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Embracing Him

Page 9

by C. Shell

  "You heard her. Stay the fuck away from her asshole," he growls.

  A large bouncer standing behind Alex moves in grabbing Travis up by his collar and proceeds to escort him out of the club. I notice Jax and Jane walking up to us and by the look on Jax's face he is as mad as Alex is. Jane and I give each other the 'oh shit' look knowing this is going to be a long night.

  I cut my eyes away from my friends and back to Alex trying to find the right words to make everything ok but words are lost on me. I lean forward wrapping my arms around Alex's waist seeking the comfort I need. Alex pulls me against him kissing the side of my head than turns around muttering something to Jax.

  "We are going home," he says grabbing my purse from Jax and steering me towards the front door with his hand on the small of my back.

  Home? Does he mean my home or his home? I look up at him expectantly and as if he already knows my question he answers, "You are staying with me. Jax is taking care of Jane tonight."

  Carson is waiting for us as we exit the front door and quickly whisks us into the car. In the safety of the car and Alex's embrace I embarrassingly burst into tears, hands covering my face to try and hide my shame.

  "Baby what is wrong? Did he hurt you?"

  "No he just surprised me," I say through hiccupping sobs. "I am just embarrassed you had to witnesses that. I though moving out here would make the past disappear and yet it just seems to keep coming back to haunt me."

  "Well we both seem to be dealing with a lot of that lately." He says tightening his arms around me. I snuggle against his neck taking in his scent and loving the way it relaxes me.

  "I promise he will never get near you again baby."

  "How do you always know when I need saving?" I ask quietly as I stare up at him.

  "I actually arrived just a bit earlier when you were in the bathroom and was chatting up Jax and Jane waiting on you. I heard a commotion by the bar and there you were." He gets quiet for a moment and I tense up knowing he is about to say something I may not want to hear.

  With a sigh he adds," Jax told me about you and Travis. I was not trying to pry into your past. . He just thought I should know what you have been through."

  Typical Jax, always playing the big brother. I look down as he entwines one of his hands with mine. His fingers lightly sweep across the top of my knuckles sending a shiver down my spine. "I don't mind you knowing. After tonight I would have had to tell you about him anyways. It is just not something I like to speak about."

  I feel his body tense against mine but I am too tired and emotionally spent to go into detail on why my past is so fucked up. "Thanks for being there tonight," I say quietly closing my eyes and intending to rest them the remainder of the drive.

  Chapter 8

  What is the saying? When it rains it pours. That is exactly what my life feels like right about now. Since the moment I arrived at the office this morning we have been bombarded with calls and consultation appointments. At this rate we will need to hire someone within the month to help us before the Christmas season hits.

  Jane has been in a foul mood all morning cursing that Mondays are the most evil day of the week. The way this day is going she has a point. Roger called earlier leaving an urgent message for me to call him back but I have been too swamped ordering materials and setting up travel arrangements for us to fly to Destin, Florida this coming Friday to work on a photo shoot for a new club that is opening up downtown. This will be our very first out of town shoot and I am very excited about it. I have only been to Florida once when I was young to visit a friend of my mom's and the memories I have of the white sand and clear blue beaches are amazing.

  Noticing the time I hurry to finish typing up my report of last month's inventory so I can make it to Glimmer on time for my lunch date with Alex.

  "Everything set and approved for this weekend?" Jane asks walking into my office and propping herself against my door frame.

  "All set," I say looking over my list. "Inventory and materials ordered, tickets booked, car rented, and rooms reserved," I say with a smile. "I know we are going to be there for work but it still feels like a mini vacation to me."

  "Yea me too," she says wagging her eyebrows. "After all the drama lately I think we need it."

  "That is no lie." I say with a grimace. "How mad do you think Alex is going to be when I tell him I am heading out of town and that the club owner is his none other than his old friend Derrick Johnson?"

  Rolling her eyes she laughs. "Do you have to tell him? I mean seriously can't you just say you have a job to do and leave it at that?"

  "I would never get away with that and you know it," I say giving her a knowing look. "This city is too small at times and secrets like that always come back to bite you in the ass."

  Saving and printing out the last spreadsheet I need I turn off my computer and clean up the papers spread all over my desk so I can leave. "I am having a quick lunch over at Glimmer with Alex. Would you like to join us?"

  "Thanks but I already have plans with Hunter," she says giving me a cheesy grin. For once my playing cupid seems to have hit its mark.

  "Really?" I smirk. "Glad to see you are moving along nicely." Grabbing my purse I head for the door stopping to give her a hug on my way out.

  The cool air hits me hard as I run towards my car wrapping my wool coat tighter around myself. So much for being able to drive with the top down anymore. Turning the heat to full blast I drive the short distance to Glimmer ready to sit down relax and enjoy a nice lunch with Alex before work comes crashing down on me again. The holiday season always brings lots of work but for some reason it seems extra busy for this time of year.

