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A New Era

Page 37

by Chris Red

  However, the presence of Oliveira intrigued him. He had the courage which was lacking him? Did he know the continuation of the events? If it was the case, his capacity to let nothing show through was remarkable. However, certain militiamen of the fire had left the army, it was so risky to draw

  Conclusions on the future from the behavior of people having developed the gift for the future. Unfortunately, rare were the ones who had future visions concerning them directly. Ribardielli observed the men who had assembled in front of him and who watched for the kick-off of the hostilities. Suddenly, he decided to regain self-control and to stop racking himself psychologically. His shivers began to become blurred. He gathered his last thoughts, looking for the adequate words to galvanize his troops, then he took the plunge into the water.

  Natan observed it since its moved back to post. He heard nothing, he revealed only the ardour of his opponent. Moreover, the sound was not necessary so much Ribardielli possessed this innate quality at certain men to express himself with his body. His body movements were energetic and gave rhythm to his speech with a surgical precision. The arms and his fists cleft through the air when one needed to increase the impact of his words. All his body was in movement, In view of the complexion of the skin, the blood vessels also seemed to be in a state of extreme frenzy. He showed a wild determination, and his spite seemed to contaminate the soldiers whose fists raised themselves at the same time over the heads at the end of his speech. Apparently, this man knew how to harangue the men. In spite of the negative hostility of Ribardielli, to see him allowed Natan to realize certain aspects of his element. The fire, due to his ardour, has the possibility of communicating his enthusiasm, and he can gather. He just thought of what takes place when men light on a fire. They meet all around. Suddenly, he felt pressing on him a heavy responsibility by imagining to do the same, but in the best sense of the word. Suddenly, a resounding explosion forced him to focus his attention once more in front of him.

  A back shock wave come, it surprised the militiamen. Instinctively, they stopped being held standing to attention and broke rows to turn around and discover the danger which threatened them. A thick black smoke spread in the path. Same Ribardielli, who was held in front of the scene, had not seen this explosion occurring. He was held on alert. A brief exchange with Kharkiv is enough for him to see that the captain of

  The air was also on the alert. The cloud of smoke dissipated little by little, alternating gradually of a compact black aspect in a grey tint. The militiamen expected more men to arise from the twilight to assail them. However, their looks moved everywhere. In spite of their digital strength, they felt pursued and from then on vulnerable. Ribardielli liked the plans well thought and executed literally. If he was sometimes capable of improvising when an impromptu obstacle raised on his road, he was much less sure of himself when it was necessary to react to unforeseen permanently. This explosion made him quiver more than with reason. He understood immediately that this battle would not win only by listening to mental sound. The instinct and the reactivity would allow making the difference.

  Salina had been the first one to express her talents. Hidden behind a wall, she had concentrated on the present molecules of oxygen in the air and made them warm by the thought to generate at least unexpected explosion. Meanwhile, Ayame and Jérémy focused on their respective tasks. The dark clouds which began to wrap places were of the privilege of the air. A little of darkness would allow to destabilize the militiamen, had thought Jérémy. Having said that, after the deafening noise which moved the guts of every present man in the surroundings, Natan made about-turn and spotted his allies. It is only when Yizrah communicated with him to suggest him to take advantage of the disorder to infiltrate that he became aware that in spite of his isolated act, his friends had come to his rescue, not to reason with it, but to present him all at once with thumb. Their efforts did not have to be vain. Suddenly, the air still exploded. This time, it was very close, certain militiamen found themselves plunged into the twilight. And another explosion was listened in the second following ones. The smoke had assaulted the place. Nobody could see in more than a meter around there. The panic seized their bodies. They were held all on the defensive. Ribardielli was in a state of high blood pressure. The seconds paraded, and nevertheless, the silence always reigned. Something limped. Why take so much time to take action?

  The strategy seemed obvious: make lose any mark to his opponent to assail him better.

