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Embracing Him

Page 7

by C. Shell

"Just like I said the last two times you asked. You membership to the gym shows paid and you have unlimited personal training appointments set up with Bianca. Now if you don't have any other questions I really need to help the people in line behind you."

  She is not getting rid of me that easy. I need answers. "Paid by whom and my trainer is Hunter not Bianca." I deadpan.

  Rolling her eyes at me she plays with her computer some more hitting the keys harder than necessary. "It was paid by Eagle Inc. and they set you up with Bianca as your trainer not Hunter. Now if you would please move aside."

  Eagle Inc.? What... I mean...really?"

  Before stepping aside I plead," One more question and I will leave you alone. I promise." I know I have already made a mortal enemy out of this girl and have pushed my luck but after all of the odd events in my life lately I need one thing to stay consistent.

  "Can I switch trainers? I really need to keep Hunter on as my trainer."

  "According to your membership no," she says waving me aside. "Now please enjoy your year with us and call if you have any other concerns. I am really busy tonight and have a line behind you that needs my attention." Her tone is anything but sweet but I can't really blame her. I have been holding up everyone with my questions and making her recheck their system for well over fifteen minutes.

  Irritated I head to the locker room in search of my best friend. Jane is sitting down lacing her shoes as I throw down my bag next to her. "I swear either I woke up in a different Universe today or someone is fucking around in my life," I predict with a sinking feeling.

  She glances up at me quizzically. "What's got your panties in a bind?"

  "Eagle Inc apparently." I huff. "I went to the office to try and work out a payment plan for a year's membership here and was told that my membership has already been purchased by no other than Eagle Inc." Ignoring her gasp I continue. "They even covered my training hours but for some odd reason they signed me up to be trained by Bianca instead of Hunter. I tried but can't change it." I run my hands through my hair frustrated. "Nothing is adding up. My life feels like someone else's. First the office, than the watch, my bank account, and now this," I mutter overwhelmed and agitated. "What the hell is going on?"

  "Babe I don't know," she says packing up her clothes and placing them in her locker. "Did you call the bank today?" She sits quietly beside me and gently rubs my back and giving me the reassurance I need.

  Shaking my head no I explain that I got sidetracked when my newest client decided to up the date of their grand opening by one week forcing me to run around town finding all the needed accessories to make everyone look like wild animals from a safari.

  "My advice is to handle one thing at a time. You already have the Private Investigator researching the watch so tomorrow call the bank and get the answers you need about the money. Once that is handled either ask Clive about Eagle Inc or call them yourself and find out about the gym membership and while you're at it see if they will cover my membership also. No reason we both shouldn't enjoy their generosity," she says laughing.

  I ignore her attempt to make me laugh. "Your right," I sigh in relief. "One thing at a time," I repeat to myself.

  Dressing quickly I follow her to the treadmills needing more than ever to run off some frustration. Plugging in my iPod I lose myself in my music as I run until my body can't take anymore. I try once more to talk Jane into rock climbing but she shot me down flat threatening bodily harm to me if I tried again.

  Pulling into the condo I ignore another text from Alex. I am still ticked at his lack of personal space. All I want is a long hot steamy shower and a cold glass of wine. Winding my way through the lobby towards the elevator my phone sings Alex's new ringtone song Hello, Goodbye by the Beatles, my finger hovers over the decline button as I hear a gravelly voice behind me.

  "Decline my calls one more time love and I will punish you." I feel him as he walks closer and whispers in my ear," Don't think I wouldn't enjoy stripping you naked, laying you down over my knee, and spanking that lovely ivory ass of your into a beautiful shade of crimson."

  My panties become drenched at his erotic words and the picture they conjure up in my mind. I push my phone back into my purse and turn around to face the one person I didn't really want to see tonight.

  "What are you doing here?" I ask rather bluntly.

  He does not even waiver at my unwelcome words or the harsh delivery of them. Instead he pulls me against his chest and nuzzles my ear. "Go upstairs and pack a bag. You are coming home with me tonight," Alex instructs softly.

  Too tired to fight I nod yes and like a good girl ascend the elevator to our condo to pack up an overnight bag remembering to bring a nice outfit for work for tomorrow since I have a kids commercial to work in the afternoon. I leave a note for Jane letting her know where I am and follow Alex back outside saying a quick hello to Carson as I slide inside his car.

  We arrive at his place in record time and as I place my small bag down on the floor I realize there is still one question I never asked. My stomach flutters with butterflies taking flight as I work on figuring out how to ask him without sounding pathetic and needy.

  "I can practically hear your mind working overtime. What are you thinking so hard about love?"

  Before I can stop my mouth or think twice I blurt out," What are you going to do about Lexy? I mean are you going to stay married to her?" I fidget nervously awaiting his answer and wishing a huge hole would open up and swallow me whole.

  Alex sighs looking me over with stormy eyes. "My legal team is working around the clock to fix my marriage with Lexy. There are a few loopholes and problems we have to iron out but within a few months she will be a hell of a lot richer and we will be free of her. The marriage is not real, no matter what I am all yours my love."

