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William Cox

Page 33

by Richard Cox

  47 Ibid., pp. 175, 176.

  48 Evidence to the Bigge Report, Bonwick Transcripts, Box 26, p. 6047.

  49 Colonial Secretary Index, 17 December 1816, reel 6046, 4/1736, pp. 200–01 and 30 April 1817, reel 6038, SZ759. p. 346.

  50 Bonwick Transcripts, Box 25, pp. 5328–35.

  51 Evidence to the Bigge Report, 30 January 1821, Bonwick Transcripts, Box 26, p. 6042.

  52 Cox to Hassall, 17 December 1816, Colonial Secretary Index, reel 6046, 4/1736, p. 210.

  53 The use of the bullocks had been repeatedly authorized: for example, Campbell to Hassall, 3 February 1816, Colonial Secretary Index, reel 6065, 4/1798, p. 11.

  54 Colonial Secretary Index, reel 6065, 4/1798, p. 11.

  55 Hassall to Gorman, 5 October 1816, Bonwick Transcripts, reel 15, p. 1486.

  56 Ritchie, Evidence to the Bigge Reports, op. cit., pp. 215, 216.

  57 Colonial Secretary Index, 3 February 1816, reel 6065, 4/1798, p. 11.

  58 Bigge Evidence, Bonwick Transcripts, Box 25, p. 5770, also Bonwick Transcripts, Box 26, p. 5766.

  59 Bigge Report, pp. 124, 125.

  60 Bathurst to Bigge, 6 January 1819, HRA Series 1, vol. 10, pp. 4, 6, 7.

  61 Bigge Report, p. 125.

  62 Macquarie to Goulburn, 24 November 1821, HRA Series 1, vol. x, p. 561.

  Chapter 9

  1 Bathurst to Bigge, 6 January 1819, HRA Series 1, vol. x, pp. 7–8.

  2 Atkinson, Europeans in Australia., op. cit., p. 30.

  3 ADB, vol. 1, pp. 99–100.

  4 Bigge Report.

  5 Bigge Report, Agriculture.

  6 Commission of 30 January 1819, HRA Series 1, vol. x, p. 3.

  7 Bathurst to Bigge, 6 January 1819, HRA Series 1, vol. x, pp. 4, 6, 7.

  8 Ibid., pp. 8 –11.

  9 Ibid., p. 18.

  10 George Rudé, Protest and Punishment, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1978, p. 166.

  11 Portland to Hunter, 31 August 1797, HRA Series 1, vol. ii, pp. 107–08.

  12 Camden to King, 31 October 1804, HRA Series 1, vol. v, p. 161 (Davidson and Macarthur). Castlereagh to King and King to Castlereagh, 27 July 1806, HRA Series 1, vol. v, p. 748, 749 (Gregory Blaxland).

  13 Barrie Dyster, ‘Public Employment and Assignment to Private Masters, 1788–1821’, in Convict Workers, ed. Stephen Nicholas, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988, p. 127.

  14 A. G. L. Shaw, Convicts and the Colonies, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, 1977, p. 92.

  15 Report from the Select Committee on Transportation, together with the Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index, British Parliamentary Papers, 3 August 1838, p. xxxvi, British Library.

  16 John Thomas Bigge, ADB, vol. 1, pp. 99, 102.

  17 Portland to Hunter, 18 September 1798, HRA Series 1, vol. ii, p. 226.

  18 Eugene MacLaughlin, John Muncie, Gordon Hughes, Criminological Perspectives, 2nd ed., Sage Publications, London, 2003, p. 1.

  19 Select Committee on Transportation, Minutes of Evidence, 14 July 1837, British Parliamentary Papers online, 2006, pp. 9, para. 118.

  20 Macquarie to Bathurst, 24 June 1815, HRA Series 1, vol. viii, p. 558.

  21 Bigge Report, pp. 123, 124.

  22 Bigge Report, Agriculture, Evidence, and Convicts, Evidence.

  23 Even the interview with John Oxley, the Deputy Surveyor, was brief.

  24 Ritchie, Lachlan Macquarie, op. cit., p. 173.

  25 Bigge Report, Evidence Agriculture, CO1/123, 25 November 1819, p. 49.

  26 Quoted in Jeans, An Historical Geography of New South Wales, op. cit., 1972, p. 88.

  27 Angus R. McGillivery, ‘From Sods to Seed-Bed: Cultivating a Familiar Field at Port Jackson’, JACH, vol. 5, 2004, p. 24.

