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Hidden Barriers

Page 17

by Sara Shirley

  After walking up the front steps, I open the door and am instantly hit with the aroma of Mom’s cooking. I keep Sam safe behind me as she follows my lead. “Mom? Dad?” I ask, as though I know they aren’t already in the kitchen.

  Mom’s voice sounds from the back of the house. “In the kitchen, dear.” I continue walking until I stand in the doorway to see Mom pulling a spiral ham from the oven and Dad mashing the potatoes on the stovetop. Sam remains behind me, out of sight.

  “Hey, we’re here,” I announce our entrance.

  Mom places the ham onto the counter, still not looking my way. I pull Sam from behind me, so she stands at my side. “Josh, what do you mean ‘we’re’?” my mom asks before turning to see the two of us in front of her.

  “Mom…Dad…I’d like you to meet Samantha Daley, my girlfriend,” I say as I softly push Sam forward with my hand at her back. Her feet scuffle forward as my mom moves closer. Her confused eyes pass between the two of us. Dad remains standing, but no longer mashing the potatoes.

  Mom wipes her hands on her apron before pulling it off and tossing it onto the counter. She comes over to stand in front of Sam before she reaches out to hold the sides of her face in her hands. “Well, you have to be something incredibly special to my son if he has decided to bring you to meet us.”

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Page.”

  “Oh, dear, call me Grace, and that man over there is Travis,” she says, leaning her head over to Dad. “Travis, put down those darned potatoes and come meet your son’s girlfriend.” Dad starts walking over to stand behind Mom as he reaches out a hand.

  “Nice to finally meet you, Sam,” Dad says before looking up at me. “So, how long have you been going out with Josh?” he questions her as if knowing from Sam’s statement that she’s been around a while.

  I quickly clear my throat, which grabs everyone’s attention instantly. “Mom, we brought wine and some pie. Should I just put it on the buffet in the dining room?”

  “Yes, that’s fine,” she says as she turns to Dad. “Travis, why don’t you go help Josh in the dining room? This dinner requires the fine china.”

  I turn my gaze over to Sam who looks at me with a silly grin on her face. “See, I warned you about the china.” I laugh as I continue into the dining room with the pie.

  Dad cuts me off mid-stride just as I’m walking into the room. “Josh, how long have you two been dating?” he questions as he begins taking out the china from the cabinet to set the table.

  “Dad, really, it’s not a big deal. I just didn’t want to introduce her if I wasn’t completely sure she was the one.”

  “The one?” Dad startles, as the sound of china clinking heavily on the table ruffles through the room. “What is going on around here? First, Jeremy, and now, you? You know you can’t tell your mother, right? Have you seen how she’s been with Jeremy’s wedding plans? I’m surprised she hasn’t picked out my damn underwear color yet.”

  “Dad, trust me. I know. But, we need to keep this on the down low. You can’t let on to anyone that I love Sam. If Mom finds out, she’ll have me getting married in a month right next to Jeremy, and that is not going to happen!” Grabbing some of the plates from Dad, I help set the other two plates for dinner.

  As we finish setting out the plates, Dad slaps my shoulder from behind me. “So, how did you meet that gorgeous creature in there?” he asks as we make our way back toward the kitchen, where soft laughter filters through the door.

  “Well, Dad, that’s an interesting story. We actually met the night of the accident at the hospital.”

  “Let me get this straight. You’re telling me you’ve known her for nearly three months, and you’re just now bringing her over here?” Dad asks, shaking his head as he pushes me forward in front of him. “If your mother catches wind of that, you won’t live to see your next birthday.”

  That is exactly why I need to make sure the girls don’t find out about Sam until after Jeremy’s wedding. Just another three weeks and I’ll hopefully figure out exactly how to introduce my first love to my true love.

  Easier said than done.

  With my stomach overly plump, I undo my skinny jeans once Josh and I are in the car heading home from his parents’ house. His mother, Grace, clearly outdid herself when cooking dinner. Josh can’t stop laughing as I recline the passenger seat and let it all hang out. I’m so full and sleepy I don’t think I’ll be able to get out of the car.

