Enough Of The Drama
Page 19
“Marcus, I don’t think Rayna gets down like that,” Ciara heard herself say. She couldn’t believe she was allowing herself to stoop so low.
Marcus put his nose in her hair, as he gently caressed her back. He swallowed the lump in his throat. He knew what he was about to say was treading on thin ice. He could possibly be walking in dangerous territory, but he was playing on Ciara’s unstable bridge of emotions.
“There are ways we can work around that.”
“How?” Ciara asked as she looked up at him.
“Do you love me Ciara?”
“Yes, Marcus I do,” she said with sincerity in her eyes.
“All I need you to do is prove it.”
“Anything you want me to do Marcus. I’ll do it.”
Chapter 29
“Okay Joe, I think we are all set,” Pearl said wiping her hands on her apron. She smiled glad she finally put the finishing touches on her dinner. This was a tradition she did every year. She always had a Mother’s day dinner at her house, in honor of her own mother who passed five years ago.
“Well Pearl, can I steal a chicken leg or something. I’m hungry,” Joe said, a hard frown invading his smooth forehead.
Pearl smacked her lips and rolled her eyes. “Go head Joe, but just one. I want there to be enough for everybody.”
Joe looked around the kitchen at all the food he knew would more than likely go to waste, because like always Pearl went all out. He wanted to say something but decided to hold his peace, because he knew there was no winning with Pearl. He just shook his head and happily dug in the chicken and stole a leg.
“Is Ciara coming?” he asked as he took a bite out of his chicken. Immediately he closed his eyes and shook his head in appreciation at this wife’s cooking.
“I invited her.”
Joe’s eyes instantly popped open. “I know she ain’t bringing that man is she?”
“I think she would know better than that Joe.”
“Pearl, I don’t know. I would call her just to make sure. Anytime she up and sleep with her own sister’s husband, you just can’t be too sure about folks these days. I would just call her to be on the safe side. She is more than welcome, but she better not bring his ass anywhere near my house.”
“Okay Joe,” Pearl said waving him off with her hand.
“You think I’m playing Pearl.”
“Joe, I will handle it.”
Pearl checked the clock on the wall. She only had an hour to get ready. She took off her apron and headed upstairs, while Joe stole another piece of chicken. Pearl was putting the finishing touches on her make up when the door bell rang. She frowned and went down stairs. That was unusual for anyone to be on time.
“Joe, can you get the door?”
“I’m on the toilet.”
Pearl rolled her eyes as she patted her hair and headed downstairs. “Who is it?” she asked.
Pearl opened the door. “Hey baby,” she said embracing him in a hug.
“Hi, Ms. Adams,” he smiled. “This is for you and Happy Mother’s Day,” he said handing her a bag.
“Thanks baby,” she said looking around him. “China didn’t come with you?”
He shook his head no. “I haven’t been able to get a hold of China lately. I’ve popped up at her house and she ain’t never home or she just not answering the door. I talked to Cassidy and she says that she is doing okay and still going to her meetings. As long as she is staying out of trouble, that’s a good thing right.”
“Yeah, it is. Come on in,” she said stepping aside allowing him to enter. “You’re the first one here, so you’re more than welcome to have a seat in the living room or did you want me to fix you a plate?”
Clay was hungry. He avoided eating all day just to get some of Ms. Adams cooking but he didn’t want to be in the kitchen eating by himself. “No that’s okay, I can wait.”
“Alright baby.”
“Pearl, who was that at the door?” Joe asked coming down the stairs.
“It’s Clay.”
“Clay. Joe you remember Clay.”
“Oh yeah, that big head yellow boy that used to hang around Dre,” Joe said fixing his pants as he entered the room. “How you doin’ son?” he asked extending his hand.
Clay laughed and shook his head, taking Joe’s hand in his. “I’m fine sir, and yourself?”
“I’m good son. Come on follow me and have a seat. You still out there slangin’ in them streets?”
