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A New Era

Page 38

by Chris Red

  Today, Temba knew that Jérémy was not any more this solitary wolf that thought above all of its own survival.

  Temba observed a few moments all these men training hard. He had doubted on numerous occasions that this day arrive. He had always wondered if once the revealed truth, they would have the strength to fight for their freedom or if they would content themselves rather with this life, on the whole, without major concerns; where we decided for them. Finally, they seemed wanting to be the master of their own fate. His voice rose in the spans of the park and gathered all the men. He evoked them the assault improvised by the members of Phoenix on the place of the creation, in front of the portal of the governmental district. They were about to beat a retreat, but they required reinforcements, because they considered that they had managed to decrease considerably their opponents and that it was better to take advantage of it rather than to let them regain self-control and turn darker towards the park Stambouli, motivated by a feeling of anger. The answer was unanimous. It was necessary to finish it once and for all. They decided to get organized in elements. Edwin, Ieleana, Carlos, Tomas and Günther had seen attributing a new promotion. However, they had decided to leave some ex-militiamen to protect the women and the children who would remain on-the-spot.

  Salina, Jérémy and Ayame went away slowly from the place, hoping that the reinforcements arrive as quickly as possible. Yizrah did not answer any more, and the fog dissipated faster and faster. Ayame did not succeed any more in maintaining him in position. And, for cause, captain Kharkov sat to meditate. He had led a not violent fight against Ayame. he had held out on him for a long time, but he had finally to manage to clear up the situation. The militiamen began to distinguish the forms of their partners. Ribardielli and Oliveira could now see themselves without any problem. Say that Ribardielli had doubted the integrity of Oliveira, by observing the man who stood behind the body of Yizrah, spread on the floor, eyes of which seemed burning ... He felt bad over the moment. His captain had just saved his life, he was indebted to him. However, he ignored that Oliveira had seen his end. Knowing that she was inevitable, he cheerfully decided to neutralize one

  Enemy and to hold out the hand to Ribardielli, feigning an indestructible loyalty. He helped him to get up and they went away from Yizrah, looking for captain Kharkov to review with him. The uncle of Natan was lying on the ground, he always breathed, although with difficulty, but his end seemed close if nobody quickly helped him. Far off, it seemed to him to hear shouting his first name, but he was not sure. Was it a hallucination? Its burns and the blood that he felt leaving his body monopolized all his thoughts.

  While they were almost under cover, but while the reinforcements were always a long time coming, Salina was not able to refrain from roaring:


  Beads of sweat pearled on the forehead of Jérémy, he had forgotten Yizrah. The regret and the guilt began to seize his spirit, when he felt by his contact with the earth that men got closer. They were many. The cloud dissipated. They were not protected any more and the aggressors had become visible for the militiamen, who had difficulty in realizing that they had been persecuted by a so small group. However, they did not take the initiative to attack them. They fire a shape grow behind them, and clear up little by little. Most of them had understood. They had just lost a battle, but the war was about to begin. Kharkiv got up while Oliveira and Ribardielli, who had recovered, moved forward to him. In spite of their personal ambitions, they knew all three that they had to become allied to face what appeared in front of them. The citizens who had been very docile up to there took out claws. It was at least unexpected, but especially problem. They had leaders. Ribardielli was not born yesterday, he knew that he was a little guilty of this situation: he had taken the risk of letting them act underestimating their influence with the aim of winning power. His look got lost among his servicemen, he observed them being reorganized.

