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True as an Arrow

Page 6

by Sean Michael

  “It’s cool.” Hunter winked. “I’m not sure I’m going to keep doing it, but you’re alone a lot.”

  “Well, you’re alone as much as I am. Why is it okay for me but not for you?”

  “I just meant…” Hunter shrugged. “It was just weird. It made me a little uncomfortable.”

  And embarrassed, Kyle could tell. Now he was a little intrigued. “So what kind of chat room was it?”

  “I… It’s a little weird. Just a chat room.”

  Oh, ho… There was a mystery.

  “Just a chat room. That you’re embarrassed to tell me about, that made you uncomfortable and that was odd porn. Now I’m very curious.” He nudged Hunter. “Did it turn you on?”

  “Yeah, kinda.” Hunter wouldn’t quite meet his eyes.

  “You have to tell me now or I’m going to die of curiosity.” He had a sudden thought. “Oh, wow. Last time—when you came home all hot and bothered and we had the best sex we’ve had in, oh, maybe ever? That was because you’d been in this chat room, wasn’t it?”

  “No!” Hunter’s cheeks went dark red. “I mean, I told you. I was dreaming about you on the plane.”

  He nudged his lover. “So what’s the chat room, babe?”

  Hunter faked a huge yawn. “Naptime…”

  “You get turned on by naptime?”

  That made Hunter laugh, shoulders shaking as he fought the cough.

  He patted Hunter’s back and reached for the water, offering it over. “Careful, babe. I don’t want you going back to looking like the walking dead.”

  “I know. Hate being sick, lover.”

  “I know. You’re not the world’s greatest patient.” No, Hunter tended to get out of bed and push himself far sooner than he should. “But quit changing the subject and tell me what kind of a chat room you were in.” Kyle smiled and looked up at his lover from beneath his lashes. “Who knows, if it got you that hot, maybe we can try it.”

  Hunter chuckled softly. “I don’t think so. It was just me being curious. You know what can happen when you type things into Google. You end up at places called Hairybear or ForMen.”

  Kyle gasped softly. “ForMen?”

  “Yeah. I was just surfing and it popped up.”

  “Oh. Uh…and that’s the one you stayed on and got, uh, excited about?” Hunter was turned on by BDSM? Not horrified?

  “Yeah. I mean, it was… I don’t want you to think that I was all horny because I was talking to a stranger or something. I just… It was cool, to imagine you.” Hunter’s cheeks were going to catch on fire.

  “So you were imagining…topping me? Tying me up and spanking me and stuff?” He was going to have to totally rethink things—he never imagined Hunter being into anything like that.

  “You know what the site’s about? Man, you’re more Web savvy than me.”

  “Never mind that. Tell me what you were imagining doing to me.”

  “Hmm? Oh, I was… It’s not that important, is it? I don’t want to embarrass you.”

  Kyle laughed. “You mean you don’t want to embarrass yourself, because I’m not embarrassed.”

  “Well, I was… I wanted to suck you and I did, and it was good.”

  Kyle frowned. “That’s not very kinky, babe.”

  Hunter pulled away a little. “Yeah, I know. That’s what I told the guy I talked to, that I wasn’t very good at this submission shit.”

  Kyle felt his mouth drop open. “You went in as a submissive?” His cock started filling, the very idea of topping Hunter one of his favorite fantasies.

  “Well, I didn’t know what I was doing the first time, really, but this man helped me out.” Hunter rolled his eyes. “God, that was bad.”

  “So.” Kyle took a deep breath. “So, in your fantasy, you were sucking me because I was making you. Because you were submissive and I was the top.” Oh, wow. Oh, wow. He couldn’t believe he was talking about this with Hunter, let alone finding out his lover was into being dominated. He took another breath, not wanting to get ahead of himself.

  “Yeah. I mean, don’t be pissed, lover. There was this guy and it was hot. I have to tell you, though, the first time, I just left because I was afraid my webcam had been hacked or something.”

  He laughed, excited beyond words. “I’m not pissed, I’m not. I—” Kyle stopped suddenly, and tilted his head. “You went back, though. What happened the second time?”

  “I… The guy I’d been talking to was there and we…chatted.”

  “Yeah? Did you, uh, get off?” There was no way. Absolutely no way. Still, Arrow’d only shown up when Hunter was away. Of course, that was the only time when he was on, too.

