Book Read Free


Page 26

by Lesley Jones

  Kai reappears in the kitchen, freshly showered and dressed for the day.

  “You be sure to bring it then, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Okay. Love you, Daddy.”

  “Love you, too, baby girl.”

  I listen to a few muffled sounds before the call ends without anything else from Lucy, and then I slide my phone back into my pocket.

  “Your ex-sounds like a right charmer. Can’t wait to meet her.”

  Kai looks at me, and we both start to laugh.

  “Hope I’m here to witness that one when it happens,” Kai states. “My money’s on Gracie to win that smackdown.”

  “Son, you wouldn’t be wrong. You should’ve seen how she handled Misty Walker in the diner the other weekend and then Logan Barnes on the sidewalk.”

  “Shit, see? This is what I’m talking about. I miss everything living in that commune you sent me to.”

  I throw the keys to my truck at Kai, and he catches them with one hand.

  “Quit complaining. You’re the DD today, so no alcohol for you.”


  I hadn’t meant to get this way, but good food and great company have me more relaxed than I have been in a long time.

  I’m standing in Dean’s kitchen with my ass against the counter, Gracie’s back pressed to my front, listening to Mason, Dean’s younger brother, tell a story I’d heard a thousand times.

  “The third time I went under, I thought I was done for. My lungs were filled with water, and I knew there was no room for air. I’d just started to pass out when I felt myself—”

  “You wanna get out of here?” I ask Gracie, missing her ear completely and talking into her neck instead.

  She turns around and winds her arms around my neck as I slide my hands to her ass.

  “Will it be rude to leave this early?”

  I notice that the room has fallen silent and everyone is watching us. The game finished an hour ago, and there’s music playing from the lounge and the sound of people laughing and talking carries from in there.

  “You good, bud?” Dean asks.

  I frown and try to bring him into focus. “I’m great,” I announce, holding my glass up in the general direction of his voice.

  “I bet.”

  The rest of the guys in the room seem to find that amusing, but I’m not sure why.

  “What the fuck? Dean. Dean!”

  All heads turn at the sound of Shannon’s voice.

  “Where is he? Where the fuck is he?” A different voice screeches. A voice that I’m unfortunately familiar with.

  “Shit,” everyone seems to say at once. Kai, who had been standing beside me, steps right in front of Gracie, who turns around to face the way the commotion is coming from just in time to see Danielle stagger through the door. Misty, Curtis, and Cal, Dani’s brother, following close behind.

  This time, the whole house falls silent, and I’m instantly sober. I move my hands to Gracie’s waist and force her to step to my side. She looks up at me confused. She’s had a fair bit to drink herself, but even if she hadn’t, she still wouldn’t have a clue as to what’s going on.

  “Well, just look at you.” I watch my ex-wife, the woman I once would’ve laid down my life for, sway on her feet in front of our son and me.

  “Mom.” Kai’s voice has a pleading tone, and I hate that he knows that there’s gonna be trouble. Dani’s here, so that’s a given.

  “Oh, so you do remember me then? You are aware of my existence?”

  “Of course, Mom. I only got into town last night, I was gonna come visit you tomorrow.”

  “Like fuck you were,” she spits.

  “Amy, get the kids outta here,” Dean orders his sister-in-law. A few of the other women help round them up and take them upstairs.

  Gracie is absolutely rigid beside me. She’s had a great day, made new friends, and visited with about everyone. She whooped Dean’s and Kai’s asses at pool, but she couldn’t beat me. She made fun of the players and their padding when we were watching the game and almost caused another riot when she once again declared soccer a much better game than football.

  “Don’t panic, people. Your kids are safe, I’m walking, not driving a car. So, no chance I’ll be killing anyone today.”

  That crass comment hits me right in the chest, which I’m positive was Danielle’s intention.

  I move forward, not entirely sure what I’m gonna do to shut this down, I just know that I need to do something.

  Gracie’s hand reaches out and grabs my arm, holding me in place.

  “Mom, why don’t you come with me? I’ll take you home, and we can talk.”