  During the assault, they had scattered, silently and spontaneously they re-formed their rows. The almost lethargic state of the general did not escape in Kharkiv and Oliveira, who were amazed to see him going out of depth, he, who had to have

  expected all his life one day as this one. Suddenly, a spark re-appears in the eyes. A man among the militiamen caught his eye. He wondered if he did not have a distorted view. He swore to recognize captain Fernando Allegro. Nevertheless, this man wore militiaman's suit, he did not use for the first time the typical dress of the high-ranking officers. However, the resemblance was disturbing. He suddenly felt sorry against Spanish, but it remained a fleeting moment. His enemy, people manipulated for months and months, drew up himself in front of them. He tried to analyze quickly the situation. Unfortunately, he had well and truly the feeling that the numeric superiority of the opponent and the fact that they have leaders determined to the head represent an insuperable obstacle. He made a fast overview of his men, who were reorganized with discipline to get ready for the assault. These men were not endowed with men's ambition as him or his captains, he did not read a wild determination in the eyes, all that he saw, it was men who answered orders. The doubt had certainly had to begin to interfere in their spirits. It was the reason why it would be necessary to give the offensive in the first one and to watch not to be allowed overflow by the ardour of the rebel citizens. Their unique chancelay in their capacity to put out the hope which had suddenly deepened in the heart of the inhabitants. He had a brief look on this man whom he suspected of being Allegro. The latter avoided scrupulously any look. He forgot him and preferred to tune his attention on captains Kharkov and Oliveira.

  " What do you think of the situation, my dear captains? We are forced, they are much more than us. You should not leave to them the honor to throw the assault.

  - I agree, answered Oliveira. It belongs to us to act. Let us show them who manages this city.

  - I do not believe that we really have the choice, sighed Kharkiv.

  - Very well, gather your men. Make so that elements fire attack first , followed by those of the air. The air

  Strengthen the fire. Then, the earth, to stun them, and finally the water, to sweep them. "

  On the other side, Temba ordered to the citizens to stop there, and he decided to advance, only, in the direction of their opponent, to deliver them a message. While walking, he examined the state of the militiamen. For the greater part, they seemed disorientated. Furthermore, the place of the confrontation was not really for their advantage, no solution of retreat offered itself to them. And then, reinforcements walked at the moment towards Stambouli. When Kerian and his men would land, Ribardielli would accuse certainly the shock. It was clear that from his part, he was going to have to bet everything on this confrontation, while on their side, they possessed another hidden asset in their round. Temba raised the eyes to heaven, the sun had lost its brightness, clouds had succeeded him and the twilight seemed to be about to fall. The moment, when Kerian and his men would arrive, got closer. It was the moment to move into the attack. But before, it was necessary to leave to everybody a chance to avoid this fight. When Temba was halfway between the citizens and the militiamen, he decided to speak, and broke the deathly silence which reigned since their arrival on the scene.

  " I appear, I am Temba. And I am going to allow to speak in the name of all the citizens of Stambouli who decided to unite, on this day, to put an end to the dictatorship which governs them subtly since longtime. Therefore, we wish no more governor, either of militia, or rules, or laws, or secrets. But we do not wish for the violence either. Have to tear away our freedom by the strength does not suit to us. However, if we have no other choice he will ,so be there. But, I address in the first one you, militiamen, I would ask you to think well during a few moments. You have the possibility of putting an end to all this, in a peaceful way. Then, he will be too late. If you do not really wish to serve to quench the deceptive ambitions and the egocentric persons of your superiors, rise from the ranks and join! Abandon them! You are men as we, and
I believe it, the victims, as us all, men's actions such as Lazarus

  Stambouli or Michele Ribardielli! I guarantee you that before the next sunrise, we shall have all recovered our freedom to act and to think together! It's up to you if you want that it takes place peacefully or by the strength. I let you reflect, militiamen! "

  Ribardielli fulminated deep down in his heart during the speech of his opponent. He observed minutely his troops, dreading a massive desertion. From now on, he was sure, he hated Temba, he praised his charisma and his eloquence ... But how admit his own admiration for the man who represented, by himself, the destruction of your most expensive dreams. Down from his steps, he felt of the nervousness and some restlessness among his men. He noticed that some stared mutually, trying to see if the others fed the same feeling. Ribardielli did not doubt a single moment when the idea to betray the militia had touched many of them. He wondered himself about what could hold them. He did not see other reason than the fear. They did not ignore that if they advanced, turning the back on the others, they would establish defenseless targets on the path of the citizens. Kharkiv and Oliveira did not feel so many scruples as their men. The life had endowed them with a cruel and merciless nature. If it was necessary to crush other men to be capable of climbing the bars of the scale which would move closer to them to the power, they would not hesitate one second. They waited, with a certain impatience, that their general gives them the order to begin the hostilities. What came to occur, inexorably. Ribardielli sounded the long-awaited insult.

