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Loving Colt

Page 8

by C. A. Harms

  After I gave Maddison her bath, he helped me get her to bed and read her the book she begged him for.

  I sat on the edge of the bed and watched as he snuggled up beside her. He acted out the parts with such animation, and she smiled up at him in awe, her face showing just how much she truly adored him.

  When the story was complete, he slid off the bed and knelt next to her. Her eyes began to grow heavy as he sang softly to her, in a soothing melody. I had no idea he could sing; it was beautiful. The words he sang were familiar, yet I didn’t know the name of the song. It was calm and relaxing.

  Maddison’s eyes slowly began to drift shut and, just before they were completely closed, she whispered the words that hit me hard. “I love you, Colt.”

  His eyes shot up to meet mine, and they looked glossy. Looking back down at her, he brushed her hair away from her face in the gentlest way.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Damn if this little girl didn’t just embed herself into my heart deeper than she already was. I didn’t think it was possible for me to fall for her more than I had already. Not until she whispered those four words.

  She had almost made a grown man cry, and I never cry. But the moment she told me she loved me, my stomach tightened, my heart ran rapid, and my eyes clouded.

  “I love you too, angel.” I whispered, because I knew it was all I could handle without breaking.

  I could feel Alexis staring. Looking up to meet her teary gaze almost undid me. I forced back the intense, overwhelming emotion and winked, before looking back at the sleeping angel next to me.

  It was pretty close to impossible to get up and move away from her, but I forced it. My heart was still weakened by her words, and I was on the edge of unfamiliar territory.

  Being raised by a man who showed no weakness made me feel as if I was less of a man if I did. I knew it wasn’t true, but it was still a hurdle I faced.

  Standing before Alex, I reached out and took her hand in mine. With a light tug, I pulled her up and into my arms. Holding her close, I buried my face in her neck, breathing her in.

  I wasn’t sure how long we stood like that. A shadow in the doorway got my attention, and I looked up to find her father standing just outside the room. A smile gracing his lips, he nodded his head and walked away.

  I hoped he realized how much these two girls meant to me. It was in that moment that I knew for a fact they were my future. They were everything I needed and more than I ever imagined.

  Alex leaned back and looked up at me. The darkness of the room allowed me to see only the slight shadow of a smile.

  “Thank you for coming after us,” she whispered. “I was so worried I had pushed you away and that I would never get the chance to show you how I truly feel.”

  “No need to thank me, sweetheart; just promise me you won’t run again. Promise me you’ll give this thing between us a chance.” I tried to refrain from pleading, but it was useless; I was begging.

  “I promise,” she reassured me. Rising up onto her tiptoes, she placed her sweet lips to mine, and I was instantly lost. I had waited so long to feel her against me that I couldn’t keep my head straight.

  The gentle brush of her tongue against my lips triggered a groan in my chest. She smiled against my mouth, and then she licked my lip once more.

  “Oh, you are evil,” I whispered, resting my forehead against hers.

  Alex bit down on her lower lip, and I squeezed her hip to pull her in tighter. “I should probably get going. Walk me out.”

  The smile on her lips faded, just enough to notice, but she quickly recovered. Taking my hand in hers, she led me from the room and down the hall.

  The house was now quiet as we made our way to the front door. Before I could open it, she leaned her back against the door and looked up through her long lashes, with a look that had my mind going in all kinds of directions.

  The guy in me wanted to place my body against hers and pin her to the door, devouring her and exploring her body with my hands and mouth.

  The more logical part of me remembered we were in her parents’ house and her dad was somewhere around. I was sure he would not appreciate finding us in the positions I was letting my mind conjure up.

  I shook my head as if to clear the image, and she wrinkled up her nose.

  “Don’t look at me like that; you know exactly what you’re doing. You’re trying to get me shot.” I tugged at the lower lip she had pinned between her teeth, lightly grazing the pad of my thumb over it. “There is a time and a place for what we’re both thinking, and your parents’ foyer isn’t that place.”

  She pouted and I chuckled. “Now move that sweet little ass of yours, so I can go back to the hotel and take a cold shower.”

  The gleam in her eye was sexy as hell. She knew she had me by the balls, and she was loving it.

  After everything she had gone through, I strived to make her feel desirable and wanted. She needed to know that she deserved more than what she had been dealt. I planned on making sure she knew what it felt like to be somebody’s all.

  After a few more heated kisses, I begrudgingly pried myself away from her and backed down the front steps, shaking my head at her. “You’re asking for trouble, blondie. Some real big trouble.”

  “Maybe I am, cowboy. Maybe I held back when I shouldn’t have, and now I’m ready for it all.” She was tempting me, and my heart was racing.

  “Oh, I’ll give it all to ya,” I assured her with a smile. “Just not on your daddy’s doorstep. It’s gonna happen, real soon. I can promise ya that.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that.” She took a step toward me, and I took another backwards. I couldn’t let her touch me again. I was on the edge as it was.

  “Get back inside,” I told her, and she shook her head no. Another step toward me had me taking another one away. “Yes.” I narrowed my eyes in an attempt to warn her.

