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Embracing Him

Page 8

by C. Shell

  Hearing my phone ding I pull it out of my desk and notice I have a reminder that my next appointment is in an hour. I want to talk to Jane about everything that is going on but she has been busy all day handling a shoot over at Glimmer. Even if Alex and I are back together I don't think he and I working together is a good idea. I have a feeling he would be distracting me and I would come off looking unprofessional. Luckily Jane likes working with his crew and has agreed to continue to handle any work that comes from them.

  Grabbing my kit and gear I lock up the office and jump in my car ready to get the rest of the day over with. The commercial is being filmed only a few blocks away at a new upscale women's plaza so lucky for me I don't have far to drive. Not wanting to take a chance on the shoot going longer than scheduled I came prepared and quickly change out of my high heels into a pair of more sensible pumps before heading to find the lady in charge and get my booth set up.

  The crew is really friendly and efficient which makes everything go smoothly and fast. Just as I am finishing up on my last model of the day I hear the voice of Satan herself. I swear this day really sucks. Turning around I plaster on my best fake smile as I come face to face with Lexy.

  I hate how perfect she always seems. I swear she never has one strand of hair out of place. She looks me up and down with a disgusted snear across her face as though I am not good enough to be in the same room with her. Bitch, Bitch, Bitch I keep screaming in my head.

  I smooth out my skirt and shirt needing something to keep my hands busy so they don't end up wrapped around her scrawny neck. "Hi Lexy," I say emotionless. "What are you doing here? I thought this was a closed set?"

  "Hmm...Yes well it is for most but I am friends with the director and he asked me to stop by and give him my option on some of the outfits."

  I know I am doing a horrible job at hiding the shock written all over my face. I always assumed Lexy was just some posture child for the rich and worthless. It never occurred to me that she might be good at something.

  "Well don't let me keep you," I say turning back to my last model who seems quite interested in our little discussion. "I have work to do so it was nice seeing you as always," I say dismissively wishing she would leave.

  "You too Jessica although I am sure we will see a lot of each other at Glimmer now that I will be working there along side Alex."

  I wince at her words wondering what the hell she is talking about. He has never mentioned anything to me about hiring her to work with him. I refuse to turn around and face her knowing she will see the hurt in my eyes. After five long excruciating minutes I hear the tap of her heels as she walks off.

  Throwing my gear together I thank the crew and head towards my car biting my lip hard to keep the tears from falling until I am safe and out of sight of anyone I know. I hate her! Hell at this moment I hate him for putting me back through this pain. I feel like there should be a score board above my head signaling Lexy 2, Jessica 0.



  I am only able to deflect Alex's non-stop calls and texts for four hours before he is at my front door trying to pound it down. Jane finally answers threatening to call the cops but he ignores her as he barrels in pushing her aside. Hearing him enter the condo I sit my glass of wine down and make a run for my room. I only manage to reach my door before I am hauled off my feet and thrown over his shoulder.

  "Put me down you bastard," I scream pounding his backside with my fists. He ignores me as he saunters into my room slamming the door behind us and tossing me on the bed.

  "What the hell is wrong with you?" He asks looking down at me disapproving and furious. I avert my eyes down trying to ignore how downright sexy he looks with his shirt unbuttoned at the collar, tie undone and hanging around his neck haphazardly. The dark stubble dotting his face gives him a dangerous edge.

  "I am tired of playing your fucking games," I spit back. "Now do us both a favor and just leave." I curse hearing my voice crack.

  Grabbing my chin he forces me to look at him. His face is scary mad but I refuse to back down and continue to sit on my bed looking stoic and unmoved. "Language Jessica," he warns than begins pacing my room. "What happened today? You were fine when I left you this morning so what happened?" He shouts out making me jump.

  "When did you decide to hire Lexy to work with you?"

  He stops pacing and turns back to stare at me. "How did you know I hired Lexy?" He asks cautiously.

  "I asked you first."

  "I hired her this morning," he admits not showing any remorse.

  "And you don't see anything wrong with that?" I scream.

  Running a hand threw his already disheveled hair he sits down next to me and I back up closer to the headboard and out of his reach. "I didn't have much choice Jessica. Her parents called and asked me to hire her as a favor to them. She actually has a degree in fashion and they were hoping if she worked at the magazine she would get inspired to put her degree to use and do something with her life. Her working at Glimmer has nothing to do with us."

  I don't care if the Pope himself asked him to hire her it still pisses me off and is wrong on so many levels. "You have lost your mind," I spit back. "How could you think working with her is a good idea for you? For us?" I croak out trying to keep my stupid tears at bay. I don't care anymore if I sound pathetic. The thought of him working side by side with her makes me nauseous.

  "It is only for few months baby," he croons grabbing my legs and pulling me down next to him. "My lawyers think it is a good idea to keep her happy while we push to finalize the divorce. They think it will make everything go through easier if we are not fighting all the time."