  " Militiamen, I dare to hope that your heart was not poisoned by the honeyed diatribe of this Temba. Without rules, without laws, without hierarchy, without militia, the men would be in the grip of the anarchy. We are there to make the order reign. Our cause is noble, and the citizens did not still complain about it. Apparently, they need that we remind them whom we are! And that we hold the keys of the city! I expect from you to show them that you will be merciless! Do not forget that it is thanks to governor Lazarus Stambouli that we managed to build such a city. Where as it would be with the speeches of

  This hippy? Our government allowed these citizens to live in such a city while the whole world was destroyed a few years ago. This is the way we thank us? To have reconstructed a better world? They are lacking nothing, and they have even an arena to have fun. Games and food, as at the time of Roman Empire. And, they accuse us of achieving the freedom? I hope that your spirit is as rebel as mine in the view of so much ingratitude. Let us annihilate them! That they do not forget this day as that when they lost everything! Let us give them the desire not to dare anymore to strike a blow at the government Stambouli! Captain Oliveira! You heard me?! To you the honor! "Oliveira received the order with an undisguised pleasure. If they succeeded in burying this revolt, then the history would hold certainly the name of the captain which had led its troops to the victory.

  " You heard the general? Let us annihilate them! They are stuck in a corridor, they can only move forward or move back! Prepare fireballs! In the attack!

  Chapter 23: the Confrontation

  The doors of the elevator moved away one of the other one noiselessly and Eyal emerged from it of a lively step. He stopped brutally his running when he saw his brother. He did not realize who was this young man who fixed him silently. Natan observed his brother with big peace. His heart had been carried away when he saw him to penetrate the entrance hall, but a new serenity gained him. Apparently, there was a lot to catch up between them. He could discern a selfish determination in the eyes of Eyal. They were not clearly led the same intentions.

  " Hello Eyal. You do not recognize me, right? asked for Natan.

  - No. should I?

  - Yes. After all, we carry the same surname.

  - Natan? Eyal wondered, while getting closer to stare better at his interlocutor.

  - If my face is not familiar to you any more, I am reassured to know that my existence still evokes you something.

  - You should not want it to me, I have not many memories of the Apocalypse ... It's as if I had been born this day.

  - If one day ago I could never erase of my memory, it is good that one. Our mother was murdered under our eyes, and we were separated. A man tore you away by strength, a Spaniard ...

  - Spanish? I remember well Spanish, the one who saved me the life, Fernando Allegro. Thanks to this man, I was able to meet governor Stambouli and to join the Academy.

  - I am happy to notice that you survived, and rather well. Know that we looked you relentlessly with Yizrah, for our uncle. To find you had become the unique reason justifying the fact that we survived this day.

  - I am sorry ... I ignored that somebody in this world could worry about my fate. I thought of being as an orphan. I was lacking nothing here. In any case, I am impressed that you managed to find me.

  It is only an unfortunate combination of circumstances. We did not come only for you, we are there also to help the citizens of Stambouli to live in harmony.

  - Oh ... You came to destroy our city then?

  - It is not like that that I see things.

  - My brother, take him not bad, but I do not believe that we have much to say ourselves. It is not maybe the fruit of the fate if our paths separated and that I do not remember either you or this uncle.

  - What do you plan to make, Eyal? Your dictatorship is collapsing. Hear the noise which reigns beyond these walls! The battle began! That is the end of this villainous system which aims at favoring the comfort of some to the detriment of the others.

  - I considered governor Stambouli as my father. He died ... And the people do not want me ... I have nothing more here. I am going to go away in another world, world which will be marked by my imprint Natan! The men are ignorant! There are other worlds, other planets, and there are even ways to reach it. I am simply going to leave and trying my luck somewhere else. I do not see what there is evil in that.

