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Black Scarface

Page 25

by Jimmy Dasaint

  Truck picked up one of the neatly wrapped kilos from the box and sliced a small cut down the middle. When he pulled out the knife, there was some cocaine residue on the blade. Truck gently slid the blade across his tongue. The potent drug numbed his tongue instantly. "Woah!" he said, his eyes and nose starting to run. "You're right Bam-Bam. This is some good shit!"

  "I told you, my friend, this is the best cocaine in the city. Straight from Columbia, without being stepped on. That's why I want twenty a kilo - it's worth it," Bam-Bam said, seriously. "Where's the rest? This is only ten," Truck asked.

  "I got the rest out in the trunk of my car. Better safe than sorry," Bam-Bam smiled. "We can walk out to my car and get the rest."

  Truck motioned for Vance to sit the backpack on the table. "There's two-hundred thousand. My boys got the rest of the money outside. Better safe than sorry," he added. They all laughed. "Bam-Bam,you're the connect I been looking for!"

  "Your boys?" Bam-Bam wasn't smiling. His face was deadly seriousas well as surprised.

  "Yeah, two of my men is holding the rest of my money. Better safe than sorry," he said again. They all laughed again. But, this time it seemedstrained.

  Vance put the kilo back in the box after taping the cut closed carefully then he closed the box. They waited while BamBam counted themoney then they all walked back up the stairs that lead out of the basement.

  Bam-Bam looked over at A-Rock with a severe expression. ARockhad never mentioned there would be others along on this deal. But A-Rock had never known; Truck had never told him.

  Face and Reese watched as the four men walked out of the restaurant. They saw Vance carrying a cardboard box. "Everything must be cool," Reese said.

  Face didn't respond, he just stayed focused on the four men as theywalked across the street to a white Acura Legend.

  "This is the other ten kilos", Bam-Bam said, opening the trunk. He then flipped open another cardboard box showing them the other ten kilos of cocaine.

  Truck brushed his long dreads out of the way and said, "Vance, give 'em the signal."

  At that exact moment, two undercover F.B.I agents jumped out of a black tinted BMW. Another three rushed out of a gray Ford Expedition that was parked right next to the Acura. All of them had theirweapons drawn and aimed at all four men.

  "F.B.I.! F.B.I.! Get on the ground! Get on the fuckin' ground! I'll blow your ass away! Get on the fuckin' ground, now!" one of the chargingagents screamed, aiming the barrel of his pistol.

  "Fuck!" Truck shouted, throwing up his hands and slowly going to the ground on his hands and knees.

  As the agents swarmed them, Vance went for his gun. Before he could pull it from under his t-shirt, one of the agents aimed his pistol at his chest and shot him twice. The loud gunshot echoed through the night. Everyone watched as Vance slowly sank to the ground, hitting hard on hisknees, then falling forward onto his face. "It's a fucking set-up! Let's get the fuck outta here!" Face told Reese as they watched everything unfold from inside the stolen car. "I knew something wasn't right!"

  As Reese started up the car and drove slowly past the scene, the FBI were putting handcuffs on Truck, Bam-Bam, and A-Rock. Vance's body still lay where it had fallen across the sidewalk.

  A crowd of nosey and curious onlookers gathered to watch, but were ordered to stay away by a pointing agent. Two city police cars quickly arrived at the scene. The officers slowly got out and began stringing crime-scene tape around the parking lot.

  When Reese reached the corner, Face was watching the action in therearview mirror. He saw the FBI put all three men into different cars.

  "This whole thing was a set up! And A-Rock is the one who set it up!" Face declared, as Reese turned the corner and headed back toward West Philly.

  "I'll bet that nigga Bam-Bam is a cop!" Face snarled.

  "Fuck'em! They ain't get us!" Reese said with a grin on his face. "That ain't the point, Reese. Do you see just how close we came togetting caught up in this shit? That could easily be us back there in handcuffs; or shot up, like Vance," Face said, his anger becoming more intense as he thought of the trap they were almost caught in.

  "Yeah, but it's not. I guess we're lucky," Reese said, guiding the car across the Girard Avenue Bridge.

  "Luck has nothing to do with it, Reese. It's Fate!" Face said. "Everything in life happens for a reason."