  At some point, I must have fallen asleep on the drive home. My eyes lazily open as I feel Josh’s arms lift me from the car and carry me inside.

  The house is eerily quiet, but considering it’s Derby Date Night, everyone probably decided to go out for the night. I feel Josh take the stairs up to my room and place me tenderly onto my bed before removing my stiletto heels. Since my jeans are still unzipped, stripping them off is relatively easy for him. I feel him kneel on the bed after flipping on the lamp next to my bed. His rough fingers graze my skin as he pulls my sweater over my head, tossing it onto the floor.

  Shortly after the blankets are pulled back, I feel the heat from his bare chest rest against my back as he curls into my body. Pushing away my hair from the nape of my neck, he places kisses at my collarbone. His warm breath causes a fluttering within my stomach, which only intensifies as his arm snakes around my waist. Josh’s thumb plays along the hem of my lace thong above my pelvis.

  His phone vibrates from the nightstand, and he pulls his arm from me to grab it. Moments later, he aggressively throws it onto the nightstand before turning off the light.

  “Everything okay?” I inquire. Josh’s body goes rigid, but he only runs his fingers over my bare arm, curling into me even tighter.

  “Everything is fine, sugar. Let’s just sleep now.” He kisses my temple before my eyes close completely, and I release a loud yawn. “Sam?” Josh whispers into my ear.

  “Mmmm,” I drawl in my semi-sleep state of mind.

  “That was a text from Jeremy. Mom wants you to join us in Savannah.”

  “Oh, yeah? That’s not so bad, right?”

  “Well, that’s not all.”

  “What is it?” I shut my eyes, nearly falling asleep again.

  “She apparently wants to know how soon before she can start planning our wedding.”

  My eyes snap open before I shout, “What?!”

  “Hey, for what it’s worth, I did warn you this could happen.”

  It turns out that I can’t go to Savannah with Josh anyway. It’s the same weekend as our Derby race. When I told him the news, he appeared relieved just slightly more than me, and I have a feeling it has to do with him trying to keep me from meeting his ex-girlfriend Sue. It honestly doesn’t bother me. Okay, that’s not entirely true. It doesn’t bother me that much. I’m sure he’ll always have feelings for her, but I can’t understand why he doesn’t want to introduce me if she is as much a part of the family as he says she is. I probably should have asked him myself, but since I met his parents last week, we’ve both been busy again.

  The following morning, my mom sent me a text, saying they all would be making the trip up from Connecticut. They want to visit for my birthday this weekend while on their way up to my grandparents’ cottage on Lake Winnipesaukee. I can always tell summer is approaching when they make the trip up there to open it after a long winter.

  The girls usually turn the house into a rip-roaring party. I’m a little hesitant to have my parents here. Don’t get me wrong. I can’t wait to see them, and once you get a couple of drinks in them, they can really be a friggin’ hoot. But, some of the derby girls are a little rough around the edges, and sometimes things get slightly out of hand. Add Josh, his family, and our friends to the mix, and my birthday party becomes a serious affair. I don’t know whether I want a shot of Jack or feel the need to throw up.

  Plus, Kim likes to have themed parties around here. For Lucy’s party last November, the house turned into an island paradise, and we all had to wear ugly Hawaiian
shirts. My birthday party theme is the 1980s. I never want to see another pair of lime green spandex or rainbow leg warmers after today, ever!

  “Rise and shine, birthday girl!” Lucy shouts as she bounces on all fours over me on my bed. “C’mon, Sam! The sun is out, and you’ve got a party to get ready for. And, let’s not forget, there will be a cake,” she continues to say as she opens the curtains along my bay window.

  “I’m up. I’m up,” I moan as I peek up over my comforter, trying to block the sun from blinding me. “You better have a good reason for waking me up this early on my birthday, Lucy,” I say as I roll over, tossing back the blankets to get out of bed.

