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Lord Harrow's Heart

Page 17

by Susan M. Baganz

  “How much time does she have?” Michael asked.

  “Lord Damon St. John died...”

  “Ten months ago,” Valeria answered in a flat voice. All the fire had gone out of her.

  The solicitor looked up. “Yes, that would be correct. Which gives you less than two months to fulfill the terms of the will or lose the entire estate to a trust to be administered by those three men for whatever purposes they deem appropriate.”

  Valeria swallowed. Two months. Lord Wolton escaped and his whereabouts unknown. The other two lords were ones she did not have any acquaintance with.

  Michael winked at her. “Thank you, Mr. Brownstone. We will be in touch with you when Lady St. John has wed.”

  The solicitor’s eyebrows went up as he looked at her. “You have an appropriate suitor?”

  Michael stood and assisted Valeria to her feet.

  The solicitor rose as he placed the papers back in his bag.

  “Lady St. John is a beautiful woman, Mr. Brownstone, the challenge for her will be selecting the man.”

  “Very well. Congratulations, then.” The solicitor bobbed his head nervously and quickly departed the room.

  “Michael! How could you?” She slapped him on the arm. As a brother-in-law, he was sometimes a pain. For all of that she was grateful for his support.

  “How could I what?” Michael shrugged.

  “I have no suitors and no time to find one.” Valeria walked across the room and sat in a chair near the fire.

  “I think you are misleading yourself. Where have you been this past week but in the room of a highly eligible bachelor, whom I believe is attracted to you.”

  “In his delirium.”

  “Well, let’s pray he can be return to his normally sound mind and brought up to scratch.”

  “I really would not want to wed him or anyone only to keep my son’s inheritance.”

  Michael nodded. “I realize that. But if you do not you will be destined for a life of servitude.”

  “Lord Harrow does not need the money.”

  “Of course not. He has wealth of his own. He would be a wonderful steward for the funds for your son, however, and when he comes of age, Theo would ensure Dartanian understood how to manage them wisely.”

  Valeria twisted her handkerchief in her hands only to stop and look at it. It was the one Theo gave her shortly after they’d met. She looked up to the ceiling as if the answer to her problem would be found there.

  Lord, what am I to do?


  The next time he awoke the room was dimly lit and when he moved his right hand it brushed up against something soft and silky. He adjusted his eyes to the darkness and saw a blonde head and part of a woman’s body leaning on the bed with the rest of her still in a chair. Valeria.

  Why was she here? He let his fingers play in her hair, but he erupted in a coughing fit that soon awoke her.


  He could not catch his breath. She helped him sit more upright and rearranged the mound of pillows before laying him back down. Orange blossoms. He could smell orange blossoms. Why did that scent always make him think of kissing her? She helped him drink some water and he kept his eyes focused on her. The water was cool and soothed his dry mouth and throat.

  “Is that better?”

  “Much.” His voice sounded raspy and weak.

  Her shoulders relaxed. “You had me worried.”

  “Really?” he croaked.

  She smiled. “You do not understand how loved you are, do you? Everyone has been praying for you.”

  “How long...” he bit back another cough.

  “A week.”

  “I need to leave.” He struggled to try to rise but fell back in defeat.

  “I think you need to rest and regain your strength.”


  “Because I need your help.”

  “I am unable to do much of anything at the present moment.”

  “Consciousness and being of sound mind would be the two qualifiers.”

  “Sound mind? Hasn’t the information been passed along? I’m an idiot.”

  “But a gentle, lovable, and buffleheaded one.” She smiled at him.

  “What do you need me to do?” Theo was curious.

  “I need you to marry me as soon as possible.” Valeria held her hands in her lap and bit her lip.

  “You what?” He started coughing again and when he was done he shook his head. “Now who is the foolish one?” He couldn’t keep his eyes open any longer.


  Valeria had shocked Theo and she felt bad unleashing that when he was still so sick. But she was nervous and afraid he would say no. Michael had suggested calling the banns right away so when Theo was better, they could be wed. She could not bring herself to agree to that plan unless Theo really understood why this was necessary.

