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Hard Hit: IceCats series

Page 15

by Toni Aleo

  Me: I’d rather talk to you.

  Jaylin: Well, duh. But we’ve got time after the game, don’t we? I took a nap this afternoon, so I’m awake.

  Me: Good. I’ll call you ASAP.

  Jaylin: I’ll be waiting.

  Those three words give me chills. She’ll be waiting for me.

  Could this get any better?

  Chapter Twenty-One


  * * *

  Willa hasn’t spoken to me or looked in my direction since our little talk.

  She also hasn’t told anyone about it, nor have I. Gossip is a killer in this office, so Feliciana doesn’t tolerate it. Not that I want to talk about it. I’m still appalled it even happened, but no matter what, I want Willa to succeed. She’s a good lawyer, a smart girl, just ill-informed, which probably stems from her family dynamics. I’m thankful that Kirby doesn’t care about our race, but I am finding there really isn’t anything wrong with Kirby. Believe me, I’ve been looking for something.

  He’s good. So good. Sweet, kind, and so supportive. I know he wants me to stay over. I know he wants to occupy all of my time, but he doesn’t push. He wants whatever I’ll give him, and sometimes I feel like I’m not giving him enough. He has me being all mindful and caring about him, which is something I’ve never done for anyone other than Aviva and Callie. He’s too good to be true, yet he is. He has his faults, but he doesn’t let them define him. He could milk that abandonment by his mom and dad until the cows come home, or even dwell on Lilly leaving him and Celeste, but he doesn’t. He just loves Celeste; he loves himself, his career, his teammates. I mean, the way he worries about and cares for Evan is beautiful. He’s so in tune with his feelings, and I swear, I’ve never met a man like that. Above all that, he adores me. Worships me, and hell, he may even love me, which terrifies the ever-living shit out of me.

  I really don’t want him to say that to me.

  Not yet. Jesus, I’m not ready for that.

  Though, I need to get ready. I can feel it. I have never, ever done long-distance with anyone. In my opinion, it’s stupid. Too much temptation, and one never really knows what the other is doing. It consists of way too much trust in someone, but here I am. I trust him. I fucking trust a man, and I’m not even thinking twice about it. Yes, it sucks ass that he is not home, and I miss him in a way I’ve never felt before, but he’s so thoughtful. When I wake up every morning, there is a “Good morning, sweetheart. Have a beautiful day.” text or something along those lines. He never goes to sleep without calling or texting me, and we FaceTime all the time. He’s just so considerate, and I find myself doing the same. I send back texts when I know he’s playing just to make him smile when he looks at his phone. It’s easy. There, I said it. Being with Kirby is easy. It’s fluid, and I can’t get enough.

  A small grin sits on my lips as I type up a contract for a battered women’s shelter. The organization bought a new space, and I need to make sure they get everything they need and want. As I read over the contract, I tap my foot on my chair and ignore the movement around me. Without even looking up, I know Willa is walking by my office, but I won’t meet her gaze. I won’t give her an opening to speak to me. I can’t trust the words that would leave my lips, or even hers. I want to continue to respect her, so ignoring her is the best way for me to do so.

  When my assistant comes over the speakerphone, I stop typing to listen.

  “Ms. Raventorn, Ms. Pearce is on line two.”

  “Thank you,” I say, hitting the number two button. “Hey, lady.”

  “Hey,” Aviva says, and I can hear in her voice that she has been crying. “Did you see the picture Callie put on Snapchat?”

  I reach for my phone. “Not yet.” I bring it up, and I smile. She’s living her best life, grinning from ear to ear in the middle of the quad at her college in her competition leotard. “Oh, Veev. Look at her.”

  “I know. She’s so happy,” she says, and then she breaks into a sob. “I’m so proud of her.”

  I grin. “Aw, don’t cry.”

  “I miss her so much.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. But look at her! She’s doing things!”

  “You’re right. I hate being apart from her. I feel like I’ve lost my legs.”

  I giggle. “Understandable. It’s only been you and her.”

  “I know, and I’m about to drop this kid, and who is going to help me?”

