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Waiting for Something

Page 9

by Whitney Tyrrell

  My family was coming which was a surprise. But I didn’t care, it’s not like my parents raised us anyways. I’m my own person now and I’m not going to deal with their shit. I got in my uniform and I looked good. I’d gained a lot of muscle and my hair was buzzed. I looked different, mature.

  “Thomas, your girl coming today?” Mike, a friend of mine I met, came to my bunk.

  “She’s not my girl and no. She’s got to be at a dance competition,” my heart fell but I stayed emotionless.

  “Better get her while you can. Girls like that are usually too good to be true,” he slapped my shoulder.

  “Yeah, thanks for the millionth time,” I rolled my eyes.

  “Just want to keep it fresh for ya. Ready for today?” he leaned against the bed frame.

  “I guess. It’s just my family,” I slid on my boots.

  “Exactly. I get to see my wife today,” he grinned at the thought. Mike was 23 and had a pregnant wife waiting for him.

  “Yeah, well aren’t you lucky?” I stood up again.

  “She’s so sexy pregnant. I love it.” I watched his mind wander.

  “Alright, that’s enough. Let’s get out there.” We walked out to the main area where our families would soon be arriving.

  I stood there not too excited to see my family, but it was tradition. As the cars started to pull in wives, children, girlfriends, and parents all ran into the arms of their loved ones. My parents rolled up and got out of the car.

  “Look what the cat dragged in,” I smiled at Carter as we shook hands and then he just went for it and gave me a hug.

  “Jacob Matthew Thomas you look so great. I’m proud of you, darling.” My mom squeezed me tightly and it felt genuine. Maybe they would finally be proud of me.

  “Looking sharp, son,” my dad gave me a tight handshake.

  “Thanks, Dad,” I returned the shake.

  “We need to use the restrooms. Where should we go?” my mom looked around a bit.

  “There’s public ones over there,” I pointed toward the building and they all headed that way.

  I stood there awkwardly waiting for them to return when I saw a car pull in and I wondered who it was. I noticed there were two girls that got out and the driver looked smokin’. I didn’t recognize them at a distance so as they walked closer, the anticipation of who they might be grew. The driver made her eyes through the crowd and once she caught my eyes, I knew who it was.

  Ali came running toward me and my whole being was in such shock I couldn’t compose myself. The smile grew across my face as we closed the distance and she jumped into my arms. As she was in my embrace, I noticed someone snap a picture but I ignored it. I was too thrilled by the presence of this gorgeous girl.

  “Ali Cat? What are you doing here?” I set her down and looked into her gorgeous eyes.

  “Surprise!” she smiled.

  “The best surprise I’ve ever had,” I squeezed her close just for good measure.

  “Looks like she showed. I’m Mike.” Mike came over with his wife and introduced himself.

  “Ali. Thanks for keeping an eye on him,” she smirked.

  “No problem. He’s got a great catch. Wasn’t going to let him screw that up.” Mike and his wife really looked happy.

  “Well thank you,” Ali put her arm around my waist and hugged me again.

  “See you later, Jake. Nice meeting you, Ali,” Mike smiled and he and his wife walked off.

  “You’re beautiful.” It was all I could say when I looked back at her.

  “You do look sexy. I like it.” She bit her bottom lip and it practically drove me wild when she blushed a little.

  “Told you so,” I winked.

  “Congratulations, Jake,” Marlie popped up from what seemed like nowhere.

  “Hey, Marlie. Thanks.” I like Marlie. She was pretty cool and a good friend to Ali.

  “Where’s your family?” Ali looked around.

  “Restrooms. Here they come now. Brace yourself,” I squeezed her hips and she giggled a little.

  “Ali? Marlie?” Carter was the first one to come to us.

  “Surprise,” I smiled weakly.

  “I guess.” His voice was bleak.

  “Ali! Lovely to see you come!” My mom loved Ali Cat.

