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Damaged Love

Page 8

by Riann C. Miller

  I lightly toss her on the bed and quickly undress. “You said you keep condoms in the bathroom?” I ask.

  “Yes, under the sink.” I make my way to the bathroom. I quickly grab what I need and moments later, I’m climbing onto the bed with Rachel, who evidently wants this just as much as I do because she’s sans underwear now. I lay the condom on her nightstand before I lean forward, sucking one of her breasts deep into my mouth. My hand makes its way down between her legs, finding her soaking wet. I moan, knowing she’s this worked up for me. My finger moves between her folds until I push one inside while my thumb brushes over her clit.

  “Yes,” she whispers.

  I add another finger while attacking her mouth with mine. Our tongues move together while my fingers continue to pump deep inside of her.

  “Umm, yesssss,” she mumbles as her hips start to thrust upward. I pump my fingers faster, and moments later, I feel her tightening around me as she finds her release. Watching her lips make a perfect O, all the while feeling her clench on my fingers is probably the most erotic scene I’ve ever witnessed.

  I grab the condom and have it on within seconds. “Are you sure? You’re okay with this?” I ask, giving her one last chance to back out.

  “Yes. God, yes. I want to feel you inside of me.” That was all I needed to hear before I line myself up and sink inside of her.

  “Oh shit. You feel so good.” I gasp. I haven’t had sex in months, but I don’t think that’s the only reason this feels amazing. I think it’s Rachel that has me this bewitched.

  I start thrusting in and out, never once taking my eyes off hers. This connection feels different, stronger than anything I’ve ever felt before.

  Rachel wraps her legs around my lower back and starts thrusting upward, pushing me closer to the edge.

  I continue pumping into her body, ignoring my need to come and making sure this is the best sex of her life, ensuring she’ll only ever want me.

  I can feel her clenching again, only this time it’s around my cock. Her eyes start to go heavy. “Yes. Just like...that,” she mumbles as I feel a shuddering pulse around my dick. Holy...fuck. I grind my teeth together and try my hardest to think about anything other than fucking Rachel.

  When I know she’s come back down, I enthusiastically speed up, searching for my own release. I look down to where we’re connected. Watching as I pump in and out of her is just the visual I needed to tip over and start coming harder than I can ever remember.

  As I slowly come back down, I realize I have to be crushing her with my body. Slowly, I start to pull away in the hope of giving her some breathing room only to find she’s attached to me.

  “Sorry. Am I crushing you?” I ask with a laugh.

  “No, not at all,” she says, continuing to curl into me. I brush some of her sweaty hair out of her eyes, and I’m blown away at the...I almost want to say the love I see. But it’s too soon...right?

  We haven’t known each other long enough to be in love. The reality is, I barely know anything about Rachel. We talked for hours tonight, and still, I hardly know anything about her, but at the same time, that’s not true. My gut is telling me I know the important things, the things that make Rachel uniquely Rachel...the girl I seem to be addicted to.

  I slowly pull back and out of her, causing her to gasp. “I’ll be right back,” I say as I get out the bed and head to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. Once I’m cleaned up, I open a cabinet and get a washcloth and take it back to Rachel, who’s still sprawled out on the bed. While she’s watching my every move, I slowly clean between her legs. I head back to the bathroom and toss the washcloth in the sink then quickly return, pulling her body tight against mine.

  The room is quiet, but I can feel Rachel’s heart beating against my arm. I’m mulling over the idea of talking or trying to fall back to sleep when she speaks up. “Thank you for staying with me tonight and for staying...afterward.”

  I’m at a loss for what I should say. You’re welcome seems too formal and completely inappropriate. In the past, when I’ve had sex, I didn’t stay with the girl afterward because what we shared was just sex.

  But tonight with Rachel, I wouldn’t have left unless she threw me out, but the way she said afterwards gives me the distinct impression that she’s referring to her past, and the men she’s shared herself with, and that’s more than I want to think about, not while I have her wrapped up in my arms.