  “Duh, silly!” she snickers. “Do you think I want to be up this early? Someone decided to drop by on his way to work today and leave a shit ton of stuff for you in the kitchen.” Looking over at Lucy, I see the shit-eating grin spread over her entire face. Josh was here. I bolt from the bed, running through the house until I reach the kitchen. My sock-covered feet come to a sliding halt as my eyes fall upon the scene.

  Balloons litter the ceiling everywhere. My hands move through the sea of strings dangling from the balloons until I find a clearing. My eyes don’t know where to begin. Banners are hung along the walls. Number balloons are all over the place, connecting to form a “26” when put together. There are gift bags on the counter and multiple bouquets of flowers waiting for me.

  I run my fingers along the counter as my heart warms at how much thought he put into all of this. A card rests on a wrapped box with my name on it. “Hey, Birthday Girl- Open Now” is written in Josh’s writing on the envelope. Sliding my finger under the seal, I push in my fingers to pull out the card.





  The moment I place the envelope onto the counter, the rest of my roommates come storming into the kitchen. Kim forcefully pushes away the balloon strings as she moves into the kitchen. “Damn, Sam. That guy has got it bad for you. Look at this place! He’s totally cleaning this up later.”

  Rose turns on the coffee maker as she covers her mouth to stifle a yawn. “Happy Birthday, Sam,” she says as she comes to pull up the bar stool next to me. “So, are we opening these presents now or later?”

  Lucy’s bubbly voice fills the room as she comes in carrying champagne bottles in her arms. “Who’s ready for mimosas?!” she exclaims as Rose heads over to grab the flutes from the cabinets. Kim is already pulling the orange juice from the fridge just as Lucy is popping the cork from the first bottle.

  After all the drinks are poured, everyone grabs a flute and raises it into the air. Rose makes a toast. “To Sam. May your birthday be filled with laughter and friends.” She leans over to whisper into my ear, “Remind me to thank Josh later tonight.”

  “What for?” I ask curiously.

  “For being the one to bring your smile back to life. It’s good to see you. Just be you for once. It suits you,” Rose says, giving me a hug. “Well, are you going to open these gifts or what? I’m dying to know what he got you!” she squeals before sipping her mimosa.

  Grabbing the first gift bag Josh left on the counter, I remove the tissue paper and laugh at what’s inside. There is a folded note taped to the top of the tissue paper.

  To help channel your inner ‘80s goddess.

  I start pulling everything from the bag and see DVDs and music from the ‘80s, silly straws, Rubik’s Cubes, beaded necklaces, and glow bracelets, but what really makes the gift special is the Baby Ruth candy bar. He knows it’s from the one movie from the ‘80s I’ll watch over and over again. I can never get enough of The Goonies.

  God, I love that man.

  I wait to open the rest of his presents, realizing it will be more special to have him here with me. I finish sipping back my mimosa as my phone starts dinging on the counter. Text messages clutter my screen. Everyone known to mankind begins sending me messages. If I weren’t already awake, I would be now. The messages that humble me the most come from Josh’s family. Both his mom and sister send me birthday wishes, telling me they can’t wait to see me later.

  Then, it suddenly sinks in. My parents will be here. Josh’s parents will be here. Shit. Shit. Shit. Our families are meeting for the first time. This just became a serious affair. My breathing escalates as my body begins to tremble.

  Kim notices my sudden change and is at my side instantly. “Sam, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  Bringing my hand to rest on the top of my head, I try to hold it all together. “My parents…his parents…both here…together,” I sputter, not making sense.

  “Breathe, Sam,” Kim says, trying to calm me. Everyone’s eyes zone in on me, and smiles creep on their faces, as they understand what I just came to realize.

  Lucy is the first to rush over to me. “Sam! This is so exciting!” she boasts. “This means he’s totally into you! This means he really does love you more than anything.”

  I need to sit down before I literally fall down. My feet move toward the living room to find the sofa as I push through the balloon strings. Once I find the sofa, I plop down and cover my face with my arm as I lie down.

  I hear Rose from the kitchen call out to get my attention. “Do you want another mimosa now, or should I be breaking out the bottle of Jack?”