  It’s not that she didn’t want to marry him. She did. But she wanted to wed someone who wanted her for her, not her money. She also did not want to be married out of pity either. She knew Theo didn’t care about the money, but he was a handsome man. She was sure he could have his pick of many women amongst the beau monde if he wanted. That puzzled her more than anything. Why would someone like him, so honorable and available, not be married already? Why would he have sought out her affections and even offer marriage before even being appraised about her noble lineage?

  She was French. Wouldn’t a good British lord desire an English rose for a bride? She didn’t even physically fit the mold of an English aristocrat. She was taller than most women and her hair was quite blonde which was not the current fashion. She looked in the mirror and saw a square jaw and full lips and brown eyes with her sunshine hair. Nothing spectacular from what she could tell. So why had Theo pursued her and helped her? It didn’t make sense. He and his friends saved hers and Dartanian’s life.

  To ask him to tie himself to her for the rest of their life did not seem like the best act of gratitude for all he had done.

  She was grateful that she could care for him. With the influenza, he had moaned and slept, but with pneumonia he was actually at times entertaining. She was flattered even with some of his murmurings as he would talk in his sleep.

  “Valeria?” His voice was raspy and soft, but he called for her often. Sometimes all he wanted was to feel her touch and he would calm again.

  “I’m here, Theo,” she whispered to him and clasped his good arm.

  He visibly relaxed and smiled. “I really like you a lot.”

  “You do?”

  “Um, hm. I’m glad those horses ran you over so I could meet you.”

  “You are happy I got hurt?” He had been horrified at her injuries, but she enjoyed teasing him.

  “No. No. No.” His voice was slow and slurred, almost as if he were drunk. “I do not want you to get hurt. Ever. I would take it for you.”

  “And you have. You are my hero.” She squeezed his forearm for emphasis.

  “I am?” He wore a silly grin.

  “Yes, you are.”

  “Do I get a kiss then? Heroes ought to get kisses, I think.”

  “I think that would be a grand idea, Theo.” She didn’t move. He puckered up and she bit back a giggle.



  Now he was pouting. “Why won’t you kiss me?”

  “I want to kiss you very much, Theo, but you are sick and need to rest.”

  “Oh. I’m sick?”


  “Will I die?”

  “I hope not.”

  “I get to go to heaven if I die so that’s not too bad. But I would like to stay for more of your kisses. I really like kissing you.”

  Valeria smiled, leaned over, and kissed his forehead. Whispering in his ear she said, “There is no one I would rather kiss than you.”

  She sat back down, and Theo had a silly grin on his face.

  “Maybe later?”

  “Maybe. Rest now, mon ami.”
br />   ~*~

  Theo woke up to find the room brightly lit. For once his head wasn’t pounding and he was able to inhale deeply without coughing.

  “You decided to rejoin the land of the living?” Marcus was sitting by his side.

  “Was I that sick?” Theo felt groggy and his arm and leg still ached.

  Marcus nodded. “Lady St. John has been particularly anxious for you to recover. I think the lady has a thing for you, Theo.” Marcus was smiling.

  “I remember a dream where she asked me to marry her. Can you imagine?” Theo shook his head.

  “It wasn’t a dream, Theo.”

  Theo looked at his friend. No smile. “Not a dream?”

  Marcus shook his head.

  “Why would she want to marry me?”

  “Why wouldn’t she? Don’t sell yourself short, Theodore. You are a handsome, well-respected aristocrat who treats a lady well. You have repeatedly put yourself in harm’s way for her.”

  “You think I’m handsome?” Theo grinned.

  “I’ve heard the women talking.”

  “So now you have stooped to relaying gossip? My, how the mighty have fallen.”

  Marcus shook his head at his friend. “The fact is, Lady St. John is in a bit of a quandary and it appears that you would be the ideal person to once again rescue her.”