  Natan had crossed the portal. When he set foot, he had a brief thought of his friends. He would pay them back the candle, but the time had come to have a small explanation with his brother. Natan rushed in the direction of the main building which exceeded by far in size all the others with an unconcealed pride in view of the modernity of the building by comparison with the sobriety conveyed by the military buildings. While he approached the entrance, and especially the long-awaited reunions with his brother, his stomach was formed, and his spirit plunged into the past. He thought of the numerous discussions which he had maintained with his friend Aaron. In this particular case, he reminded himself of a subject in particular, The control of the feelings. Aaron had explained him in whom it was important to know how to stand back with regard to his own feelings.

  The sun got ready to go to bed over the village of Jalalah. Aaron and Natan were both sat in the position of the lotus the one next to the other one. In front of them, accompanied by a peaceful sea in the meditation. The soft noise of waves seemed to rock them in their moment of internal pondering.

  "I feel your energy Natan, you enormously calmed down since the day of our meeting. However, there is another part of you which seems disturbed. You seem determined to find your brother, but you also dread these reunions, right?

  - If he survived, I ignore in which conditions. Maybe he does not feel the same determination as me regarding finding eachother. My uncle was always there for me. Who take care him?

  - Your condolence is big Natan. But allow me to lend you once again an sdvice, which I hope, will be useful for you.

  - I am listening.

  - To manage a possible confrontation with your brother, but also to arrest cold-bloodedly any situation, you will have to learn to check your feelings. As I have explained it to you already, we live in a world governed by the duality.

  The Good and evil. Nobody is quite white, or every black. However, we tend to get closer either to the one, or to the other one. On one side, the light, on the other one, the darkness. Nevertheless, even if you reach the state of grace got by the light, do not forget that in the slightest step of fault, you can find yourself in total darkness. Nothing is more simple than to plunge, it is enough to be allowed submerge by his feelings, that they are positive or negative. I do not doubt in the least bit that you will soon be invaded by an intoxicating feeling of plenitude, but nothing is acquired my young friend. Your conviction will be tested severely one day. At this moment, you will know who you really are. The feelings are a part of aspects which make the charm of the human being, but they still do not indicate us the right direction. It is necessary to know how to feel them without letting them invade our heart and our spirit. The control of our own feelings requires to know how to stand back on sound one inside and to perceive our environment with lucidity and objectivity. Furthermore, Natan, you are inhabited by the fire. Do not forget, the fire and the water are the creative and destructive elements. Contrary to the air and to the earth who cannot create from the nothingness, the fire and the water have this possibility. On the other hand, it implies the faculty to destroy what was created by the power of elements. Allow being guided by negative feelings, and you could cause irreparable damage. "

  While he got ready to push the doors of the entrance hall, Natan stopped any movement to take a few moments to make the internal space. The confrontation watched for him required a perfect self-control, especially as it was inhabited of the destructive power of the fire. If the fact of feeling a certain peace of mind allowed
him to channel the fire which emanated from him and so to create the fire out of nothing, either to read in the future, to see farther, you should not forget that the slightest relaxation could turn out devastating, as well for him as for the others. He did not doubt a single moment when Eyal was going to test severely his internal strength, but it was necessary be a friendly fire, you would not should force the hand of his young brother nor to reveal the slightest resentment.

  When he felt ready, he penetrated into the cave so dreaded. A subdued light enlightened the entrance hall. A wide left office seemed to be as reception. Some Lazarus Stambouli's portraits decorated walls. But this face left him totally unmoved. He threw his look on a light in height, she was situated over the elevator. There was movement. There was not more than to wait.