  "Were you going to tell me?" I ask regarding him intently knowing the wrong answer could put us right back at square one.

  "Yes," he deadpans. "Although you did not give me much of a chance." Trailing his fingers up my legs he asks," Now it is your turn to answer my question. How did you already find out? It only happened this morning?"

  "I unluckily ran into Lexy at a commercial I was working at this afternoon," I say while trying to bat his hands away. I hate the effect he has on my body and my defenses. With just one touch I already feel myself crumbling. "She made a point to let me know about how she will be working close with you now." Just hearing it out loud has me fuming all over again.

  Cursing under his breath he pulls me across his lap cradling me against his chest. I relax as I hear the soothing beat of his heart and feel the heat seeping through his shirt. "If it helps any she will not be working with me personally. I set her up to work with Kelly."Tucking a strand of my hair behind my hair he looks into my eyes." I am really sorry you found out this way love. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you."

  "I know," I answer without hesitation.

  I screech loudly as he surprises me by lifting me up into the air. Nipping my neck he walks me across the room pinning me between his body and the wall. My mind goes blank and the only think I can concentrate on is the feeling of his hard cock pressing against my belly.

  "I am going to fuck you nice and hard until all your doubts about us are gone," he growls while sucking on my neck. "You are marking me again aren't you? I ask on a sigh. "Mmmm..." he answers biting down hard on my sensitive skin causing my body to arch against his. Lifting up my legs I wrap them around his waist pulling him closer against me as our mouths devour each other. I couldn't stop this if I wanted to. I have no willpower where he is concerned.

  "I need you," I whimper against his lips.

  "I am all yours baby," he says nipping my bottom lip with his teeth. Pulling my skirt up around my waist he moves his hand to the bottom of my silk panties and with a hard pull breaks them free from my body. I gasp giving him a heated look. "Stop ruining my good panties," I chide.

  "Fuck your panties," he barks. "I need you now baby. Hold on to me tight, this is going to be hard and fast."

  I grip his shoulders as he unbuttons his pants pushing them down along with his
boxers as he releases his stiff cock. He positions himself beneath me than with one hard thrust he takes me. Gone is the collected controlled lover I am used to. Our love making is primal and raw. I cry out not caring who hears me as he thrusts into me again and again.

  "Christ baby you feel so sweet wrapped around my cock. I can't get enough of you," he moans against my neck.

  I tilt my hips up allowing him to sink deeper and we moan in unison as he hits my womb. I feel the buildup deep within me as I clutch his shoulders tighter knowing this orgasm will be strong and mind numbing.

  "Let go my love," he growls out. "Come for me. Let's do this together."

  After two more thrusts I let go and come. The sensation is life altering and seems to go on and on forever. Alex is right behind me cursing through clenched teeth as I feel him jerk inside me as his warm liquid coats my insides. Thank God he is holding me up with his body because my legs have turned to jelly and are useless.

  He carries my over to the bed laying me down before going into the bathroom and coming back with a damp towel that he uses to clean me. It amazes me how he can go from being so rough one minute and sweet and attentive the next.

  Stripping out of the rest of his clothing Alex crawls into bed beside me pulling me against his chest and wrapping his arms protectively around me. He hugs me tightly kissing the top of my head. I want to say something but I am utterly spent and my eyes are losing the fight against sleep.

  I want to say "I love you," but know doing so could mean the end to us so I stay silent and take what he is willing to give me.

  Chapter 7

  The rest of the week goes by surprisingly easy with less drama. On Thursday I got a call from Roger letting me know that he had a lead on someone that he found of interest in my dad's new life but would not go into detail about it until he learned more. I swear that man is as cryptic as Alex at times. I have continued going to the gym and have even had a training session with Bianca and found her fun and helpful. I tried finding out more about the elusive Eagle, Inc but only got a run around with the company and no real answers. They did end up paying for Jane's membership as well which made her happy and love them even more. I cannot put my finger on why but I have this nagging bad feeling about the whole situation. Nothing adds up with them and why they would upgrade our office, loan us free furniture and buy us a gym membership. Building property owners don't normally do those things.

  Twirling around in my chair waiting for my computer to warm up I hear Jane come through the front door and my smile quickly turns to concern when I see her pretty face red, splotchy and covered with tear streaks.

  "What the hell happened?" I ask worried. Jane is normally the sane one out of our group. It takes a lot to rattle her.

  Sniffling loudly she flops down on the seat next to me." David and are over. He broke up with me. He says the long distance is too hard." I stare at her my mouth agape and truly shocked. I never thought David would be the one to actually end it between them.

  "I am sorry you are hurting sweetie," I say pulling her into a hug and holding her until the sobs slow down. "I know you will probably hate me for saying this but he is a douche bag. You deserve a man that will put your needs before work and everything else."

