The War of Wars
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Moulin, Jean 340, 341
Mount Tabor, Battle of 319–20
Mourchon, Private 298–9
Mouveaux 135
Muffling, General von 878, 886, 893, 894, 896
Muir, Thomas 106
Mulgrave, Lord 636–7, 639, 648
Munich 481
Murad Bey 282, 284, 300, 306, 308, 328
Murat, Marshal Joachim (later King of Naples) 154, 167, 251, 319, 324–5, 326, 340, 342, 343, 349, 400, 401, 482, 484, 486, 487, 490, 509–10, 513, 514, 515, 519, 520, 584, 586, 680–1, 685
commands remnants of Grand Armée 814, 815, 817, 822
death of 912
German campaign (1813) 838, 839
and the Hundred Days 872, 874
as King of Naples 856
plots against Napoleon 654, 817, 844
Russian campaign 765, 766, 771, 774, 775, 778, 782, 783, 784, 788, 789, 796, 799
Murray, Captain George 364
Murray, Sir John 210
Mustafa Pasha 325
Channel Fleet 236–40
Mediterranean Fleet 241–2, 270
North Sea Fleet 240–1, 244–5
Mysore 605, 606, 607
Nancy 844
Nantes 49, 123, 132, 143
Napier, Captain Charles 630, 718
Naples 120, 160, 169, 177, 184, 267, 274, 294, 295, 295–6, 350, 353, 354–9, 363, 373, 374, 375, 405, 432, 441, 490, 492, 507–8, 817, 844, 872
Napoleon Bonaparte
battles and campaigns
Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube 853
Battle of Aspern-Essling 667–8
Battle of Austerlitz 463, 486–9
Battle of the Berezina 808–9
Battle of Borodino 781–6
Battle of Dresden 837
Battle of Eylau 519–22
Battle of Friedland 524–5, 526
Battle of Jena-Auerstadt 513–15
Battle of Laon 851–2
Battle of Leipzig 838–41, 921
Battle of Maloyaroslavets 797–9
Battle of Marengo 348–51
Battles of Mormant, Valjouan and Montreau 850
Battles of Quatre Bras and Ligny 878–9, 880–5, 901, 902
Battle of Smolensk 778–9
Battle of Vauchamps 850
Battle of Waterloo 889–903
Danube campaign (1809) 654–76
Egyptian and Syrian campaigns 249–56, 274–5, 276–85, 298–310, 311–16, 317–29
German campaign (1813) 835–41
invasion of France 842–8, 849–56
Italian campaign 79–80, 156, 159–60, 161–74, 175–86
march across Europe 479, 481
Peninsular War 621–2, 624–8, 707–8, 723–4, 730, 752, 757, 758–60, 920
planned invasion of England 191, 192, 439–40, 442, 920, 3413–30
Prussian campaign (1806) 511–15
Prussian campaign (1813) 829–30
retreat from Moscow 796–804
Russian campaign 763–72, 773–7, 778–86, 787–95, 796–804, 808–13, 921
Ulm manoeuvre 461
Waterloo campaign 876–903
character and attributes 1–2, 60, 65–6, 74, 183–4, 253, 301, 901, 902, 923–4
ambition 339
appearance 149, 153, 187, 305, 377, 382, 388, 855
callous and ruthless 81, 255, 302, 313–15, 322, 484–5, 507
child of the French Revolution 68
drunk with power 677–83
fearlessness 316
health 482, 884, 911
legacy of 913–26
minor player until 1802 5, 30, 71–2
myth of 1–2, 759, 918–24
pronouncements of 504–5, 920
religious views 57, 62, 65, 320, 505–7, 678–9
self-belief 397, 829, 830
sense of personal injustice 66
sexuality 63, 65, 67, 153, 309–10, 911
superstitious 768
support of his family 149, 155, 399–401
writings of 56–7, 67, 71, 77, 150–1, 678–9, 681–2, 922–3
early career
as army officer 64, 64–72, 77–82
at Toulon 74, 76, 77–8, 81, 124, 131, 268
coup d’etat (1797) 191
invasion of Corsica 81
King of northern Italy 179, 184–6
Sardinian expedition 73–5, 77
turns down Vendée posting 149
fall from power
abdication (1814) 854–5
exile in Elba 856–7, 868, 901
exile on St Helena 908–11, 922–3, 924
flight and surrender (1815) 904–6