  “Ali, nice to see you again.” My dad gave her a hug.

  “Who’s this darling girl, Carter? Is this Marlie?” How did my mom know about Marlie? What was with the tension between them?

  “Yeah, it is. Excuse me, Marlie, can I talk to you?” Carter and Marlie ducked out.

  “What’s with them?” I whispered in Ali’s ear and she just gave me a look like she had no idea.

  “So, Ali, why are you here?” My mom had no idea about us.

  “Mom, let’s not do this right now, okay?” I sighed.

  “No, Jake, why am I here?” Ali had been pestering me for weeks now about if we were a couple or not. Well, here went nothing.

  “We’re dating, Mom.” I felt Ali immediately sink into me and relax.

  “Well that’s great! We love Ali!” my mom hugged us.

  “We’re not engaged, chill out,” I pushed her back.

  As the day went on things were actually pretty chill and laid back. Marlie and Carter seemed like oddly hooked to each other and I wouldn’t let Ali leave my side. My family left after two hours but Ali stayed for the full four and the last two hours we had together I couldn’t stop touching her.

  “Come with me,” I grabbed her hand as we left a group of people we were chatting with.

  “Where are you taking me?” she giggled as I basically pulled her to the back of a building where no one was to be seen.

  “Here. I’m taking you here. I missed you so much.” With her back against the wall I just wanted to wrap her in my arms and kiss her.

  “I missed you too, Jake,” she watched my hand as I brushed her bangs back.

  “I’m going to kiss you,” I leaned in and our lips were like a magnetic force being pulled together.

  We were making out for probably ten minutes before I heard Marlie’s voice. I pulled back and Ali fixed her clothes. So things got a little out of hand, but we had a crazy sexual chemistry that was just dying to get out.

  “I should probably go.” Her voice was airy.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I grinned.

  “You bet.” She kissed me one last time before running off to go find Marlie.

  I stayed behind and let myself process the amazing girl that soon I would have to leave behind.

  “You’re falling hard, brother,” Carter said as he came up behind me.

  “What? No, I’m not,” I got out of my gaze.

  “Whatever. You are. It’s not a bad thing,” he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

  “You’re right, I guess. Just don’t tell her about me leaving in two weeks,” I glanced at his expression.

  “What? You haven’t told her? You really need to tell her you’re going to North Carolina.” He sighed.

  “Don’t remind me. I’ll tell her. Iit’s just that for now I want to enjoy this. You have to know what I mean. I saw you and Marlie sneak off.” I saw his cheeks redden.

  “I’m finally over Ali. You should be glad,” he punched my arm.

  “I can kick your ass ten times harder now you know that, right?” I laughed.

  “Go easy on me, please,” he joked.

  “I won’t. I’m really just ready to show Ali my surprise. I never once told her I learned how to play guitar.” We stood there.

  “Well she’ll melt when she does. I better go. Mom and Dad already went back to the hotel so now I have to take a cab,” he looked up at me.

  “Alright, yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow. We get our electronics back tonight,” I smiled.

  “Oh boy,” he rolled his eyes and walked to the cab parked in front.

  “Thomas, congratulations. Here’s your phone. You have to return it in two hours.” My sergeant handed it to me.

  “Yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.” I held it in my hand and thought of how my freedom was this much closer.

  I walked back to my bunk and laid in my bed getting my phone out to text Ali. I didn’t exactly know when or how I’d tell her about North Carolina but I had to and soon.

  Hey beautiful, I have my phone back for two hours.

  You’re kidding me? That’s amazing, baby!

  I miss you already…

  Ditto! Hey I love that we get to text but my phone is about to die so I’ll have to go! I’ll see you tomorrow! Can’t wait.

  Yeah see you tomorrow. Be prepared for an awesome show. ;)

   I’m prepared!

