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Hard Hit: IceCats series

Page 16

by Toni Aleo

  “Yeah, of course. I’m sorry, that sounded worse than I intended,” she says. Though, I highly doubt it. I get my dramatics from my mother. “Your father is on a golfing trip, and I got a flat tire. I got AAA to take me to the tire shop, but they can’t replace my tire until tomorrow when the tire comes in. Can you come pick me up?”

  I shouldn’t hesitate, but stupidly I do.

  “Child, why are you pausing! It’s ‘Yes, Mother. I’m coming right now.’ I gave you life!”

  I make a face. “Actually, it was Dad that gave me life, and you—”

  “Jaylin, come get me. I’ll send you the address.”

  She hangs up, and I drop my phone to my thigh. Celeste babbles something, and I nod. “I agree. This is becoming one hell of a pickle.”

  I kiss her head and then grab Kirby’s keys to go get my mother.

  In his truck, with his daughter.

  This should be completely uneventful

  “What am I going to say?”

  Aviva has been laughing since I called her to update her on my current situation. “Girl, time to come clean.”

  “Time to come clean? Aviva, coming clean is telling my mother I am dating a man who has a child. Not showing up with said child without her knowing anything.”

  She’s still laughing. I want to wring her neck! “I mean, you did tell her you were dating, correct?”


  “Okay, so you didn’t tell her the whole story, but it’s okay. Celeste is a doll. She’ll be completely taken with her.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Oh, I am. But she’ll lose her shit on you first.”

  “Wow, thanks.”

  “Keeping it real, sis.”

  “Jesus,” I say, shaking my head. “I still haven’t heard from Jean or even Kirby—”

  “Nico told me they had a lot of meetings today. Tonight is a big game before they come home for two games. They are ironing out some things, according to my baby daddy.”

  “Oh, okay. Jean is so scared she’s in trouble.”

  “It’s her dad. Kirby won’t mind, and Celeste is in good hands.”

  “That’s what I said, but thanks. I feel all adult and shit.”

  She scoffs. “You’ve always been really good with kids. I have no doubts Celeste is having a blast.”

  “She is,” I say, looking in the rearview mirror that reflects a mirror facing her that shows her sleeping sweetly. Then again, I think everything she does is sweet and cute. I might be bewitched by this little angel. “She helped me work.”

  She laughs. “I bet she did. You got nothing done?”

  “Not even a full sentence typed,” I laugh with her as I pull into the tire shop. “Okay. I’m about to pick up the mother lady. I’ll report later.”

  “May God be with you.”

  “Thanks, I need Him,” I say, hanging up as my mom walks toward the truck with a look on her face. A very disgruntled and angry look.

  She opens the door, throwing her purse on the floorboard as she asks, “Whose truck is this?”

  “A friend.”

  “A friend?” she asks incredulously as she heaves herself up in Kirby’s high-set truck. “Looks like a man’s truck.”

  “Yes, my manfriend’s truck.”

  She side-eyes me, and her tone is very deep and suspicious when she mutters, “Mmm-hmm.” I grin as she shuts the door, but she is in anything but a good mood. “I told your father to take my car in for a tire change a while back. He didn’t listen. Just like you, no one listens to me.”

  “Home, Mother?”

  “Yes, please.”

  I take off, and I’m surprised again by how easy it is to drive Kirby’s truck.

  “It’s unlike you to miss work. Is your friend okay?”

  She’s looking at her phone, and I’m unsure if I should tell her there is a baby in the back seat. Maybe I won’t need to. Maybe I can play this to my advantage. Though, that does feel a little weird. “I don’t know yet. I haven’t heard from her. Her dad is sick.”

  “Oh, I’ll say a prayer for him. What’s his name?”

  “I don’t know. His last name is Espinoza.”

  I don’t have to look at my mom to know her eyes are shut and she is praying to the good Lord above. “Her name?”


  I smile, saying my own little prayer for Jean and her family as I drive toward my parents’ home. They live about twenty minutes from the city’s center, and I hope that Celeste stays asleep. I’ve decided I’m not going to openly admit to having a child in the car.