  “A knight in shining amour while laid up in bed?”

  “Vows can be spoken anywhere.”

  “But why?”

  Marcus frowned. “Hmm. Now if I told you that I might be gossiping. I guess you’ll have to wait to hear it from the lady herself.”


  “In a few hours after she’s rested. In the meantime, I believe you will need some assistance to get bathed and some fresh clothes. I sent for Watkins to help tend to you. Your valet is vastly overpaid and needs to earn his keep more. You have been on this sickbed for too long. I don’t know how Lady St. John has stood being in this room for any length of time.”

  Theodore inhaled. He definitely had been perspiring. “If I have to be ready to hear a marriage proposal than I should make myself smell better at least.”

  “At least.” Marcus grinned and helped his friend rise from his sickbed.

  Theo rubbed his stubbled chin. “A good shave would not go amiss either.”


  “Valeria?” The soft female voice penetrated the dark fog of sleep that had wrapped around her. Hadn’t she just drifted off? Theo! She jerked awake with a start.

  “Theo? Is he well?” Her hair was falling wildly about her and she was all twisted up in her clothes. She had fallen into bed still dressed.

  Josie giggled. “He is well. And awake. You have been sleeping all day and I figured you may want to rise for dinner.”

  “All day?” Valeria rubbed her eyes. “I think I need a bath and a change of clothes.”

  Josie wrinkled her nose and nodded. “I think that would be wise. Now that Theo is on the mend you will want to look your best for him.”

  Valeria’s heart beat faster. “Josie, what if?”

  “What if, what? You need a husband and Theo has been drooling over you since he first ran you over. He speaks of you in his sleep. Are you worried he will deny your request?”

  Valeria nodded. “He confuses me. Draws me near, and then is so distant.”

  Josie nodded. “Talk to Katrina about a man who is passionate and runs hot and cold. Before they finally resolved things, Michael had to be the most idiotic man around. I wanted to slap him silly for the way he treated her.” Josie looked closely at Valeria and put her hands on her guest’s shoulders. “Theo has to be one of the most faithful, stable men of my acquaintance. He has never fallen for a woman before. I’ve never seen it and neither have his friends. He’s been waiting for you all his life. Don’t be afraid. Have faith that God will work this all out.”

  Valeria nodded. “Thank you.” She sniffed. Reassured but still scared. Since when did a woman propose to a man? How was she supposed to do this without sounding so needy? She prepared for a bath with the help of a maid assigned to her.

  The fact was, without the will being held over her head, she still wanted Theo in her life. She mulled over how to get the man and his love without the will mucking it up. A slow smile spread across her face that had nothing to do with the warm scented bath she was slipping into. No. Maybe the will was a temporary aid to get her what she really wanted. Lord Theodore Harrow.


  Lord Harrow was confined to his room for a few more days but Valeria was granted the opportunity to visit with him later in the evening. Theo sat in a chair by the fireplace. He had been permitted trousers and a shirt under his robe for the sake of decency. He thought it was a bit silly in a way since Lady St. John had been taking care of him for so long during his illness. But he acquiesced to the demands of his valet. Watkins could be quite stubborn, and Theo did not possess energy for a fight.

  When Lady St. John entered the sitting room, he was struck again by her beauty. Her eyes looked tired and worried. Lines marred her forehead and her hair was pulled back in a tight bun. She was dressed in a lavender gown that hung on her. He may have lost weight during his illness, but it had taken a toll on her as well. And yet she still radiated that beauty. And the scent of orange blossoms came with her. When had anyone ever given so much of themselves on his behalf? His heart beat a little faster at the overwhelming emotions her presence fostered.

  “Have a seat, Lady St. John. I understand we have something that must be discussed without delay.”

  She looked uncertainly at him and was holding something tightly in her hands. His eyes narrowed to see what it was. A handkerchief. He smiled. If the hint of embroidery he could see was what he thought it was, it was the one he had given her. She still had it. The thought humbled him.