  Finding a parking spot up front I make my way through the double glass doors and run right into Satan herself.

  "Look what the cat drug in," she says with an evil smirk. "I didn't know you were working a shoot today." She says visibly eyeing me up and down and not daring to hide her distain for me.

  Once a bitch always a bitch.

  I suck in a quick tight breath. Agitation clearly written across my face. "Nice to see you too Lexy," I say void of emotion. "I am not working a job here today. Sorry I don't have time to chat I have a lunch date with Alex." Pushing past her I walk over to the elevators hitting the call button and praying on everything godly that the car is readily available.

  For once my prayers are answered and I quickly get in hitting the button P along with the code needed to reach the penthouse. When the doors open I call out his name several times but with no answer realize he has not made it up from the magazine yet. I send him a short text letting him know I have arrived and decide to take the extra time and look around the rest of his penthouse.

  The space is larger than I imagined. Moving past the rooms I have already seen I find a home gym and three spare bedrooms. Each room is spacious beautifully decorated and has its own in full suite bathroom. I cannot understand why a single bachelor would need this much space. It is mind boggling. Making my way back to the living room I pass by his home office and can't help peering inside. The room has a sexy intoxicating aroma of Alex's and a mixture of old leather.

  Running my hands down his desk I imagine what it would be like to be taken by him here. A delicious shiver runs down my spine picturing sitting on top his desk with him between my thighs as he thrusts into me over and over. Smiling I store my dirty thought away knowing I will be sure to re-enact that scene with him at a later time. Maybe after lunch.

  Pushing off his desk I start to leave his office but stop dead in my tracks when a familiar logo catches my eye. I can feel the blood draining from my face as I continue to stare down at the familiar Eagle Inc, logo that has been plaguing my life lately and now realizing the significance of it. Pulling the paper out from the binder on his desk I search the contents written on it and his signature at the bottom of the contact giving me all the confirmation I need.

  The sneaky bastard owns Eagle Inc.

  Everything makes sense now. Why we w
ere moved out of our smaller office given a larger one for the same amount, the free upscale furniture, the added security and scan cards detailing our goings and comings, the paid membership to the gym with a new female trainer instead of Hunter and not to mention the run around I have been given trying to find out who owned the company. I am livid. Once again Alex has taken it upon himself to meddle in my life without my permission.

  The jackass doesn't know when to stop and just bulldozes right over any and all personal boundaries.

  I send a text to Jane telling her something important has come up and I will not be coming back into the office today. Heading back into the living room I sit down on the sofa and wait for his arrival. The longer I wait and think about it all the madder I get.

  Hearing the chime as the elevator doors open brings me out of my thoughts and back to the ass kicking at hand. I am momentarily taken aback when he strolls out of the elevator car with a stunning panty dropping big grin on his face looking deliciously handsome in a dark grey three piece suit with a silver vest and tie. Sinfully sexy

  I take a moment to appreciate the way the material clings to his muscles and broad shoulders before bringing myself back to the present and problem at hand. I want to give him the opportunity to tell me himself before I start yelling and calling him names.

  "Hey Beautiful," he says leaning down and giving me a sweet lingering kiss before pulling me up from the sofa and leading me into the kitchen. "I hope you don't mind but I already ordered lunch for us. It should be here soon. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

  Normally I would swoon over his sweet words but today they sound like nails on a chalk board. "I have not been here too long. Thanks for already ordering for me," I say unenthusiastically. He gives me a curious glance but does not say anything else as he works at undoing his cufflinks laying them on the table beside him than rolls up his sleeves.

  "So I have been doing some research on my own and I think I may have a good lead about who owns Eagle Inc," I say watching him closely as he comes to a complete stop turning around and giving me his full attention.

  "Really? Well...Are you sure you want to keep researching into the company baby? I mean they have been really generous and I would hate for them to find out and think you don't appreciate all they have done."

  I sit back enjoy watching the sneaky bastard squirm. "Of course they have been generous but that is what is so strange," I smirk. "Jane and I are even thinking about buying out our contract and moving to another building. All that security they have installed too much. I thought you would be more upset over someone else knowing when I arrive and leave the office. Is doesn't bother you at all baby?"

  "Umm...," he says visibly frustrated and at a loss of words. He pushes a shaky hand through his hair as he begins pacing the kitchen. "No I actually think you leaving there is a bad idea. It would cost you both too much to buy out of that contract and the security is there to keep you safe. It is not about knowing your comings and goings. For my own peace of mind I need you know that you are safe," he says quietly.

  I don't say anything more as I wait for him to confess. I need him to tell me the truth on his own. Staring at me hard as though he can see right through me he says, "You know don't you?"