  At the same moment, Ribardielli, gobbled up in the twilight, lost control of his body, he felt lifting up himself in the air, his members twisted themselves slowly but surely in different directions, and he looked like a dislocated marionette. He was even less capable of speaking, his lips were paralyzed. Only the eyes still offered him the possibility of moving his look. Unfortunately, he heard only shouts and noises of clashes. He could discern with certainty the brightness of rocks in all directions. His keen mind had quickly included that it was certainly about an ambush tightened by some people. He thought immediately of the members of Phoenix. In his blind rabies against Pat Khan, they had become invisible for him, he had let them escape unguardedly. Apparently, his anger had made him make a very unrefined error. His end seemed close. He could not resolve at the idea of dying so, without being able to fight. His will of fire always led him up with a wild energy, but his efforts were vain. He could not defend himself, but did not nevertheless stop thinking to be able to bounce. He had felt that the earth was present, it had to be the member of Phoenix which had been taken prisoner. The fire was also in on this, the air also. And the technique which he undergo was the fruit of the water. Four elements collaborated with a certain complementarity. Suddenly, a face appeared in the middle of the fog and took him out of his torpor. In any way, this man whose intensity of the look showed a determination without weaknesses seemed to him totally unknown. Ribardielli was endowed with an infallible memory. If the man who held him between his hands did not finish him, and if their paths came to part, he would swear to find him and to wash the humiliation which he had made him go through.

  From his part, Yizrah tried to master his feelings. He did not ignore with whom he had to deal. The possibility of ending for good in mean projects egocentric persons of Ribardielli was at hand. However, to put an end to the life of a man was a sacrifice that he doubted to be capable of making. The simple fact of using such a technique went against the current of his principles. Edwin had taught him, recommending him to resort to it only in case of absolute necessity. The human body containing an important quantity of water, it made of him an ideal puppet for any element of the water. Charge at Ribardielli was not planned in the plan of Jérémy, Yizrah had followed his instinct, he had simply seen the possibility of putting an end to this conflict before he really begins. The opportunity to save wounded persons and victims on both sides had encouraged him to move into the attack. But maintaining that he squeezed him as a predator who holds his prey between his claws, he missed the conviction to go in the rear. To take him prisoner would be the good compromise, but he did not see how. If he released his embrace, it engaged in combat, to beat a retreat while treating him required a lot of energy and concentration. Besides, enemies surrounded them. He had jumped into the lion's den. While up to there, they had contented with settling straight ahead in eyes without saying a word, he perceived a change in the look of Ribardielli. The fear had left him. The eyes were opened wide and seemed to fall behind him. Suddenly, Yizrah felt the sides of his belly burning him intensely. His technique stopped immediately and Ribardielli put again feet on the ground. He choked a little and was as sawed in two. This technique also had repercussions on the physical condition of the one who was the victim. But, while he knelt down to get breath back, the eyes went to those of captain Oliveira to show him his gratitude. The flames which had sprung from the hands of the fire faction’s leader went out. Yizrah had collapsed on the ground, not without releasing a shout of bloodcurdling agony.

  Salina, who stood back, had smelt of the movement on behalf of Yizrah, while Jérémy, Ayame and herself had

  Respectively held them posts and followed carefully the plan. The trap seemed to work marvelously, but her intuition warned her. She anticipated that they would weaken their opponents as a consequence, but that they would not emerge unscathed from it they either. Yizrah should not have ruled out of his line of conduct. Salina wondered what fly had pricked her well ... Did he Have tried to join Natan beyond the portal? She knew nevertheless that it was the wise and informed being who had understood that it was necessary for him to let go only at the end of his quest. An immense peasouper extended in front of her, it was impossible to know where he was. Suddenly, his backbone stiffens. A roaring of pain springs through the darkness. This shout resounded in the skull, she did not hear any more the deaf noises of stones which machine-gunned the militia. Shivers traveled her body. She had the feeling that something terrible had just occurred.

  From their part, Jérémy and Ayame were concentrated on their phase of assault. Ayame took care of the air and maintained of best that she made the foggy atmosphere to allow Jérémy to bombard them. The latter had a tremendous time there, he moved to confuse the issue. It was impossible for the militiamen to understand from where it came and what arrived at them. At the same time, they attacked by moving back slowly in a way synchronized to prepare their flight. However, Jérémy, who did not ignore that there was often a gap between the elaboration of a plan and its execution, was stunned by the turn of the events. He decided, in his turn, to take an initiative.

