Book Read Free


Page 14

by Sioux Dallas

Keanu stared at him. “Yes. Okay. You’ve given me no reason to doubt you. Just remember, I will protect Lynn and Sharon with my life if necessary.” He looked to the front and side of the building. “I saw a car pull in. I’d better go see who it is. It might be someone we don’t want around today,” he said as he trotted away.

  “You’re very astute,” David said to Sean. “I’m not at liberty to divulge information about myself now. Will you trust me a little while longer with your girls, and I meant it when I said I’d protect them with my life.”

  “I’ll back off for the moment. Just know that I’ll be keeping in close touch, and I have a good deal of influence with the powers that be. If push comes to shove, I can always ask the Governor to send special forces to investigate and protect.”

  “Believe me, that won’t be necessary.”

  Keanu came hurrying back. “That weird man.” He frowned and made a face.

  “What about him?” David asked anxiously.

  “He said he wanted his twelve year old daughter to take lessons here. He wanted to see all over the stables and ask a lot of stupid questions.”

  “Questions? Such as?”

  “He wanted to know if she could learn to ride on a stallion because she loves Black Beauty. I explained that geldings were used in movies and stallions were not for beginning riders, especially little girls. Then he wanted to know if we had lessons on holidays or if there were other arrangements made. He just went on and on. I don’t think he knows any more than his daughter does about horses. I swear, if brains were made of leather, he wouldn’t have enough to make a saddle for a flea.”

  Everyone, at the stable, had become accustomed to Keanu’s derisive or sardonic comments about people, especially those whom he didn’t approve of. But this was Sean’s first encounter with Keanu and his caustic tongue. He recognized that Keanu had a sharp mind even though he was young. He reasoned that it was because Keanu had been on his own for many years. Sean also recognized that Keanu had a soft spot for animals and youngsters in need, and he felt confident that Keanu would be a loyal friend to Sharon and Lynn.

  Sean laughed and put his arm across Keanu’s shoulders. “Maybe he’s just someone with more money than brains and hasn’t been around horses. He probably has a spoiled little girl that he tries to do whatever she asks, however, under the circumstances, it pays to be cautious. Would you recognize this man if you see him again?”

  “Sure.” Keanu answered with a thoughtful frown.

  David started walking toward the back of the office. “We’d better go in. Mrs. Donnelly keeps looking out here as if she’s alarmed.”

  “Well, you know women,” Sean chuckled. “They have to know every word that’s said and everything that’s going on. I guess Megan is alarmed. She’s the proverbial mother hen. I can’t blame her though after all that’s happened to Sharon. I hope I won’t be the first one to find who’s responsible. I’d be in serious trouble because there wouldn’t be enough of them left to take to court.” He spoke as a father and not as an attorney.

  “Not if I find him first,” Keanu said.

  Megan jerked the door open. “It’s about time you men came in. Don’t you realize how nervous the girls are? They need assurance that you’re close to them.”

  Sean smiled as he hugged her. “Who’s nervous? The girls look fine to me.” He winked at them.

  Sharon smiled at her parents with her heart in her eyes. What great people. Dad’s forty-five and mom’s forty-three, but they look much younger. They’ve been the best parents to Lynn and me.

  Lynn jumped up. “Sheilah, it’s early, but why don’t you go on home. You’re welcome to stay for supper, but I’m turning in early. The stress has been exhausting.”

  “Thanks, but I’m going home as fast as I can wriggle. I’m looking forward to a hot shower and an early, lazy time in bed. Tension has been high and I’ve been on pins and needles all day. Sharon, I can’t tell you how relieved and thrilled I am that you’re okay.”

  David knelt beside her wheelchair. “Sheilah, please be careful. We don’t know who this nut is. Too, there might be reporters hanging around. Can you look distressed if they try to talk to you?”

  “You bet I can. All I have to do is think of Jenni’s death and what might have happened to Sharon.”

  “Would you feel better if I followed you home?” David patted her arm.

  “Thanks, but that’s not necessary. Reporters will be the worst thing that’ll happen now. As far as the killer thinks, he’s killed Sharon. He’s not going to bother me.”

