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Texas CHAOS (Texas Heroes Book 2)

Page 19

by Sable Hunter

  As soon as they could, they loaded up. “Which way?” Anne asked, looking at Jenna. She didn't know if she had any better insight, but she tried to imagine what Logan would tell her.

  “Let's head south and keep an eye on it. Our only chance is to out run it, get out of its way.” With that pronouncement, the caravan of scared women and horses hit the road. The backdrop for their exodus was a massive mile-wide hell of ferocious winds and flying missiles, seemingly bent on swallowing them up.

  A few hours south, Logan was driving toward Oklahoma like a mad man. Oh, he was obeying traffic laws, he fully intended to arrive in Oklahoma in one piece. The idea that Jenna was in trouble, that something could happen to her and she'd never know how much he loved her was absolutely unthinkable.

  As he traveled, Logan listened to the news and what he heard scared him to death. The storm had indeed produced a mile-wide F-5 with super destructive winds. Raw power. He'd tried to call her with no success. Undoubtedly all of the cell phone towers had been destroyed. What if she was hurt? He tormented himself with questions. What if he never saw her again? The possibility almost paralyzed him.

  * * *

  “We need to get back and see if we can help.” Layla exclaimed and they all stood together to watch the storm dissipate. Large hail had fallen and still littered the ground.

  “I hope people weren't hurt...or worse.” One of the girls muttered.

  “Let's head back to the pavilion and see the damage.” Anne hovered around them, wanting to gather them to her like a hen with chicks. “I'm just thankful Jenna got us on the move to a safe place.”

  The trip back to the pavilion was almost impossible. Four times they had to stop and remove large debris items from the road. Jenna couldn't believe what she was seeing – nothing was left standing – nothing. Where there was once trees, now there were mere stumps. Where there was once houses, now there were piles of brick and rubble. Moving slowly down the littered highway, they would have missed the pavilion or what was left of it had there not been a portion of the sign stuck halfway in the mud. It was obvious – if they'd stayed, they would not have survived.

  The trauma left Jenna shaking and she had to hold herself back from calling Logan. He'd always been her touchstone, the one she turned to, the one she ran to – and now she'd lost that. Wrapping her arms around herself, she trembled as she realized how easily this all could have turned tragic.

  After securing the animals in a make-shift corral, the women volunteered in any way they could, helping set up food stations and an area to collect names of survivors. The list of missing people was climbing, but confirming a death toll was slow. Jenna worked automatically, her mind a bit numb from all that had happened.

  Meanwhile...a few miles away, Logan searched frantically. He used his radio to bypass normal channels and contacted the fire chief. The dispatcher patched him through to the hospitals and the morgue. After giving them Jenna's description he at least had the knowledge she hadn't been transported to any facility at this point. After that, he headed to the area where the practice arena had been located and began to walk the streets asking everyone he met if they had seen anyone who looked like his Jenna. Most just shook their heads, everyone had their own problems and focus. Finally, one man responded positively when he mentioned horses and trailers. “Yea, there's a group of women helping out down near the Baptist church. I don't know about your girl, but that would be a good place to start.” A tsunami of relief cascaded over him. He'd been praying with faith, but imagining the worst. With renewed hope, Logan set out in the direction the man indicated.

  The closer he got, the more he strained his eyes. Just a glimpse, God just a glimpse of her would be heaven sent. His eyes roved a group of people who seemed to be handing out bottles of water.

  No. Not her. A brunette – no, his heart sank. Logan was shaking like a leaf, all the while chanting her name in a prayer. “Jenna, please, Jenna.”

  And then he saw her.

  Her hair was in disarray and her shirt was dirty and torn, but to Logan she was the most beautiful thing in the world. As he approached, she didn't see him. Her eyes were on a small boy who was crying. She gave him some water and a hug while he clung to his father. By the time she'd straightened up, Logan was on her. Without warning, he swept her up – cradling her near. “I love you. I love you. I love you, Jenna Gray. Thank God, you're okay. I was going out of my mind.” All of the words and emotions came rushing out. He didn't have to think, Logan was just reacting to the ultimate relief of finding the woman he loved, alive and well.