  I will never tire of hearing his endearment for me. Feeling the blush creep up my face I turn towards the bathroom remembering I have not had a chance to clean up since the gym. "I need a shower after my workout. Is that ok?" I ask hesitantly not really sure what he has planned for us tonight.

  "Of course," he murmurs. "Go relax and I will have dinner ready when you get out."

  I could get used to this. I like agreeable Alex. The hot water is just what I needed to relieve my tired muscles and overworked mind. Wrapping myself in a large warm terry cloth towel I walked back to the bedroom and change into a pair of yoga pants and a large t-shirt that I brought with me. Brushing my hair out I pull it into a low ponytail before going back into the kitchen to find Alex.

  Once again I am met with an array of delicious aromas coming from the kitchen. The table is already set and a large glass of white wine awaits me. I swear sometimes I really think he can read my mind although when I imagined these luxuries I thought they would be awaiting me at my condo not his place. I'm not picky; I welcome them any way I can get them.

  I try peering into the pan to see what smells so heavenly but he swats me out of the way instructing me in his no nonsense way to sit and enjoy my wine until dinner is ready. I know it is stupid but for some reason all this wonderfulness feels like the calm before the storm.

  Shaking off my negative thoughts I sit back and admire my man work his magic culinary skills. Forget the food I am more interested in what is in front of me right now. There is nothing more appetizing than watching Alex. He can make the simplest task sexy. It isn't just his muscles or ripped physique that amazes me. Don't get me wrong his body is beautiful but he is also funny, intelligent, and knows how to push past all the boundaries and walls I have carefully placed around myself over the years. Alex is scary and perfect and all wrapped up in a sinful package.

  After a savory dinner of poached chicken with steamed vegetables I clear the dishes away while Alex goes and takes a shower. Hurrying through the pots and pans I manage to make it back into the bedroom before he is finished. Rummaging through my bag I find the champagne colored camisole I packed when he was not looking and change into it quickly wanting to give my Mr. Strong A
rms a surprise.

  Grabbing the control beside the bed I turn his iPod on and lay down on the bed awaiting his arrival. Anticipation courses through my body as I hear the shower turn off. My stomach clenches and my nipples bead under the silk and lace that covers my most private parts. I lay there staring at the small crack in the bathroom door watching his shadow move across the sliver of light skimming through. Wetness pools between my legs and when I think I cannot wait any longer the door opens.

  The dangerous smile across his face and the growing erection pushing against the towel precariously wrapped around his lean torso was so worth the wait. If he keeps looking at me with that feral hunger in his eyes I might just combust right here without him even touching me.

  "See something you like?" I ask running a finger slowly down my neck, between my breasts, stomach and ending at the simmering heat between my thighs.

  "Damn baby you're beautiful," he growls stalking towards me like a lion moving in for the kill. My body breaks out in goose bumps and the air around us thickens the closer he gets. Standing at the foot of the bed he drops his towel and I take in the view before me. I lick my lips as my eyes travel down his body dying for the chance to retrace each step with my tongue, tasting his skin and worshiping every dip and line.

  "Touch yourself for me love. Show me how much you want me," he growls.

  Not taking my eyes off of his I skim my hand down my chest until it reaches the top of my panties and gently push my hand underneath the lace band and through the soft patch of trimmed hair until I reached my slick folds.

  "No sweet that just won't do," he chides. "I need to see you my love. Take your panties off so I can see you play with yourself," he instructs in a low gravely tone.

  Easing out my hand I pull the sides of my panties down shimming them down past my hips and slide them off of my legs. The cool air hits my heated skin sending a chill down my spine. Knowing he is watching my every move causes a blush to highlight my face. Resuming my previous position I rub my fingers through my wetness and transfer it up and over my swollen nub.

  I can't believe I am doing this! I have never masturbated in front of another person before and having Alex's eyes on me while I touch myself is mind blowing sexy and yet I feel so vulnerable at the same time.

  I break eye contact with him trying to look past him at anything but those steely green eyes of his. I continue moving my fingers through my wet folds and shutter as my thumb caresses my sensitive clit. It feels as though he can see right through me. All my hopes and fears lay out on a platter for him to perfuse through.

  "Eyes my love," he orders. "I need to see your pretty eyes when you come for me."

  My eyes travel back to meet his and the emotion swirling through them takes my breath away. He makes me feel beautiful and cherished when he looks at me like that. I feel that familiar flutter deep within and I answer it by increasing my strokes and dipping one than two fingers in my heat. I hear Alex groan and that is all the encouragement I need to finish. Tipping my head back I let out a harsh cry as I find my release calling out his name over and over while I let go and embrace it. I am not even sure when he moved but as I lift my head he is seated beside me.

  "Why did you put on boxers?" I ask confused. The disappointed is evident on my face.

  He chuckles lightly pulling me across lap. "I need to be able to concentrate for what I have planned next and I can't think straight when we are both completely naked."