  “I don’t want you to live in fear, but don’t get too cocky. We have to consider that a kook like this might think Sharon knows, or has observed, something, and he might be afraid that she’d tell you.” He stood up agitated. “What is it she’s supposed to know? It would clear up a lot of things if we knew why he’s after her.”

  “I’m not afraid for me. Even if his thinking is warped concerning Sharon, he thinks he’s got her and he surely won’t be calling more attention to himself by going after me.”

  “Don’t frighten her,” Sharon begged. She knew how Sheilah felt and wouldn’t wish that on anyone, especially such a dear friend. And what a dear friend Sheilah had proven to be. How blessed I am to have so many caring people around me.

  “I’m not scared. Really I’m not. I’ll say goodnight to all of you, and again, Sharon, I’m so relieved that you’re okay.”

  Sharon leaned over to hug her as Lynn spoke. “Call me when you get home so we’ll know you got that far safely.

  “Yes, Mother,” Sheilah grinned as she wheeled to the door. David walked with her to her van and came back looking thoughtful.

  “David,” Lynn called. “Would you get Jake and Keanu and bring them here, please. Why don’t the three of you have supper with us while we have a council of war?” She tried to smile. “I’m just fixing spaghetti and a salad with garlic bread. It’ll be no trouble, but I meant it when I said I’m going to bed early. I know what Sheilah meant. The stress is exhausting. My brain is whirling with questions and what ifs.”

  “I think that’s a great idea.” He walked briskly out still looking as if he were thinking deeply.

  As soon as everyone gathered, the phone rang. Lynn touched the speaker phone button. “It’s me, chickadees. I’m home safely, but you were right. Reporters were hanging out at the end of the driveway. They wanted to know about Sharon’s funeral plans and what all of us had been thinking and talking about.” Sheilah told her.

  “Oh, Sheilah. I’m so sorry. Are you all right?”

  “You betcha. But I’m roaring mad. Some of those buzzards seem to be gleeful at the news. They’re looking for sensationalism.”

  “What did you tell them?”

  “I told them arrangements would be decided by Sharon’s parents and her sister. I’m not a relative, therefore, I’m not privileged to the information.”

  “Good for you,” David spoke. “You sure think quick on your feet.”

  “In this case, it’s quick on my seat. Night all.” She hung up laughing.

  After supper, as they were cleaning up, the phone rang. Lynn jumped and looked as if she were afraid of an attack. “The phone makes me feel as if I’m going to hear bad news.”

  “I’ll answer it,” David stepped to the wall phone in the kitchen. “Soaring Eagle. Oh, hello. Yes, Martin, she’s here, but she’s been through the wringer. I’ll see if she’s up to talking right now.” He turned from the phone and placed his hand over the receiver.

  “Lynn, it’s Martin Swanson. He heard the news about Sharon and wants to talk to you.”

  “Okay,” she sighed, drawing a deep breath, and reached for the phone. “Hello, Martin. No, I haven’t been doing well. My parents are here, and, of course, all the folks who work here. Thank you. That’s kind of you. I’ll let you know when I decide to continue lessons. Take care of yourself, and thanks for calling.” She shook her head. She hated not being honest with Martin, but they had to make su
re Sharon was safe. Someone might, in all innocence, say the wrong thing to the wrong person and give away the secret that Sharon was alive.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I’ve had calls from most of the students and loads of people in town. I’m grateful that they care and are offering help, but I’m going to feel badly when I have to tell them that Sharon isn’t dead and we lied to them.”

  “Lynn, I’m so sorry. It looks as if I’m going to be an albatross to you all our lives.”

  “You are not,” Lynn said firmly. You’re my dear sister and I love you so very much.” She burst out crying and she and Sharon stood hugging.

  “Shock,” Sean explained. “Lynn, darling, you’ve been so brave and have taken a lot on your young shoulders. I wondered when it would catch up to you.” Sean put an arm around each girl. Lynn turned and hid her face on his shoulder.

  “Oh, Dad, I’m such a baby, but I keep thinking that horrible person is still out there and will still try to kill Sharon, or any of us that he thinks she has told something to. We can’t hide here forever.”

