Page 41
Freedom Summer murders, 217–24, 226, 231–32
growth of, 61–62
Johnson’s address and support of, 292
Kennedy and politics, 66–69, 71–75
leadership of, 61
legislation, anti-discrimination, 108, 129–30, 138, 140, 142, 174, 178, 182, 221–22, 282–83
legislation, voting rights, 292, 296
militancy, 175–76, 324–25
nationwide demonstrations, 89
New York City demonstrations (see New York City civil rights demonstrations)
revolutionary approaches to, 135–42
riots, 224–31, 297, 324
Selma demonstrations and violence, 290–91, 292
university integration, 68, 73
urban development and integration, 62–63, 64–65
Washington march, 82–86
Clark, Jim, 291
Clarke, Gilmore D., 120
Clay, Cassius (Muhammad Ali), 127–30, 325
Clay, Lucius D., 16
Clearview Expressway, 43
Cohen, Michael, 296
Cold War, 6–7, 44–45, 46–47, 47, 130
Coleman, John A., 277
Collins, Addie Mae, 88
Collins, Sylvia Porter, 265
Colonial Park Pool, 62
Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893), 51
Committee of Artists’ Societies, 96–98
Committee on Poetry (COP), 168
Connor, Eugene “Bull,” 69–70, 87–88
CORE (Congress for Racial Equality)
conflicted philosophies, 175
counterdemonstrations at fair, 185–86, 191–94, 200
counterprotests against, 294
demonstrations, 76, 79–80, 89, 226
demonstrations school boycotts, 177
fair pavilion suggestion, 79
freeway protests organized by, 90, 138, 160–61, 178–87, 191, 194
Kennedy administration warnings, 80
leadership, 61, 192
militancy of, 175–76
Mississippi voter registration projects, 217
Triborough Bridge blockades, 177–78
Washington march, 82–86
Costello, Frank, 31
Countdown Clock, 91
Crystal Gazing Palace, 237
Crystal Palace Exhibition (New York, 1853), 37
Cuban Missile Crisis, 6–7, 45
Cushing, Richard, Cardinal, 133, 267
Davis, Angela, 87, 89
Dead Sea Scrolls, 212
“Death and Disaster” (Warhol), 152–53
Deegan, Thomas J., 13, 15–16, 32, 34, 48, 257, 270, 276, 315
De Lue, Donald: Rocket Thrower, The, 323
“Dem Bolts” (Chrysler Pavilion song), 294
Deputy, The (play), 132–33
Dillion, Mary C., 125–26
DiSapio, Carmine, 263
Disney, Walt, 49–57
Doty, Robert C., 112
Douglas, Paul, 9
Downs, John, 164–65
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (movie), 130–31
Dukes, Nelson C., 226
Dylan, Bob
activism, 110–11, 115–16
artistic direction, 116, 242–43, 279–81, 305–7, 327–28
Beatles and, 124–25, 242, 243–45, 280
concerts, 86, 241, 242, 306–9, 310
lyrics, importance of, 300
motorcycle accident and public retreat, 327
poetry books read by, 247
Eames, Charles, 205
Eastland, James O., 140, 223–24
East Village, 109–11, 165–68
Ecker, Frederick H., 27–28
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 7, 13, 14
Electric Power & Light, 205
Ellison, Ralph, 224
Emergency Committee Against the Harassment of Lenny Bruce, 169–70
employment discrimination, 58–61, 63–64, 76, 175, 180
Eros (magazine), 163–64
Eshkol, Levi, 214
“Eve of Destruction” (song), 300
Evers, Medgar, 66, 75
Exhibitors Council of Public Relations Subcommittee, 268–69
Expo ‘67 (Montreal), 188, 203, 323
Exposition Universelle (Paris, 1867), 42
Exposition Universelle (Paris, 1889), 3
“Fair, the City, and Its Critics, The” (Moses, R.), 264
Farmer, James L., Fr.