military skills 179–84, 846–7, 921–2, 924
establishes Grand Armée 471–8
miscalculations 775, 779–80, 799–800
tactics 181–3, 315, 348, 473–4, 477, 479, 488–9, 781–2, 833, 834, 838, 848, 900, 902–3
personal life
birth of son 691, 759
childhood 57, 60–4
death 911
and Désirée Clary 150, 157, 159
education 61–4
family background 57–60
and Josephine 156–9, 167–8, 172, 179, 185, 191–2, 309, 334, 398, 519, 523–4, 664, 677, 684–8
love affairs 685, 864
and Marie Louise of Austria 688–91, 707, 759, 830, 855, 868, 920
and Marie Walewska 518, 523–4, 682, 684, 685, 687, 857, 868, 874, 904
suicide attempt 855, 901
rise of 79–82, 155, 187–92, 250, 252–3, 325, 336–45
assumes imperial title 394, 396–402, 430
becomes First Consul 344–5
coup d’état (1799) 336–7, 339–43
hailed as man of peace 351
influence of Robespierre on 52, 81
regards himself as master of Europe 402–3
relations with Directory 175–6, 177, 178, 179, 184, 185, 188, 190, 192, 250, 251, 304–5, 323, 336, 340
return to France (1799) 326, 333, 334
rewards family 179, 185, 399–401, 490, 507–10, 658, 681, 916
triumvirate of consuls 342
as ruler
career in four phases 921
character of his rule 915–16
constitution (1815) 871–2
creates imperial ‘nobility’ 401
crowned King of Italy 431, 432
domestic policies 505
dynastic affairs 397, 490, 507–10, 682–3, 684, 686–7, 860
expansionism 338–9, 379, 397, 397–8, 403–5, 582, 584, 658
faces war on all fronts (1813) 832
first priorities 345, 346
flight to Paris (1812) 814, 819–20
the Hundred Days (1815) 868–906
military dictatorship 387–9, 658
military success key to his power 526
need for war 823, 921
plots against 389–95, 396, 569, 683–4
plunders art works 168, 184–5, 338, 907
policies during peace 384–9
political skills 921
public works 386
reaction to disaster of Russian campaign 820, 821–5
redesigns Paris 491
relations with Pope 677–80, 822, 846
resistance to 633, 654, 820, 823, 843
return from exile 869–70
Revolution at an end 375–6
territories in 1806 492
treatment of conspirators 393–4
Napoleon II 691, 759, 820, 853, 862, 868, 904
Napoleon III 674
Narbonne, Comte de 32
National Assembly 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32, 47, 71, 190
National Guard 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 153, 154, 347
nationalism 865, 916–17
Nations, Battle of the see Leipzig, Battle of
navigation 206–7
navy see fleets
Neale, Sir Harry 638, 639, 651, 652
winden, Battle of 33, 35, 39, 126
Neipperg, Count Adam von 868, 872, 912
Nelson, Admiral Horatio 183, 209, 210, 211–12, 229–30, 255–6, 353, 541, 926
Battle of Cape St Vincent 232–7, 295
Battle of Copenhagen 363–8
Battle of the Nile 287, 289, 291, 294, 295, 346
Battle of Trafalgar 447–59
‘blind eye’ incident 365–6
blockades French ports 425–6, 427
character and background 257–66, 354, 356, 358, 361, 459–60
commander of Channel Fleet 369, 373
attack on Boulogne 369–71, 402
commander of Mediterranean Fleet 358, 360
and Corsica 268
death and funeral 451–2, 454–6, 458, 459–60, 461, 463–4, 484
and French fleet in the Mediterranean 273–5, 286–7, 434–6, 569
hero figure 270, 294–5, 357, 442, 452, 459–60
and Lady Hamilton 359–60, 361–3, 371–5, 442, 444–5, 447, 451, 455, 459
loss of eye and arm 268, 272–3
and Naples 267–8, 295–7, 355–9
pursues Villeneuve to West Indies 436–8, 538, 569
tactics 287, 289, 444, 445, 448
and Tenerife 271–2, 295
Nelson, Catherine 257
