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The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

Page 28

by Samuel David

  “The West is asleep for now. We need to decide what we are going to say about last night. Already, this morning, Al Jazeera has started saying that we think that we are the leaders of the Arab world and that we are nothing but power-hungry warmongers. Our strategy has obviously not worked. The reason is that the missiles that we launched somehow destroyed the Dome. How that happened, I still do not understand.”

  “President Shasahvar, we still do not know how that happened,” Major General Amir said. “Maybe the Israelis have a new weapon that can change the direction of missiles. I do not know. Maybe their God did it. I do not know. What I do know is we need to come up with something to say that is rational. In addition, I am not sure if you noticed this or not, but the sun is shining today. We are in the area of the threat from the Witnesses and it is still raining everywhere else but in Iran. It is bright and sunny and very warm.”

  “What does the weather have to do with the situation we are in right now, Amir?”

  “Nothing, but I thought it was strange for this Witness is never wrong, and he said rain for thirty days, but the sun is shining. But in the back of my mind, I am concerned about the threat made by this Elijah last Thursday night on American TV.”

  “And what was that, Amir?”

  “Well, he said that if anyone attacked Israel he would send swarms of locusts to that country and it would destroy the crops and all green things. So since that could not happen unless the rain stopped,” he paused, thinking better about saying what he really thought. Instead, he said, “I just found it strange that the sun is shining instead of rain.”

  “I think that is rubbish, Amir. He does not have that type of power.”

  “Well, neither does he have the power to make it rain. Moreover, I am not able to discount that this Elijah may have had something to do with the missiles going off track and hitting the Dome. Maybe he has that power…from his God.”

  “Amir, you are very close to the edge of being ridiculous in your thoughts. This is the 21st Century. It is not the days of desert dwellers and prophets. There are no prophets, and there are no gods here. All there is now is the world we live in and the struggle to make a place for yourself in it and survive in the best way you can. I do not believe in their Hebrew god or anything else resembling that. But I need facts, and I need answers, and supernatural thoughts are not what I want to hear!”

  “I have no answers, President Shasahvar. If I did I would give them to you; but I have none.”

  “So what do we tell the world?”

  “That we screwed up, I guess, and deal with it from there.”

  “Not acceptable.”

  “Then what do you tell them?”

  “Maybe spies are in our midst and the Israelis caused the missiles to be launched.”

  “Then we would really look foolish, for that is impossible. You and I both know this and I am sure that the world would laugh at us if we said this, as you suggested.”

  “However, Amir, we could say that we have a group of renegade soldiers who did it internally. Arrest some that are assigned to the base and tell the world we caught them red-handed and executed them.”

  “Execute innocent men to save face?”

  “Yes, sometimes that is what you must do.”

  “Very few will believe it.”

  “Well, do you have a better idea?”

  “Yes, just take responsibility for launching the missiles and blame the Israelis for hitting them with anti-ballistic missiles. We can say they hit them but they were not direct hits, which then caused them to go off course.”

  “There is no proof.”

  “Since when did we have proof of much of anything when it comes to these matters?”

  “I see what you mean. All right, work out the details and release the information.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Now, what do we know of this new President in the United States, Cain? Also, any opinions as to why their former President went off the deep end and resigned?”

  “Not one of us has any ideas. All I can say is that since Enoch and Elijah showed up as self-proclaimed prophets, the order of the world has changed. How can I say it…it’s…I guess just screwed up. Maybe the world has gone insane…for I really do not have a clue.

  Chapter 65

  8:10 AM Saturday, Prime Minister David Ben Bernstein’s Office, Jerusalem, Israel

  The Prime Minister had called together as many as he could for breakfast. Last night was a long night with not much sleep; but there was a lot to address. There was some small talk as they had coffee. His office had set up a small buffet of hardboiled eggs, chopped vegetable salad, semolina porridge, cheeses, fresh bread, fruit, and granola. They had done a good job on such short notice. As he pushed away from the plate, he heard someone say his name.

  “David, the Iranians just released a statement regarding the missile attack last night, stating that we managed to clip the missiles with our Iron Dome system. We all know this did not happen,” Chief of the General Staff of the IDF, Jacob Schwartz said.

  “Typical response for not taking responsibility for what they did,” David responded. “However, at least they took responsibility for attacking us. That is a step in the right direction. In addition, Jacob, the Americans have not called us; not one person from the State Department, nor the Secretary of State, Bill Krasner, or their new President. This is quite unusual for they would be trying to make sure that we used diplomatic channels and the UN, in lieu of a war with Iran. Not one word.”

  “That is surprising to me also, for even when there are single rocket attacks from Hamas or the Palestinians, they are on the phone immediately. Have you tried to call them instead?”

  “No, that would not be the thing to do. However, I did get a call from the Secretary General of the UN, Sir Arthur. He only said that he commended us for not retaliating immediately and that he would personally speak to the Security Council at the UN on our behalf and condemn Iran. He then said something very strange.”

  “What was that, David?”