  “Talk? Now you wanna talk?” I’ve been calling you for weeks, Kai, and you haven’t wanted to talk. You didn’t even bother to let me know you were in town. I had to find that out from your friend, Tanner’s mom.”

  “It was a last-minute thing. Grandma and Billy went on a cruise, so Shannon invited Dad and me to spend the day here.”

  My heart hurts for my son. He doesn’t deserve a mother like this, and I feel in some part responsible for the way our lives have turned out. I chose her, so this is on me, if that even makes sense.

  “Dani, let the boy take you home.”

  “Oh, and here he is. The great, the wonderful, the amazing Koa Carmichael.” She announces me like I’m a circus performer, and I go to step forward. This time, Gracie keeps her hand on my arm but puts her other one on my chest to keep me in place.

  Danielle stretches her neck like she’s a boxer about to fight and looks right at Gracie.

  “And who do we have here? Heard you’d been seen around town with a new woman, Koa. Who is she? She know your track record?”

  “Mom, please.” This time Gracie steps away from me and holds on to Kai’s arm, her other hand reaches up and starts rubbing his back reassuringly.

  Her actions, the intuitive way she moves to soothe my son has my heart feeling like it’s too big to fit in my chest. Gracie’s gonna make a great mother one day, and I know for sure that I can’t wait to put my babies in her belly.

  “Leave it, Kai, just take her home,” Gracie says quietly.

  “Get your fucking hands off my kid,” Dani screams right before she launches herself at Gracie.

  For a moment, all fucking hell breaks loose. I move, Kai moves. Everyone in the damn kitchen moves, but somehow, Dani still seems to manage to get a hold of Gracie’s braid and pull her forward by it.

  I’ve never hit a woman in my life, but at that moment, if that bitch lays a hand on Gracie, I swear—

  “Let go of my fucking hair!” I don’t think I’ve ever seen any living thing move as fast as Gracie. Her arms and legs are flying as she makes contact at least once with Dani’s face. Cal appears and grabs his sister around the waist, and I’m tempted to knock him the fuck out for standing there this long and letting it happen.

  Gracie flips her braid over her shoulder and stands up straight, apart from her hair looking a little messy—and sexy as fuck—she’s fine. Dean has a hold of Curtis Walker, and Misty is fighting with Mason.

  “What is wrong with you? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Gracie screams at Dani. “He’s your child. He’s your little boy, don’t you care about how your behaviour affects him? How you rolling around drunk makes him feel?”

  “You best shut your mouth, bitch. This has nothing to do with you.”

  “It has everything to do with me. I’m with Koa, Kai is part of Koa’s life, therefore making him a part of my life, so like it or not, it has everything to do with me.”

  Dani breathes deeply, her hair, which was once the colour of sunshine and as soft as silk, hangs limp and lifeless over her shoulder. Her face is puffy and bloated, so is her body. Dani still has money, she’s a wealthy woman because of what her daddy left her, and it’s obvious that her clothes aren’t cheap, they’d just look better on a woman twenty years younger and four sizes smaller.

  “Haven’t you already done e
nough to fuck up his life, both of their lives?” Gracie moves her hand between Kai and me.

  “You know nothing about them and me.”

  “I know plenty.” Gracie spits out, the whole place is still silent apart from the music playing in the other room. “You could’ve put things right. You could’ve got help and built bridges, instead you stayed drunk and became a total embarrassment to both of them. Have you no shame?”

  Dani points a finger at Gracie. “You best watch yourself, little girl. You have no idea who you’re messing with.”

  Gracie waves her away. “Yeah, yeah. Heard it all before, love. I’m not scared of you or your skanky mate. Now, fuck off out of here.”

  My dick chooses that particular moment to get hard, and at the same time, my heart punches itself out of my chest and lays itself at Gracie’s feet.

  Shannon and Dean usher their uninvited guests to the front door as the rest of us stand there in stunned silence. Mason is the first to speak. “You plan on marrying that girl, Carmichael?”

  At some stage, I’ve pulled Gracie flush up against me, and I can feel her body shaking from the adrenaline rushing through her. Kai is pressed into our sides, and I rest my hand on his shoulder, all of us needing the contact.