  28 Bigge Report, Agriculture, Evidence, p. 41.

  29 Ibid., pp. 57, 59.

  30 Bigge Report, Convicts, Evidence, p. 11.

  31 Ibid., p. 11.

  32 Jane Austen, Persuasion, Alan Wingate, London, 1948, p. 17 et seq.

  33 Commentary, HRA Series 1, vol. x, p. 808. Enclosure with letter from Bathurst to Lord Sidmouth, of 23 April 1817.

  34 Macquarie to Bathurst, 16 May 1818, HRA Series 1, vol. ix, p. 794.

  35 T. G. Parsons, ‘Does the Bigge Report Follow From the Evidence?’, Historical Studies, vol. 15, no. 58, 1972, p. 270.

  36 Bigge Report, Agriculture, Evidence, pp. 53, 71. The records show that in 1818 William himself employed 73 convicts, ‘free of expense to the Crown’, Colonial Secretary Index, fiche 3062, 4/1834B, no. 73, p. 443.

  37 Colonial Secretary Index, fiche 3062, 4/1834B, no. 73, p. 463.

  38 Bigge Report, Agriculture, Evidence, p. 71.

  39 Hirst, Convict Society and its Enemies, op. cit., p. 34 et seq.

  40 Nicholas, Convict Workers, op. cit., p. 132.

  41 Bigge Report, Agriculture, Evidence, p. 24.

  42 Ibid., p. 71.

  43 Cox to Bigge, 7 May 1820, Bonwick Transcripts, Box 22, p. 4220.

  44 Cobbett, Illustrated Rural Rides, op. cit., p. 130.

  45 Holt, Memoirs, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 36.

  46 Bigge Report, Evidence, Convicts, pp. 9, 12, 16.

  47 Ritchie, Lachlan Macquarie, op. cit., p. 130.

  48 L. L. Robson, Convict Settlers of Australia, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, 1994, p. 146, quotes Bateson’s figures from Convict Ships.

  49 Deborah Oxley, Convict Maids, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, pp. 119, 120.

  50 Hirst, Convict Society and its Enemies, op. cit., pp. 53, 55.

  51 Elizabeth Macarthur to her mother, 22 August 1794, Macarthur Papers, AS 2908.

  52 Joy Damousi, ‘Beyond the Origins Debate: Theorising Sexuality and Gender Disorder in Convict Women’s History’, AHS, vol. 27, no. 106, April 1996, p. 60.

  53 Babette Smith, A Cargo of Women, Rosenberg Publishing, Dural, NSW, 2005, pp. 36, 50.

  54 Bigge Report, Agriculture, Evidence, p. 87 (original numbering 13).

  55 Ritchie, The Evidence to the Bigge Reports, op cit., pp. 185, 186.

  56 Ibid., p. 158; Cartwright, ADB, vol. 1, pp. 211–12.

  57 Macquarie to Bathurst, 7 October 1814, HRA Series 1, vol. vii, p. 315.

  58 Bigge Report, Agriculture, Evidence, p. 91.

  59 Colonial Secretary Index, 10 November 1819, reel 6007, 4/3501, p. 28.

  60 Campbell to Commandant, Newcastle, 4 May 1820, Colonial Secretary Index, reel 6007, 4/3502, p. 17.

  61 Ritchie, The Evidence to the Bigge Reports, op. cit., p. 213.

  62 Bigge Report, Agriculture, p. 125.

  63 Bigge Report, Agriculture, Evidence, p. 91, and Bigge Report, p. 644.

  64 Letter Macquarie to Bigge, 6 November 1819, HRA Series 1, vol. x, p. 222.

  65 Bigge Report, Agriculture, Evidence, p. 86: Archibald Bell (1773–1837). In 1820 he was appointed chief police magistrate: ADB, vol. 1, pp. 78–80.