Clay laughed and shook his head no. “I’m done with all of that. I gave that up a long time ago.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
Pearl shook her head and carried her gift bag upstairs. She didn’t open it, but would do it later when all her company left. She put the finishing touches of her make up on before heading back down stairs.
“Hey mama,” China said, greeting Pearl at the bottom of the steps.
“Hey baby,” Pearl said giving her a hug. “You looking good.”
“Thanks, I know,” China laughed. “This is for you,” she said handing her mother a gift wrapped present.
“Thank you, baby. You know Clay is here?”
“Yeah, I saw his truck parked outside,” China said with a nonchalant shrug of the shoulders.
Pearl frowned. “What’s going on between you two?”
“Nothing mom,” China sighed, not wanting to get into the details about her complicated situation with Clay.
“Alright, just thought I would ask,” Pearl said with her hands in the air. “He and your father are in the living room.”
“Okay thanks,” China said as she walked into the living room. “Hey daddy,” China smiled, avoiding any eye contact with Clay.
“Hey baby girl,” Joe stood up and gave his daughter a hug. “I don’t know about y’all but I’m hungry and I’m not about to sit around and wait. Now y’all welcome to join me,” he said heading in the direction of the kitchen leaving China and Clay alone together.
China started to follow after her father, but Clay grabbed her. She roughly jerked her arm out of his grasp and straightened out her shirt. Clay arched an eyebrow caught off guard by her gesture.
“What’s good with you ma?”
“Like you care?” China snapped.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, just forget about it,” China said stomping off towards the kitchen before Clay could get in another word.
Clay shook his head and shrugged his shoulder, wondering where her sudden attitude had come from. “Women!”
Ciara was nervous as she stood outside of her parent’s house with her key in hand. Marcus lagged behind a little, not sure if he should walk into the lion’s den or not. The sensation stirring in his stomach caused him to second guess this. He thought this was a bad idea but Ciara insisted. He figured he would tag along if he wanted her to go along with what he wanted her to do.
“Are you ready?” Ciara asked, looking up at Marcus. He said nothing but simply nodded his head yes. As soon as she stuck her key in the key hole the door swung open. “Hi mom,” Ciara said with a deer caught in head light look plastered on her face.
“This child has gone stir crazy,” Pearl mumbled under her breath as she looked from Ciara to Marcus. She palmed her forehead, as she looked over her shoulder. She forgot to call Ciara and tell her that Marcus wasn’t welcomed, but she figured she wouldn’t have to.
“Can we come in?” Ciara asked nervously.
“I know this nigga ain’t at my door,” Joe belted coming down the hallway. “Stand back Pearl I’m about to kill this nigga.”
Pearl didn’t have time to explain anything before she reacted by slamming the door in her daughters face. Marcus quickly spun on the heel of his Stacey Adams and headed for his truck. He wasn’t about to stand around and be apart of the drama that was about to unfold.
“I knew this was a bad idea,” Marcus frowned looking over his shoul
der to make sure Joe hadn’t followed them.
“Slow down Marcus,” Ciara said out of breath as she did her best to keep up.
Just as they hit the end of the driveway, they were greeted by Antoine and Cassidy. Marcus stopped abruptly in his tracks once his eyes landed on Cassidy. His dick slightly danced in his pants. Her hair was pulled back neatly into a bun that sat on top of her head, the huge diamond shaped earrings she wore, bought out her eyes. The Seven jeans she wore hugged her thighs just right, and the red V neck blouse she had on dipped well into her breast. Marcus voice got caught in his throat. Cassidy lost some weight and was looking good.
“Hi Marcus,” Cassidy smiled. “Ciara, how are you guys doing?” she asked not in the mood to be cordial, but she figured she would at least try.
“Hi,” Ciara half smiled, while nudging Marcus who stood there with his mouth slightly ajar.
“Uh, hi Cassidy,” Marcus finally said, clearing his throat. He looked her up and down. “You look amazing.”