  “Don’t see as that’s any of your business, Mase,” I tell him.

  “Well, I’m making it my business, because if you’re not gonna marry her, I sure as hell am.”

  “Erm, hello?” Gracie puts her hand up as if she’s in the classroom. “I’m right here, and I’d actually like a say in who I marry.”

  “So, who’s it gonna be, Gracie, me or Carmichael?”

  “Fuck off, Mase,” I warn. Kai chuckles beside me, and I give his shoulder a squeeze.

  “Well, neither of you have actually asked me yet.”

  In an instant, Mason’s on his knees in front of her.

  “Get up,” I warn, poking him with my boot. “Get the fuck up.”

  Everybody else seems to be finding the whole show amusing. I’m not. Gracie tilts her head and turns around, smiling up at me.

  “Don’t panic, Cowboy, you’re the only man for me.”

  “Damn fucking straight I am. Get your coat, we’re leaving.”

  Shannon, Dean, and the rest of their guest's boo. “Show’s over folks, sorry. Gotta get my girl home. The other ex-Mrs Carmichael is coming to visit tomorrow, Gracie needs to rest before she takes her on.”

  “Great, can’t wait. Thank fuck you’ve only been married twice, Cowboy, else I’d be knackered.”

  Everybody else looks confused, I just laugh and shake my head.


  I PRY MY EYES OPEN and spend a few seconds trying to get my bearings. My mouth feels like a nun’s noonie and tastes like something has crawled into it and died.

  I’d come to bed almost as soon as we’d got home last night, but Koa had stayed up with Kai. He understandably wanted to check that his son was doing okay after everything kicked off the way that it did at Shannon and Dean’s.

  As I headed up the stairs, they were sitting in front of the fire talking.

  I must’ve crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow; the same head that feels like Michael Flatley is river dancing his way around it in spiked heels.

  The sound of a loud knock carries through the house, and I realise it was that sound that woke me.

  I turn my head to face Koa, who is flat on his back, mouth hanging open, sleeping like a starfish. The sound of his phone ringing echoes through the house, and I know that it’s gonna be up to me to go and deal with another crazy ex.

  Luckily, I’m fully clothed, well, wearing a decent pair of PJs, at least. Ignoring the performance going on in my head, I run into the bathroom, find a scrunchy and throw my hair up in a bun. Thankfully, I removed my makeup before getting into bed last night, so I don’t look too bad.

  “Koa,” I call as I walk back towards the bed.


  I pull the quilt back and can’t help but to lick my lips at the sight of his big, hard body lying in my bed. He’s wearing Under Armour trunks in a silvery colour, and they outline his semi-hard dick perfectly. Shame I’m not gonna have time to enjoy that anytime soon.

  “Koa,” I tug on his beard this time, and he finally stirs. “Round two, Cowboy. Your other psycho-bitch-ex is at the door. I’m gonna go open it before she knocks it down. Splash your face and clean your teeth, you smell like a brewery,” I order.

  His eyes open, and he gives me the most beautiful smile I’ve ever been on the receiving end of.

  “I think I wanna marry you,” he sings croakily. I’m stunned into silence for a few moments.


  Another bang at the front door has me worried that the stained glass is gonna rattle out of its frame and smash to the floor.

  “All right,” I call out. “Hold your horses.”

  The smile disappears from Koa’s face as he finally catches up and scissors from the bed.

  “Splash your face, clean your teeth. I’ll head ’em off at the pass, Cowboy.”

  He slaps my arse, and I give a “Yee-haw,” twirling my invisible lasso around my head as I gallop to the door as if I’m riding a horse.

  His discombobulated marriage proposal has caused an adrenalin high to rush through my system, and I’m feeling a little out of control.

  I hit the bottom stair and can see the outline of two people right in front of the door. One tall, one small. I swing it open.

  “Who’a you? Where’s Daddy? I like your jammies.”

  I look down at another clone of Koa. This version is tiny, petite, and female. She marches right by me. I reluctantly turn my attention to the woman still standing on the front veranda.