  “Me,” I say simply.

  She scoffs. “Whatever. You’re in a relationship now! I’m all alone.”

  “You do realize you have a fiancé, right?”

  “Who is traveling. I’m so lonely.”

  My heart drops. “Oh, Veev. Come on. You’re not lonely at all. I just saw you yesterday.”

  “For like an hour. Then you had work, and then you went to see Celeste—”

  I know my best friend. I know when she needs me. She doesn’t ask for help, nor will she say she’s struggling. It turns into jealousy for her, and I know that. So, without thinking, I ask, “Want to come over tonight? Have a sleepover?”

  “Yes, please,” she says in the smallest voice. “And I want to never talk about this needy part of my pregnancy.”

  “I don’t even know what you’re speaking of. All I hear is my best friend wanting to hang with me.” Another sob leaves her, and I grin. “It’s okay, Veev.”

  She inhales a shaky breath. “I know, I know. Distract me. Did you run Willa over with your car yet?”

  I snort. “No. I’m ignoring her.”

  “Good plan. Has she said anything to Feliciana?”

  “Not to my knowledge. And I hope it stays that way.”

  “Me too, or I’ll run her over.”

  I laugh as I shake my head. “It’s like a whiplash of emotions with you.”

  “I know. I’m a mess.”

  “It’s okay. I love you, no matter what.”

  “Good, ’cause I think Nico might leave me.”

  “Oh, be real,” I demand. “He worships you.”

  She lets out a long sigh. “Jesus, I need to have this baby.”


  Aviva giggles sweetly, and I hear something rattle, maybe a pan, as she asks, “How’s it going with Kirby? Is he still dreamy?”

  “Absolutely,” I gush, grinning from ear to ear. “He comes home tomorrow. I’m really excited.”

  “I bet. Nico says Kirby is all gooey for you.”

  “Gooey for me, you say? I like that. Speaking of Nico, does he still hate me and doubt me?”

  “Jay, he never hated or doubted you. He just gets in his feelings about his best friend.”

  “Yeah, whatever. He was mean.”

  “I know. I’m sorry,” she says, and then her voice breaks. “He can’t control his emotions sometimes. You have to be patient with him.”

  I grin. “Funny, Callie said something along the same lines. You guys are so cute, all protective of each other.”

  “Because that’s love.”

  I don’t know why that statement hits me the way it does. Straight in my gut. I realize how I acted about Kirby toward Willa could be classified as love. Though, we won’t be discussing that. “You’re right.”

  “He’s a good man, and he’s really happy with how happy Kirby is.”

  “Me too,” I agree, smiling so hard. “He makes me very happy.”

  “That’s all we want,” she says softly. “For you and him to be happy.”

  “Done deal, sister.”

  “Question,” she says then, and I raise a brow.


  “Do you think you should say something to Feliciana?”

  “Huh? I thought we moved on from all that.”

  “Sure, but I’m back now. I don’t know, I just think maybe you should tell her that you’re dating Kirby, to cover your bases.”

  “I don’t think it’s anyone’s business, honestly. Plus, I don’t want to jinx us. I say we’re together, and boom! Someone fucks up, and we’re apart.”

  “Or you tell her before Willa can, she is supportive, and nothing can break you two.”

  “Or I tell her, she says it’s my job or Kirby, and then I’m going to be the one having an emotional breakdown because I honestly don’t know what I would choose.” When I’m met with silence, I replay what I just said, and then I’m speechless. “Did I really just say that?”

  “Oh. My. God. You sure did, Jaylin Raventorn!”

  “Don’t read into that.”

  “Oh girl, I’ve already read it like a book. Are you in love with him?”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Pump the brakes, Aviva. I’m not like you, falling for someone in ten minutes.”

  “What? It took forever for me to admit I loved Nico.”

  “Yes, but you fell for him practically the day you met him.”

  “I did not!”

  “You did. You just ignored those feelings.”

  “Takes one to know when someone is ignoring feelings, Jaylin.”

  “Wow, that was sharp.”

  “I may be an emotional mess, but I’m still Aviva.”

