed. Is the plate good for the ride?” Tiny asks.
“Fuckin mother hen. The plate is fine. If it bothers me I’ll put my bike in the truck and ride with Petey. I promise momma Tiny.” I tell him.
Steve laughs. “When did you become such a fuckin girl? Need a handful of tampons to whip your way.” I crack up. It feels good not to hold my face. "Been good since the intervention. Everyone's happy again."
"Yeah it's been better than ever. Thank fuck. I asked why he doesn't send you. You got this shit; you helped build the Brotherhood to what it is."
"Not fuckin interested after the last one. Fuckin whores don't take no. Fuckin Brothers think it's funny. Loved trainin but had too much time with nothin to do. Fuckin hate it. Brothers don't understand fuckin English either. Gotta tell em everythin five fuckin times." He's getting pissed.
I look at Tiny and we crack up. Steve walks away talking about pains in his ass. We laugh harder.
Kate comes to me and hugs my waist. I kiss her head and look down at her. "I'm glad you’re not holding your face to laugh. I'm ready honey. Devan's getting fussy."
I throw chin to Tiny and take Kate and my tired kids home. We get everyone in bed and kisses doled out. I hear Jessie telling Ben he's glad he fixed everything. Ben smiles and hugs him again apologizing for being an ass. I smile and head to Devan's room. I watch Kate singing softly, holding him to her. She's beautiful. Fuck I love her. I stand behind her holding her hand over his back. She smiles up at me. "I love you my Beautiful K." I bend and kiss her. She moans in my mouth. Fuckin Kate. I kiss Devan's head and wait while she lays him down. I put my hand out to her and turn. I'm surprised Ben is watching with a smile. Fuck me. He's getting it. Kate smiles and puts her other hand out to him. He walks over to Devan and touches his head saying something softly to him. I look at Kate, she smiles up at me. "Come let me love you baby." I lift her and walk to our room. I leave the door open and wait for Ben. I kiss her while I'm waiting. When I don't hear him I lift my head. Kate is dazed; I smile then look at the door.
"I'm not sure what to do here, I should have asked before this." He says standing at the door.
"First you need to take a step forward and close the door so we don't wake the kids up. Then you should come over here and help me undress Beautiful K so we can make love to her. After that I don't give a fuck what you do, go watch a movie or something if that's what you want." I tell him. He smiles and walks in closing the door.
"I meant if you wanted time with Kate." He says walking toward us.
"Pretty sure I mentioned undressing and making love to K." I say as I turn her and unzip her pretty pink dress. I kiss her neck as I slide the zipper lower. He bends and slides his hands up her dress pulling her panties off.
He stands and steps back eyes dilated. I smile, she must have stockings on. I slide the dress off her shoulders and watch it fall. She has no bra on and a garter with blue edges. Ben pulls her dress and lays it on the chair. "Fuck that is a beautiful picture to take with me baby." I hold my hand out and she spins slow for me. "Fuckin nice picture. You're beautiful." I turn her back toward Ben. He takes her hand and lets her spin. Her fuckin ass is bare and framed by the garter and the strips that run to the stockings. "Fuckin perfect."
"Love to see you in stockings and heels. You're Beautiful Kate." He says. She smiles for us.
"Do I get to see my sexy men or is this all one sided." She asks making me laugh.
I unbutton my shirt and she unbuckles my belt sliding it out slow as she turns to pull Ben's belt loose and slide it off. I pull my shirt and t off. Fuck she's sexy and playful tonight. "Undress us baby." She smiles big for me. Standing in front of me so close her jewels rub on my stomach, she slides my zipper down. I put my hands on her waist and she shakes her head no. Fuck, I put my arms out to the side and wait. Her hand slides down my dick outside my pants. "Fuckin nice baby." She squeezes making me smile. She kneels and pulls one boot then the other. She turns to Ben and does the same thing. Fuck if I don't find it sexy. "Love to see you loving him baby." She moans putting a smile on my face. I put my arms down and wait. She doesn't make me wait long, turning back to me she unbuttons and slides my pants down pulling my dick into her mouth. I moan low in my chest, she's fuckin good at head. She reaches behind her hooking Ben's knees and pulls him closer. My dick slides out of her mouth with a pop noise. She turns her attention to Ben getting his pants down she sucks him right down. "Fuck baby you give good head." I get the rest of my clothes off and wait for her to release him. When she does I lift her up and kiss her pouting lips.