background, 192
CORE leadership, 61, 192
demonstrations, 79, 80, 89, 185–86, 191–94, 200
Freedom Summer murders, 219, 223
knifes as evidence strategies, 226
Malcolm X meeting with, 138
principles of, 174, 175
riot control attempts, 227–28
stall-in plan response, 180, 182, 183, 185–86
Felury, John J., 184
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 167–68, 325
Ferris wheels, 4, 205
Film-Makers’ Cooperative, 166
Fire Next Time, The (Baldwin), 71–72
Flaming Creatures (film), 165, 167
Florida Pavilion, 195, 259
Flushing Meadow Park (renamed Flushing Meadows–Corona Park)
baseball stadiums in, 14, 30, 43, 103–4
development of, 26, 42–43, 238, 258, 322–23
fair buildings as permanent structures at, 102
as fair location, 13–14, 26–27
as fair main attraction, 43
historical moments at, 204
rechristening ceremonies, 322
folk-rock music, 300–301
Ford Motor Company, 53–54, 205
Ford Mustang (car), 53–54, 205
Forest Hills Tennis Stadium, 241, 272, 307–9
Forman, James, 115
Fortas, Abe, 167
Fort Worth Frontier Centennial Exposition (1936), 236
Franco, Francisco, 46, 203, 277
Freedom Summer, 217–24, 226, 231–32
French Pavilion, 235
Fulbright, J. William, 6, 7, 13, 61
Futurama, 29–30, 178, 205, 237, 263
Futurama II, 206, 207
Galamison, Milton A., 177, 191, 194
Gandhi, Indira, 196
Gassman, Benjamin, 164–65
“Gathering of Tribes for the Human Be-In, The,” 325–26
Gelb, Arthur, 112, 143
Geller, Hugo, 96–98
Genauer, Emily, 96, 97–98
General Electric, 54–55
General Motors, 205–6
Genovese, Catherine “Kitty,” 143–48
Gigante, Vinny “the Chin,” 31
Gilligan, Thomas, 225–26, 231
Gimbel, Bernard, 16, 34, 94, 260–61
Ginsberg, Allen, 111–12, 160, 167–68, 169, 247, 249, 250, 251–53, 300, 302, 325
Ginzburg, Ralph, 163–64
“God’s Judgment of White America” (Malcolm X), 135–36
Goldberg, Rube, 99
Golden Gate International Exposition (San Francisco, 1938), 236
Goldwag, Arnold, 175–77, 181, 194
Goldwater, Barry, 221, 229, 248
Goodman, Andrew, 197, 217–18, 219–24, 226, 232–33
Goodman, Benny, 241
Gould, Jack, 121
Graham, Billy, 203–4
Grand Central Parkway, 4, 43, 312
Great Exhibition (London, 1851), 3, 37
Greco, El: The Burial of Count of Orgaz, 103, 210
Greensboro Four, 81
> Greenwich Village, 109–14, 160, 168–69
Gregory, Dick, 191, 232
Grove Press, 131
Grutzner, Charles, 268
Hall of Education, 156, 216
Hall of Science, 41, 207
Hall of the Presidents, 55
Hard Day’s Night, A (album and film), 241, 269
Harvey, Jim, 159
Hate That Hate Produced, The (television documentary), 80
Haussman, Baron Georges-Eugène, 42
Heckscher, August, 97, 98, 100, 322
“Here in New York We Are Having a Lot of Trouble with the World’s Fair” (O’Hara), 161
Hill, Morton A., 161, 162, 165
hippy movement, 246–53, 325–26
Hirshhorn, Joseph H., 98–100, 272
Hochhuth, Rolf, 132–33
Hofmann, Albert, 249
Holocaust, 132
homosexuality, 112–14, 160, 167–68, 172
Hood, James, 73
Hoover, J. Edgar, 70, 89, 224, 229, 230
Horne, Lena, 72
Housing Act, 28–29, 30, 63
Howl and Other Poems (Ginsberg), 167–68
Humphrey, Hubert H., 178, 266, 292–93
Hunt, H. L., 95–96
Huxtable, Ada Louise, 100, 153, 208–9, 262
IBM Pavilion, 205
Ice Capades, 257
“I Have a Dream” speech (King), 84–85
Illinois Pavilion, 55–56, 201, 204, 267
Immigration Act, 319, 329
integration, 64–65, 77, 129
International Federation for Internal Freedom movement, 251–52
Israel, 46, 204, 211, 212
“It’s a Small World” ride, 56–57
Jacobs, Jane, 110–11, 262, 263
Japanese Pavilion, 210, 296
Javitz, Jacob K., 7, 12, 67, 199, 215, 221, 275, 277
Jefferson Park Pool, 62
Jemail, Jimmy, 320
Johns, Jasper, 151, 152
Johnson, Lyndon B.