  66 Ritchie, Profit and Punishment, op. cit., p. 24.

  67 Bigge Report, Convicts, Evidence, p. 9.

  68 Ritchie, Lachlan Macquarie, op. cit., pp. 176, 177.

  69 Colonial Secretary Index, 7 March 1811, reel 6043, 4/1726, p. 101–02.

  70 Bigge Report, Convicts, Evidence, p. 9.

  71 Bigge Report, Agriculture, Evidence, p. 59.

  72 Ibid., p. 65.

  73 Bigge, Report, p. 173.

  74 Letter of 7 May 1820 addressed to Bigge. Bonwick Transcripts, Box 22, p. 4220, ML.

  75 Stephen Nicholas and Shergold, Convict Workers, op. cit., p. 82.

  76 Robson, The Convict Settlers of Australia, op. cit., pp. 156, 159, 166 (table 5d), 169 (table 6a), p. 174 (table 6f).

  77 Sydney Gazette, Saturday 20 March 1819, p. 3; Macquarie to Bathurst 24 March 1819, HRA Series 1, vol. x, pp. 52–65.

  78 Ellis, Lachlan Macquarie, op. cit., p. 466.

  79 Bigge Report, Agriculture, Evidence, p. 39.

  80 Ibid., p. 22.

  81 Ritchie, Profit and Punishment, op. cit., p. 228.

  82 Bigge Report, Agricult
ure, Evidence, p. 39.

  83 Cunningham, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 49.

  84 Atkinson, The Europeans in Australia, op. cit., vol. 1, p. 68.

  85 J. J. Spigelman, The Macquarie Bicentennial, Annual History Lecture, History Council of New South Wales, Sydney, 2009, p. 29.

  86 Ellis, Lachlan Macquarie, op. cit., pp. 212, 213.

  87 Spigelman, op. cit., pp. 28, 29, 34.

  Chapter 10

  1 Memoirs of William Cox J.P., op. cit., p. 137.

  2 Colonial Secretary Index, 23 August 1819, reel 6048, 4/1742, pp. 395–395c.

  3 ‘Journal’ of June 1815, p. 18, ML.

  4 Cunningham, The Blue Mountains Rediscovered, op. cit., p. 152.

  5 Lawson to Hoper, 29 March 1819, Angus McSween, ‘Some Lawson Letters 1819–1824’, JRAHS, vol. 50, pt 3, August 1964, p. 230.

  6 Bigge Report, Agriculture, 183, p. 14.

  7 Memoirs of William Cox, J.P., op. cit., p. 121.

  8 Geoffrey Blainey, A Land Half Won, Macmillan Australia, South Yarra, Victoria, 1980, p. 51.

  9 Bigge Report, Agriculture.

  10 Ritchie, Profit and Punishment, op. cit., pp. 92–3.

  11 Bonwick Transcripts, Box 10, p. 4078.

  12 John Darwin, The Empire Project: The Rise and Fall of the British World System 1830–1970, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009, p. 50.

  13 H. T. Dickinson, ‘Democracy’, in The Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age, ed. Iain McCalman, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999.

  14 Manning Clark, A History of Australia, vol. 1, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, 1962, p. 27.

  15 Sydney Gazette, 12 February 1814, p. 1.

  16 Wentworth, Statistical, Historical and Political Description of the Colony, op. cit., pp. 60–62.

  17 Darling to Goderich, 1 September 1831, HRA Series 1, vol. xvi, p. 342.

  18 Jeans, An Historical Geography of New South Wales, op. cit., p. 90.

  19 Fletcher, Colonial Australia, op. cit., p. 120.

  20 Bigge Report, Agriculture, p. 18.

  21 Ibid., pp. 398, 399.

  22 Jeans, op. cit., p. 35

  23 Bigge Report, pp. 16, 18.

  24 ‘A Journal kept by Mr George Cox on his late Tour to Northward And Eastward of “Bathurst”’, National Library of Australia, Canberra, ref. M712224, transcribed 1974.

  25 Eric Rolls, A Million Wild Acres, Penguin Australia, Ringwood, Victoria, 1984, p. 50.

  26 Ware, Who Was Who on the Liverpool Plains, op. cit.

  27 Fletcher, Landed Enterprise, op. cit., pp. 179–80.

  28 Bigge Report, Agriculture, p. 13.

  29 Bathurst to Brisbane, I January 1825, HRA Series 1, vol. xi, pp. 439, 440.

  30 Frederick Goulburn (1788–1837) was officious and alienated many leading settlers. ADB, 1966, pp. 463–64.

  31 Goulburn to Cox, 5 January 1822, Colonial Secretary Index, reel 6008, 4/3504A, p. 239.

  32 Colonial Secretary Index, 21 March 1822, reel 6009, 4/3505, p. 51.

  33 ADB, vol. 2, pp. 96, 97.

  34 The 1822 Muster, ed. Carol Baxter, Australian Biographical and Genealogical Record, North Sydney, 1988, p. 112.

  35 Spigelman, The Macquarie Bicentennial, op. cit., p. 25.

  36 Oxley retired from the Navy to become surveyor general in 1812. In 1824 he drafted regulations for land sales for Governor Brisbane. ADB, vol. 2, pp. 305–07.