  “This is a little bizarre, talking about it, but yeah. Yeah, it was… Shit, Kyle, it was pretty hot.”

  Oh, God.

  His cock was so hard, and he was almost trembling. Could Hunter really be Arrow? Could Hunter really be into BDSM? Enough for them to fool around a little bit with it, anyway? He bit his lip and decided to just go for it. “Arrow?”

  One of Hunter’s eyebrows went up. “How did you know?”

  “Oh, my God! Oh, my God!” Kyle couldn’t believe it. He just… Oh, wow. “I’m…”


  “Sir T!”

  “Oh, God.” Hunter looked stunned.

  “Oh, my God.” Kyle knew he was repeating himself, but he couldn’t quite help it. “I never told you because…well, babe, you’re a pretty vanilla guy.” Only that wasn’t quite true anymore, now was it?

  God, he wanted to order Hunter on his knees right now, just to see if his lover would do it.

  “You think?” Hunter shook his head, sighed. “You must think I’m a giant idiot, huh? Are you so patient with everyone who goes there?”

  “No. No.” He shook his head, too, and put his hand over Hunter’s heart. “I thought you were unsure and sweet—and so sexy. Newbies are…exciting. And I get to imagine they’re all you. I get to pretend my big stud of a lover is obeying my every order.”

  “Me?” Hunter stared at him. “Really?”

  Kyle found himself blushing, suddenly unsure. Hunter’d said he was turned on by the submissive side of it, right? Kyle wasn’t going to back out now, though. Hunter’d had the guts to be open about the chat room in the first place—he was going to be honest about his own motives and wants. “Yes, you.”

  Hunter grinned, touched his cheek. “I’m glad you weren’t imagining it was someone else.”

  “God no, you’re it for me, babe. I just… I didn’t want you to think that you weren’t satisfying me.”

  “Well, you were getting something out of it, huh? Everybody knew you. Me? I’m way more boring.”

  “Arrow wasn’t boring at all. And you aren’t boring. Even if we never talk about this again—you aren’t boring.” He licked his lips. “We can talk about this again, though, can’t we? You were excited by submitting to me when I was Sir T.” He knew it wasn’t exactly the same in person, and maybe Hunter would have a harder time with it in reality instead of fantasy, but by God, Kyle wanted to give it a go.

  “We can, sure. If you want to.” Hunter’s cheeks were hot again, dark circles under his lover’s eyes.

  “I do.” He stroked one warm cheek. “Obviously not right now while you’re sick, but…I’d very much like to see if what worked in the chat room works in the bedroom.” Maybe it wouldn’t, maybe it was something they’d only do when Hunter went on business trips, but knowing how hot thinking about it had gotten Hunter, Kyle kind of thought maybe it was something that would work when they were face to face.

  Hunter’s eyes closed. “I can’t believe that was you. It was so weird. It was like Sir T knew me, and you did.”

  “I didn’t know you as well as I thought I did.” He could feel Hunter’s heart beating under his palm.

  “I had the wildest dreams, after.” Hunter was beginning to doze.

  “Mmm. You’ll have to tell me all about them,” he murmured, stroking Hunter gently.
br />   “I wanted to suck you. The things you said…surprised me.”

  “You get all better and I’ll surprise you again.” God, he was so hard he hurt. He’d go take care of things in the shower when Hunter fell asleep.

  “‘Kay.” Hunter’s hand slid down his back, rubbing him, stroking him.

  Groaning, he shifted closer to Hunter and moved between the big body and the hand on his back. “I’m just gonna…rub off on you.”

  “Mmm. ‘Kay.” Hunter nuzzled into the curve of his throat.

  “Love you,” he whispered, his interactions with Arrow replaying in his mind over and over as he humped against Hunter’s perfect abs.

  “Love you. You’re so hard.”

  “Yeah. ‘Cause of you. God, Hunter.” Kyle sawed his hips against Hunter.

  “Mmmhmm. So good to be home.”

  “Uh-huh. Home’s good.” Groaning, he moved even faster. God, he was close. So close. When Hunter was better, Kyle was going to top him so good.

  Crying out, Kyle came, spunk shooting up over Hunter.