  “Shhh. I know. We’ve all had the same thoughts. You’ll just have to go about your work as usual and everyone must keep alert and be suspicious of everyone and everything that’s either out of the ordinary or around too much.”

  Jake, moving restlessly, reached for a Kleenex and blew his nose. “We’re all going to stay on guard and take care of both of you. That d - uh- person isn’t going to get Sharon.”

  “He won’t have another chance,” Megan wiped her eyes. “Honey, pack your clothes. You’re coming home with us.”

  “No, Mom. There’s no way I’d drag this dirty business in on you. It’s bad enough that all of these people have been placed at risk because of me. Besides,” she grinned, “I still can’t stand to be in the same town with Agnes Taylor.”

  Sean snorted. “Who can stand her? That reminds me. I need to call Malcolm and let him know about Sharon. He was grieving and in agony when I last spoke to him. I talked to him on the car phone as we drove up.”

  The call was made and Malcolm insisted on speaking to Sharon. “Honey, I’m coming up there tomorrow. I have to see with my own eyes that you’re all right and hug you. I’ve been so angry remembering what my son did to you and then to think you had gone through what was reported made me forget I’m a gentleman.” His grief and anger were palpable over the phone. “Thank goodness Agnes is at her sister’s and doesn’t know this yet. You can be sure it will come out eventually. Be very careful.”

  “I’ll be glad to see you, Dad Taylor, but don’t go to any trouble just for me,” she hesitated, “or cause more trouble for yourself.”

  He knew she meant she didn’t want Agnes angry at him. At that moment a voice could be heard screaming in the background.

  “You mean that witch isn’t dead after all. What will it take to kill her? That proves she’s evil. She’s protected by her guardian devils.”

  “I’m so sorry, Sharon. I didn’t realize she had come in and was standing behind me. I have to hang up, but rest assured I’ll be there and your dad and I will get to the bottom of this.”

  Sharon was shaking as she told the group of the conversation. Just the thought of Agnes made her skin crawl. Then she felt ashamed. I should be trying to understand her and feel sorry for her, but she sure makes it hard for anyone to care about her.

  “Did any of you think that woman might have a mental problem?” Keanu asked. “I sure hope I never meet her.”

  Sean pinched his lower lip and pulled it out with his right hand. It was a habit he’d formed when thinking deeply. “Malcolm and I have discussed that she needs professional help, but she’d fight getting any help. I just hope she doesn’t go off completely and hurt Malcolm - or someone else.”

  “That’s enough,” Megan spoke. “We need to calm down and think happy thoughts.

  It’s time to get settled for the night. Like Scarlet, we’ll think about this tomorrow.”

  Keanu ran out to see who had driven in. He came in about ten minutes later spluttering with indignation. “That was another deputy that just wanted to stick his nose into things. He didn’t know much about the situation and asked the most stupid questions. I told him Deputy Belasic was handling everything admirably. This man reminds me of Barney Fife, you know - Andy Griffith - Mayberry. This deputy is a bullet short of a load.” Keanu’s comments helped to relax the others as they chuckled at his reaction. “He needs to take lessons from Deputy Belasic.”

  David looked thoughtful. “I may be swallowing a camel and choking on a gnat, but we need to be careful, and suspicious. We don’t know if there’s a rogue cop out there.”

  There was a quick discussion about what each would do the next morning. Sean said a prayer for the group. David, Keanu and Jake went to their apartments. Megan and Sean slept in Lynn’s bedroom and Lynn and Sharon snuggled down on a sleep sofa in the back room downstairs.

  It seemed that they had just gotten to sleep when they were awakened by a banging on the outside door and Keanu shouting. “Wake up! Wake up!”

  Lynn threw on a robe and raced for the door. She opened it enough for Keanu to slip through in case there were people that she didn’t want in or to see in the room. By then Megan and Sean were downstairs.

  “What’s up?” Sean asked.

  “There’s a police car coming up the drive and a lot of cars following.”

  Answering another knock, Lynn let David and a uniformed police officer in.