  “Okay. Hopefully, he’ll be okay.”


  “What did she need you to do? And why do you have this manfriend’s truck? Is the manfriend the man you’ve been dating while you’ve been refusing to meet all my friends’ single sons?”

  “I have been refusing because I’m done with the men you set me up with. Yes, this is his truck—”

  “Hmm. What’s his name?”


  “Jaylin, you’re dating him, so he must be special. It’s been a few weeks now, correct?”

  I really don’t want to do this. I exhale a long breath before I answer. “Yes, he is very special. I like him a lot.”

  “Well, tell me his name.”


  She pauses, and out of the corner of my eye, I see her face scrunch up. “Kirby?”

  “Yes,” I say as I glance at her. “What?”

  “That’s an odd name,” she says with a snicker.

  “I like it.”

  “Mmm-hmm. What does he do for a living?”

  I squeeze the steering wheel, willing the car to teleport to her house so this conversation can be over. “He’s a professional athlete.”

  “Well, goodness me, is that right? What does he play? Basketball?

  “No. Um…hockey.”



  “What’s that?”

  “Guys on ice, fighting and passing around a little black ball? No. Not ball. He said puck, but I think it looks like a ball.”

  She pauses, eyeing me. “I’ve never heard of this sport. Are you sure it’s real? Are you sure he’s a professional?”

  I laugh. “Yes, Mom. He plays for the IceCats with Aviva’s fiancé.”

  She thinks that over. “Oh. Okay. That’s interesting. Did you meet him through them?”

  “Yes,” I admit slowly.

  “Hmm. Well, you’ll need to bring him over for dinner.”

  “I don’t want to,” I say quickly. “You’ll chase him off.”

  She takes offense to that and yells, “I will not! And you will bring—”

  Just then, Celeste lets out a wail. I look up in the rearview mirror as my mother jumps, a squawk leaving her lips.

  “Oh, sweet baby. It’s okay,” I say calmly, but Celeste is wide-eyed and pissed my mom yelled, waking her up. “Way to go, Mom,” I scold as I reach back, rocking her car seat to soothe her. Thankfully, we’re at a stoplight.

  My mother is gawking at me. “When were you going to tell me there was a baby in the car?”

  I shrug innocently. “I didn’t think I had to.”

  She turns in her seat to look back at Celeste. “Who in the world does this child belong to? I hope someone would have told me Aviva had a twenty-pound child who looks like she’s a year old.”

  I give her a dry look. “No, and she’s only eight months.”

  “She’s big for her age. Someone is feeding you good,” she says, taking over soothing Celeste. “She sure is pretty. Look at those eyes.”

  I smile. “She’s a doll.”

  “Whose baby is it? Your friend’s?”

  I swallow hard. “Sure.”

  I feel her eyes scrutinizing me. “Which friend?”

  I bite my lip. “My friend.”

  “Jaylin Renee, is this your boyfriend’s daughter?”

  Now that is a loaded question. One
, I’ll need to admit once more that Kirby is my boyfriend and, also, that he has a child. I bite the inside of my lip and nod. While I know she’s about to bitch me out, I’m proud that I can admit it. Look at me growing.

  “Your boyfriend has a child?”


  “You’re dating a man with a child?”

  “Yes. Since he’s my boyfriend and that’s his child.”

  “Where is the mother?”

  “She abandoned her, and Kirby has been raising her by himself for the last three months.”

  “Really?” she asks much more calmly than I expect. “And is the mother Caucasian?”

  I eye her. “Yes, and so is he.”

  “I thought she was a little pale to have any black in her.”

  I want to laugh, but I don’t think she’ll take that lightly. “So, a white man. With baby mama drama?”

  I cringe. “I don’t think there is any drama. He doesn’t speak to her. He’s suing her for custody.”

  “So, an instant family, then?”

  I clear my throat. “I guess so.”

  “Mmm-hmm. Okay,” she says slowly. “She sure is cute.”