  37 Brian Fletcher, Ralph Darling, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1984, p. 140.

  38 Oxley to Ovens, 23 May 1825, HRA Series 1, vol. xi, pp. 692– 97.

  39 Ritchie, Profit and Punishment, op. cit., p. 249.

  40 Spigelman, op. cit., p. 32.

  41 Darling to Bathurst, HRA Series 1, vol. xii, p. 377.

  42 Ibid., pp. 536–39.

  43 Ibid., p. 376.

  44 The counties were each of 40 square miles, divided into parishes of 100 square miles and further divided into hundreds of 25 square miles, on the English pattern.

  45 Colonial Secretary Index, April/May 1825, fiche 3125, 4/1841 A, p. 117, ML.

  46 Ibid., 5 June 1825, reel 3125, 4/1841, p. 107.

  47 Alexander McLeay (1767–1848), a Fellow of the Royal Society, went out with Governor Darling, arriving in January 1826, continuing under Bourke. ADB, vol. 2, pp. 177–80.

  48 Oxley to Colonial Secretary, 18 December 1826, SRNSW 907, reel 1114, letter 8506, State Records, Kingswood.

  49 Fletcher, Darling, op. cit., p. 147. Bathurst had resigned in 1827.

  50 Ritchie, Profit and Punishment, op. cit., p. 251.

  51 William Cox to Colonial Secretary, 3 April 1830, SRNSW 907, reel 1114, letter 30/2818, State Records, Kingswood.

  52 Goderich to Darling, 9 January 1831, HRA Series 1, vol. xvi, pp. 19–22.

  53 ADB, vol. 2, pp. 559–62. A Letter from Sydney, the Principal Town of Australasia, was published in December 1829.

  54 Hazel King, Richard Bourke, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1971, p. 190.

  55 Forbes to Darling, 2 April 1831, HRA Series 1, vol. xvi, pp. 341–44.

  56 Darling to Goderich, 1 September 1831, HRA Series 1, vol. xvi, p. 345.

  57 Clark, History of Australia, op. cit., vol. 1, pp. 105, 182.

  58 Sir Frances Forbes (1784–1841), ADB, vol. 1, pp. 392–99.

  59 Letter from William McPherson, collector of Internal Revenue to Colonial Secretary, 20 September 1831, SRNSW 907, reel 1114, letter no. 31/7685, State Records, Kingswood.

  60 McPherson to Colonial Secretary, SRNSW 907, reel 1114, letter 33/2832, State Records, Kingswood.

  61 Atkinson, Camden, op. cit., p. 38.

  62 King, Richard Bourke, op. cit., p. 180.

  63 News from the State Records of NSW, number 44, June 2010. The 1836 Act was published in the Government Gazette, 5 October 1836, pp. 745–46.

  64 Stephen Roberts, The Squatting Age in Australia 1835–1847, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, 1935, p. 13.

  65 ADB, vol. 2, pp. 334–35.

  66 Piper Papers, vol. 2, CY A 255, p. 53, ML.

  67 Ibid., pp. 171, 457, 477.

  68 George Henry Frederick Cox, ‘A History of Mudgee’, written c.1919/10, typed copy in the Mudgee Library, p. 3.

  69 ADB, vol. 2, p. 157.

  70 ‘Last Will and Testament of William Cox of Fairfield, Windsor’, 21 December 1836. Typed copy made by Thelma and Matthew Birrell, undated, Priest’s House Museum, Wimborne, Dorset. There were also codicils dated 21 and 25 February 1837.