  “Well, Jacob, he said very directly, and I quote, ‘When are you starting to build your Temple,’ end of quote.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “Not much. I basically said that I was not sure if the Jordanians wanted to try and rebuild the Dome or what our government felt they should do.”


  “He said that we should take advantage of the situation for if we did not build now we would not have the chance again for hundreds or thousands of years. He also said that the United Nations and most of the world would support our position to rebuild at this time.”

  “That would make a lot of people in Israel very pleased, David, very pleased. But then, there are always those who would not be, for they feel that rebuilding the Temple marks the end of time itself.”

  “They may be right Jacob, they may be right. Now where are Yona and Elijah? I understood they were to be here by now.”

  “They should be here any minute, David. I know the army picked them up at the Temple about a half hour ago.”

  “Well, you can be sure that Elijah wants the Temple rebuilt; for as I watched that video last night of him before the blast, there is no doubt in my mind that he did it. I know it is hard to believe, but I know he did it. In addition, last night I read some verses in the Talmud about the old prophets and the government of Israel. I read especially on the many writings and opinions about the Prophet Elijah. I can tell you that based on what he did then, if he does the same thing now as when he was rebuked, it would not be in our best interest. Now, I think that he will influence our policies in this country until he chooses not to, one way or the other. For with Elijah, there is no diplomacy or give and take. It is do as he says or destruction of the individuals, and in some cases, countries. Just like the Prophet Nathan and David, my namesake, of the old writings. Nathan punished David for the debauchery with his general’s wife. I do not want to be in that
position where I lose what David lost for not following instructions of a prophet of God.”

  “Too bad Meyer is not here right now; he would be all over that statement and telling you that you are insane and that Elijah is a fraud.”

  “Don’t think so. I know he is Elijah and not Shraya. He waited to tell us until the appearance of this other Witness, whom the Christians talk about in their version of the Bible.”

  “Prime Minister,” Carla said as she stuck her head into the crack of the door, “Rabbi Yona and Elijah are here with Director Meyer and Rabbi Benjamin.”

  “Please send them in Carla and thank you.”

  “They are here Jacob, but who invited Meyer?”

  “I think he invited himself. He must have known we wanted to have them here so he probably told the army he would get them. No other explanation.”

  The door opened and Elijah walked in, followed by Yona, Ben, and Meyer.

  Chapter 66

  8:15 AM Saturday, Prime Minister, Svorad Zefirov’s Office, Kremlin, Moscow, Russia

  “Yes, I agree that we should take the position of going along for now, Prime Minister Svorad,” Keveta said. The interpreter then translated his words into the telephone in Putonghua, a standardized form of Mandarin. Keveta was speaking to Lang Enlai, the Premier of China, through the speaker phone set up for the meeting.”

  The interpreter then said to Svorad, “Prime Minister, the Chairman says that he also agrees and that he will instruct his ambassador to tell the Waldger Group that we are willing to try and expand the Shanghai Cooperative to include India, Japan, the Koreas, and of course, Vietnam. He also said that we needed to immediately set up a meeting and send invitations to these leaders. He also wants to know where we should hold the meeting…at least in your opinion.”

  “Tell him, India. That way they will feel that they are a large part of the group and feed their ego. However, I think we are going to have issues with Japan for they are very much opposed to any cooperation with us. According to our ambassador, and what Sir Arthur told me, is that Aafre will speak to them. Better he break the news to them, for if it came from us first it would be an issue, for there is no friendship there.”

  The interpreter made the translation and then listened as the Premier responded. When he was through, the interpreter again translated for Svorad, “He said this is agreeable, and that they will make the initial calls to the countries we have discussed. He suggests that the meeting take place no later than next Wednesday. He wants to know if you could make arrangements on your end this quickly.”

  “Tell him, definitely; just let us know the exact location and who the attendees will be as soon as possible. We need to make security arrangements for the President and myself.”

  The interpreter made the translation over the phone. After the Premier spoke again, he translated his words to Svorad.

  “Liang wants to know what you are going to do about Iran and the missile attack and if maybe we should make a joint statement from the cooperative?”

  Svorad thought about this for a moment.

  “Early this morning, I spoke with President Shasahvar about what happened and he is at a loss for words. They were actually attacking government and military targets. Therefore, what we are going to do now is nothing. No support, no condemnation.”

  The interpreter relayed his reply then listened to Liang.

  “He does not understand why you are taking this stance but will discuss it with you next week at the Cooperative meeting. Also he asked if you were in agreement with releasing a statement to the press about the meeting, once he has the attendees agreeing to attend, of course.”

  “Tell him that will be fine with us here. We will also mirror his press releases to the world at that time. This way, it will show that we are in concert.”

  The interpreter translated, nodding his head as he listened to Liang. Then he said to Svorad, “It is all set, sir, with the Chinese and Laing said he will talk in depth with you later at the meeting.”

  “One more thing; ask him if he knows much about this new president, Cain and the insanity of what is happening in America.” Svorad said.

  The interpreter conveyed the message. Svorad could hear the change in the man’s voice as he waited to hear the response.