  As Reese drove past the Philadelphia Zoo on 34th Street, he glanced over at Face and said, "So, what are we gonna do with the money? There's$200,000 in that backpack you're holding." "We're not going to do anything with it yet. The money still belongs to Truck. He'll be calling us, telling us what to do with it." "Fuck dat coward, Face! I ain't never liked that bitch-ass nigga anyway and you know it! He's locked up! What do he need the money for?" Reese snapped.

  "It don't matter what he needs it for, Reese! It's his money!" Face replied. "Truck never did us any wrong. All he did was put money in our pockets.”

  "We worked for our money and Truck only used us for his protection. Stop giving him more credit than he deserves!" Reese replied.

  After a long sigh, Face looked across at Reese and said, "Ain't no need of us arguing over this. When Truck eventually calls us, then we'll decide what to do with the money. Until then, I'll keep the money with me. Case closed," Face said, in a tone of finality.

  Reese gave Face a dismissive glance. Even though he knew Face was right, he would never admit it. Since they had been young boys, Face had never led him wrong. And even though he saw things totally differently than Face, he rarely questioned his judgment. Face was his best friend and the smartest and most honorable man he had ever known. Plus, he loved Face like his own brother.

  Reese looked across at him and broke a smile, "You right, Face. We'll wait and see what happens."

  Face reached over and placed his hand on Reese's shoulder. "Everything will work itself out. It always does.”

  Reese nodded his head and turned the radio on. Neither of them spoke. They ditched the stolen car, then got in Reese's Lexus and rode in silence for the rest of the ride home.

  Chapter Fifty-One

  11:31 P.M., A few hours later...

  Inside the Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility, in the section that housed Federal inmates, Truck and A-Rock were locked inside small cellsright across from each other.

  "Muthafucker, you had me set up!" Truck yelled through the bars. "All the shit I done for you and you get me set up with the fuckin’ Feds!"

  "Uncle Truck, I swear I ain't snitch you out! I would never do that!" A-Rock said. "I thought Bam-Bam was legit!"

  "That's bullshit A-Rock! There's something you ain't telling me! This whole thing seems too easy! What the fuck is going on?" Truck yelled. "What is you hiding and where the fuck have you been all weeklong?"

  "Unc, I told you, I was busy with one of my girls..."

  "Stop fucking lying nigga! Did these people lock you up and make you turn on me?" Truck shouted. "Did they?"

  A-Rock looked through the bars with a cowed expression on his face. Truck watched as the tears welled up in his eyes and his head lowered in disgrace. He knew. And his heart broke.

  "Uncle Truck, they caught me with drugs," A-Rock muttered under his breath, "and I was facing a lot of time."

  "Muthafucker, you snitched on me! You piece of shit! How could you cross me like this, A-Rock?" Truck vented, sadly. "Unc, I'm sorry," A-Rock sobbed as the tears fell down his face.

  "Fuck you! You snitch! This is my third drug case! I'm looking at a life sentence! Life!” Truck yelled in frustration. "Do you understand that, A-Rock? Do you understand the fucked up predicament you just put me in?" he added.

  "Uncle Truck, I'm sorry, but I can't do thirty years in prison! I ain't doing that type of time for nobody!" A -Rock yelled back angrily.

  "You piece of shit! So, I guess you gonna testify on me, too, if I takethis case to trial?" Truck asked in a skeptical tone.

  A-Rock didn't say a word. He didn't have to. They both knew theanswer.
Truck stuck his head between the bars and stared at A-Rock with an evil look on his face. He was furious, but even more hurt and disappointed at the betrayal. This was his nephew; one that he helped raise since he had never known his own father. As he stared at A-Rock through the cold steel bars, he no longer saw the nephew that he loved. Now, all Truck saw was another enemy.

  "A-Rock, don't think this shit is over with, because it's not! I might have to go do life, but believe me when I tell you, it's a lot better than death," Truck threatened.

  A-Rock stood there with an intimidated look in his eyes. He knew his uncle better than anyone else. The message was loud and clear, he wasnow a dead man walking.

  Truck turned away and stepped back to his cot. He laid back shaking his head. "Uncle Truck, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he heard ARock say over and over. He didn't answer. There were no more words to be said. He didn’t know anyone named A-Rock. Moments later, a Correctional Officer came to A-Rock's cell, handcuffed him, and escorted him down the hall.