  The Stambouli park was from now on the unpublished theater of a collective training. Some former militiamen were requisitioned to serve as professor to the citizens. Ieleana gave her first collective course onto the element of the water. The crowd was captivated, it distinguished itself by its sweetness and its pedagogy. The spirits of the citizens had received as an electric shock in this afternoon, they were also used to assisting the show of the matches of Flyball, so, freeing their capacities did not turn out so complicated as it was for Natan or Ieleana. They already had that in them, we simply allow

  To be prevented from expressing themselves. Furthermore, they were all concentrated, attentive and determined. Temba had known how to find the words to stimulate Stambouliotes. Edwin brought them a more general vision of the spirituality, connected to all the elements, when Carlos took care of elements fire. For the air, Ayame not being present, Temba had asked to the former militiaman of the air to volunteer. The happy elected representative was called Tomas. Temba had felt the sincere regrets and a lot of condolence at this man. The blue eyes in the look piercing, his fine features decorated a pale face deprived of violence. While Temba oversaw him in its teaching, he wondered about what had taken him to serve the militia. It would seem that numerous militiamen were not harmful beings, but men who were treated by pernicious spirits. Another former militiaman took care of elements of the earth, he was called Günther. Suddenly, Temba was interrupted in his thoughts by Jérémy. Discreetly He went some steps away, he listened carefully to his partner. When the telepathic contact ended, he went silently to the stage. A smile enamelled the face. Undoubtedly, the secret Phoenix organization had lost all its sense. This evening, the masquerade would be ended and the humanity would be freed from the troubles which eat away at it. He was amazed at the boldness of Jérémy.

  Since their meeting, Jérémy had always showed certain arrogance. But it was integral part of the charm of the character. The earth was as, it was endowed with a certain ego. She felt strong, powerful and thought of not needing others. Besides, it was the reason, the reflection and the understanding of what the men
formerly called the science. Jérémy did not escape the rule, he thought fast and good, he was capable of developing for the same situation several scenarios. He read several knocks in advance. However, Jérémy did not hesitate to take action. The earth did not content with thinking and with watching the others acting. No, she fed this desire of adventure. The earth was often complementary of the fire, because the latter often brought the flame that the earth sometimes needed to unstick and exploit its real potential. The fire was a mixture of instinct and

  reflection. She brought exactly the suspicion of instinct which was lacking to the earth. So, Jérémy had said nothing when they had noticed the absence of Natan, he had even shown a cold look, almost empty of feelings. Nevertheless, at the bottom of him, he had felt stimulated by this initiative of Natan. The idea to prepare a trap for the militia had transcent him inside. He just possessed this faculty to let nothing appear. The pride of the earth was unconsciously afraid of showing every sign of weakness. However, by thinking again about Jérémy whom Temba had discovered, he said to himself that he had evolved a lot. If we judged it by the appearance, he did not seem impressive. Nevertheless, he was solid as a rock. Their meeting was made in the afro-Latin district where Jérémy survived thanks to small swindles. He held a stand and organized games of bets, but he subtly used his element to rob those who had the carelessness to underestimate him. Jérémy had known how to protect his identity and had not given in to the ban to use elements, he had not been really convinced by the pacifist justifications affixed to this prohibition. Having said that, he held his freedom and he used carefuly his faculties and with discretion. However, a day, a man in the impressive physical appearance and in the color of ebony had stopped out of curiosity in his stand and had hidden itself in the crowd of curious observers. Temba also used his element. So, Jérémy’s operation received no mystery for him. However, he does not try to betray him. he regularly meant assisting the show without ever trying his luck, what did not miss to attract the curiosity of Jérémy. Temba waited simply for the opportunity to be in private with him. Jérémy was not used to the telepathy when Temba got in touch with him. He had had up to there nobody with whom to converse in this way. In the eyes of the passers-by, they discussed a card game, but in reality, Temba invited Jérémy to eat to his restaurant. Since then, they had not left any more although Jérémy tried to keep a certain distance at the very beginning. he held his independence and was convinced not to need others. Others mirror some time to cajole him, but to finish, he was allowed set in their nets.


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