  “You sure the hell are,” I laugh, shaking my head. I still can’t believe I said that. “Anyway—”

  “Nope, we need to elaborate on these feelings for Kirby.”

  I scoff. “Sorry. Unfortunately, I have to finish work so I can hang with my best friend tonight.”

  “Fine, fine. I’ll bring sandwiches for dinner and wine for you. Stupid water for me.”

  “Not too much longer, bestie.”

  “Thank God. See you tonight.”

  “See you,” I say happily as I hang up. I stare at the phone, thinking over what we just discussed. Aviva may be an emotional mess, but she’s right. I may need to tell Feliciana. The unknown keeps me from jumping up and doing that. Though, I know Feliciana, and she knows me. She may be my boss, but we have such powerful respect between us. I want to believe she’d be supportive, but not knowing if she would or not freaks me out.

  Nope. I’ll wait this one out. I honestly don’t think Willa will say anything. I think she’s too scared to, not that I blame her. I wasn’t the nicest when she said what she said. Not that I would ever do anything to her, but I know good and well Feliciana would choose me over Willa any time of the day. I pray it doesn’t come down to that, though. That’s entirely too much drama for me.

  I go back to work, and once I finish with my contract, I email it to my assistant to be sent to the client. I move on to my next case, making sure everything is correct and ready for court tomorrow. I only have two cases tomorrow, so I hope to meet Kirby and Celeste for lunch as we planned. I’m on my second case when my phone rings once more.

  “Ms. Raventorn, I sent those files over to the women’s shelter, and I confirmed both clients for tomorrow’s court appearances.”

  “Fantastic. Thank you.”

  “Also, there is a Ms. Jean Espinoza on line one for you.”

  I’m surprised by that. Why didn’t she call my cell? I look at my cell to see that she did, but it was on silent. She called four times. Fuck. “Thank you,” I say and click over to line one. “Hey, Jean. Sorry, my phone was on silent.”

  “I’m the one who should be apologizing. I hate calling you at work, but I need help.”

  I jump into fix-it mode. I’m standing, holding the phone to my ear. “What’s wrong? Is Celeste okay?”

  “Yes. She’s fine,” she says quickly. “Sorry, I don’t mean to alarm you, but my dad is really sick, and my oldest sister has called me to come see him. I’m not sure what is going on. He has pneumonia or something, and I need to go check on him.”

  I reach for my purse and then my case files. “I’m leaving. I’ll be there ASAP.”

  Relief fills her voice. “I can’t thank you enough.”

  “No need. This is what you do for people you care for,” I say, not saying what Aviva said but in very much the same spirit.

  Her voice breaks. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t even. See you in a bit.”

  I hang up, gather my things, and power down, just as a knock sounds on my door. I look up to find Feliciana in my doorway. My stomach drops as she says, “Heading out early?”

  “Yes, actually. My friend’s dad is sick, and she needs me to take care of…” I pause. What do I say here? Fuck it. “Of my boyfriend’s daughter. She’s actually his nanny, and she needs me to help out.”

  Her brow perks. “I’ve never known you to, one, have a boyfriend, or two, leave in the middle of the day. But I’m finding out you’ve been leaving early a lot.”

  I swallow hard. “I know, but my work is done, so I think I’m doing all right. But if I’m not, please let me know,” I say, stepping around my desk. “I really need to go. Do we need to set up a meeting?”

  She eyes me. “I don’t know. Do we?”

  I hold her gaze. “I don’t know. You came to my office. Something you don’t do.”

  She smiles, her dark gaze playful. “I was passing by when I saw you packing up. Figured I’d pick on you.”

  We share a grin. “Well, thanks for freaking me out!” I laugh, and she grins. “I really need to go. She’s panicking right now, and I want to alleviate some of her stress.”

  “Okay, but can I take you to lunch tomorrow, catch up, since I’m behind on a boyfriend?”

  I pause. Damn it. “Yes, that would be wonderful.”

  “Great,” she says before taking my wrist and looking me in the eye. “I’m happy for you.”

  I smile gratefully at her. “Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “Of course. Hope everything is okay.”