Nelson, Edmund 257, 266, 272, 362, 371–2, 375
Nelson, Fanny (formerly Nisbet) 263–4, 266, 267, 269, 272–3, 275, 295, 357, 359, 360, 361–2, 372, 375, 458, 460
Nelson, Horatia 362, 445, 451, 455, 460
Nelson, Maurice 257
Nelson, William 257, 460
Nepean, Evan 576
Netherlands, Austrian 34, 109, 115–16, 126, 137–8
Newcastle, Lord 98
Ney, Marshal Michel 176, 334, 350, 401, 406, 537, 860, 864
execution of 907, 912
invasion of France 849, 850, 854
Prussian campaign (1806) 513, 518, 519, 520, 521
Prussian/German campaign (1813) 829–30, 834, 837
Russian campaign 765, 771, 778, 782, 783, 784, 803, 804, 805–8, 810, 811, 814, 815–16, 818
in Spain 621, 624, 627, 628, 702, 707, 709, 712, 714
Waterloo campaign 870, 874, 877, 879, 880–1, 882, 883, 885, 890, 891, 892–4, 899, 900, 901, 902
Nicaragua 261, 295
Nice 34, 79, 120
Nicholas the Turk 301–2, 303, 308
Niemen, River 767–8, 816–17
Nieuport 138
Battle of the 286–94, 346
River 281–2, 283, 299, 306–7
Nisbet, Dr Aesculapius 362
Nisbet, Josiah 266, 267, 272, 362
Nivelle, Battle of the 756–7
British 12, 97
French 12–15, 24, 386
opposition to Revolution 24
Nootka Sound 495, 572
North, Lord 93, 94, 95, 98
North-West Passage 258
Norway 765
Nosworthy, Brent 473–4, 475–6, 593–5
Obidos, Battle of 615
Ocaña, Battle of 702
Ochakov 110, 112, 113
Oldenburg, Duchy of 764, 765
Oliva, General 484
O’Meara, Barry 417
Ompteda, Christian von 892
Onslow, Captain 245
Oporto 538, 613
Battle of 696–9
Orange, Prince of 876, 878, 892
Orde, Vice-Admiral Sir John 435
Orissa 771
Orléans 854, 855
Orleans, Louis Philippe II, Duc d’ 23, 28, 573, 574
Orrock, Lieutenant-Colonel William 609
Orsha 777, 803, 808
Orthez, Battle of 757
Ostend 137, 876
Ottoman Empire 3, 4, 109, 110–11, 112, 121, 249, 250, 279–80, 294, 296, 405, 408, 492, 530, 531–2, 623, 628
Battle of Aboukir 324–5
Battle of Heliopolis 327–8
relations with France 300, 311–16, 320, 321, 326–7, 328, 352, 582
relations with Russia 300, 352, 516, 765, 867
Otway, Captain 365
Oudinot, Marshal Nicolas-Charles 664, 670, 765, 769, 771, 809, 811, 813, 818, 834, 837, 839, 860, 912
Ourard, Gabriel 346
Oviedo 587
Paché, Jean-Nicolas 42
Pack, General 743
Paget, Arthur 483–4
Paget, General Edward 462, 463, 625, 629, 697
Paine, Thomas 10, 42, 105
Pakenham, General Edward 738, 864
Pakenham, Kitty 602, 604, 612, 696, 864
Pakenham, Tom 602
Palafax, General 624, 625
Palestine 311–16
Pallemberg, Battle of 40
Palliere, Captain 556, 557–8
Palmer, Thomas 106
Pamplona 751, 752, 756
Paoli, Pasquali 60, 61, 64, 67, 68–9, 71, 73–6, 77, 171, 268
Papal States 165, 166, 168, 177, 349, 375, 678
Paris 842, 844–5, 849–50, 851
capitulation of (1814) 853
capitulation of (1815) 906–7
Second Treaty of (1815) 907
Treaty of (1814) 866
Paris commune 49
Parker, Sir Hyde 209, 363, 365, 368, 452
Parker, Lady 354
Parker, Admiral Sir Peter 260, 261, 262, 270, 354
Parker, Richard 240–1
Parker, Lieutenant William 542, 548, 551, 558
Parma 167, 350, 406, 506, 912
Parque, Duque del 699, 702
Parseval-Grandmaison, François-Auguste 251
Patterson, Elizabeth 508
Paul, Tsar 3, 172, 294, 346, 351, 352, 363, 368, 392, 403, 569
Pavia 162, 163, 167
Peake, Captain Edward 371
peasantry, French 11–12, 851
Pelham 98
Pellew, Sir Edward 196–7, 210, 218, 219, 223, 426, 445
Peninsular War 695–760, 926
Battle of Albuera 717–19
Battle of Bussaco 709–10
Battle of Fuentes de Onoro 715–17
Battle of the Nivelle 756–7
Battle of Oporto 696–9