  Hunter hummed, lips soft against his throat.

  He sighed happily, fingers running through his cum on Hunter’s stomach. “Love you,” he whispered.

  “Love you.” Hunter’s voice was husky, rough. A bit raw.

  He kissed Hunter’s shoulder and settled in close to sleep with his lover. His naughty, kinky, wonderful vanilla lover.

  Chapter Eight

  It was Saturday morning before he felt human, and he got up early, showered then went out to mow. Kyle kept insisting on a gardener and he kept saying he could do it, and he did. He liked the rhythm of it, the smells. Being outside and home. Maybe he should go to Winn-Dixie and get T-bones to grill.

  He thought he heard something over the sound of the mower. Maybe a wolf whistle. He ignored it, stripped off his shirt, and finished the front yard before stopping to go find some water.

  He hadn’t gone two steps before Kyle was there with a bottle, eyes roaming over his chest. “Look at you.”

  “Hey, lover.” He took the bottle. “Thank you.” Oh, cold. Good.

  “You’re welcome.” One of Kyle’s hands trailed along his back. “You’re all hot and sweaty—I figured you’d be thirsty.”

  “Mmmhmm. Finally felt normal again.”

  “You need a shower?” It was a simple question, but the way Kyle said it, it sounded like a come on. Or maybe that was just the way his lover was looking at him.

  “If you think the back yard can wait, yeah.” He arched, stretching a little.

  “Watching you finish mowing the lawn or showering with you.” Kyle raised one hand, then lowered it while he raised the other. “I don’t know…”

  Hunter flushed, grinned. “Is it such a hard decision?”

  “No. Not at all.” Kyle grabbed his hand and started backing toward the front door.

  “Let me put the mower up… I’ll meet you inside.” Ever since Kyle had found out he was on that chat room, the man had looked at him like he was the hottest thing ever.

  “Don’t be long, lover.” Kyle’s eyes dragged along his body, checking him out hard.

  His cock jerked, started filling. Damn.

  It didn’t take him long at all to put the mower away then hit the garage door mechanism to close up. The shower was already running, Kyle’s slender, naked body visible through the clear shower curtain.

  “Hey, you.” Hunter stripped off his jeans and his socks.

  “Hey. Come on in. The water’s good.”

  “Cool.” He slipped into the spray, moving his hands around Kyle’s waist.

  “Mmm…” Kyle leaned into him, head tilting to offer his mouth.

  Hunter took the kiss Kyle offered, sliding his tongue in to take a taste. Kyle’s lips wrapped around it, sucking gently. Oh, hell yeah. He moaned and stepped closer. He’d been feeling too bad to get this since he got home.

  Like his movements had opened a lock or something, Kyle suddenly pressed against him. His lover moaned, and the suction on his tongue got harder, eager and needy. His groan was tugged out of him by that suction, and he pulled Kyle closer, rubbing their bodies together. His fine, fine man.

  “Want you so bad.” The words pushed into his mouth, Kyle parting their lips long enough to say them before diving back for more.

  Hunter bent his knees a bit, got their cocks lined up so they both got that familiar, good friction. One of Kyle’s legs slid up and wrapped around his thigh, bringing them just a little closer together. It was easy to reach down, wrap one hand around Kyle’s thigh, and draw him in even tighter. Their tongues and hips danced in tandem, the shower suddenly steamier.

  Hunter wasn’t going to last long, but it didn’t really matter, because it didn’t feel like Kyle was going to last either. Kyle’s fingers opened and closed on his shoulders, a sure sign his lover was almost there, then Kyle suddenly cried out, heat spilling over his belly and cock.

  That was almost enough, and Hunter jerked and grunted, bucking up against his lover as he came.

  Kyle clung to him, resting against him. “Oh, I think I needed that, babe. Missed it the night you came back.”

  “Fuck, yeah.” He chuckled, kissed the corner of Kyle’s mouth. “Man, it’s good to be home.”

  “It’s good to have you here. It’s even better now that you’re not so sick.”

  He nodded and grabbed the soap, started washing them off, scrubbing them down. Kyle pushed into his soaping like it was still sex, like his touches were setting his lover on fire. He worked the soap over Kyle’s back, belly, scratching gently.

  “Mmm… I usually do this for you.” It was true—Kyle was the homemaker—always taking care of him.

