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The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

Page 29

by Samuel David

  “So you, with Adonai’s power, redirected the missiles? Is that what you are saying?”

  “Yes I did. The last time we were together, I told you we must rebuild the Temple and you had a concern about the politics of the world and destroying the Dome of the Rock. Therefore, the Iranians did it for you. So David, Israel no longer has any excuse not to rebuild the Temple and reclaim the Temple Mount.”

  “It’s not that easy, Elijah. However, may I ask how you redirected the missiles?”

  “Did you see my hands in the video, David?”


  “Then that is how I did it. With the power of Adonai I redirected them through my thoughts and prayers.”

  “Was that what you were doing when I saw your mouth moving, praying?”

  “Yes, that is exactly what I was doing.”

  Meyer was sitting there shaking his head and then unable to contain himself any further, he blurted out, “This is absolutely impossible David; no one has that kind of power here on earth. This is insane!”

  David, ignoring Meyer, asked, “Elijah, the other night on American television you said you would destroy any country that attacked Israel. If I remember correctly, you showed the locust to the viewers. Are you going to follow through with your threat?”

  Elijah smiled then, which he rarely did as he replied, “Did you notice, David, that the rains have stopped in Iran? Of all the places that Enoch prophesied there would be non-stop rainfall, it has only stopped raining there. I stopped the rains. The locusts will not hatch without the heat to mature their eggs. Therefore, the rain had to stop. Nevertheless, within one, two, or maybe three days, they will arise from the ground. There will be millions of them David, similar to the plague wrought by Moses when he freed Israel from the Egyptians. He used the locusts to show Adonai’s power to the Pharaoh in Egypt. And yes, Iran will be devastated and their whole country will be consumed.”

  Meyer then said, “I will believe that when I see it.”

  Elijah then turned his head sharply to look at Meyer and tersely said, “Director Branlin, you are not a man of any god are you?”

  “No, I do not believe in any god for there is no god.”

  “Then I understand why you do not believe anything said here today. If I was as hard and hateful a man as you are, I would not believe either. But Director, let me ask you, what would make you believe in God?”

  “If he took me in a spaceship to heaven I might believe. That is not likely to happen is it? In addition, your God or Adonai is not here in this meeting. I for one have become bored with the Rabbis, and the religious nuts of the world who say Israel exists because of your God. Well, I did not see God being shot at and I did not see God shooting back all these years to defend us when Israel was founded. We fought for every square inch of our land. Our men and women fought for it, not your God.”

  Elijah then said very quietly to Meyer, “Your words, I hope, do not reflect what is in your heart, Director. I can tell you that if you reject Adonai during these times, then when Jesus Christ returns, you like so many others will be tormented for eternity. You will be cast into the lake of fire with your enemies. That is your choice is it not? So do as you wish Director, but I can promise, you are not alone in not believing in Adonai. There are many just like you, especially among the gentiles. They, like you, will soon see His wrath.”

  David watched them both and Elijah paused for a moment seemingly contemplating his next move then looking directly at Meyer he asked, “So Director, I will help you believe. Do you have a wife and a child’?

  “Yes, I have a wife and three children.”

  “Well, if I were you, I would go home immediately. As Nathan the prophet said to David, ‘you must believe where the real power is’. David thought the power resided with him. He learned differently. Now as in those days, like Nathan and David, I am here to tell you Mr. Meyer, that in one hour your oldest son and your wife will be very close to death. When you decide as David did, that you need Adonai’s help, do as he did and get on your knees and pray to Him. Once you do this, He will help you and He will save your family with His power. If you heart stays hardened then they will be taken from you. Therefore Director, go. You must hurry, for there is not much time.”

  “You are insane Shraya or Elijah, whoever you are. You are insane, and you will be jailed, tortured, and probably killed by me if you harm my family!”

  Meyer did not move; he just sat mumbling to himself and shaking his head, trying to control his anger. No one said a word. Some stared at him; others looked away. After about three minutes he exploded in a loud voice, “Shraya, I will kill you right now with my bear hands!” He lunged across the table at Elijah.

  At that moment, the door opened and Carla shouted out, “I am sorry to interrupt, Prime Minister, but Director Branlin, your younger son is on the phone. Your wife just collapsed a minute ago and your oldest son is also feeling ill. They called for help then called here. The ambulances are en-route now and they will be taken to the hospital.”

  Meyer stood, obviously shaken, then looked at Elijah and said, “I don’t believe it, what have you done to my family?”

  Elijah replied very calmly, “God will show you mercy but you need to ask Him for it. Alternatively, He will take them from you for you do not deserve them. Adonai will bring you to His table one way or the other, Director Branlin.”

  Director Meyer then stormed out the door and was running by the time he cleared the doorway.

  Chapter 68

  6:25 PM Saturday Prime Minister Kazuki Kantei’s Office, Tokyo, Japan

  “I have called both of you as leaders of your parties of the Diet,” Prime Minister Kazuki Kantei said to Tkuya Kyoto, leader of the House of Representatives, and Ren Gunma of the House of Counselors. “We need to discuss a very important matter that has come to the surface.”

