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Enough Of The Drama

Page 18

by Dotson, P.

  “Hmmmm,” Antoine moaned as he finally pulled away from Cassidy. His dick throbbed with lust, but he wasn’t ready to cross that line just yet. “Girl, let me get out of here before you get me in trouble,” he smiled squeezing her ass.

  “You don’t have to leave,” Cassidy said, with lust filled eyes.

  Antoine nearly lost it as he stared into her beautiful eyes. It was something about this woman that had him paralyzed. He stood there a while longer before giving her an answer. “Lead the way.”

  Cassidy took his hand in hers and led him upstairs to her bedroom. She cursed herself because any other day she would have made her bed, but she was being lazy. She pulled back the covers. Antoine stripped down to his boxers, while Cassidy took off everything but her t-shirt that barely covered her ass. Antoine allowed a slow breath to leave his lips as he stared at her full figured body. Cassidy had lost some weight but she was still thick in all the right places.

  He lay down in bed, and got comfortable. Cassidy smiled shyly as she crawled in beside him. She placed her back against his chest. He kissed her forehead as he wrapped her in his arms. Antoine felt a funny feeling seeping into his heart. He was falling in love with this woman already. It’s been a long time since he allowed him self to love someone. As he looked down at Cassidy he was ready to give it another try. They got lost in the comfort of each others arms and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 27

  China stomped into her kitchen wearing nothing but a pair of boy shorts and tank top. She was pissed beyond words. She opened the freezer and pulled out a carton of her favorite ice cream Breyer’s Vanilla Bean. Grabbing a spoon, she walked into her living room and flopped down on the couch. She grabbed the remote off the end table turned on the TV. She flipped through the channels aimlessly, but her mind was elsewhere. After a few minutes of surfing she finally settled on watching reruns of Martin.

  Martin was only a temporary fix, because it didn’t keep her happy for very long. She stabbed at her ice cream, until she finally had enough placing it on the stand. A frustrated sigh escaped her lips and she brought her knees to her chest. She slowly rocked back and forth, as she thought about Clay. She hated to admit it, but she was missing him. He hadn’t been around for the past two weeks and it was irking her nerves.

  He called and checked up on her but it wasn’t the same as having him around. Jealousy circled her heart as she thought about some other woman possibly soaking up his time. The more she thought about Clay, the angrier she became. She couldn’t sit there and worry about him, especially if he wasn’t worried about her. Her emotions were all over the place, pulling her in different directions. She liked Clay, but he was Dre’s homeboy. She couldn’t help but to feel she would be cheating on him, if she ever did cross that boundary. She needed to vent. She picked up her phone and called Cassidy.


  “Hey big sis, what you up to?”

  “Getting ready to punch this clock, and then spend some quality time with my baby.”

  China frowned her face, a little jealous of the sounds of happiness stemming from Cassidy’s voice. “How sweet.”

  “What’s wrong?”


  “Don’t lie, China. I can hear it in your voice. Are you back on drugs again?”

  “No,” China snapped a little offended.

  “I’m sorry, just want to make sure. Are you still attending your meetings?”

  “Yes, Sister Sue.”

  “Okay, just doing my sisterly duties. Now what’s bothering you?”

  China sighed as she thought about her dilemma. “Cas, I don’t know how the hell this happened,” China said shaking her head as she thought about Clay. “But, I think I’m falling for Clay.”

  “Well, duh. I knew that was going to happen.”

  “I know Cas, but you don’t think it’s wrong for me to have feelings for him. I mean him and Dre were boys, more like brothers. I can’t help but to feel like I would be cheating on him,” China said as she grabbed her blue tooth and stuck it in her ear, before picking up the melting ice cream that sat on the end table. She grabbed the spoon and dug in.

  “I don’t think Dre would look at it like that China. I know Dre loved you and Clay both. He would want to see you and him happy and if you make each other happy I’m sure Dre wouldn’t have a problem with that.”