  She sighs and shakes her head in agreement. Looking at me her forehead is creased in thought. "I really thought he loved me."

  "I'm sure he did in his own way but like I said before you deserve more." I can see the hurt in her eyes and I wish I could make it all go away. David really is a douche bag. Grabbing the box of Kleenex off of my desk I help her wipe away the tears and streaked make-up off her face.

  "Why don't we go out and have some drinks tonight? We can invite Jax if you like. There is nothing a good shot of tequila can't fix," I say with a grin.

  "Ok," she concedes. "Call Jax and set it up. I am going to go home and clean up for now and will see you at home in a little while."

  After she leaves I text Jax and let him know the plans than send another text to Alex. We had plans tonight and whether he likes it or not my friends come first.

  Me: Change of plans. Won't be staying with you tonight. Jane got dumped today by dick head David and Jax and I are taking her out for drinks tonight.

  Alex: Sorry to hear that. Take her to my club twenty-one and I will set up a table and free drink tab for you.

  Me: Are you felling all right? You are not yelling and demanding me to stay home? Not used to this side of you

  Alex: I am not a barbaric asshole my love. I do understand you have a life outside of me and as long as you keep me up to date and include me at times than I can be generous.

  Me: Understood. Thanks

  Alex: Be safe


  Three shots later I am feeling light as a feather. Jane and Jax have spent the better of the night dancing and as promised once we got to the Club we were escorted to a private VIP table with our very own waiter. The night has been fun and just what Jane needed. She is in rare form tonight shaking her ass and flirting more than usual. I am trying not to be a spoil sport but I miss Alex. When did I become such a sap?

  "Dance with us baby doll?" Jax tries once again to pull me onto the dance floor with him and Jane but I am just not feeling in the mood to shake what God gave me tonight.

  "Maybe later," I say giving him an apologetic smile.

  Downing one more shot I squeeze out of our booth and make my way across the room towards the ladies room. Against my better judgment I pull out my phone and shoot a quick text to Alex telling him I miss him. I hate sounding like one of those needy girls I used to make fun of back in college but I can't seem to help myself.

  The bathroom is packed with ladies gossiping and fixing their make-up. Squeezing into a stall I quickly use the toilet and wash my hands before heading back towards our table.

  Halfway across the room I see him. Travis is leaning against the bar staring right at me. A grin breaks out on his face when he sees that I have noticed him. Holy shit.

  I try to keep walking but I can't seem to make my feet move. My stomach twists and turns repulsed at the sight of him grinning at me as though being near me is the most normal thing in the world. I scan the room searching for Jane and Jax but the dance floor is overly crowded and I cannot see them anywhere.

  I don't know what to do. Do I walk up and talk to him, find Jane and Jax, or go back to our table and act like he doesn't exist? Before I have the chance to sort it out in my head and make a decision he is already beside me. His brown hair is longer than I remembered but everything else about him is the same down to his lean body and that stupid dimple in his chin that for whatever reason I used to find adorable.

  "What are you doing here Travis?" My voice is shaky and I take a few deep breaths trying to calm my nerves.

  "I came to see you ladybug. I miss you," he whispers against my ear. His familiar scent of musk cologne lingers between us making me feel nauseous. Reaching down he cups my arm trying to pull me closer to him. I try and jerk away but his grip tightens until he his fingers are digging into my skin. There is no doubt I will have a nasty bruise there in the morning.

  "Let me go Travis." I hiss. I am proud at how forceful my voice sounds. Years ago I wouldn't have had the courage to raise my voice to him.

  He looks amused at my defiance. "I just want to talk ladybug. Give me five minutes to explain why I am here than I will leave you alone if that is what you still want."

  "Fine. You get five minutes," I say through gritted teeth. "Time is ticking so start talking."

  "Damn I forgot how feisty you can get." He tries to touch my face but I move to the side stopping him. "Fine if you want to play hard to get I will play along but I do remember a time when you would beg for me to touch you," he hisses.

  "That was a long time ago," I say flatly. "Your time is running out. Say what you need to say."

  "I want you back. Trish and I were a mistake and the whole pregnancy was a sham. She lied about the whole damn thing trying t
o make me stay with her."

  "Sounds like you two are made for each other."

  "Damn baby you really are still mad at me," he says honestly shocked by my aloof attitude.

  What the hell is wrong with him? Is he really that dense that he thinks I would just throw myself back into his arms because he decided that he wanted me back?

  "What did you think would happen Travis?" I ask louder than needed causing those around us to shift uncomfortably. "You hurt me. Hell you destroyed me, my reputation, and anything we ever had. Now please get the hell away from me and don't ever call or come near me again."

  Out of the corner of my eye I see a flash of movement than Travis collapses onto the floor holding his face with blood spurting out of his nose. I am frozen in place and shocked to find Alex standing beside me furious and shaking out his hand. His eyes look cold and murderous as he looks down at my lousy ex.


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