  “Morning,” I offer cheerily.

  She’s stunning in an overly made up for seven in the morning Kate Beckinsale kind of way.

  “Where’s Koa?” She ignores my greeting, much like I expected.

  “Just getting out of the shower, he won’t be a sec.”

  “And you are?”

  I debate whether to tell her I’m the brass he paid to spend the night giving him blowjobs and anal but decide it might be a tad inappropriate seeing as she’s about to leave her daughter in our care.

  “I’m Gracie.”

  “Daddy,” Malia shrieks from behind me, her little legs struggling to get up the stairs.

  My eyes meet Koa’s and give a massive role as he swoops in and picks up his daughter.

  “Good morning, baby girl. Look how much you’ve grown in two days. You’ll be taller than Kai soon.”

  “I know. I know. I’m so big. Where’s Kai, can I see him?”

  “Sure can, but first let me talk to Mommy, okay?”


  Once again, my emotions twist and tie themselves in knots inside me as I watch Koa interact with one of his children. I’ve become an expert at swallowing the sensation of constantly forming lumps in my throat.

  Koa moves down the stairs effortlessly with his daughter on his hip. He’s pulled on a loose pair of jogging bottoms and a grey T-shirt. His feet are bare, and the mere sight of them together makes my ovaries attempt to combust.

  When he reaches me, he kisses my temple and throws his arm over my shoulder.

  “You picking her up Sunday?” he questions.

  “That’s what I said on the phone, isn’t it? Who’s she?”

  “Wow, excuse me?” I don’t even attempt to keep my trap shut. That was rude.

  “Gracie, forgive me. This is Lucy, Malia’s mother. Lucy, this is my girl, Gracie.”

  “Your girl, Koa? Aren’t you a bit old for girls?”

  “I like your hair, Gracie.” Malia reaches out and touches my bun as she speaks. “Can Gracie hold me, Daddy? The whiskers on your arms make me itchy.” She leans forward and launches herself into my arms. Koa has no choice but to let go, and I have no choice but to catch her.

  “Girl, woman, call her what you like, Lucy. Like it or don’
t. All you need to know is that she’s mine.” Koa kisses my temple again while Malia plays with the colourful strands of my hair.

  “Mine, too,” Malia cheers. “Gracie’s mine, too! Right, Daddy?” Her little hands reach out and capture Koa’s face, and she squishes his cheeks together.

  How can this woman’s heart not burst at watching them together? How could she have had this and walked away? What material thing is there that could replace witnessing and being a part of this every day? What Koa has with his kids is something that money can’t buy. I have no answers to any of those questions.

  My entire body is humming, and I’m more hyper now than I was when Koa first opened his eyes and asked me to marry him just a few minutes ago.

  I want that. I want him, this, his kids, our kids. I want it all. Everything.

  THE DINER FALLS SILENT AS we walk through the door. It probably doesn’t fall completely silent, that’s just in my head. Still, a lot of the conversations definitely come to a halt, and a number of heads turn our way.

  Malia has a tight grip on my hand and is swinging it to and fro as we wait our turn to be seated. After her mum left, all she wanted to do was head into town for pancakes at the diner her brother has told her about, so after a quick shower and a few words of encouragement aimed at Kai to help him get out of bed and moving, we all bundled into Koa’s truck.

  A winter market and festival is going on in town, so it had taken us a while to get parked, and it is probably gonna take a while before we actually get to eat.

  “I’m hungry,” Malia declares for the twenty-seventh time.

  “Hey, Kai, when did you get back?” The cute blonde waitress that approaches us asks.

  “Hey, Ruby. Wednesday. Just here for the weekend, but I’ll be back for good by Christmas.”

  Koa clears his throat. “We’ll see. Table for four please, Ruby.”

  “No problem, Mr Carmichael, we’re just getting table eleven cleared for you.”

  Koa gives a nod as his eyes scan the room.

  “Mr Carmichael? You old git,” I tease.

  “What’s a git?” Malia asks. I thought I’d said it quietly, apparently not.


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