  Ugh. Jack and I might be getting reacquainted earlier than expected today.

  My eyes literally have to do a double take as I walk through the C-Naughtie house backyard. It is like a scene from an ‘80s nightmare. Everywhere I look there are neon colors and really, really big hair. Lanterns and lights dangle from trees, while ‘80s music plays over the speakers.

  My parents follow me through the backyard. Courtney rushed into the chaos a few minutes ago once she saw Drew near the plastic kiddie pools filled with drinks. I knew there would be trouble when I saw what he was dressed as. Every straight girl here tonight will be falling all over him. Drew is obviously supposed to be the main character from Risky Business who slides across the floor in his socks, underwear, t-shirt, and shades. Yeah, that’s Drew. I hope he knows it’s April, and it’s still not that warm out, regardless of the fire pit and patio heaters they have going right now.

  I glance over my shoulder as I hear my parents approaching. They also channeled their inner ‘80s, which wasn’t too hard, since I’m pretty sure they still have clothes in their closets from that era. Being born in 1985, I don’t have anything I can still fit into from those years. Mom and Dad coupled up and dressed as Mork and Mindy.

  As Dad stands next to me, tugging on his rainbow suspenders, I lower my aviator shades to the end of my nose and shake my head. “You two look ridiculous,” I say, laughing before pushing my shades back onto my face.

  Dad slaps his suspenders against his chest. “Nanu, Nanu. Let’s go find the birthday girl, Maverick.” God, I’m glad Jeremy won’t catch this sight tonight. He has a hockey game and has taken Emily, Sue, and Dave with him, giving me more time to figure out how to introduce Sam into the situation.

  Lucy appears dressed as someone from the movie Grease. “Hey, Josh! Great outfit. Sam’s still inside getting dressed,” she says, completely engrossed in derby talk with the other girls. I give her a brief nod before heading over to where Drew is with Courtney.

  “Dude, what? You couldn’t find another actor to dress as?” Drew asks, reaching out to slap my hand in greeting. Pulling up my aviators on my head, I laugh at him. “At least I remembered to wear my pants tonight, but, hey, nice underwear,” I joke, because at least in my pilot jumpsuit, I’ll be warm tonight.
  Another older couple makes their way from the house and walks in our direction. Drew calls over to them, “Mom…Dad…” The couple is dressed in casual attire, not so much dressed for the party. “Mom, Dad, this is Josh, Sam’s boyfriend,” Drew introduces.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Daley, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you both. Sam has told me so much about you.” As I reach out to shake their hands, Sam’s mother pulls me in for a quick hug.

  “Call me Corrine, and this is Patrick.” I turn slightly to my parents, who are still standing near me, but talking to Courtney. “These are my parents, Travis and Grace, and this is my sister Courtney.” They all fall into casual conversation as I grab a beer from the ice bucket. A few minutes later, after some small talk with Sam’s parents, I excuse myself.

  I make my way through the kitchen that is still littered with the balloons I brought over this morning. “Sam?” I shout from the bottom of the staircase.

  Moments later, I hear her voice from the hallway. “Up here.”

  I quickly take the stairs up to her room as I hear her spewing profanities. “Fucking ‘80s hair. I’m going to kill Kim for this.”

  I turn the corner to her room, stopping instantly at the sight before me. My eyes roam from the floor up to see her black high heels covered by black leg thigh-high leg warmers. Her ass is barely covered by an oversized off-the-shoulder gray sweatshirt that has “Flashdance” written on the front of it. Sam continues to tease her hair and spray it with hairspray. She catches me standing there and adjusts her pink and gray fabric headband on her forehead.

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  Thank God my jumpsuit is loose fitting because I’m seriously having an image of some ‘80s dress up sex night happening later. This is not the outfit she told me she had planned on wearing tonight. This is sooo much better. “Ummm…Sam, what happened to the green spandex and rainbow leg warmers?” I ask, watching her take a sip of her wine that she grabs from her bureau.


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