  China huffed and sat her carton of ice cream back on the stand. “I know, but what if the feelings are one-sided. I mean I see the way he looks at me, but he has been real stand offish lately. He hasn’t been by here in a minute, just calls to check up on me.”

  “Well, why don’t you call him and see what’s up?”

  “What do you mean, why don’t I call him and see what’s up?”

  “You’re the one sitting over there mad as a wet hen, got your panties all in a bunch. I bet you over there sulking eating your problems away. I bet you have a carton of vanilla ice cream over there keeping you company.”

  “Chick, please I am not that pressed,” China lied.

  Cassidy laughed. “Yeah I hear you. Just talk to him China. Don’t wait too long, and get all mad if someone else takes your meat. Isn’t that what you told me? Who knows he is probably feels the same way you do, but he doesn’t want to cross that line because of Dre.”

  “I guess you’re right. I will call him later.”

  “Okay girly, I will chat with you later.”

  “Okay sis. Thanks for the talk and tell Antoine I said hi.”

  “I will.”

  “Hey are you bringing him to dinner on Mother’s Day?” China asked referring to the dinner Pearl has every year, for Mother’s Day.

  “You know me and my baby will be there front and center.”

  “Girl you are whipped.”

  “I know it. And guess what?”

  “I haven’t even sampled the goods yet.”

  “Are you serious Cas? Why are you holding out on him?”

  “Please, girl it is not me. I’ am in dire need of a stiff dick right now, because my fingers are getting cramps.”

  “Ewe, that’s just nasty and too much information.”

  “Well, you asked. I just hope it’s sooner rather than later, because I don’t know how much longer I can take being in the presence of that man without jumping his bones.”

  “Girl, I gots to go. I will get at you later. Love you.”

  “Okay, bye and love you too.”

  China held her cell phone in her hand, staring at the screen saver of her and Clay in Cali. It brought a smile to her face. Clay awakened feelings within her that she thought died with Dre. She sucked in a huge fresh breath of air and decided to give him a call.

  * * *

  Kena lay in her bed, frustrated as he she pulled hard on her cigarette. The sex he gave her was barely mediocre and the negro didn’t even let her finish. Fuck sessions with Clay use to be fun, but lately he has been distant, like his mind was elsewhere. It pissed her off. She’d been fucking Clay far too long for some bitch to up and come take what she worked so hard to get. They weren’t exclusive, but she had plans to change all of that. She smiled as she thought about the life that could be possibly growing inside of her right now. Clay didn’t know but she found where he kept his stash of condoms, she took a safety pin and poked tiny holes in them. She made sure to be home this weekend because she was ovulating. There was no way she was going to put in all this work for nothing; he was going to pay one way or the other. She made her own money as a model, but she wasn’t getting any younger. She knew sooner or later the phone calls and bookings would come to an end. She knew having Clay’s child would be a like hitting the jack pot.

  The vibrating of Clay’s phone rocked her out of her conniving thoughts. Curiosity got the best of her as she looked over at the stand where his cell phone lay, face down. She’d never had the urge to snoop in his cell phone like she did now. She could still hear the shower, running. Glancing at the bathroom door, she scooted over on his side of
the bed and picked up the cell phone. A hard frown claimed her face.

  “Bae,” was the name of the chick that popped up on the screen. Jealousy consumed her heart. She slid the green button across. “Hello.”

  “Ah, hello.”

  “Yes, can I help you?”

  “I’m looking for Clay. I’m sorry did I dial the right number?”

  “Yes, you did. I’m sorry right now he is unavailable. I will tell him you called once he steps out of the shower. What did you say your name was?”

  “Chi-, you know what never mind.”

  A devious smile formed on Kena’s face as she erased the call and lay back down, with a satisfied look on her face.

  Chapter 28

  Rayna knocked on the door a few more times. She was all set and ready to leave until she heard the click of the locks. “Finally,” she mumbled. Since Cassidy’s birthday Ciara has been avoiding her and she wasn’t feeling it, so she decided to pay her home girl a visit.