  "Uncle Truck, I'm sorry. Please forgive me... Please!" A-Rock yelled


  A million different thoughts were crashing their way through Truck's head. Voices and visions both flooded his mind like a newsreel. As he lay back dreading what was to come, a single tear fell from the corner of his eye. It was the first tear he had shed in the last twenty years.

  The Lexus pulled up and parked in front of Face's apartment building. "I'll see you in the morning, Reese. Pick me up around nine," Face said before getting out of the car.

  "Alright Face. Try and get some good rest tonight, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow," Reese said.

  Face stood on the sidewalk and watched as Reese pulled away from the curb and sped off down the street. After looking at the coded number on the screen, from his vibrating pager, he walked into the building. The page was from Tasha, reminding him how much she loved him. Face crossed to theelevator and pushed the button, then waited for it to arrive.

  As he stood there waiting someone walked up from behind, "Excuseme?" a feminine voice said, enquiringly.

  When he turned around, he saw an attractive brown skinned woman smiling at him.

  "Yes, how can I help you?" he asked, smiling back as his eyes scanned her from head to toe.

  The woman stood about 5 feet, 5 inches. She was wearing a light-blue blouse and a pair of black jeans that accentuated her curvaceous figure. She noticed Face eyeing her down and approved. "Don't you

  stay in apartment 4B?"

  "Yeah, how did you know?" Face asked curiously.

  "I'm your new neighbor. I live in 4C. I saw you a few times coming into the building," she said. "My name is Gloria. Gloria Jones," she added. "I'm Face," he said reaching out and shaking her hand. "Face? That's different," Gloria said as she looked up at his handsome face.

  "It's a long story," Face replied.

  "Does that scar have anything to do with it?" she asked.

  "Yeah, but like I said, it's a long story," Face said as the elevator finally arrived and the doors slid open.

  They both stepped inside the empty elevator. Face reached over andpushed the button for the fourth floor. The doors closed and the elevatorstarted ascending.

  "So, how long have you been living here, Gloria?"

  "About three weeks. I moved to Philly to attend college," she replied, smiling. "I was staying at another apartment building on 37th street but I moved because there was to much violence around the neighborhood."

  "Where did you live before moving to Philadelphia?"

  "Brooklyn, New York," she answered, "my family still lives there." "So, what college do you go to?"

  "The University of Pennsylvania. I'm a criminal law student," she said proudly.

  "That's an Ivy League school, right?"

  "Right," Gloria said, with a grin.

  "Then you must be real smart to be accepted into a school like Penn?"

  "I guess you could say that, but it takes a lot of studying and determination to get through it; especially when I plan on being one of the best female lawyers in the country," she said, in a determined tone.

  "Is that right?" Face looked at her and asked as his young razor-sharp mind was already five moves ahead.

  "You better believe it," Gloria responded as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. "I hope to see you again. Soon," Gloria said as she smilingly walked over to her apartment door.

  "Yeah me too", Face said walking to his own apartment door andtaking out his key.

  When Gloria entered her apartment, she closed the front door and rushed into her bedroom. When she fell back onto her bed, she had a bigsmile plastered across her beautiful brown face. "I'm gonna have you oneday, Face!" she whispered to herself.

  After taking off her clothes, she grabbed her vibrator and lay back down on the bed. Moments later her light moans were filling the air in the room as visions of Face filled her mind.

  After Face had gotten undressed and had taken a long hot shower, he put on his boxers and climbed into bed. The room was dark and completely quiet, just the way he liked it. He lay in bed thinking about the events of the day and was filled with sadness when he thought about Truck.

  He looked over at the stack of money he had dumped out on the dresser...$200,000 in cash! He wouldn't do anything with the money until he heard from Truck. Truck was still the boss. And even though Face didn't always agree with the way Truck ran things, he was still loyal to him.

  His thoughts shifted to Gloria Jones and he smiled. Not only was she a very attractive woman, but she had the brains to compliment her beauty. Face knew having an attractive female lawyer as a friend would one day come in handy.

  After taking two of his sleeping pills, he finally drifted off to sleep.

  Inside the Ultimate Fantasy Gentlemen's Club...