  “She is,” I agree, licking my lips. I don’t know why, but I ask, “Are you mad?”

  She doesn’t answer me right away. “I’m not sure what I am. I need to think on this. Talk to your father.”

  “Okay,” I drawl, not sure how to take that. “I like him a lot. Like, a lot, a lot.”

  I can feel her gaze on me. “Then you need to bring the man, whom you like a lot, a lot, and his child to dinner so your father and I can see what we think. Though, if I’m honest, I’m sure there are plenty of men out there who don’t have this kind of baggage. Even if their kid is cute as a button.”

  “You’re right. There are,” I agree, glancing over and meeting her unsure gaze. “But none of them are like him.”

  She looks at me seriously for a moment. “I didn’t even realize you were into white men.”

  “Mom, I’m into men.”

  “Don’t like what you’re implying, Jaylin Renee, especially in front of this sweet child.”

  I grin, exhaling hard.

  That was easier than I thought.

  Despite the fact that my heart is pounding out of my chest and I feel light-headed, I made it!

  Maybe I can do this…

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  * * *

  Apparently, Jaylin, Jean, and Celeste had a busy day yesterday.

  Since I was in meetings, I came out to a lot of texts and a bunch of phone calls from my girls. Of course, I jumped to the conclusion everyone was dead, so my heart was basically in my throat as I called Jaylin, but she reassured me everything was fine. Thankfully. I’m already struggling with being away from Celeste; I really don’t need my nanny to have an emergency. Not that I’m upset. Not even a little bit. I’m mainly worried for Jean, but I’m beyond grateful that Jaylin was there to step in. I think the best part was how excited she was. She felt accomplished, not that I doubted her at all. She’s great with Celeste, and knowing that she left work to take care of my child solidified my feelings.

  I love her. Completely.

  Without restraint.

  I always suspected I would fall hard for her. When I first met her, her personality and beauty made the bar we were in fade away, and all I saw was her. Our nights when we talked—they weren’t even to set up a time to hook up. They were just to talk. To get to know each other. Her independence was sexy then, and it’s even more so now for the simple fact that I know she talks to me, takes care of my child, and cares for me because she wants to. Not because she has to or feels obligated but because she wants us. When you go through life with no one wanting you, it’s exhilarating to find someone who does. Not because of my money or my career, just because of me.

  How could I not fall for her?

  “Aviva said Celeste is just up from her nap. She’s at your house,” Nico informs me as he hangs up his phone.

  “Awesome, thanks,” I say with a nod as I confirm my order of five dozen long-stem red roses for Jaylin. They should deliver within the next hour or so. I want to do more and I will when I get her in my bed, but for right now, roses will have to do as a way to tell her how much I appreciate her. She had to cancel lunch with us since she needed to have lunch with her boss, which means she’ll be at the office longer than she anticipated. Works for me; I can’t wait for her to feel special when she gets the delivery. It’s a great feeling to know that someone has your back.

  Unfortunately, things with Jean’s dad aren’t good. She stayed at the hospital last night with him. Jaylin and Aviva stayed at Jaylin’s condo with Celeste to make sure Jean didn’t feel any pressure. Once my teammates knew what was going on, all the guys’ wives volunteered to help. It’s a blessing, but thankfully, I have Jaylin with Aviva as a backup.

  I have a family.

  “Have you talked to Jean?”

  “Just through text. Her dad’s O2 levels weren’t good last night, but this morning they’re looking better. I told her to stay with him. That I’ll figure it out until she can come back.”

  “Man, this sucks.”

  “Agreed. She feels awful and keeps wanting to come do her job. She even asked if I wanted to replace her. I don’t.”

  Nico scoffs. “No shit. Jean is awesome.”

  “Exactly,” I agree as I tuck my phone in my pocket. “So, I may need Aviva’s help more than I’d like to ask.”

  “She doesn’t mind. Gives her something to do since she can’t fuss over Callie anymore.”

  “True. How is Callie?”

  “Really good,” he says with that grin that only covers his face when he talks about her. “She’s adjusting well. Classes start in two weeks.”