  “Thanks.” As I rush out of my office, everything I just said and did becomes a reality for me.

  I just admitted to having a boyfriend.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  * * *

  When I arrive at Kirby’s house, Jean is holding back her tears.

  I wrap my arms around her and Celeste, hugging them both tightly as Jean lets out a sob. My heart is full when Celeste puts her cheek to mine, holding my chin in her hand. As sad as my friend is, I can’t help but grin. I rub Jean’s back as I whisper softly, “It’s all okay. Go.”

  “I don’t want Kirby to be mad. I couldn’t get ahold of him. He’s in meetings, I think?”

  I nod, squeezing her. “I’ll call him. It’s totally fine. Don’t worry.”

  “Okay. Thank you, Jaylin. Really.”

  “Anytime. Have you heard anything?”

  She shakes her head, her eyes dewy with tears. “Not really. I don’t talk to my oldest sister much, so it’s very awkward and hard, but she just said I needed to be there.”

  I squeeze her one last time. “Okay, keep me in the loop. If anything, I’ll take Celeste to my place tonight, as long as Kirby is cool with it.”

  She nods as she pulls out of my arms. “Hopefully, you won’t need to, but thank you for the offer. I’ll call you.” I watch as Jean gathers her things. “You know I don’t do this, right?”

  “Jean, you’re fine. I promise.”

  “It’s just my dad and all—”

  “Honey, I completely understand, and Kirby won’t be upset. I promise.”

  She chews on her lip for a second then meets my gaze. “Thank you again.”

  “Of course.”

  After explaining to me when Celeste ate last and that she may need a nap soon, Jean also gives me the keys to Kirby’s truck with the car seat in it. Just in case, she says. Jean is a mess, shaking with not only fear for her dad but for her job. I basically have to push her out the door with reassurance that this is not a problem. When she leaves, I lock the door behind her just as Celeste leans her head on my chest. I rub her back, thankful I’m able to be here with her and to help Jean out.

  I know Jean, I know the company she works for, and they wouldn’t allow her to leave like this unless it was an emergency. I’m worried that the situation with her dad could be worse than she thinks, so I’m glad
she is able to go. I know Kirby won’t be upset. How could he? She is so good to him, and this is an emergency.

  I carry Celeste and my work bag to the living room, before sitting her down on her bottom. She bounces happily as I set up the baby gates so she can’t get far. She isn’t very fast crawling but still dangerous in a non-blocked-off area. I kick off my shoes before stepping into the barricade with her, opening my computer to work. Of course, my laptop is the holy grail for this baby, so for the next hour, I try to work and keep her away from my computer. I don’t get much done, but her laughter makes it okay. I check my phone to see if I have anything from Jean, though it hasn’t sounded with notifications at all. I haven’t heard from her or Kirby. Makes me worry more for Jean and, of course, makes me wonder what Kirby is doing. He has a game tonight, but he isn’t usually in meetings all day. I really want to talk to him. Not just about Jean, but also about my conversation with Feliciana. I hope he won’t mind that I’m having lunch with her tomorrow.

  I highly doubt he will when I tell him what I admitted. Or…maybe I won’t tell him that.

  Though, it would make him extremely happy.

  If I’m honest, it did tickle me pink.

  “Almost as much as you tickle me, you little sugar bear!” I gush, tickling Celeste. She giggles and snorts happily before I glance at the time and notice it’s time for her to eat dinner. “Wanna eat, sweet girl?”

  She holds up her arms, opening and closing her palms. I interpret that as her asking to be picked up, so I do as she requests. Celeste sits perfectly on my hip as I carry her to the kitchen. Before I can reach it, though, my phone starts singing in my back pocket. It’s not my normal tone or even my tone for Kirby. It’s my mother. I groan as I answer since I’m sure she’s already called the office and knows I’m not there.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  “Why aren’t you at work?”

  “I had to help a friend,” I say, leaving it very vague. I may admit things to my boss, but my mother is a whole other beast I am not ready to fight.

  “Okay. Well, I need help.”

  I go still. “Are you okay?”


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