  - Your heart is filled with ambition and your words are filled with arrogance Eyal. You are guided by your ego. Why not to lead a simple existence?

  - Because I am capable of realizing big things!

  - But we have all the potential of it, answered Natan.

  - No, it is false, you content yourselves of so little. Lazarus had encircled him well. We cannot carry out significant progress when we surround ourselves with beings feebleminded and divested of ambition.

  - In this case, we are going to have a problem, my brother, answered Natan by stressing voluntarily the pronunciation of his last syllables. "

  Eyal agreed, makes him that his brother would not let him leave places had not escaped him. The tension between them had soared according to the discussion. Eyal was hardly moved by his reunions, he considered Natan as an obstacle

  Unforeseen on his passage, nothing more. For Natan, it confirmed only the fears that he had fed. He had not even really tried to reunite him in their cause. He could not fight against years of conditioning in these walls. Governor Stambouli had branded the heart of his brother Natan began moving back carefully, because he did not wish to be the aggressor. The link of brotherhood which had united them by birth was about to be definitively broken. Eyal seemed to savor this moment, he did not share love and condolence which they could read in the eyes of his brother. In view of the atmosphere reigning to Stambouli, every sold minute turned out precious. It was necessary to get straight to the point. Eyal raised the hands forward over him, he visualized the water which traveled the body of Natan, then the hands set face in his direction. A determination mixed by hatred haunted Eyal. The eyes seemed to be about to leave their orbits. He took control of the body of Natan, which felt extremely vulnerable. Eyal got closer to the entrance, taking away his brother at the same time. This one saw floating above ground level, the arms were paralyzed in the air. His lips remained stuck in spite of his attempts to open the mouth. Suddenly, he was faced with Eyal who was just held in front of the entrance. Eyal moved forward abruptly a hand, then he felt leaving behind at high speed. Th
en, he fell on the ground and lost consciousness. He does not even saw Eyal runing away.

  When he found himself outdoors, Eyal was irreparably struck by the atmosphere which had seized the city. The city endowed with technological evolutions, certain buildings of which testified of its greatness, just like Stambouli Arena, was not there any more. The darkness had wrapped the city, as if the nature had felt that the darkness had taken up places. Hot lights sprang in the sky, fire sprang of everywhere, houses and other elements of the decoration were victims of the fight which had fired the whole city. Eyal did not lose a moment, he went to the garage sub-ground, situated behind quarter in barracks, with the aim of monopolizing a flycar of the militia there. Nobody would notice his small escapade. He did not have more than to hope that the map that he

  Had found in the documents of the governor is not erroneous and that the stellar door is functional.

  While Natan was always unconscious, Ieleana hardly had time to care about His fate. The battle had reached a summit of violence which they had not envisaged. The assault was sudden and brutal, but afterward, when the rebels succeeded in winning the place where sat the militia, the fights scattered. Thousands of men were committed. The strengths of some and others were disrupted, and isolated fights were held in the neighboring alleys. Some tried to run away, but were pursued. In the total chaos which reigned, Ieleana took the initiative to establish a team to try to gather the wounded persons. The obsession that this day becomes a disastrous date when the death will have got the upper hand over the life ... And on the freedom invaded its spirit. Edwin also shared this feeling. He felt isolated on the battlefield, obliged to face men whom he did not know and against whom he fed no negative feeling. Temba, Jérémy, Edwin, Ayame, and the others, all had drawn the same conclusion before the beginning of the fight, to capture Ribardielli, dead or alive. To put an end to all this, it was necessary to aim first and foremost at the one who gargled the others to spread the evil around them. However, the villain was kept behind. It had not wished to participate actively in the fights, preferring to be a spectator. Besides, some of his men had been resolved to protect him. In spite of the numeric superiority of the rebels, the initial attack of the militiamen weakens them considerably. Contrary to all expectations, the battle was balanced and spread out in time. Numerous rebels were afraid that a total destruction of belligerent parties marks the end of the fight.


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