  She moved to sit across from him, her legs primly together, her feet flat on the floor and her back straight and not touching the chair. She appeared scared.

  “Valeria? I’m a friend. I’m weak as a kitten and will not do anything to harm you or, I hope, distress you.”

  She nodded. “I am glad you are better.”

  Theo grinned. “I would not be so if it had not been for your kind ministrations.”

  Her smile was sad and she did not meet his eyes. “Has anyone told you what it is I needed to discuss with you?”

  “I had a dream where you proposed marriage.”

  She blushed. She really was so pretty when she colored up like that.

  “Marcus also mentioned something to that effect. I will admit I’m confused. You made it clear to me that you wished never to marry again. Given what was revealed when at the Diamonte estate, I could understand why. You were harshly used in your marriage.”

  She looked down at her hands. She would start to stay something and stop. She finally glanced up at him with tears in her eyes.

  Theo’s heart cracked.

  “I never thought I would want to be in any way tied to a man again.” She bit her lip. “But circumstances changed my perspective on that.”

  “Circumstances?” He was curious now.

  “The will.”

  “The Duke’s will? What has that to do with anything?”

  She swallowed hard. “There is a stipulation in the will that if I have not remarried within a year of my husband’s demise, then the estate falls into the hands of a trust and will be withheld from my son.”

  Theo’s eyes narrowed. “Your son’s inheritance is dependent upon your remarriage?”

  Valeria nodded.

  “If you do not marry within the allotted time period the estate reverts to the trust and other than a title, Dartanian is left with nothing.”

  She nodded and avoided his eyes.


  She looked at him.

  “How much time to do you have left?”

  “One month.”

  “Not much time to plan a wedding.”

  “I have no need of a fancy
wedding, my lord.”

  “Expedience overtakes luxury?”

  She nodded.

  “Is this to be a real marriage or one of convenience?”

  Her eyes grew wide as she stared at him. “My lord?”

  “You did not want to marry but you are now being forced into this. I need to understand if you desire a real marriage or one of convenience.”

  Valeria blushed. “I had not expected a mariage de convenance, but if that is what you would desire since you are being forced into this...”

  “No one forces me, Lady St. John. If I agree to this marriage it is of my own free will. However, since you have in the past had so many choices withheld from you, I would be loath to be one more ogre on your list.” Lord, this is will kill me. “If it is a mariage de convenance you desire, I would grant you that.”

  His gaze held hers. They were such a deep brown. All he longed to do was drop to a knee and beg her to marry him because she loved him, not because she needed to. More than anything he would long to take his wife to bed and explore her every mystery. He was first and foremost a gentleman and if that was something she could not give him, he would take what he could have.

  She was silent.

  “Lady St. John, Valeria. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, the fifth Marchioness of Harrow?”

  She solemnly nodded. “You do me a great honor in offering for me, Lord Harrow. I am pleased to accept.”

  “We have time to post the banns and marry in three weeks. Will that be enough time for you to prepare?”

  She nodded.

  “I will let you inform our friends of our happy news. I am finding that I am far more fatigued than I anticipated. If you would send Watkins to me, I would appreciate it.”

  Valeria stood and gave him a small curtsy.

  Theo shook his head. “You are to be my bride, Valeria. There is no need for such formality between us.”

  She nodded and left the room, taking the smell of the orange blossoms with her.

  Suddenly Theo felt cold and very alone.

  A marriage of convenience? He never thought he would agree to such a thing. When Watkins came in and assisted him to bed he was finding himself quite frustrated. To be so near the woman he loved and not be able to touch her? To kiss and hold her? To explore the wonder of the marriage bed with her? This was not the way he’d envisioned his future. He wanted to cry at the injustice of it all. Yes he wanted to marry her and he was getting his wish. But he was not getting her heart and that grieved him to the depths of his soul. He prided himself as a man of honor and he would keep his word and his distance even though it killed him. Given the way he felt when he was in her presence he thought it very might well do that.


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