  “As we all know the world has changed since Monday. This Witness called Enoch has put the world into a tailspin. He has also caused serious problems in the United States. So much so that we are of the understanding that the US will declare martial law next week. This is in anticipation of the devastation coming in the form of several hurricanes, not counting the devastation in California. Also there is the issue of the regime change to Robert Cain as their new President.”

  He paused, shifting his considerable weight on the cushion he was sitting on. “It appears that there was a meeting in Kansas City, and many of the world leaders and member companies of the Waldger Group were there. The president of one of our larger corporations, Yuzuki Narita, who you both know, is also a member. He has reported to us from the meeting in Kansas City that the world itself is preparing for even more destruction by these Witnesses. Now with this in mind, early today I was called directly by the Chairman of the Peoples Republic in China, Liang Enlai himself. The content of the conversation went like this.”

  “They want us to attend a meeting in India next Wednesday to discuss Japan becoming a member of the Shanghai Cooperative. Now I know what our initial answer is but I am concerned about some other things he discussed with me. The most important item he stated was that these Witnesses are neutralizing the United States. He went on to say they would no longer be able to provide their protection for countries such as ours. This, gentlemen, is a problem, for we have an agreement with the U.S. which prevents us from joining any of their organizations or associations. This is also per our constitution. However, if what was reported back to us from the Waldger Group is correct and the Chairman of the Chinese Government has confirmed, our failure to enjoin with them may result in us becoming an undefended Island. With that said, I think we will need to ally ourselves with someone. For your consideration, Liang stated that India, Vietnam, and the Koreas were planning to attend also. So in accordance with our constitution and the structure of our government I am open to your thoughts and advice regarding this new development.”

  Tkuya Kyoto, Leader of the House of Representatives said, “I am
sure that the Diet will not take kindly to us allying ourselves with China under any circumstances.”

  “I know what the populace thinks Tkuya, but these are special circumstances, and there is one more thing I need to tell you. I spoke with the new President, Cain about this early this morning. He warned me that I would most likely be getting a call today from either the Russians or the Chinese. He went on to say that unless we wanted to be left out of the world’s commerce we needed to seriously consider any offers made by the Shanghai Cooperative.”

  Kazuki grimaced as if what he had to say left a bad taste in his mouth, “Despite our recent progress in trade and economic issues I know our relationship with China has always been strained and may well continue to be so. However, if the United States can no longer come between China and us, then we may be in a situation where strong negotiations would be in our interest.

  Ren said, “When do they want to meet?”

  “Next Wednesday, in India.”

  “Then I would think we need to discuss this with others. When can we or when do we need to give them an answer?”


  “That is not much time.”

  “No, it is not; but if we refuse and the US is neutralized as we think they will be, then we may be alone without allies. They have markets; we would not. Most of our economy is based on the Americans.”

  “So what do you want us to do then?” Tkuya asked.

  “Agree with me. We will go to the Emperor and get his agreement and blessing together. Then after, and not before, we get back from India, take their proposal to the Diet.”

  “They have not given us much time.”

  “Call them, Kazuki,” Ren said, “And agree to attend. Then we will call the Emperor for an appointment either tonight or tomorrow morning to tell him.”

  “Thank you both,” Kazuki said. “Thank you.”

  Chapter 69

  8:25 AM Saturday Prime Minister David Ben Bernstein’s Office, Jerusalem, Israel

  After Meyer left David asked Elijah, “Are you going to kill his wife and child?”

  “No, he will himself. Adonai has no patience with non-believers in Israel at this time. You heard what I said on Thursday night, David; you heard me say that not only will I protect Israel, but will also rebuild the Temple.”

  “We as a nation do not believe in Jesus Christ, Elijah. We think of him as a Prophet, like you. Maybe if you are saying the Messiah is coming, Israel would be more forthcoming and believe you.”

  “I do not care who believes or who does not. I am not here for popularity. Read the writings of the prophets and you will see that not only I but also all the other prophets had no concern about popular opinion. This is about Adonai and the return of Jesus Christ and the preparation by Israel for this event. Nothing more and nothing less will be acceptable to Him or me. Therefore, you need to take heed. As for your comment, I might add that your Messiah is coming. It is just that the last time He was here, your elders did not see that clearly. They crucified him using Pontius Pilate and the Romans.”

  David was silent. He knew that Israel and himself had an issue with Jesus Christ being the Messiah. He had spent his life looking for the event that would mark the real Messiah’s appearance. Now Elijah was saying that they had to accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah. This was a hard pill to swallow, not only for him, but also for the entire nation. He decided to change the direction of the conversation for he needed to find out the answer to this quandary. It was not going to occur now.

  “Elijah, let’s put the Messiah issue aside for now. My immediate concerns are the Temple you want to build.”

  “The building materials have already been set aside for a long time. You yourself know this, David. I know where the Temple goes on the Mount and the location of the Holy of Holies. As soon as humanly possible I need equipment on the Mount to excavate an area to obtain the Temple’s relics.”

  “What relics?”