  “I can read you clearly, Colt. I can tell you’re real close to losing your control. Maybe that’s what I want.” Oh, she was a temptress. That gleam shining bright and the way she slowly continued to move toward me made my mouth dry.

  I watched as she closed the distance between us and ran her hand over my chest. I closed my eyes tightly and took in a deep breath. “What are you doing, baby?” I asked just above a whisper.

  “I wasn’t done kissing you yet,” she stated as her lips feathered across mine. “I need more.” Her tongue licking along my lower lip made my knees weak.

  Reaching out, I gripped her hips tightly and pulled her body flush against mine. “Not here, not now.” I opened my eyes and locked them with hers. “Tomorrow night, let me take you to dinner. Maybe your mom or sister can watch Maddi.”

  I could barely control my urge to take her with me now. “Do you think we can make that work?” I asked.

  “I’ll ask, but will I be coming home after?” That lust-filled glaze in her eyes was screaming out to me.

  “Depends on if you want to,” I said. This had to be something she knew for sure. I wouldn’t rush this between us. I couldn’t take the chance of losing her again.

  “What do you want, Colton?” she asked.

  “You,” I answered without hesitation.

  “Tomorrow night,” she stated, and I knew just what she meant. Tomorrow would change everything for us. We were making the decision in that moment to go forward fully. After that, she would be mine, and nothing would ever change that.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I couldn’t believe how nervous I was. Last night I was strong and confident. It was so unlike me. Maybe like the old me, but things had changed. I had changed. Until last night, I just went along with things, never pushing for what I wanted.

  Colt brought out something in me that felt good. He made me feel as if nothing was out of reach.

  After he left, I was so worked up. I would have gone back to his hotel right then if he had asked.

  As I stand in front of the mi
rror examining myself, I was glad I didn’t. We weren’t a quickie in a hotel room; we were more than that.

  A loud whistle startled me, and I spun around to look behind me. Jett was leaning against the door frame, smiling. “You look amazing, Al, truly amazing. That smile sure looks damn good on you. I think Colton is good for you.”

  Hearing those words made my smile grown wider. “He is, Jett, for both of us. The way he is with Maddi, and how he makes me feel.” I shrugged my shoulders. “I just can’t explain it, but I know he’s what I want.”

  “Well, I think it’s about time you get something you want for a change. Don’t you?” Jett was the level-headed one. He worked hard to get where he is, and I admired him tremendously. The only problem I had with his success was that he was alone. He deserved a woman who knew how wonderful he was. I just hoped one day he would find the one who made him feel whole.


  Colt was picking me up at six. I had spent hours trying to make everything about me perfect, from my hair and makeup to the clothes I wore. I still wasn’t sure about what I had chosen to wear, but it would have to do. I only had ten minutes to calm myself down and pull myself together.

  My phone chirped from across the room, and I scrambled for it, wearing a big smile on my face, thinking it was Colt.

  I just got off the phone with my brother. I can’t express how happy I am that he found you. Colt adores you, he deserves to be happy. You make him happy, Alex, both you and Maddison. I can’t wait until he brings you both home. Maria

  I stood there staring at my phone, smiling. I typed out a quick response and tossed the phone into my purse as I rushed toward the ringing door bell. I was feeling giddy, knowing that beyond the door was the man who had earned my love.

  My parents had taken Maddi out for pizza, and I had the house to myself. I skipped, yes, happily skipped, down the hall and swung the door open.

  My heart instantly ached, and my entire body began to shake. There on the other side of the doorway stood Seth. One shoulder was resting against the frame, and he wore an arrogant grin across his lips.

  “Hey, babe, were you expecting company?” he asked as he took a step in my direction, his smirk growing larger.

  My throat ached with the need to scream. My eyes began to scan my surroundings, looking for anything that might help me get away.

  “I told you I would see you again,” he whispered. “You ready to come home?”

  My gaze shot up to meet his as he reached out and gripped my wrist, pulling me toward him. I shook my head no and attempted to tug my arm away from him. “You’re hurting me.” I winced as he squeezed tighter. “Seth, please.”

  “You hurt me, by taking off on me. Then you ran right into the arms of another man. Imagine how that makes me feel.” His eyes were hard, and the expression on his face was so cold. “Another man, Alex. It was like I meant nothing to you. I was waiting, and you were whoring around.”

  An eerie feeling engulfed my senses and I began to panic. Seth gripped me tighter and started dragging me down the hall. I tried with everything in me to maintain my composure. I couldn’t show him I was losing it. I couldn’t show him the fear in me; I had to stand up for myself.

  Entering the living room, he jerked my arm and brought my body flush against his. His mouth was only inches from mine, and it was then that I smelled the alcohol on his breath.

  “I’ve missed you, Alex. I know you are alone. I know your parents left with Maddison, so nothing is in our way.” He licked his lips. “I’m thinking you owe me a little something. After all, I drove all this way.”

  My stomached tightened in disgust. He used to make me feel completely cared for and loved. Now he just terrified me beyond belief.