“Thank you,” Cassidy frowned, turned off by the look in Marcus’ eyes. An awkward silence surrounded them before Cassidy finally decided to introduce her date. “This is Antoine, Antoine this is Ciara my sister and my soon to be ex-husband Marcus.”
“Nice to meet you,” Antoine smirked holding out his hand towards Marcus.
Marcus looked at it first before reluctantly extending his hand. “The same. Come on Ciara,” Marcus said, as jealousy ate away at his soul.
“Bye Cas, it was nice meeting you Antoine,” she said as she scurried off to catch up with Marcus.
Cassidy looked at them as they left, she shook her head. Ciara really was looking for drama by bringing Marcus to the house. She should have known Joe and Pearl wouldn’t go for that.
“You okay baby,” Antoine asked, gently squeezing her shoulder before kissing her on the forehead.
She smiled and kissed him on the lips. “I’m just fine,” she said as she hooked her arm in his and walked towards her parent’s front door. She took seeing Ciara and Marcus together as a couple pretty well. I guess I’m finally getting over him.
Chapter 30
China walked into the house and closed her front door and shook her head at the events that just occurred. She couldn’t help but to laugh as she remembered the look on her father’s face once he realized Marcus was at the front door. She walked in her living room and threw her purse on the couch, with a huge smile on her face. With the way she’s been feeling lately she needed that laugh. The evening didn’t end all bad, they were still able to have a nice dinner without any further incident once her mother was able to calm her father down.
Knock! Knock!
A hard frown claimed China face, she was just about to sit down and get comfortable. She walked to her front door “Who is it?”
“It’s me China.”
The hard frown remained planted in her forehead at the sound of his voice. “What do you want Clay?”
“I want for you to open up this got damn door and stop talking to me like a damn stranger.”
China sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. “You’ve been acting like it lately.”
“Girl, open up this damn door,” he said pounding on the door.
“No, I’m not in the mood for company.”
“I suggest you get in the mood. Quit, playing China,” Clay said getting agitated.
“Bye Clay,” she said walking away. The click of the locks took her by surprise. “Damn you Pearl,” she muttered under her breath as she made her way back to the front door, but it was too late. “Get out Clay,” China snapped as he walked in the door and closed it behind him.
“No not until you tell me what the fuck is your problem?”
“I don’t have a problem. Can’t a bitch be left alone sometimes damn,” she snapped rolling her eyes, folding her arms across her chest.
Dayum she looks sexy when she’s mad, he thought.
Clay sighed and ran his hand over his waves. He tried to take a softer approach. He walked up to her and gently touched her elbow. “Tell me what’s on your mind ma.”
She snatched her elbow out of his fingertips. “I’m good.”
A frown claimed his face as he mushed her in the head. “Fine then, be like that.”
“Nigga, you done lost your mind,” China snapped quickly bouncing back. She uncrossed her arms and attempted to hit Clay upside his head but he blocked it and grabbed her arms. He spun her around so that her back was too him, and held her in a tight bear hug. “Get off me Clay,” she fumed.
“No, just tell me what’s wrong ma? Why you acting all funny on me. Just tell me what I did?”
His breath on her ear caused an unwanted heat to settle in between her legs. She didn’t want to give in but she felt her heart softening. The throbbing between her legs was making her weak.
“Nothing, just go back to your bitch. You don’t have time for me anymore.” He was so close she could feel the hardness of his manhood that poked through his jeans.
“What are you talking about?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“What is wrong wit you? What you want from me. Stop beating around the damn bush, and be a woman about yours.”
After a long and uncomfortable silence, China sucked in a deep breath. A lone tear escaped her eye. She was tired of fighting her feelings. “I want you,” she whispered.
Clay released her from his bear hug and took a step back. “What did you say?”
China wiped her eyes and turned to face him. She tugged at the bottom of his shirt, as she took a step towards him invading his personal space. The scent of his Armani cologne took over her senses. She placed her forehead on his chest. “I want you Clay.”