  Well that didn’t go as planned. I felt like a total loser. I had no one else that I really wanted or needed to text so I went ahead and just gave my phone back to my sergeant. I went to bed early just wanting tomorrow to happen already. And I just wanted to go home and be able to tell Ali what was going on with this whole move to North Carolina. I know I seemed hung up on it but that’s because I didn’t know how she’d react when I told her. Would she want to make it long distance? I was hopeful that she would.


  “Marlie! Marlie! Wake up! Come on, we have to leave soon,” I shook her lifeless figure.

  “I’m up, I’m up. Jeez,” she moaned.

  “Marlie, I’m going to be able to finally sit in Jake’s arms without having to say goodbye. Come on, this is the most amazing thing ever!” I put on my lipstick.

  “Hold your horses,” Marlie crawled out of bed.

  “I’m just excited, ok? Back off. I saw the way you and Carter were eyeing each other.” She grabbed some coffee from the pot that I made.

  “Yeah, so? He’s nice. You know that,” she grinned at me.

  “Yeah. He’s nice,” I winked.

  “Shut up, it’s not like that!” she slapped my arm.

  “Whatever, go shower you horn ball,” I laughed.

  “I’m not horny.” She stuck her tongue out.

  “Fine. Shower you spaz,” I bossed her again and she obeyed.

  We got ready and left for the graduation ceremony. I wore a floral sundress with black pumps, soft pink lipstick, mascara, blush, and eyeliner. My hair hung down in loose curls and I wore a pearl necklace and earrings. I thought I looked really nice actually.

  We walked in and it was packed. We thought arriving fifteen minutes early was good but apparently not. If it wasn’t for Jake’s parents we would have been in the far back. Once it started, it was almost like a play for the most part. I loved it, and seeing Jake up there just made me so proud and I couldn’t believe that I could call him mine.

  “Ladies and gentleman, I now present to you the graduating class of 2013. Congratulations, men,” the speaker presented them and everyone cheered. It was amazing. Jake did something for himself on his own and his parents never had to help him once.

  “Jake! Oh my gosh, I’m so proud of you!” I ran to him and kissed him.

  “Ali Cat, you’re gorgeous today,” he smiled down at me and brushed my cheek.

  “Thanks,” I blushed and he snickered a little.

  “Well, son, you did it. We’re proud of you. Here, this is from me and your mom.” His dad handed him a check. I didn’t know how much it was but I’m sure it was a lot.

  “Jake, man, you guys looked badass” Carter shook his hand.

  “Why do you think I chose this branch?” he smiled and his dimples practically made me melt.

  “Alright, how about dinner for a celebration?” his mom spoke up.

  “Sounds good. I need to take care of things real quick but I’ll just meet you guys,” Jake adjusted his attire.

  “You going to wear that badass uniform?” Carter teased.

  “Of course he is. He looks sharp. You’re so handsome, just like your father.” His mom actually choked up a bit.

  “So where we going?” Carter gave Marlie a look that I knew was more than friendship.

  “Well your father and I got us reservations in Bertrand at Mister A’s. We can leave anytime,” she put her purse around her shoulder.

  “Alright, sounds good. I’ll meet you guys there,” he hugged his mom and dad.

  “Ali, would you and Marlie want to ride with us? Then Jake can take your car,” Carter looked at me.

  “Yeah, that’ll work. I’ll see you in a bit, Jake. You were amazing,” I whispered in his ear and kissed him one last time before following the rest of them.

  Once we arrived I knew that his parents would of course pick this place. It was spectacular. Everything was so beautiful and the view was breathtaking. Even my parents wouldn’t take me to a place this nice. Some of the meals were over $40 and to me that was too much.

  “So, Ali, you ever been here before?” Their mom looked at me as we sat down at a table.

  “No. It’s really nice. I love it,” I smiled and continued looking at the menu.

  Once Jake arrived everyone ordered and I actually had a great time. We all talked and joked around and Jake wouldn’t keep his hands off me the entire time. I was so ready to go back home and start our relationship together. I just wanted to leave now.