  “Logan!” She clasped him around the neck and hung on, her eyes roving over his face. “What are you doing here?” With one hand she cupped his cheek, to her surprise she found tears. “What's wrong? Are you hurt?”

  With disbelief, Logan gazed into her eyes. “I was worried about you. When I heard you had come here, like I suggested – I wasn't relieved, I wasn't happy. I had been suggesting that you do things and go places as if you were single, not because I didn't want to be married to you, but because I was afraid you'd regret tying yourself to me. I was wrong. I was stupid. I want you to come home. I can't live without you.”

  “Put me down, I'm too heavy.” Jenna was trying to process what he was saying.

  “Not on your life. I've got you in my arms again and I'm not about to let you go.” Ignoring the glances they received, Logan carried her to his truck, steadying her on his knee while he opened the door. Then he crawled into the seat, settling Jenna into his lap. He shut them in, then buried his face against her neck. “Now, maybe I'll survive.” He gently kissed her cheek, letting his lips rub over her skin. “What would I do without you? You're my life.”

  Jenna wanted to just accept what he said, to take him at his word. But she had too many questions and this time she had to be sure. “I love what you're saying and I want to believe you...but...” She paused, then with a groan, she spilled her deepest hurts and fears. Laying her palm on his chest, she unconsciously caressed him. “You never said you loved me. In bed you welcomed me, but outside of the bedroom, you acted like you wanted to push me away.”

  “I was a fool.” He tightened his arms around her. “I have loved you almost from the start, even when I knew it was wrong. After we married, I was so afraid you'd realize what a mistake you made. I felt that if I told you I loved you, then you left – it would kill me.” Logan sighed. “I guess I was holding a part of me back trying to ensure that I survived.”

  Framing his face, Jenna kissed him. “If it had been my choice, I would have never left you.” She was shaking, everything that had happened – from the tornado to leaving Logan – had coalesced into an emotional storm. Jenna felt battered and unsure. “But you married me only because you thought I was pregnant. Then I pushed to get married immediately and you were trapped.”

  With an exasperated laugh, Logan cupped her chin so she'd look up at him. Before he began speaking, he kissed her with more tenderness than he ever had before. “A sweet trap, but not because of the baby. I made up my mind to propose the moment I saw you hit the ground after you were bushwhacked by that damn bull of mine.”

  “But your mother said...”

  Pressing a finger over her lips, he continued to speak. “Mother knew the series of events, but she had no way of knowing what was going on in my heart. Marrying you has always been what I wanted more than anything. I just remember...”

  “Remember what?” Jenna pressed after he'd slid his finger in a trailing pattern down her throat and over her heart.

  “My old Chief, my mentor... he was a good man. But he was tortured. He fell in love and married a much younger woman.” Logan pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. “They were happy until she became bored and left him. He worshiped the ground she walked on, and when she left, he never recovered.”

  “I'm not her, I'm Jenna. Your Jenna.” She weaved her fingers in his long dark hair and kissed him reverently on the forehead. “All I want is you. I'll build a life
for myself, I'll do all the things that will make me feel happy and fulfilled. But the center of my universe is you. None of it would matter without you.”

  Logan let out a long breath of relief. “I'm sorry for the way I acted. I'm sorry for not making you feel like you were the most important thing in the world to me.”

  “Shhh,” Jenna whispered. “It's okay. Let's go home. I want to celebrate life and make love to my husband.”

  Logan couldn't find a thing in the world wrong with her suggestion.

  * * *

  This trip from Oklahoma to Texas was different than the one before. All of the uncertainty was gone. This was a new beginning for them both. As they headed toward their future, Logan admitted that she'd belonged to him from the moment he'd opened his arms, saving her from the flames. She was not only his wife, Jenna was his best friend.

  The drive was five hours long, and once more he'd had to arrange for someone to go pick up her horse and her rig. That was okay, he smiled indulgently at her sleeping figure. He'd spend the rest of his life making arrangements for her care and comfort. That's what husbands did.