  Killa-D sat back in his chair enjoying a lap dance from Passion. It was the fourth straight lap dance he had paid her for. As Killa-D held onto her hips, she bounced and maneuvered her ass all around on hisrock-hard dick.

  Every time he came to the club, Killa-D paid to have her perform for him; and every time, he tipped her well. She was his favorite stripper at the club, and one of just a few that he didn't have sex with. She had told him over and over that she had a boyfriend, but Killa-D didn't care and would ignore her every time.

  He had once offered her $2,500 to have sex with him, but she declined and walked away. It only proved to make him want her more.

  As Passion continued to bounce around on his dick, she looked into his satisfied face. She could feel his dick protruding through his jeans. When he started breathing a little heavier, he wrapped his arms around her waist and closed his eyes.

  The loud rap music muffled his moans. She was giving him a lap dance to remember.

  "Oooh, ahhh!" he moaned and exploded inside his jeans. Passionstood up as Killa-D slumped in his chair. It was the first time that a stripper had ever made him cum in his pants. He went into his pocket and came outwith a large stack of cash. He peeled off four new one hundred dollar bills, folded them, and placed them inside her red g-string. "Passion, I'll give you $3,500, we can leave right now. My Mercedes is parked out front," he said. "I promise you, you won't forget it."

  Passion looked at Killa-D and smiled. Her body was covered n dripping sweat from the four lap dances she had given him. "I told you that I have a boyfriend," she replied, with a smile.

  Then, he stared as she swished away, heading for the dressing room in the back of the club.

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  One week later... Inside Pamela's bedroom, she and Jay had just finished another round of early-morning lovemaking.

  "I love you, Pamela," Jay said, as he cuddled up under her warm naked body.

  Pamela looked down into his soft gleaming eyes and smilingly kissed him on the lips. "I know you do," she said in a soft tone.

  "Why won't you tell me the same thing?" Jay asked.

  "Jay, please don't start Baby. Let's just let i
t flow," Pamela replied.

  "How long do I have to keep letting it flow, Pamela?" Jay sat up andsaid in an angry tone. "Why won't you just be honest and tell me that you'll never love me the same way you loved Norman and Mouse? Just say it!"

  "Jay please. Why can't you just enjoy what we have? Things take time, and pain don't heal overnight."

  "Pamela, I've been waiting six long-years for you to tell me that you love me. And not once have you said it. Ever since you moved back home to Philly, we've been in this relationship together. And I've given you all of my love, but not once have you told me the words that I've beenwaiting and dying to hear. Why?" Jay vented. "Why Pam?"

  Pamela sat up beside Jay and looked into his eyes. They sat in totalsilence as Pamela's eyes watered and the tears started falling down the sides of her face. "Jay, please don't force me to say something I'm not ready to say. I have very strong feelings for you, and I'm just enjoying everything we have right now. Real love takes time. So please Jay, can you be a little bit more patient with me," Pamela said, crying, as she reached out her hands to touch his. "Please, Baby?" she added.

  Jay stared into her watery hazel eyes and shook his head. "Pam, I just want you to know that I'm deeply in love with you. You're the onlywoman that truly completes me and I would give you the world, if I could. I just want you to be all mines Pam. But as long as you continue to hold on to old memories, we will never blossom like we should. For us to work, you have to let Norman and Mouse go," Jay said, delicately.

  Jimmy DaSaint & Freeway Ricky Ross

  "I'll try, Jay! I'll really try. But, it's gonna be hard," Pamela said. Jay reached out and gave Pamela a long loving hug. Pamela wrapped her arms around his back and laid her head on his shoulder,


  "Yes, Baby?"

  "You know I would die for you, right?" Jay whispered softly.

  Pamela lifted up her head and stared deep into his watery eyes. "I don't want you to die for me, Jay. I only want you to live for me," she said. "I only want you to live for me."

  Jay leaned forward and the two of them started kissing avidly. As their lips were locked in unison, he gently laid her down on the bed, then he climbed on top of her naked body and spread her legs wide apart. He began kissing around her neck, ears and shoulders, then slowly made his way to her erect nipples and massaged them with his warm wet tongue. After placing Pamela's legs on his shoulders, Jay smoothly slid his dick into her warm wetness. Then, the sounds of lovemaking began.


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