  After a few moments, the translator said, “He says that this is neither the time nor the place for this discussion. It appears that like us, they are quite perplexed. It almost seems as if the entire situation was, as he put it, ‘staged’ or directly caused by someone or something. He feels this subject needs to be discussed at the meeting, in private.”

  “Tell him that I agree, for it makes no sense to me either.”

  The interpreter conveyed the message then finished the call. As was his custom, he stood to leave but Svorad stopped him and said, “Please make sure you are available at any time the next few days and also prepare for the trip we just discussed. As always, absolutely no one, and I mean no one, is to be made aware of this conversation other than you, the President and myself.”

  “As always, I will do as you request, Prime Minister.” He turned and walked to the door and left the room.

  Svorad looked over at President Keveta, “This is an unusual world we live in now is it not; devils, angels, aliens and chaos!”

  “We are not a religious nation, sir, but it appears what is really happening here is world repositioning because the Americans are temporarily being crippled. I would suggest that we keep our options open regarding all the parties involved. I do agree with the Chinese, though, of forcing Korea and Japan under our sphere.”

  “Yes, but control of our armies are not something I am willing to allow under any circumstances which seems to be Waldger’s long term plan. If they force our hand we could make the most powerful force on earth in manpower and weapons, with the Chinese on our side.”

  “Yes, but they in turn, could destroy us too, as we have known since the end of World War II, especially with the American’s firepower. So, Svorad, I think we have made the right choice for now to appear to play to their tune. Sometimes the best politics is to wait until the other show their real purpose. As of right now, I am not at all sure what their purpose is.”

  “I agree, I agree, but in the meantime, we need to be vigilant and use our resources to find out if there are other purposes other than what we are being told. We are Russia and we do have ways to obtain information. Contact Vladimir Leshev and tell him to do what he deems necessary to obtain more information. At this point, I think he needs to run the department as we did when it was the real KGB, not this Federal Security Service. We need information. Tell him I said so.”

  “Yes Keveta, I will tell him exactly as you just ‘stated’ it.”

  Chapter 67

  8:25 AM Saturday Prime Minister David Ben Bernstein’s Office, Jerusalem, Israel

  David, always the host, suggested that Yona, Elijah, and Meyer have some breakfast. They agreed and filled their plates; then sat down at the conference table and started in on the food.

  David watched Elijah pick through his food; he did not seem very hungry. Yona wolfed his down. Meyer had taken only coffee and was sipping it.

  As they were finishing up, David addressed them, “I would like to thank all of you for coming here. As we all know there are serious considerations we need to discuss; especially in light of the attack on Israel last night by the Iranians, the death of the United States’ Vice President, the resignation of their President, and the latest issue of the new President, Cain.”

  Now he had their full attention as he continued.

  “With these developments, what I am saying is there are many unanswered questions that do not make any sense.” He then turned to Elijah and asked, “Do you have anything to add to the situation we have here?”

  Suddenly, Meyer Branlin burst out in a very loud voice, almost screaming, “David, this man is a hermit and has nothing to do with the security of Israel! Nor does he have
anything to do or say about our government. I am appalled that you would even consider speaking to him about our issues. This is almost treason on your part. We do not bring outsiders into our affairs, especially this…this desert dweller who many believe to be insane!”

  David looked around the table. Rabbi Yona was looking down at the table. Rabbi Benjamin was smiling, but then Benjamin was an ally of Meyer’s. Meyer was staring hard at Elijah with a grim face. Jacob was also looking at Elijah, seemingly trying to anticipate what his reaction was going to be. David refocused then said, “Until you are head of state of the state of Israel, Meyer, you will take your direction from this office, and only from this office. If you wish, I can take whatever steps are necessary to remove you from your current post. I will not accept any more outbursts from you, and yes, you are being dressed down in front of your peers.”

  “I have friends in the Knesset, Prime Minister David Bernstein and they will not look favorably on your actions today!”

  “I am aware of where your strengths lie and what your opinions are, but right now I do not have time for your outlandish behavior. Now Meyer, please hold your tongue until I get the answers I want from Elijah. Do we have an understanding?”

  “Yes,” Meyer replied with contempt and disgust. He then turned his head and his body slightly to the wall.

  “Now Elijah,” David said, “I have asked you a question and I apologize for Director Branlin’s outburst, but I do understand his concerns. We do not usually have a prophet in our midst and we usually do not have Rabbis attending discussions regarding National Defense. With that said, I watched a video of you last night, which was shot by Bear News, in which you had your hand pointed to the sky just before impact at the Dome. So, were you just pointing at the missiles or what was it that you were you doing?”

  “What do you think I was doing’?

  Always does that, David thought to himself. He puts the question right back at you.

  “It appears that you were directing the missiles with your hand, which I know is impossible…but then a lot of things that have happened over the past few days could be deemed impossible.”

  “With the power of Adonai, Prime Minister, all things are possible. When His power is applied to humanity it, as you say, becomes a miracle of some sort.”


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