  I squeeze her even tighter before softly adding, “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” The truth is, that’s probably the most honest thing I’ve ever said.

  * * * *


  My eyes blink awake, discovering the room is filled with sunlight. I feel someone move behind me, which immediately causes me to freeze. I glance over my shoulder and spot Jet. I blow out a long breath as I start to relax.’s...just Jet.

  I slide out from under his arm and head to the restroom. I quickly use the toilet, brush my teeth and then I run a brush through my hair. When I look in the mirror, I spot the bruise that’s almost gone on the side of my neck. Last night I had it caked in makeup to ensure that Jet wouldn’t notice, and I’m thinking it’s best if I do a quick redo to guarantee he doesn’t ask me about it.

  Once I think I have it covered the best I can, I walk back to my room. I stop and take in the naked man sleeping in my bed.

  I was attracted to Jet from the moment I saw him. It was hard not to be because he looks like a damn model. Short dark hair, brown eyes, paired with a toned body. He’s drool worthy, to say the least, but it’s the compassion he showed me from the second I met him that made my heart beat faster. I want to keep him, maybe even forever, but life isn’t cut out forever—at least not with Jet.

  * * * *


  I come awake as the smell of food hits my nose. I look around and find that I’m alone in Rachel’s bed. My first thought is: What time is it? I have class at nine, and I can’t afford to miss any more classes. Summer courses are packed to the max with work, and I missed a few days last week due to Kole’s situation. Thankfully, it’s only a little after seven.

  I hop out of bed and put on my underwear then I leave to find Rachel, who’s standing at the stove cooking.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” I say as I wrap my arms around her from behind.

  Rachel lifts her eyes and gives me a gorgeous smile. “Good morning to you as well. I hope you like eggs and bacon because that’s all I have,” she adds with a cute laugh.

  “Of course. Who doesn’t like bacon and eggs?”

  “Russ. He’ll only eat breakfast foods that are served with syrup,” she replies.

  I wave toward the food she’s cooking. “That smells amazing. And when it comes to food, I’m easy-going so no worries.”

  And I hope I’m here for a lot of meals. Damn. Snap out of it and quit acting like a pussy.

  “I hope you don’t think I’m a jerk, but I’m going to have to eat and run. I have class in less than two hours, and I need to get home and clean up. I work tonight, but I can come by again if you’re up for company.”

  “Yeah, sure,” she says as she turns toward the stove, giving me her back. Her voice was off, leaving me to wonder if something is actually bothering her.

  “You’re okay? I mean, you’re not mad that I have to leave, are you?” I ask, hoping she’ll turn and look at me, but she doesn’t.

  “No. I’m not mad at all. I need to get to class myself, and I work today. I should be home by the time you’re done working, though.”

  Tension evaporates from my body hearing her now easy-going tone. Maybe I’m looking for problems where they don’t exist. Rachel plates our food, and we both sit down at the table to eat.

  “Thank you. No one but my dad has ever cooked for me before.”

  “I love to cook, when I have the time, that is. My mom almost caught our house on fire when I was six when she decided to bake some cookies then forgot s
he put them in the oven. The kitchen caught fire and had to be completely redone, and from that moment on, my father made it my job to be in the kitchen with her when she was cooking. Thankfully, she was still having more good days than bad ones back then, so I learned a lot in the process.”

  My heart falters from listening to her. She spoke so freely about a time in her life that had to be hell, probably because she doesn’t know any better. I wish I could tell her that six-year-olds aren’t supposed to babysit their parents without it making me look like a complete asshole, and if I want her to open up to me...then I need to hold back my remarks—for now, at least.

  I take a bite of food and groan in delight. “You do eggs and bacon better than anyone I know.” Rachel laughs at my comment.

  The rest of our breakfast flies by, and before I know it, I’m kissing her goodbye. “I’ll be here tonight. If anything changes, I’ll call you,” I add before walking out to my car and heading home.

  When I walk into my dad’s kitchen, I spot him drinking a cup of coffee and reading the paper. “Where were you last night?” he questions the second he sees me.