  “Yeah. Humor me.” He liked touching Kyle.

  “I think I can manage that.” His lover was so sensual, pushing into each and every touch.

  Hunter chuckled, cupped Kyle’s balls, weighed them in his palm, rolled them a little bit. Kyle groaned and licked his lips, legs spreading for Hunter.

  “Horny little bastard.” He tugged, just a bit.

  Kyle laughed, cheeks going red. “It’s because of you.”

  “I hope so!” He snorted and took a quick kiss. “I’m right here.”

  Kyle popped him in the arm. “You know what I mean.”

  That tickled him, and he laughed into Kyle’s lips. Kyle’s smile tasted amazing, and his lover’s hands were warm and good as they grabbed hold of his ass and held on. He washed Kyle’s hair, his own, humming softly. Kyle touched him, stroking his fingers across Hunter’s nipples and rubbing his belly.

  “You could make a wish, like I was Buddha.”

  That had Kyle laughing and rubbing his belly harder.

  “What’s your wish, my son…” He ohm-ed.

  Kyle’s laughter got louder, his lover pressing closer.

  “You want to cook steaks out tonight or do you want to go out?”

  “I want to stay in.” Kyle met his eyes. “I want to stay in with you.”

  “Oh.” His smile grew across his face. “I can handle that.”

  “You can, can you?” Kyle’s smile grew wicked. “Can you handle it even if we try playing a little?”

  He looked at Kyle, a little confused. “No matter what we do, it’s still us. Still good.” Right?

  “Yeah. You gotta tell me, though, if you decide you don’t like the game playing, ‘kay? In fact, you should have a safeword.”

  “A safeword? For us?”

  “Yeah. I mean, you can’t just shut your laptop and have everything stop if we’re doing it in person, can you?”

  His cheeks went red hot and he ducked his head. “No. Geez. So embarrassing.”

  “Why are you so embarrassed?”

  “Because you saw me being the super dork. I just was so… What am I supposed to do? And typing and jacking off at the same time is hard.”

  Kyle chuckled, but when he pushed close, Hunter could feel Kyle’s cock firming up again. “You were hot. It turned m
e on.”

  “I kept thinking about you.” And that was no lie.

  “We’ll have to see if the real thing works just as well. Turn off the shower and get us dried off.”

  “Have you ever? For real?”

  “No, only online in the chat rooms. I’ve read a lot, though. And I know the safeword thing’s pretty important, so I want you to pick something we normally wouldn’t say during sex.”

  “Oh. Okay.” And also, good.

  Kyle picked up a towel and put it in his hand. “Start drying and tell me what your safeword is.”

  “How about budget?” He wrapped one towel around his waist so he wouldn’t drip, then focused on getting Kyle dry.

  “That works.” Kyle smiled at him but didn’t make any attempt to help with the drying.

  “Although, we need to watch out if the kink budget comes up.”

  “Maybe while we’re talking about it, but I doubt it’ll come up while we’re doing scenes.” Kyle suddenly giggled again. “Kink budget. I’m talking about kink budgets with you.”

  “You have the cutest laugh.”

  Giving him another chuckle, Kyle slid a finger across his stomach. “Thanks. You wouldn’t be changing the subject, would you?”

  “Me? I would never do that.”

  “Right…” Kyle kissed him softly. “Okay. I want you to call me Sir while we’re doing a scene. Which we’re going to start now, by the way.”

  “Sir? Really? That doesn’t seem a little weird?” His cock didn’t think so.

  “It’s not weird at all, Arrow.” Kyle’s voice had picked up a bit of a sharp edge. Not mean or anything, just…firm.

  Hunter met Kyle’s eyes, his belly going tight and hard. Oh, fuck him.

  “Good, I have your full attention now.” Kyle nodded. “Let’s go. Bedroom. You go first, and I want you on your knees when I come in.”

  Hunter stood there a second, a little shell-shocked. Freaked out. And so fucking horny he couldn’t breathe.

  “Move it, Arrow.” Kyle gave him a gentle nudge with his hands.

  He nodded, heading toward the bedroom. His hands were wrapped around his cock, jacking slowly.

  Kyle made plenty of noise as he followed. So Hunter would know where his lover was, what was coming, he realized.


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