  71 Certified copy from the honorary archivist, Jenny Pearce, 24 August 2008.

  72 Ian Hawkins Nicholson, Shipping Arrivals and Departures, Tasmania, 1803–1833, Roebuck, Canberra, 1983, p. 63.

  73 Hobart Gazette, 23 September 1820.

  74 Bryan Cox to author, email of 28 August 2007.

  75 Piper Papers, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 484.

  76 Darling to Secretary of State from Parramatta, 22 December 1828, HRA Series 1, vol. xiv, p. 535.

  Chapter 11

  1 ADB, vol. 2, 1967.

  2 Evidence given by Bell at Windsor 27 November 1819, Bonwick Transcripts, Box 5, p. 2032.

  3 Inga Clendinnen, Dancing with Strangers, Text Publishing, Melbourne, 2003, p. 285.

  4 Merete Borch, ‘Rethinking the Origins of Terra Nullius’, AHS, vol. 32, no. 117, October 2001.

  5 ADB, vol. 2, pp. 55–61.

  6 Macquarie to Bathurst, 8 October 1814, HRA Series 1, vol. viii, pp 368–69.

  7 Atkinson, The Europeans in Australia, op. cit., vol. 1, p. 135.

  8 Richard Broome, ‘Aboriginal Workers on South Eastern Frontiers’, AHS, vol. 26, no. 103, October 1994, p. 213.

  9 This paragraph derives from Barkley-Jack, Hawkesbury Settlement Revealed, op. cit., chapter 9.

  10 Karskens, The Colony, op. cit., p. 123.

  11 Colonial Secretary Index, reel 6065, 4/1799.

  12 ML, reel CY 2743, DL Add. 81 and original letters.

  13 Colonial Secretary Index, 9 May, reel 6004, 4/3494, 483; 26 July, reel 6005, 4/3494, p.
55; 19 October, reel 6046, 4/1736, pp. 140–2; 2 November, reel 6005, 4/3495, p. 245.

  14 Nor can it have been the long established Society for the Propagation of the Christian Gospel.

  15 Colonial Secretary Index, 24 August 1819, reel 6048, 4/1743.

  16 Saxe Bannister, Humane Policy on Justice to the Aborigines of New Settlements, London, 1830, republished by Dawsons of Pall Mall, London, 1968, appendix No. 5, p. ccxl.

  17 Colonial Secretary Index, reel 6065, 4/1798, p. 121.

  18 William Cox to Brisbane, 7 February 1822, Colonial Secretary Index, 6065, reel 4/1798, p. 121.

  19 Bigge Report, Agriculture, Evidence, p. 46.

  20 Cox to Goulburn, Colonial Secretary Index, 7 December 1823, reel 6017, 4/5783, pp. 481– 82.

  21 Colonial Secretary Index, reel 6065, 4/1799, p. 10.

  22 Ibid., pp. 73–76.

  23 His name was also spelt Chamberlane.

  24 Hirst, Convict Society and its Enemies, op. cit., pp. 55, 56.

  25 ADB, vol. 2, pp. 260, 261.

  26 David Roberts, ‘The Bells Falls Massacre and Bathurst’s History of Violence’, Australian Historical Studies, October 1995, vol. 26, no. 105, p. 620.

  27 Ibid., p. 622.

  28 Morisset to Goulburn, 26 July 1824, Colonial Secretary Index, reel 6065, 4/1800, p. 125.

  29 Based on Sydney Gazette, 16 and 24 September 1824, both p. 2.

  30 John Connor, The Australian Frontier Wars 1788–1838, UNSW Press, Sydney, 2002, pp. 59, 61.

  31 Iris Clayton, ‘Wiradjuri Identity’, Australian Aboriginal Studies, 1988, no. 1, p. 54.

  32 Sydney Gazette, 14 October 1824, p. 2.

  33 McSween, ‘Some Lawson Letters’, op. cit., p. 239.

  34 L. E. Threlkeld, Australian Reminiscences and Papers of L. E. Threlkeld, Missionary to the Aborigines 1824–1859, ed. Niel Gunson, Aboriginal Studies No. 4, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra, 1974, p. 14.

  35 Threlkeld first reported this in a letter to George Burder and W. A. Hankey at the London Missionary Society, received by them on 20 June 1825. L.M.S Australia letters, p. 178.

  36 ADB, vol. 1, pp. 55, 56. A succession of defeats in court lessened confidence in him as attorney general and in 1826 he returned to England.

  37 Bannister, Humane Policy or Justice to the Aborigines, op. cit.

  38 Samuel Marsden, Statement chiefly relating to the Formation and Abandonment of a Mission to the Aboriginals of New South Wales, R. Howe, Government Printer, Sydney, 1828.

  39 Jan Kociumbas, Oxford History of Australia, vol. 2, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, p. 144.


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