  “With Rachel.” I don’t lie. I’ve never lied to my dad about anything important, and Rachel is definitely important to me.

  “I got a call from Kenner. Someone tried to breach our firewall. They made it a lot further than they did in the past, but they were still denied access. The person who tried has made a few more attempts. Until the transponder launch is complete, security is going to be much tighter than you’re used to. You might want to evaluate the people in your life and make sure no one has any...motives other than your friendship.”

  “It’s not like that. I met Rachel before the launch was publically announced.” Kenner was working on this project long before my dad purchased the company. I knew about it—that was the whole reason I pushed for dad to purchase it, which means other people could easily know as well. But Rachel has never asked me anything regarding Kenner or anything about my job.

  “And I’m not saying she’s after anything. Just be careful, Jet,” he adds before glancing back to his paper and ending the conversation.

  “How’s Kole?” I ask.

  He sighs then sets the paper back down. “She’s not any better. Yesterday she was served divorce papers. She was expecting them, but they still upset her. Unfortunately, I think she was hoping things would work out, even though she knows this is for the best.”

  The day after I met my sister, her life fell apart. I loved her instantly, but I’m not sure how to deal with an upset female, especially one I didn’t piss off. If she’d only tell me the jerk’s name I would personally go teach him a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget, but she’s still refusing.

  “She’ll get over him. She never should have married a man she barely knew in the first place,” I add while my dad nods his head in agreement.

  “I’m going to clean up and take off. I’ll catch you later,” I holler as I’m already walking toward my room. When I make it to the bathroom, I smile when I see where Rachel marked me. I wonder if my dad saw it. As corny as it sounds, I love the fact that I can still see proof of our night together.


  THE REST OF MY WEEK was complete shit. I wasn’t able to make it to Rachel’s the next day like I originally planned, but I did make it the day after, only I arrived close to midnight. Rachel let me stay the night with her where we had not one but two amazing rounds of sex, but I felt like a prick when I had to get up early and leave. Other than staying a few hours longer, the night reminded me of my previous arrangements, and Rachel is anything but a casual hook-up.

  Tonight, however, I’m taking Rachel to a party in Thousand Hills, probably less than a mile from the previous one where I drove her home was located. With Rachel, school, work, and now my sister, I haven’t spent even ten minutes with Matt or Eric in over a month. In the beginning, my phone was ringing nonstop, but in the last two weeks, they’ve slowly dialed it back a notch.

  Where Eric is concerned, I feel like a real dick. He’s going to leave in a few months for school, and I’m not sure how often I’ll get to see him once he moves. Matt, on the other hand, plans to stay in Southern California and continue to wreak havoc on everyone he knows.

  Tonight, I’m attempting to combine my time by hanging out with my friends, but I’m going to bring my girl along with me, which is a huge first for me.

  “We don’t have to stay long,” I tell her as we’re getting out of the car. “I’m fine. I think Russ is here somewhere. Plus, I brought my camera. That will keep me entertained for hours,” she adds, making me wonder who watches her mother on nights when they are both out. Of course, I won’t ask.

  We make our way through oodles of partiers before I finally spot Matt and Eric with girls already draped over their arms. “Oh shit, is that the Jet McKenzie I see?” Matt hollers, causing everyone to stop and look at us.

  “Don’t be a jackass. You know I’ve been busy.” An evil smirk crosses his face before he turns and looks at Rachel.

  “Who’s your friend?” Eric pipes in before Matt can make a rude comment.

  “This is my girlfriend, Rachel. Rachel, these two jackasses are my best friends, Matt Lewis and Eric Graham.” Rachel gives both of them a small wave.

  “Nice to meet you, Rachel,” Eric greets with a smile.

  Matt, on the other hand, gives her a head nod then goes back to wooing the girl on his arm. Matt’s face changed from an arrogant jerk to a state of shock when I announced that Rachel is my girlfriend. Thankfully, that appears to have him backing off.