  "What do you mean?" I ask in a sweet innocent voice. "The part where my controlling boyfriend is once again meddling in my life or the part where he does not trust me enough to tell me what he has been up to?"

  "Christ Jessica," he shouts. "I swear baby it is not like that at all." He lets out another string of curse words just as the intercom buzzes letting us know our food has arrived. I take a seat at the table allowing myself the chance to calm down while he goes to the elevator and retrieves it bringing it back into the kitchen.

  We silently make our plates not saying anything more. After what seems like an eternity he finally speaks." I am sorry. I did not mean to keep you in the dark about what I was doing but in my defense you were not speaking to me at the time and I needed to know you were safe and okay."

  I look up at him shocked that he has the nerve to defend his crazy actions. "I appreciate you caring about my safety but you always crash and burn any boundaries I may have. I needed time to think not you running around making decisions for me."

  Throwing his napkin on the table he stands abruptly and stomps into the kitchen crashing his plate into the sink. I jump at the sound turning around just as he scoops me up throwing me over his shoulder as he hauls me into the bedroom.

  "What the hell do you think you are doing?" I shriek in shock.

  "Teaching you that you are mine. Damn it Jessica," he yells through clenched teeth throwing me onto the bed. "I take care of what is mine and there is no way I was going to sit around twiddling my thumbs while waiting for you to come back to me. I needed to know you were safe and looked after and that is what I did. I won't apologize for that."

  As messed up as this conversation is I am completely turned on. I have never been one to care much for the whole alpha male persona but Alex makes it hot. I kneel in front of him on the edge of the bed pulling his body flush against mine. I lightly brush my lips against his seeking his approval. He kisses me back and the kiss quickly turns intense and heated as our mouths crash together. He groans into my mouth fisting his hands in my hair and pulling me tighter against him. He pulls my head back and we stare into each other's eyes breathing ragged. His eyes darken a deep green as he undoes his tie slowly pulling it through his shirt collar as he reaches for my hands. I am not sure what he has in mind but the desire reflected in his gaze has me on edge and ready for anything.

  I watch as he wraps the tie efficiently around my wrists binding them together before turning me around so I am facing the headboard. He presses down on the middle of my shoulder blades so that I am positioned on my knees ass in the air with my hands bound and laid out in front of me. I swallow instinctively imagining what he is going to do to me next and hoping he does it soon.

  I can feel the moisture pool between my legs wanting and needing him to take me and claim me as his. Slowly he pulls the hem of my shirt up and over my ass and with one hard tug breaks my panties away from my body. The cool air hits my heated skin sending a shiver skirting over my entire body.

  He moves his hand through my wet folds as he cups my sex and sinks two fingers into my heated core. "I love how wet you get for me," he groans pumping his fingers in and out of me in a delicious rhythm. I bite down hard on my lip trying to suppress my moan. His skillful fingers have me teetering on the edge within minutes but I still need more.

  "Please Alex," I beg. "I need you now."

  Abruptly he withdraws his fingers and I whimper at his absence. My body hums needing him in the worst way. Tucking his hand around my waist he pulls me back impaling him in me with one hard thrust. I cry out from pain and pleasure and he stills giving my body a chance to adjust to the fullness.

  "You're mine Jessica," he shouts out moving furiously inside of me as he claims me, possessing my body and making it feel things I have never felt with anyone else. My hands fist in the sheets around me as my core tightens and my orgasm nears. Moving a hand down to my clit he rasps his finger against it in the most delicious agonizing way sending me over. "Tell me Jessica. Who do you belong to?" He growls out through ragged breaths.

  "Yours Alex," I breathe as my body trembles."Only yours."

  I climax hard as my body unravels at the seams clamping down around him and spurring his own release. "Oh my God, baby," he yells into my neck as he erupts inside of me. We lay against each other trying to catch our breaths and enjoying the nearness of having nothing between us. Reaching above my head he undoes his tie and letting it fall as he kisses and traces his tongue around the light red lines encircling my wrists.

  "Are you still mad at me?" He asks kissing my ear.

  "Hmmm"....I softly answer too tired to even open my eyes.

  "Jessica," he says strongly making my eyes open wide. "I need to know. Are you mad at me?" H
e looks genuinely worried and I cannot help but melt against him.

  Pursing my lips I look him in the eye. "No I'm not. I hate what you did but I appreciate the reason behind your actions." Gripping his chin so he has to look me in the eyes and see how serious I am I continue. "I need you to promise me that you won't continue to meddle in my life without me knowing. I hate secrets." I say forcefully needing him to understand that I won't tolerate him crossing that line again.

  Cocking his head to one side he gives me a panty dropping grin. "Promise my love." He kisses me long and deep and once again he has managed to turn my world upside down.

  Chapter 9

  "Cancel it!" Alex roars pacing back and forth across my bedroom.


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