civil rights legislation, 108, 129–30, 138, 140, 142, 174, 221, 222, 282–83, 292, 296
fair opening day address, 109, 120, 173, 196–99
Freedom Summer student murders, 223–24
Genovese murder, 147
immigration legislation, 319
inaugural address, 107–8
New York riots, 229
Paul IV visit, 317, 318
presidential candidacy and election, 229, 248, 282–83
reelection campaign, 324
stall-in plan response, 182
Vietnam War, 283–87, 292–93, 324
Johnson, Paul (journalist), 133–34
Johnson, Paul B., Jr. (Mississippi governor), 218, 222
Johnson, Philip, 100–102, 149–50, 153–59, 204
John XXIII, Pope, 48, 63, 271
Joint Committee for Equal Employment Opportunity, 78
Jones, William A., 77
Jones Beach, 23, 29, 98
Jordan Pavilion, 211–16, 294–95
Katzenbach, Nicholas, 73
Kazan, Abraham, 64–65, 77
Keane, Walter, 156, 216
Keating, Kenneth, 12, 38, 216, 221
Keegan, Kathleen, 164
Kennedy, Caroline, 207
Kennedy, Edward M., 7, 317, 319
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 107–8, 169, 207, 317
Kennedy, John F.
assassination of, 10, 106–7
BIE boycott, 41
civil rights, 66–69, 71, 73–75, 82–85, 89, 135–36
Cuban missile crisis, 6–7
fair memorial, 120
funeral and memorials, 107–9
immigration legislation, 319
memorabilia exhibits, 267
US Federal Pavilion funding, 8–9
US Federal Pavilion ground-breaking ceremonies, 3, 5–6, 7, 9–10
Kennedy, Robert F.
civil rights and, 68, 72–74, 83–84, 175–76, 192
fair attendance, 207
Ginzburg photo essay charges, 164
immigration legislation, 319
Moses interpersonal relations, 9
Paul VI meeting, 317
presidential campaign, 324
stall-in plan response, 182
thank you notes to Moses, 196
Kennedy, Stephen P., 294
Kerouac, Jack, 247, 250
Kesey, Ken, 105–6, 246–53, 326
Khrushchev, Nikita, 6
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
civil rights legislation, 129–30
demonstrations, 69–71, 80, 89, 290–91, 324
Johnson’s address response, 292
Malcolm X meeting with, 138
post-riot meetings, 230–31
principles of, 71, 174, 175
SCLC leadership, 61
stall-in plan response, 183
Washington march and speech, 82–86
Kinsolving, Arthur Lee, 260
Klotz, Herb, 9, 119
Kooper, Al, 240, 305, 309
Kopple, Robert, 11–14, 16–17, 34–36
Kostelanetz, Andre, 125
Kuchel, Thomas, 178
Ku Klux Klan, 23, 69–70, 88, 218, 220, 222–24
La Guardia, Fiorello H., 25, 28, 261
Lake Amusement Area, 235–36, 238–40, 269
Land of Lincoln, The (Illinois Pavilion), 55–56, 201, 204, 267
Lausche, Frank J., 7
Leary, Timothy, 251–52, 325
Lehman, Herbert H., 25, 35
Lenox Terrace, 63
“Letter from a Region in My Mind” (Baldwin), 71
Lewis, Edward, 58
Lewis, John, 61, 78, 183, 290–91
Lichtenstein, Roy, 150, 151, 152
“Like a Rolling Stone” (song), 305, 306–7, 309
Lincoln, Abraham, 55–56, 201, 204
Lincoln Center, 100
Lindsay, John V., 263, 314
Liston, Sonny, 128–29
Living Magazine show, The, 237
Lomax, Louis E., 71, 80–82, 139, 174, 178, 217, 232
Lombardo, Guy, 239–40
Long Island Expressway, 30, 43