  I turned my face away from him just before he kissed my lips. He didn’t let it stop him. He gripped my chin tightly and turned me back to face him, pressing his lips painfully against mine. I groaned in protest. He mistook my groan for lust and backed me against the wall. I could feel his arousal against my stomach, and I fought off the nausea that it triggered within me.

  “Please stop,” I asked.

  “Shh, Alex,” he whispered.

  Tears were building in my eyes, as my heart raced faster with panic.

  The ringing doorbell gave me a small sense of hope, knowing it had to be Colt. I let out a whimper as I thought about him coming to save me. He had no idea I needed him, but it was knowing he was close that helped to ease the fear.

  “Who the hell is that?” Seth sneered angrily. “Your new toy?”

  His grip on my arm caused me to yelp. He pinned me against the wall by placing his hand around my neck and, as he pressed harder, it was becoming difficult to breathe.

  I tried to pry his fingers from my throat as I gasped for air. I couldn’t scream because I couldn’t draw a breath. My lips were tingling, and I closed my eyes tightly, still pulling at his fingers.

  The doorbell rang again, followed by a knock. Seth only grew angrier. “You better hope he leaves real soon,” he stated. He glared at me while I gasped for breath.

  I could feel my body getting weaker as I slid weightlessly down the wall. Seth lowered with me, while keeping his eyes locked with mine. My feet touched the floor as my body sagged against the wall behind me. It was as if he enjoyed watching me slowly fade away.

  Maddison’s face and her sweet smile flashed before me. My entire body tingled, and my eyes rolled back as everything grew dark.

  My world was shattering at the hands of Seth. Everything I had imagined for Colt and me was being taken away from us. My little girl would be alone, and that broke my heart.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I stood on the porch looking around and wondering what was taking her so long. She knew what time I would be here. We had talked a few times today, and the time had been confirmed more than once.

  After the fourth time I rang the bell, I stepped back and looked through the front window. I felt like a damn peeping tom, attempting to see through the drawn shades.

  I wandered from window to window looking for movement. Kneeling down at the front of the house, I peered in through the slit at the bottom of the blinds. I could see the slightest shadow, so I knelt a little lower.

  My stomach tightened at the image before me. A woman’s feet, wearing strappy sandals, were kicking at the ground, struggling. Another set of feet, covered in black boots, stood before her.

  The instinct to protect her shot through me, and I grabbed for the first thing I could find. I picked up the small iron table on the porch and began slamming it against the front window. A rage took over, as I continued to beat it against the glass until it shattered.

  I didn’t pause. I rushed forward and climbed in through the opening. The scene before me fueled my anger when I saw Alex slumped against the wall, lifeless.

  My heart was racing with such a rage that I charged at the man standing before her, bringing him to the ground. Everything was a blur as I swung at him, one blow after another. My fist connected with his face, and his head fell from side to side. He struggled against me, attempting to shield himself.

  Until I was pulled back, I had no idea anyone else was in the house. I fought against the person holding on to me from behind, unable to register my surroundings. My anger took over, and I wanted him to pay for what he had put her through. I wanted him to know what defeat felt like.

  “Calm down, son.” A voice spoke from behind me. Turning just enough, I registered the concerned face of Alex’s father. Ragged breaths were flowing from me as I attempted to rein in my rage.

  Looking past his shoulder, I found Harper kneeling next to Alex. Tears were falling from her eyes while she held Alex close with a terrified look. She was gasping for air.

  Pushing past her father, I fell to the floor beside her.

  “Are you okay?” I looked her over closely. Her eyes watered and her skin was pale. The red marks that marred her neck only made my anger return.

rything around me disappeared, and Alex was my only concern. I moved in closer, lightly brushing my hand over her cheek. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner.”

  I was falling apart on the inside, knowing that I could have prevented this if I hadn’t stopped for flowers.

  “It’s not your fault.” Her voice came out in a whisper, a raspy whisper that broke me more. I pulled her close and buried my face in her hair.

  I held her like that until the paramedics made me step back; even then, I still held her hand. I watched as they checked her over and her eyes continued to shift downward. She was hiding her tears, feeling ashamed of the situation.

  After the police questioned both of us, she was led upstairs to her room.

  Her mother had gone next door with Maddison when they pulled up and found the window broken. She called 911, not knowing what was happening.

  Jim, Alex’s father, was shocked at what he had found. There I was in the middle of their living room floor, punching Seth repeatedly.

  I stood at the bottom of the stairs, watching Alex being led away from me. With each step they took, my chest grew tighter.

  A hand firmly gripping my shoulder caused me to turn quickly. I was still wired from the whole night, with adrenaline still heavily coursing through me. Jim tried to appear calm, but I knew he was as angry as I was.

  “I think I owe you a beer, son,” he stated as he nudged me toward the kitchen.

  Pulling two bottles from the fridge, he held one out for me. I nodded my head, silently thanking him. I still didn’t trust my voice.

  “Thank you for what you did tonight,” he said.

  “Sorry about your window,” I replied.

  “Hell with that damn window, you saved my daughter.” His eyes glistened as he said the words. “If he would have…” He paused and cleared his throat. “Thank you, Colt.”

  “I think I could have killed him,” I admitted without hesitation.


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