  When they pulled up to his house, he carried her in. She roused and turned in his arms, burying her head in his chest, as if seeking reassurance that she was back where she belonged. Capturing her lips, Logan made his way to their bedroom, then gently undressed them both. Jenna was still sleepy enough to be cuddly, but she was fast waking up, her gaze meeting his with hunger in her eyes.

  “You're so sexy, baby,” he growled. His eyes roved over her sweetly rounded breasts, her nipples so swollen and suckable, then down to perfectly curved thighs – and between them lay a silky bare heaven. “Don't ever leave me again. If I say something to make you think I want you to go, smack me upside the head – because I won't mean it, I'll never mean it.” He ran his hands over her sexy body. The countless hours he'd spent longing for her had paid off in unbelievable returns. Now he could enjoy holding her, kissing her, stroking her gorgeous body until the fires stoked within blazed into a wildfire.

  “Love me, Logan,” she whispered, needing to know that he cared.

  “I do, I cherish you, Jenna.” God, his heart felt like it would burst. He'd been hard for hours. His body had begged him to pull into a rest stop and make love to her, but he wanted to get her home and take his time. This wasn't a woman you fucked in a hurry, this was a woman you made love to leisurely – thoroughly.

  “Really?” Her face broke out into a happy smile as she nestled close to him, pressing those naked tits against his heated skin. “I am so happy.”

  “Good.” He wanted to make her happy. He'd spent the last couple of decades living his life for others – building the ranch, offering a home to his parents, serving the community by fighting whatever might try to harm them. The one thing he'd ever wanted in life was in his arms and he intended to enjoy life to the fullest and enjoy the woman who made him thankful he was a man.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, rubbing her body playfully against his. “I'm ready.”

  “You are?” He laughed as she sneaked a hand between them, finding his cock and stroking it. “For what?” Taking one strong finger, he traced a path from her delectable cleavage down to the velvet soft Venus mound between her legs.

  “For this.” She gripped his cock and pumped it, loving how he closed his eyes and groaned.

  “And this?” He countered, letting his fingers dip into her folds. When her hips bucked and her back arched, he let out a growl of satisfaction. “Someday I'll show you how I jack-offed thinking about you.” Leaning in, he kissed the edge of her ear. “Let you hear how I would call your name when I came.”

  “Oh, yea, Logan,” she whimpered. “I want to do that, I want to do it all with you.”

  As if sealing the deal, he brought his fingers to his mouth, the same fingers he'd just used to tease her clit and sucked them. He moaned at her taste. She inhaled and held her breath at the sight. “First things first. I want to savor you.” With one hand he eased her back on the mattress, then followed her down, stretching out between her thighs. “Open up for me, sweetheart. Let me look at you.” She let him press her legs wide apart, then jumped with he blew a breath across the aroused wet flesh. He looked up at her as she quivered beneath him. “Hold on to me, this is going to be good.”

  Jenna gripped his shoulders as he leaned in, burying his face between her thighs. She chewed on her lower lip as he drew her clit between his lips, covering it for a heated kiss. As he nudged it, swirling the hard pearl with his tongue, Jenna's hand slipped to the duvet cover and she gripped it, sinking her fingers into the soft material. “Logan!” Her whole body throbbed with excitement.

  “Like that?” He set out to drive her certifiably insane. With eager kisses, he licked and laved the delicate folds.

  “God, yes!” Now her hands were in his hair, using them to steer and anchor his head right where she needed it to be. Dipping his tongue into the silken channel, spearing deep enough to make her hips flex, Logan tongue-fucked her until she gasped his name. “Logan!”

  He smiled, loving the soft flutter of her sex as she came. No, she wasn't faking this orgasm. His Jenna was genuine, she'd never faltered in her love for him. “Want more?”

  “I want you!” she shouted, writhing beneath him, her hips lifting. She pushed her pussy into his face as Logan continued to kiss, lick and lave.