  “What’s up Rayna,” Marcus asked, boldly eyeing her thick thighs in her Seven jeans. He seductively licked his lips giving Rayna the bait, but she didn’t bite.

  She cocked her head to the side with a lot of attitude. “Is Ciara here?”

  “Yeah, she’s upstairs taking a shower. She will only be a couple of minutes. That’s all I need.”

  “Excuse me!” Rayna asked with a frown on her face. “Look, you need to get it through that fat head of yours that I don’t get down like that. I may be a stripper but that doesn’t make me a hoe.”

  “I heard it’s all the same.”

  “Well, nigga you heard wrong,” Rayna said, rolling her eyes and snaking her neck. She was getting pissed. She wanted to tell Ciara about Marcus unwanted advances and lingering eyes but she knew it was no use. That girl was blind and in love.

  “I’ll make it worth your while,” Marcus said, rubbing the erection that was forming in his pants. “I always take care of my women.”

  “Yeah, just like you took care of Cassidy.”

  “Marcus,” Ciara yelled as she wobbled down the steps.

  Marcus smirked as Rayna walked passed him. He grabbed her ass on the sly. Rayna looked back at him and rolled her eyes.

  “Hey Rayna,” Ciara said with a nervous smile on her face. She felt guilty for ignoring Rayna’s phone calls.

  “Don’t hey me. What is up with you anyway? What happened to you going out to the club for Cassidy’s birthday?”

  Ciara shrugged her shoulders. “I wasn’t feeling good.”

  Rayna looked at her sideways with her hand on her hip. “Yeah, I bet you weren’t.”

  “Look, I don’t have to explain shit to you. Besides Marcus doesn’t like me hanging out anyway,” Ciara snapped a little put off by Rayna’s attitude.

  Marcus winked at Rayna as he walked passed them and into the kitchen. Rayna simply sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. She disliked him with a passion.

  “Marcus, Marcus,” Rayna said shaking her head. “When are you going to get a clue about your man?”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing,” Rayna said shaking her head. She knew it was no use, because Ciara was crazy in love. That man would tell her the sky was purple and she’d believe it.

  “No you opened the can of worms, so let it out.”

  “I just can’t stand the fact you are allowing this man to make you choose between you and your family. Do you realize you missed your own sister’s birthday?”

  Ciara let Rayna’s words slide off her shoulders. She wasn’t in the mood to attend a guilty party. She missed Cassidy but the apology she held for her took a back seat to the love she held for Marcus.

  “What do you want Rayna? If you came here to argue then you know where the exit is.”

  Rayna sighed in frustration because talking to Ciara was like talking to a brick wall. She washed her hands of it. Ciara would just have to learn on her own.

  “I didn’t come here to argue. I just missed my friend and wanted to see what was up with you that’s all. I mean is it okay if I sit down or what?”

  “My bad,” Ciara said with a slight attitude. She wasn’t feeling Rayna’s little pep speech concerning her and Cassidy. She would deal with her family and Cassidy all within due time. The y would just have to get over it and accept that fact that she and Marcus are a couple.

  Ciara moved so Rayna could have a seat on the couch. Ciara wasn’t sure if it was her raging hormones or what, but as she looked at Rayna jealousy surrounded her heart. Marcus’ lingering eyes didn’t go unnoticed and she didn’t want her friend raining in on her parade. She and Marcus were finally back on good terms and she wasn’t about to let anything or anyone spoil it.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Rayna asked taking note of Ciara’s sour expression.

  “Nothing!” Ciara snapped, as she rolled her eyes and took a seat beside Rayna.

  Rayna sat uncomfortably on the couch. She regretted that she even stopped by. Since being with Marcus, Ciara has become a different person. They weren’t as tight as they used to be. She took a deep breath, sad because she was about to lose the only true friend she’d had in a long time. An awkward silence surrounded them, each woman in their own thoughts. Rayna searching for the right words to say without stepping on Ciara’s sensitive emotions. Ciara on the other hand was thinking of how to get Rayna out of her house and away from her man.