  “Good morning. I’m Deputy Angelo Diaz. Sorry to get you folks up so early, but someone is leaking information to the press, or one of them is mighty enterprising.”

  Deputy Belasic ran in at that moment followed by a puzzled looking rookie deputy. It was obvious that Belasic was agitated.

  “What’s being told to the press?” Sean asked with a grim expression. “By the way, I’m Sean Donnelly. I’m Lynn and Sharon’s father. This is my wife, Megan.”

  “Boy am I happy to see you. I’m Deputy Vincent Belasic and this is Deputy Bob Wakefield. It’s a relief to know there’s a man on the property, especially a relative.”

  “We’re here,” Keanu bristled. “We care about these girls and will protect them with our lives.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I worded that badly because we’re all upset. I just meant the girls probably feel better with their daddy here.”

  “You must have come for a specific reason,” Lynn broke in.

  “A reporter came to the sheriff’s office this morning and asked if we knew who had planted the remote-controlled bomb on Sharon’s car and if we knew why Sharon is targeted. We deliberately kept it quiet that a remote-controlled bomb was used. We were hoping that someone would get careless and give themselves away.”

  “What was the reporter told?” David asked.

  “That an investigation is in progress and nothing will be discussed until there is more information. I reminded them that if the police told everything the criminal might be alerted and get away.”

  “We’d better get out there and protect those reporters,” David chuckled. “Jake has a shotgun across his arms and is daring anyone to come any closer.”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake,” Lynn spluttered. “As if we don’t have enough problems. Let me get dressed and I’ll be right out.” She ran upstairs, Sharon right behind her, mumbling, “They could have at least waited until after we had breakfast.”

  “Sharon,” Deputy Belasic called to her as she came back down. “I think it’s time to tell them you’re here, but I want to be with you when you speak to them. Don’t tell them anything except that you had gotten out of the car and didn’t know about the incident until you heard it on the news. Impress upon them that you’re still in shock and have no idea why your car was destroyed. It’s better that all this information comes from you instead of them getting piecemeal information and arriving at the wrong conclusions.”

  “I can do that,” she said softly.

  “I’ll be right
beside you, Sharon,” David said.

  “And I’ll be on the other side,” Keanu stated fiercely.

  As soon as everyone was ready, they followed Vincent Belasic to the stable. There was a collected gasp and shouts of excitement when some, who knew Sharon, caught sight of her. The reporters began to run toward Sharon, crowding each other. They were all yelling at once asking questions and making observations.

  “Jake! Put that gun down,” Lynn yelled as she ran to him. She was too late to stop some of the reporters from taking pictures of Jake aiming the rifle.

  “What do you people want? Technically you’re trespassing on private property.” Lynn demanded that they back up and leave.

  “It isn’t so private when you have a school for the public to use,” one reporter answered Lynn as he took a picture of her.

  “It’s still private property and I have the right to say who comes on these grounds.”

  “Deputy Belasic, maybe you’d better take charge and clear the grounds,” Sean suggested.

  “Who’er you?” a woman pushed a mike in Sean’s face.

  “This is the father of these two young ladies,” Deputy Belasic answered her.

  David placed a protective arm around Sharon and pulled her close to his side. She willingly leaned against him. The reporters were so anxious to get a sensational story that they didn’t seem to be human for a few moments. They were all yelling at once. Flashbulbs were popping, cameras were whirring and there was a lot of shoving.

  Keanu stood slightly in front of Sharon, his feet spread apart and his arms akimbo.

  He thrust his chin out and gave the impression that he would welcome a physical confrontation.

  “Hey, Sharon, who’s your protector?” A man laughed. “Hey, kid, you look Indian. Are you Indian, kid? What’er you doing here?”

  “Are you Sharon?” A woman tried to shove a mike in Sharon’s face while a man stood behind her and aimed a camera. They couldn’t get past the firm, determined body of Keanu. David hugged her closer and turned so that she was slightly behind him.

  “We thought you were dead. Why did you let us think you were dead? Who was in the car? Somebody was killed, and it was your car.” Several crowded in closer.


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