  “Alright, Jake, how are you getting home?” his dad asked as he paid the check.

  “Well I’ll either go with you or Ali Cat, Dad,” he put his arm around me.

  “You can come with Marlie and me. In fact, Carter, you should come too,” I smiled.

  “You sure?” Carter asked.

  “Yeah, it’ll be fun. Jake, you want to drive?” I grinned.

  “You know I do,” he grabbed the keys from me.

  “We’ll see you two at home. Nice seeing you girls,” his mom smiled.

  Once we got back to their house Carter and Marlie decided to hang out together, obviously.

  “You in the mood for ice cream, Ali Cat?” Jake turned and looked at me.

  “I’d love some,” I grinned.

  “Well let’s go. But how about we get it to go?” he brought his hand up to my thigh.

  “Alright,” I felt butterflies in my stomach.

  We drove through the drive thru andboth had chocolate cones. He drove us down to the beach and I got out first.

  “I haven’t walked on the beach in so long.” I licked my cone as we started along the shore.

  “Why not?” he grabbed my hand and entertwined our fingers.

  “I had nobody to walk with,” I shrugged.

  “Well now you do,” he smiled at me.

  “I hope I do for a while,” I squeezed his hand.

  “Ali Cat, you know I have feelings for you.” His words were soft.

  “I have feelings for you too, Jake,” I couldn’t help but smile.

  “There’s something I need to talk to you about,” he turned and looked at me.

  “What do you mean?” My heart sank.


  “Ali, I have to leave in a week,” I let out a huge breath.

  “What do you mean? Where are you going?” she stopped us.

  “I’m getting sent to North Carolina. I’ll probably be stationed there for a long time like 15 years…or more.” I watched as the cone dropped out of her hand and the pain sunk in.

  “When did you find out?”she looked down at her feet.

  “Two weeks ago,” I gulped.

  “Two weeks ago and you didn’t tell me?! Why would you keep something like this from me?” I saw her tears. Even though she tried to act mad, she was heartbroken and so was I.

  “Ali Cat, I didn’t want to ruin anything for you,” I sighed.

  “Do not call me Ali Cat right now, Jake Thomas,” she pointed her finger at me and that pissed me off more than anything.

  “Don’t point your finger at me like that, Ali. You know I hate that. Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t want this to happen. Not right away. I want to be with you no matter what the distance.” I put my hand on her arm.

  “No. Don’t touch me. Please. I just can’t right now,” she pushed me away.

��Ali baby? Sweetie, it’s me. It’s still me. I still love you. I want this. I want us.” I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I admitted something I didn’t think I’d ever feel.

  “Jake, I love you so much.” She threw her arms around me and I felt her sob into my chest. I grabbed the back of her head and held it against my chest. I cried right with her.

  “It’s a good thing we changed,” I tried to lighten the mood.

  “You’re telling me,” she laid her head on my shoulder.

  “Ali Cat, I want this. I want you,” I put my arm around her waist as we sat in the sand.

  “I don’t want you to leave me, Jake. I’m still a virgin. I can’t give you what most girls will. Not yet.” She must have been thinking about this for a while because this really just came out of the blue.

  “Where is this coming from?” I felt confused.

  “Let’s be honest with each other. You’re not a virgin and I get it. You have needs but I’m not about to give it to you until I know for sure it’s the right thing. And I know lots of girls would give you whatever you wanted in a New York minute.” I felt her chest get heavy.

  “Ali, look at me. Really look at me,” I lifted up her chin and she turned her head to me.

  “I’m sorry, Jake.” She looked down again and I brought her eyes back up.

  “Ali, I love you. I’ve never in my entire life loved someone truly the way I love you. I will wait for you. I promise you I will never force you into anything and I will never stray. I want this more than life itself.” I saw tears form in her eyes.

  “You mean that?” I felt the shock in her voice.


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