  “Guess what?” Rayna finally said excited.

  “What?” Ciara asked, trying her best to share in Rayna’s excitement but her heart wasn’t in it.

  “I got a job. I got a real job.”

  “Wow, that’s great,” Ciara half smiled. “Where?”

  “Well, Cassidy hooked me up. She put in a word for me down at her new job and I’m going to be working as an administrative assistant for the Vice President of the company,” Rayna said, as she bounced on the sofa.

  When she first heard the news of getting the job, she literally burst into tears. She was finally trading in her sexy stiletto pumps for professional pumps. She looked up at the ceiling having an emotional moment as she thought about her grandmother, who was her number one fan cheering her on through college.

  “That’s good, Rayna,” Marcus said as he walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand. “Ciara, you should think about taking some classes and get a degree in something. You know to better yourself,” he said as he winked at Rayna and headed up the stairs.

  Ciara turned to Rayna with daggers in her eyes. Marcus’ snide remark cut deep and she started to feel self- conscious. Her hormones were all over the place causing her to act and think irrationally. She looked at her friend and rolled her eyes.

  “That’s good to hear, you finally decided to leave that pole alone.”

  Rayna gave Ciara a sideways look. Her underlying tone didn’t go unnoticed. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “I’m just saying it didn’t make any sense to me. You were always bragging about your college degree and shit. I’m just glad you decided to put it to use.”

  Rayna’s first thoughts were to knock Ciara back down to size, but she chose not to. She simply smirked and shook her head. “On that note, I think I’m going to go ahead and go. Call me when you get the stick out of your ass.”

  “I will, just please be sure to call me before you decide to up and stop by my house unexpectedly.”

  Rayna didn’t respond just threw up a pair of deuces and walked out the door. As soon as she reached her truck she looked over her shoulder and shook her head. “This chick is trippin’,” Rayna mumbled under her breath as she hopped in her truck and sped off.

  Ciara walked upstairs to greet her man with an apparent attitude. She walked into Marcus’ office where he sat at his computer. He sensed her standing there and opted to say nothing, but chose to keep his attention fixed on the computer screen.

  “So, you think Rayna is better than me?”

  “What?” Marcus laughed, taking his
eyes off the computer screen to look at Ciara. “Lady bug what are you talking about?”

  “I asked if you think Rayna is better than me?”

  “No, why would you think that.”

  “I see the way you look at her Marcus.”

  Marcus shook his head and shut his computer off. He got up and walked over to Ciara. The look in her eyes was all too familiar. It was the same look of doubt and uncertainty Cassidy used to have. He grabbed her and hugged her to his chest “Ciara, no I don’t think Rayna is better than you. I just think that it’s great that she went to school and got her degree. Baby, I don’t look at Rayna like that.”

  “Bullshit,” Ciara said pushing him away.

  “Okay, okay, that’s bullshit,” Marcus said throwing his hands up in the air. “But you opened that door, when you allowed me to have a threesome with one of your other friends. I just assumed Rayna wouldn’t be any different.”

  “Marcus I thought things would be different now.”

  “And they are, but I still have my needs. I still have fantasies, and Rayna happens to be one of them.”

  “So you want to fuck Rayna.”

  “Yes, I do,” Marcus admitted. “I thought you wanted to make me happy Ciara. That’s why I chose you over Cassidy. She never tried to understand or do things that I wanted to do,” he said kissing her forehead. He gently kissed her eyes, and began to massage her shoulders. “You’re my better half and I think you understand that I’m a type of man that has needs. Sexual needs that only you can help me fulfill.”

  Ciara stood there, allowing Marcus to play on her vulnerable state of mind. She sniffled and tucked her tears away behind her eye lids. She grabbed him and hugged him to her chest, wanting to melt inside him to make their bodies become one. This man had her mind, body and soul. She knew it was unhealthy to love someone so much. Something deep inside of her told her she should walk away but she couldn’t.


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