  "What comes next?" I ask breathy and still not understanding why he needs his boxers on.

  "You disappointed me earlier when you kept refusing to take my calls. I think you have earned a punishment my dear sweet Jessica. Maybe next time you won't be so quick to dismiss my calls."

  I look into his face expecting him to laugh but he is dead serious. I am a bit afraid. "What type of punishment did you have in mind?" I ask hesitantly but a bit aroused none the less.

  "Five swats on that beautiful ass of yours." Without giving me a chance to refute his idea of a punishment he picks me up by my waist and sets me back down across his thighs with my ass up in the air. Once again I am in unchartered territory with Alex and not sure if I can handle this. I never had a spanking as a child so the thought of getting one now sounds ludicrous.

  "Trust me Jessica. I will not hurt you. There is a thin line between pain and pleasure and I want to show you how the lines can become blurred. I want you to count out each swat and if it is more than you can handle than let me know and it will be over immediately. Do you understand?"

  Not trusting my voice I nod yes even though I not sure I am okay with what I just agreed to. I'm curious to try it out but the thought of pain terrifies. I am filled with sudden panic as he begins rubbing my naked bottom lightly. I keep waiting for the first swat but nothing comes except his light rubs. The tension in my back releases and I begin to think he has changed his mind.

  "Oh shit!" I scream out as his hand comes down hard on my bottom. Tears instinctively fill my eyes even though truthfully the pain is not as bad as I thought it would be. Immediately he begins rubbing the same spot he hit and the pain turns to warmth.

  "Count Jessica," he warns.

  I can barely breathe let alone talk. "One," I cry out. He hits me again but this time in another spot. "Two," I choke out between tears. Once again he caresses me in the place he's hit me and the pain turns into a warm sensation each time he does that. I try and lift up to look at him but his hand presses between my shoulder blades keeping me down. He hits my bottom for the remaining times but never in the same spot. Each time I count out loud until we end at five.

  I lay across his lap not sure how I feel about what just happened. The pool of wetness between my legs is completely contradictory to the thoughts running through my head. I should not like being hit but yet I find myself aroused by it. I can tell by his quick breathes and hard erection pressing against my stomach that he liked it very much.

  "Are you okay Jessica?" he asks gently.

  "Yes, I think so. I mean it was not as painful as I thought it would be. In all honesty it was hot and sexy," I say shocked at my own omission.

  "Oh, baby," he breathes pulling me up and into his arms. "You are amazing," he whispers against my lips as he takes them giving me a raw ruthless kiss. "Lie back my sweets. I cannot hold back any longer. I need to fuck you."

  I slide out of his lap and up on the bed propping a pillow behind my head while he stands beside me pulling his boxers down and releasing his hard erection. I watch as he crawls up my body his eyes half hooded and filled with lust. He is in me fast filling me and setting my body on fire. I rock my hips up meeting his every thrust. There is no time for four play as we claw and devour each other fighting to reach the primal raw release we both need. He pounds into me relentlessly as I claw his shoulders feeling my body quake and shutter as I explode with an intense mind melting orgasm.

  "Oh my sweet Jessica," he cries out finding his own release. He crashes his lips to mine as my body continues to spasm and clamp down around him. He slows his thrusts filling my wound with his hot come as he lays his forehead against mine. For once we are both at a loss of words.

  Silently I say over and over in my head, "I love you."

  Chapter 6

  My whole day has been a complete blur after my early morning phone call to the bank. After searching through my account they found that the money was a direct deposit set up by my dad's estate. That was a fist time of me ever hearing that he even had an estate. The bank teller left me a number to call that would explain the arrangements between them and the estate. Upon calling the number I found out vague facts including that sometime between my dad leaving my mom and I and his death my dad came into a substantial amount of money and left me a large inheritance. Within the terms I am to receive fifty thousand dollars every quarter for the next ten years.

  The man on the phone named James apologized profusely that I am just now receiving my first installment of my inheritance since it was suppose take e
ffect after I turned twenty-one but they had a hard time tracking me down. Irritated over the whole conversation I asked how he managed to get a hold of my banking information and he unapologetically said they had people that handled that. How convenient for them.

  I don't know why but the money feels like a buy-off for him leaving us. I never even knew the man so why give leave me anything? Curious I asked the estate handler if he knew anything about the pocket watch I received and he said he knew my dad for many years before he died and yes he did own a pocket watch but he was not the one who sent it to me. He was very closed off when speaking about my dad and I got the distinct impression there is a lot that I don't know and my dad and probably never will. Hard to miss what you never had. He had years to reach out to me and he waited until his death to even acknowledge my existence. Coward.

  My mind is too swamped and overwhelmed today to tackle anymore issues so I put the Eagle Inc. situation on the back burner and plan to handle it later this week. I put a call into Roger and updated him on my Dad's estate and the information I received about the watch hoping it may further his investigation. At least that is one problem I don't have to handle on my own.


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