Louisiana Pavilion, 192–93, 235
Lowenstein, Allard, 217–18
Lower Manhattan Expressway (Lomex), 110, 262–64
LSD, 245, 249–51, 326–27
Luce, Clare Boothe, 251
Luce, Henry, 58
Luckman, Charles, 9, 55
Lunar Excursion Module (LEM), 47, 206
mafia scandals, 31
Magic Skyway, 53–54, 205
Malcolm X
as civil rights leader, 61
Clay/Ali and, 128, 129, 130
demonstrations, 78, 83, 186
documentaries on, 80
murder of, 289
philosophies of, 71, 80–81, 135–36, 174, 227, 229
pilgrimage travels, 229
Malone, Vivian, 73
March on Washington for Freedom and Jobs, 82–86
Marcus, Greil, 121
Martin, Louis, 67, 68
McCaffrey, Joseph A., 161–62
McCloy, John J., 16
McLaughlin, George V., 278
McNair, Denise, 88
McNamara, Robert, 284, 324
McNaughton, John, 286–87
Mehdi, Mohammed, 213–14
Mekas, Jonas, 160, 165–67
Meredith, James, 68
Merry Pranksters Search for the Kool Place, The (film documentary and road trip), 246–53, 326
Metropolitan Li
fe Insurance Company, 27–28, 62–63
Michelangelo: La Pietà, 48, 63, 133
Mid-Manhattan Expressway project, 34, 36, 263
Miller, Arthur, 98
Miller, Henry, 131–32, 171
miscegenation, 164
Mississippi Pavilion, 192–93
Mitchel, John Purroy, 20
Monterey International Pop Festival, 326
Moore, Archie, 127
Moore, George S., 258–59, 273–76
Morse, Wayne, 266
Moseley, Winston, 145–46
Moses, Robert. See also Moses, Robert, World’s Fair management
career in public works, 20–25, 30, 31, 32
civil rights positions, 23, 58–65, 71–72, 78–79
Disney compared to, 50
education, 19–20
family and early years, 18–19
gubernatorial campaigns, 25
interpersonal issues, 9, 16, 25, 32
music tastes, 125, 239
pamphlets supporting city and fair, 264
political campaign tours, 23–24
Twin Towers, 207
urban renewal and reconstruction history, 4–5, 24, 26–31, 34, 43, 62–65, 110–11, 231, 262–64
Moses, Robert, World’s Fair management
accolades, 195, 196, 265, 266–67
Beatles performance, 125–26, 241–42, 245
BIE regulations, 37–41
controversies, 93–102, 210–16, 260
Countdown Clock and memos, 91
criticism of, 257, 258, 260–61, 267
employment discrimination, 58–65
entertainment policies, 235–38
fair location and rental fee, 13
fair location lobbying, 13–14
fair planning and city reconstruction, 4, 43, 44
finances, 258–59, 271–77, 313–14, 323
Kennedy assassination statement, 106
with Kennedy at ground-breaking ceremony, 3, 5
Kopple dismissal, 34–36
media relationship, 91–92, 267–68
New York crime and attendance problems, 148
opening ceremony, 195, 196
opening day plans, 109, 120
position appointment, 16, 32–34
replacement attempt, 277–78
second season improvement plans, 235–36, 238–40, 266, 267, 268–69, 271, 272–73, 278
stall-in plan response, 184–85
US Federal Pavilion dissatisfaction, 119
US Federal Pavilion study funding, 8
Warhol murals and, 153, 154–55, 156–58
Moskowitz, Belle, 20, 21
Mount Zion Methodist Church burning, 220, 222
Muhammad, Elijah, 135, 136
Mumford, Lewis, 27, 29–30
Mural of a Refuge, The, 212