Their heavy breathing circulated the air, as they both tried to gather their thoughts. Clay wanted to speak but his voice was stuck in his throat. His emotions were pulling him in different directions and he wasn’t sure of which way he should go. His silence was like a silent rejection in China’s eyes. She sucked a long hallow breath in her lungs before pulling away from him.
“Fuck it,” she said turning on her heels to leave, but Clay grabbed her by the arm.
He turned her around and cupped her face in his hands, kissing her soft sensual lips. Exotic sexual moans escaped their lips as they back paddled towards the stairs, while their tongues continued to engage in a passionate tongue war. Clay lifted China up in his strong arms and carried her up the stairs. He walked into her bedroom, briefly breaking contact as he gently lay her down on the bed. He took off his shirt, advertising his bulging biceps, and fresh set of abs.
“You sure about this?” he whispered, his manhood slightly jumping against his thigh as he stared down into China’s lust filled eyes.
China simply licked her full lips and pulled him down on top of her. He mounted himself between her thighs and slowly grinded himself into her heated inferno. China moaned, and continued to suck on his bottom lip as she dug her nails in his back. He reached under her blouse and took in a handful of her breast, circling her erect nipple with his thumb.
“Clay,” she moaned as she arched her back.
He broke free of their entangled kiss and began to suck on her neck. China was in heaven. Clay stirred up sexual feelings in her she hadn’t experienced since Dre died. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing her body to his as she cupped the back of his head.
Over the foreplay Clay tugged at her pants while, China quickly took off her bra and shirt. She threw her bra and panties over the side of the bed before ripping off Clay’s belt. When he stepped out of his jeans and boxers his man hood sprang to life and popped out at China like a jack in the box. She jumped back a little, intimidated by the thickness of his dick.
He gently pushed her back on the bed, placing soft sensual kisses on her forehead, before working his way down in between her thighs. China let out a loud gasp as Clay tickled her clit with the tip of his tongue.
‘Mmmmm,” she moaned as she rolled her he
ad from side to side. She arched her back, and cried out to heaven as Clay continued to stroke her clit with the expertise of a seasoned pussy licker. She clamped her knees around his head, as she clutched the sheets in her hand.
His sensual moans only intensified the pressure he was putting on her clit. She arched her back higher, as Clay inserted a finger inside of her leaky faucet. She whimpered in unspeakable pleasure, as she twirled her hips doing all that she could to hold on to this sexual bliss.
“Yes, Clay . . . I’m . . . almost. . . Oh . . . shit . . . I’m cumming,” China squealed, curling her toes so tight they turned white.
China lay speechless as Clay climbed on top of her and kissed her gently. She was stuck on mute for a minute, gathering her composure. She hadn’t had sex since Dre died and that orgasm she just experienced nearly drained her. Clay didn’t want to break their sexual chemistry but he had to ask.
With a goofy grin still plastered on her face, China rolled over on her side and reached into her night stand for a condom. She handed it to Clay. He inspected the package, wondering if it was the proper size. He shrugged his shoulders and ripped the package open with his teeth. It was a snug fit but he made it work.
He looked down at China amazed by her beautiful smile. He placed himself in between her thighs and gently inserted his man hood, inch by inch into her warm opening. “Dayum,” he muttered in her ear, as he slowly wounded his hips to make room for his girth.
China closed her eyes tightly and placed her face in the nape of his neck. It hurt but she didn’t want him to stop. She wrapped her legs around him tighter, and pressed her body closer to his.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
China nodded her head yes. Clay gently stroked her inner walls, pouring out his passion and love with each stroke he made. He smothered her doubts and any fears that she may have with his soft kisses. He placed his hands under ass and cupped a cheek in each hand, as he slowly drove deeper into her love cave. Her tight pussy was driving him insane.
“Clay. Clay,” China moaned like a broken record, once he finally hit her spot. She arched her back, she could feel another orgasm. “Please,” she begged, willing him to take her there just once more.