Moving her dress I nod my head for Ben to sit. He does and I put her on his lap facing me. She lifts up and slides down him with a moan. "So fuckin sexy." I kneel taking her jeweled nipple in my mouth. I fuckin love her big nipples and let her know with my tongue feathering against the jewel. She's making those sexy purring noises. Ben holds her tit for my mouth and her noises get louder. He's talking to her while she rolls her hips on his dick. I'm not sure how they'll go for this so I move slow kissing her body as I move lower. I slide my knees back and make it to her pussy. Licking right up to her clit she cries out.
"Oh fuck. Lean back baby. Let him love you while my dick is in you." Ben says. She relaxes back and I move her legs to the outside of his, opening her wide for me.
I straighten and kiss her. "Stay still baby, let me make you come with his dick deep inside." She lays her head back and makes whimpering sounds. Fuck if my dick isn't jerking. I move back and slide my tongue down from her neck sucking the nipple Ben holds for me. As I get closer to her pussy Ben's hands slide down and hold her open surprising the fuck out of me. Kate loves it. I eat her with his hands moving from holding her for my mouth, to playing with her jewels. He's talking to her the whole fuckin time. She's close so I move my hand to her tits pinching her nipple. They both cry out and I smile. Her ass is grinding in to him. I tap her pussy, "Don't move baby. He'll come too soon." She moans but stops moving. I give her nipples attention and stand. He sits her up and she goes right for my dick. Fuck I like that. Ben starts moving her and she sucks harder. I hold her head and move into her when he lowers her. Fuck if the rhythm doesn't get me down her throat every fuckin time. She grabs my ass and pulls me in tighter. "Fuck baby". Ben slams her down on him and moans rolling up into her she swallows me right down letting out a loud moan. The vibration goes right through my dick and I shoot off down her throat growling out a 'fuck'. Holy fuck, my knees are having trouble holding me up. I pull out and she falls back onto him. On my knees, I kiss her letting her know I appreciated that. I lay my head on her chest to catch my breath; she puts her hands in my hair holding me to her. Fuck I love her and tell her. She moans and grinds down on his dick. Fuck me she’s not ready to be done. Straightening up I look at her. Her fuckin face is beautiful and asking for more. I smile, "you need more baby?" She fuckin nods with a sexy smile. Making my dick swell. Fuck.
I stand and nod to the bed and Ben takes a breath, lifts her off and carries her to the bed. I love that she gets dazed and we can move her around li
ke a rag doll. He puts her on her hands and knees. I nod my approval when he looks at me. He kneels in front of her. Fuck I like that. I slide in slow rolling my hips hard as I meet her ass. "I love seeing his dick slide in your mouth baby." She moans and swallows him making him moan. My dick jerks in her. We move in tandem listening to her fuckin sexy sounds. Ben talks to her while I move my hands on her. Fuck this works so fuckin good. I'm pounding into her feeling her pussy grabbing on, fuck she's ready again. Leaning down I roll my hand on her clit and she's off. Fuckin woman doesn't need much; I'm off with her clenching pussy. I don't know what the fuck he's says to her but she swallows him down and he yells, 'Fuck Kate'. I want to collapse on her back but hold myself up with a hand on the bed. Fuckin Kate. I kiss her back and pull out. "Thank you baby, what a memory to take with me." She falls onto the bed and mumbles something I don't get. Ben smiles running his hand through her hair and against her cheek. Fuck, I love how he touches her so gentle.
I get a towel and clean her up and then I clean me up. I throw a t on her and move her up the bed. Grabbing bed pants I lie down beside her. She rolls onto my chest. "I love you my Beautiful K."
Ben rolls and kisses her back. She reaches back and holds him to her. I see his smile and think this is going to be so fuckin good.
Two Days
I swear to God if he keeps this up I'm stopping Petey and putting him in the fuckin truck.
"She would be alone whether we married her or not." Rich tells Patches for the fiftieth fuckin time.
I don't know why we have Petey and Patches. Petey could do the Little Brothers shit.
"I just think we should have waited to get married." Patches says again.
I fuckin growl. He shuts up. Thank fuck. It's a fuckin cold and miserable ride, listening to him is making it worse. I smile, not a fuckin one of us is willing to get in the truck though. A cold ride is still a fuckin ride.