  “To recover the Ark, for one. There are also the vestments of the high priests as well as the ceremonial items used in the Temple. They are there hidden under a room. It was built in the event of an invasion by Solomon himself, to preserve our heritage. We need to now bring these sacred items into the light of the world. In addition, there are scrolls, which will help you and many other Jews understand that the Messiah you seek was here already and that He is returning. I will need your best archeologists and keepers of our history with me. It will take about a week to get it all removed and put away for safekeeping till the Temple is finished.”

  “How do you know where these things are, Elijah?”

  “The Prophet Jeremiah hid them during the siege by the Babylonians. The only thing he took to Europe when he fled with Tea Tephi was the Stone of Jacob which we all know is in Europe.”

  “All this is very hard to believe, Elijah; just like you being here is very hard to believe,” David said as he threw up his hands in exasperation.

  “It is what it is, David. Now Adonai has commanded you through me to do as He asks…or David, like Meyer He will make this Nation listen, one way or the other.”

  “I understand Elijah, but I am not a king. I am a Prime Minister and we also need to convince the Knesset. Therefore, we need to speak with them and get their consensus before we can say ok to you.”

  “Fair enough, David. Get them over here or call them right now.”

  “It doesn’t work like that, Elijah. I need to make arrangements for you to address them.”


  “I do not know.”

  “David,” Elijah said, “Look me in the eyes. Do you not understand that there is little time? You need to call them now. I will talk to them today.”

  “That’s impossible.”

  “Then tell them what happened here today with Meyer. Tell them I will not take no for an answer. Do we understand each other?”


  David thought about what else Elijah would do. He made a decision as he said to the Prophet, “I will call and see what we can do.”

  Elijah then sat back in his chair as the Prime Minister got up, opened the door, and spoke to his assistant Carla, “Please get me the leader of the Labor Party, Michael Zimny, at the Knesset, and tell him it is urgent, please.”

  He came back and sat down looking at Elijah, “Hopefully she can reach them. It is Saturday; you know our Sabbath. While we are waiting Elijah, we are flooded with visa applications from all over the world. They are coming as you asked. What do you suggest we do with them if they come here?”

  “Simple David, build homes for them, share homes, and maybe create tent cities. Do whatever you have to do. Adonai now calls every Jew in the world home. The ones who refuse will then answer to Adonai Himself. As I have repeatedly said, just like in the desert when Aaron formed the golden calf. Moses went up into the mountain to speak with Adonai. You remember David, Adonai told Moses He was going to destroy them all, because of the idol they had made. However, Moses pleaded with Him and then only three thousand died, not all. Then as now, He has no more patience with Israel. It is the time of Adonai. It is the time for the Jews to inherit His kingdom as promised to your benefactor Abraham; not to bicker and disobey.”

  So far, everything that David said seemed to send Elijah into a tirade. He decided to try to talk about something else with him. “What of the Muslims and their god Allah and Abraham?” he asked.

  “I will deal with them myself. Do not concern yourself with them only, Israel.”

  Just then, Carla opened the door and said, “Michael is on the telephone, sir. He is waiting.”

  “We will put him on the conference phone, Carla. Please transfer the call to the speakerphone extension.”

  Saved by the bell, David thought.

  He reached over to the middle of the table and switched on the speakerphone system. After a moment, Michael came on to the line.

  “Hello,” David said, “Michael, are yo
u there?”

  “Yes, I am here and like you we are meeting on a Saturday in spite of it being the Sabbath. We figured you might call today.”

  “Good timing, Michael. I knew some of the Knesset were in meetings with other parts of the government and various committees. Are there many of them there with you?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, David, we were just discussing this recent development with the missile attack and the political change in America, and of course, Elijah. We had met with Meyer earlier today, just so you are aware. He is not very happy and is saying you are being sucked in by this Elijah person or prophet, as he calls himself.”

  “Well Michael, I wanted to be able to speak with you face to face first about these issues. However, Elijah asked, no, demanded that I call the Knesset. I have here with me Elijah and both of our Chief Rabbinates, Yona and Ben, as well as Jacob. Regarding Meyer, he was here but we had some difficulties. He has left for the hospital for there seems to be something seriously wrong with both his wife and oldest son.”

  “Yes, I know. He called me on his way to the hospital. He said he was going to kill Elijah, if I heard him correctly. He said something to the effect of Elijah causing his family to become ill.”

  “Yes, that is what happened. Elijah, I suppose put a curse on him. He told Meyer that since he did not believe in Adonai that he would show him the power of Adonai. He went on to say that if he wanted his wife and son to recover he needed to ask Adonai to do so. Once he did this from his heart they would recover from their ailments.”

  There was a pause on the line then Michael said, “I have our conference phone on, David. We all heard you describe the Meyer issue. I notice you do not mind talking about what happened in front of Elijah. However, we have some concerns that Elijah has this type of power over an individual. Now it seems this has become an open forum so the gloves are off. Correct, Elijah?”

  Elijah stared at the phone and said, “I am not sure what you are saying, Michael. I am referring to the ‘gloves off’ comment.”

  It is a cliché, Elijah. It means that anything goes, or can be said. No holding back.”

  Oh, that is fine then. I have no problem with not holding back.”


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