  “Do you want a drink?” I ask as Rachel turns her nose up.

  “Not from here,” she replies. I look around to see if anyone heard her comment. The last thing I want is for her to offend my friends, especially Matt, and especially without meaning to.

  Apparently, my look showed the questions that are running through my mind. “People slip shit into drinks at parties like these. I get a queasy stomach just thinking about all the crap that could be in a drink here.” Her body shudders with her comment. I’m hoping like hell that Rachel is being proactive and not speaking from a personal experience.

  “Oh, there’s Russ. I’m going to go say hi!” Rachel shouts over the music that suddenly starts blaring through the house before bouncing across the room and hugging Russ from behind. Even from across the room, I see his face light up when he spots his sister. The tenderness in his gaze is beyond special. I hope one day, hopefully in the near future, Kole and I will share the same connection these two have.

  “Already loaning your girl out to other guys, McKenzie?” Eric jokes while watching Rachel with Russ.

  “That’s her brother, jackass.”

  Matt walks up and looks over at the two of them. “Russ Scott is Rachel’s brother?” Matt’s eyes narrow.

  “Umm, yeah.” Scott. Rachel’s last name is Ashmore. She never told me they had different fathers, but that must be the case.

  Russ says something that causes Rachel to break out laughing. Damn, she’s beautiful to watch, and by looking around, I can tell I’m not the only person who thinks so. I’m about to walk her way to stake my claim when Rachel pulls out her camera and snaps a picture of Russ. She completely catches him off guard, but instead of being upset, he shakes his head like he doesn’t expect anything less from her.

  “Since when do you have a girlfriend, McKenzie?” Matt asks, bringing my attention back to him and Eric. “I take it that’s why we haven’t seen your ass in over a month?”

  “I’ve been busy. I’m taking summer courses and still working.”

  “Yeah, but you’re making time for her.” Matt points in Rachel’s direction.

  “No, we get it. Matt is just doing what he does best, which is acting like a jerk,” Eric adds before giving Matt a dirty look. Eric has always had my back. He’s known for switching out women on a nightly basis, but I know deep down if he weren’t about to move and risk leaving someone behind, he’d have a girl
friend of his own.

  “Fuck off. I’m giving him shit. McKenzie can handle it just fine, Mommy.”

  Eric flips him off before turning back to the girl next to him while Matt steps away to smoke. My eyes wander back to Rachel in time to see her give Russ a quick kiss on his cheek before she starts wandering back over to where I’ve been standing watching her. When she looks up and sees me watching her, a shy smile crosses her face before she brings her camera up in front of her and snaps a picture of me.

  “What was that for?” I ask when she drops her camera, allowing me a look into her sparkling blue eyes.

  “The best part of making them.” Her comment sends a chill down my arm. “Things end, but memories last forever, and a picture captures a moment you’ll treasure later.”

  I’m caught between smiling and frowning. I love that she wants to make a memory with me, but I don’t want to become a part of her life that ends. Quit acting like a pussy! I snap out of my thoughts when she quickly brings her camera up and snaps another picture of me.

  “Give me that,” I say as I extend my hand. Rachel slowly hands me the camera then I look over at Eric. “Here, take a picture of the two of us.” Eric is looking at me like I’ve lost my mind, and maybe I have.

  “Whatever, dude.”

  I bring my arm up and wrap it around Rachel’s shoulders as Eric snaps a few shots of the two of us. “Thanks,” I reply as Eric hands Rachel her camera with a huge smirk on his face.

  An hour passes as we talk with my friends, who all seem to like Rachel, even Matt, who was trying his hardest to find something wrong with her. As the night wears on, and my friends continue to drink, I can tell she’s more than ready to go.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Okay,” she quickly replies as she scans the room. “I think Russ is still here somewhere.”

  “Do you want to find him before we leave?” I question.

  “No. I’ll shoot him a text telling him I left. He has his own car.” She starts tapping something out on her phone. “Okay, I’m ready,” she says as she nods her head toward the door.


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