Battle of Orthez 757
Battle of Salamanca 737–41
Battle of Talavera 700–3
Battle of Toulouse 758
Battle of Vimeiro 616–18
Battle of Vitoria 750–1
British evacuation of Corunna 628–32
character of 626, 696–7, 720–2
cruelty and suffering in 632, 696–7, 707, 712–14, 732, 754–5
guerrilla warfare 707, 720–2, 764
Lines of Torres Vedras 704–8
Pamplona surrenders 756
Portuguese expedition 612–18
siege of Badajoz 731–3
siege of Burgos 743–4
siege of Ciudad Rodrigo 723–5
siege of San Sebastian 752–3, 754
significance of 758–60
start of 582–8
Wellington crosses into France 755–6
Wellington takes and loses Madrid 740–1, 744–6
Perceval, Spencer 675, 705–6, 726
Percy, Dr 521
Perladi, Colonel 798
Perrin, Claude-Victor 79
Persia 523, 530, 582
Peru 653, 911
Pétion de Villeneuve, Jerome 25, 26
Petiot, Citizen 40
Peyrusse, André 320–1, 323
Phélipaux, Louis-Edmond le Picard de 317–18, 320
Piave 663, 665
Pichegru, General Charles 188, 190, 191, 391–2, 394, 395, 580
Picton, Sir Thomas 750, 881, 890
Piedmont 79, 120, 121, 124, 161, 162–3, 165, 375, 406, 408, 431
Pilnitz, Declaration of 31
Pilony 767
Pino, General 813
piracy 224, 536, 538
Pirch, General 891, 896
Harriet 91
Pitt, Hester (née Grenville) 87, 90
Pitt, William, the Elder 89, 90, 95
Pitt, William, the Younger 189, 274, 295, 346, 434, 436, 458, 459, 560, 608, 926
character and background 89–96, 466, 467–8
death of 464–5, 466, 493
domestic policy 105–7, 108
foreign policy 160, 171–2
attitude to French Revolution 85–8, 96, 105, 124, 381, 574–5, 925
despair over British isolation 170–1
and Holland 115–18, 126–7, 132, 138, 139–40
preparations for war 119, 121
proposes offensive (1805) 430–1
sees Russia as greatest threat 111–12, 114
South America 495, 497
and Third Coalition 430–2
wants to continue war (1801) 351
and West Indies 142–3, 145, 170, 925
ill-health 429, 430, 432, 462, 463
importance of 466–8
and intelligence services 570–4
and Ireland 221, 222, 227
out of office 375
return to office (1803) 380–3, 428–30
view of Napoleon 382
Pius VI, Pope 177, 184, 251
Pius VII, Pope 398, 431, 506, 677–80, 822, 846
Place, Francis 729
plague 303, 315–16, 320, 322, 323
Plancenoit, Battle of 892, 893, 896, 901, 902
Plasencia 699, 700, 702
Platov, General 808
Pleischwitz, Armistice of 830
plundering 773
Po Valley 163, 167
Poland 109, 112, 113, 120, 129, 134, 137, 171, 489, 516, 517–18, 522–3, 527, 529, 657, 682, 767, 774–5, 777, 797, 816, 832, 866, 871
Pole, Admiral 237, 238
Pomerania 432, 765
Poniatowski, Prince Josef Anton 516, 765, 782, 783, 796, 802, 838, 840, 912
Ponsonby, Sir William 890, 898–9
Ponte Nuovo, Battle of 60
Popham, Commodore Sir Home 210, 497–8, 733
British 104
French 11, 12, 915
Port-au-Prince 143
Portland, William Bentinck, Duke of 91, 138, 222, 503, 531, 583, 612, 675, 705
Portugal 109, 121, 140, 160, 228, 436, 496, 527, 533, 534, 538, 583–4, 619, 620, 704–5, 706–7, 709–14, 747, 749
Battle of Oporto 696–9
Battle of Vimeiro 616–18, 631
expeditions to 599, 612–18, 632–3, 654, 696–9
French ejected from 714, 720
relations with Britain 121, 160
relations with France 534, 538, 583–4
Potemkin, Prince 110, 111, 112, 113
press, freedom of the 98–9, 106
Pressburg, Treaty of 489–90, 659
Prince Regent see George IV
Pripet Marshes 771
Provence, Comte de see Louis XVIII
Provera, General 176, 177
Battle of Dresden 837
Battle of Jena-Auerstadt 513–15
Battle of Leipzig 838–41