  “You got me honey, forever. I love you, Jenna Gray. I love you so fuckin' much.” He lifted his face to behold her, feeling satisfied when she gazed up at him, smiling, lashes lowered seductively, a delicate beading of perspiration on her brow. He slid up her body, stopping to worship those lush mounds of feminine flesh that tempted him. They were swollen, flushed, with nipples so hard and tight they made his mouth water. Unable to resist, he cupped them, working one hard nubbin while he sucked at the other. So good. He loved this. There was no limit to the enjoyment he got from touching her – loving her.

  “Logan, please, please, I need you.”

  “Okay, sweetheart.” He went to his knees, hooked his arms under her knees and lifted Jenna's legs until they were pressed against his chest. Taking his cock in his hand, he began pushing his way inside of her. “You're so tight.” Fuck. “So hot.” He clenched his teeth, trying so hard to maintain control. His sweet baby's velvet, vise grip on his cock was making him dizzy. Nothing filled his mind and heart but her. She was still whispering his name, her hands moving feverishly over his arms and shoulders as if she couldn't get enough of touching him.

  Logan understood, he felt exactly the same way.

  He was living his dream, it was time he appreciated it. Buried balls deep inside the sweetest haven on earth, Logan began to move – and move – and move.

  “So good, baby,” Jenna murmured.

  Good – it was so much better than good. In his euphoric state, he couldn't think clearly enough to find another description for what he was feeling. Holding himself up, he pulled out, reveling in the feeling of slick friction. Jenna clenched around him and he smiled, she was trying to keep him inside. She had nothing to worry about. He pushed back in – tightening his hips, arching deeper inside of her – pumping in and out, in and out – faster and faster until sweat ran down his chest. Ecstasy whipped over his body, lighting up his nerve endings until he knew it wouldn't be long.

  “Hold on, love,” he instructed as Logan shifted, moving one of her legs up over his shoulder. Kissing her ankle, scraping his teeth over the top of her foot, he used this new angle to go deeper, deeper – harder.

  Jenna felt so vulnerable, so dependent. She relished the sensation of domination, how Logan took what he wanted and made her glad to give it. As he pounded into her, she let go – flying apart in a trillion fragmented shards of pleasure. As she spasmed around him, his hips moved harder and faster. He was into the moment, giving himself so completely, so willingly. Every muscle in Logan's body tensed and tensed...until the winding gave way and he exploded, filling Jenna's sweet re
ceptive body with his release.

  “I love you, Logan.” Jenna said as she watched him. His eyes were hooded and sensual, his body still undulating, his spent cock still moving, unwilling to separate from her.

  “I love you, Jenna. I'll never give you up. There will never be a day when I don't crave you – mind, body and soul.” He collapsed on top of her, more content than he could ever remember being.

  “I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that,” she muttered with a smile. “Say it again.”

  Logan held her, whispering ‘I love you’ in her ear until she fell asleep.

  * * *


  Logan leaned against the door facing and watched his Jenna as she unwrapped yet another gift. As promised, their friends and neighbors had thrown them a wedding shower not to be forgotten. This wasn’t your normal female-only affair. The party had turned into a western themed BBQ complete with live music and dancing.

  “I can’t believe how many people came,” he spoke to his father who, like him, was surveying their women as they sorted the many presents of household appliances and paraphernalia the good ladies of Gillespie County had given them in honor of their wedding. “I’m going to have to build a bigger house just to hold all of this stuff.”

  “I expected nothing less. You are a well-loved and respected member of this community. And everyone who knows Jenna can’t help but fall in love with her,” Earl observed as he sipped a can of beer.

  “That’s the god’s truth,” Logan muttered. “I love her so much it’s hard to breathe sometimes.”

  “See, I told you there was nothing to worry about. The folks around here didn’t blink an eye when they found out you’d wed Jenna.”

  Logan nodded at his dad. “No, they didn’t. My concern and worry stemmed from my old chief’s experiences. I almost ruined mine and Jenna’s life for nothing.”

  “The age difference between you two, compared with Chief Hodgins and his wife might have been close, but that was where the similarities ended. What really matters is that Jenna is not that other woman. She didn’t marry you for your money or your position in society, she wants to be with you because she loves you with her whole heart.”


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