  “Yeah. She misses us, and us her, but she’s going to do great things.”

  “Hell yeah. What’s her major?”

  He pauses, but I’m not sure why. “Special education, but she wants to specialize in autistic children.”

  “Wow. She’s an angel.”

  “She is,” he says warmly.

  We turn into town, which is the shortcut to my place, just as my phone rings. I glance down to see it’s Jean. I answer quickly. “Hey, you okay?”

  She lets out a long breath. “Yeah, he’s doing better. Thank you so much for being so understanding through all this. I can’t believe this is going on. I’ve never had this happen. Usually, everything goes so smoothly. I am so sorry.”

  “Jean, you are absolutely fine. Please don’t apologize for something that was out of your control.”

  “I put you in a predicament, and if it weren’t for Jaylin, I would have been screwed. I am so sorry, Kirby. Please don’t fire me.”

  I laugh. “Not happening. You’re good, I promise.”

  “Okay, thank you,” she says on an exhale. “You have practice tomorrow and a game the next night, correct?”

  “Yes, but if you need to—”

  “Nope, he’s okay, and as long as he stays that way, I’ll be there tomorrow. I’ll let you know tonight if anything changes.”

  I nod. “That’s fine. Keep your chin up, okay?”

  “Thank you. I will.”

  We say goodbye and then hang up. “She’s a good girl.”

  “She is. I might need to steal her when my kid comes.”

  I scoff. “You have a wife.”

  He grins. “And you have a girlfriend. Are you going to give Jean up if you and Jay get married?”

  I shake my head. “No way. Jaylin is very busy with work. We’ll still need Jean.”

  When I feel him grinning at me, I realize I just threw all my cards on the table. “So, easy to say, you’re thinking ahead?”

  “Can you blame me? You know how it when you meet the right person.”

  He nods. “True, very true.”

  We turn onto my road, and I gather my garment bag and bag of little t
hings I got Celeste. He pulls into my driveway, and after getting my stuff out of the back, we head toward the house. He’s picking up Aviva since she’s here. The door opens, and Aviva comes out with her belly all big and my girl on her hip.

  “Hey, baby girl!” I gush, and Celeste squeals happily, opening and closing her palms at me. I throw my stuff in the house and take her from Aviva, but not before giving Aviva a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.”

  “No problem. Believe me, Jaylin did all the work.”

  My heart skips a beat as I wrap my arms around my girl, kissing her all over her face, much to her excitement. She laughs happily, holding my cheeks before she nuzzles her nose into mine. “How was your week? Did you have fun with Jean and Jaylin and Auntie Aviva?”

  She babbles something, and I grin as we head inside. I thought Aviva and Nico were behind me, but they wave me off from the driveway.

  “It’s been a week without my girl. See ya,” Nico calls, and I laugh as I shut the door. I hold Celeste close as I carry my things to my room, dropping them off. Jean keeps the house so clean; I can’t even tell that a baby lives here. Everything is arranged so perfectly, and even the kitchen is spotless. I try to keep up with her, but she’s a beast when it comes to cleaning. Hell, who am I kidding? She’s a beast at everything, which is why I can’t ever let her go. I’ll figure it out until she gets her dad feeling better. I need her. Celeste needs her.

  I head to the living room after grabbing Celeste and myself some snacks. She’s cuddled deep in my chest, and I love how much she loves me. How much she missed me. It’s such a wonderful feeling. When I reach the couch, I sit down, and she burrows deeper in my chest. Her arms are around my neck, holding me tightly as I gush and love all over her. “You look bigger. Are you bigger?”

  She giggles, mocking me as I nod. God, I love her. I hold her close, our cheeks pressed together, before snapping a picture and sending it to Jaylin. She responds right away.

  Jaylin: Stop. I can’t handle all that cuteness! I can’t wait to kiss you!

  I grin as I type back. Me: Same. Hurry over.

  Jaylin: Trying! Stressful day.

  My grin grows since I know when she gets the roses, her day will get better. I go to put my phone down, but it starts to ring. It’s Willa.


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