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Can't Change Nature

Page 4

by H. D. Nels

  That was like an electric shock to the head of Mike’s dick. He thrust faster, and he heard Simon moan. Soon he saw jets of milky white juice shooting out from Simon’s crotch just as tight muscles clamped around his dick, contracting in a rhythm to match the jets. It brought Mike over the edge and he felt his load spurting into the condom inside his boyfriend.

  “Fuck, that was amazing.” Simon looked at Mike with what he thought was love in his eyes. “I think we should do that again. And I want to suck you off to taste it. Oh, and I need to watch you shoot your load while I jerk you off, and when you blow, I’ll look into your eyes to see what’s there.”

  Mike groaned and Simon grinned to see his cock stiff and throbbing once more. Much later, after finishing his checklist they fell asleep with Simon spooning Mike.

  Simon was still sleeping when Mike woke. How in the hell can I have morning wood after the night we had? He hated trying to pee with a boner so he went instead to start breakfast and wait for that thing to go down. After breakfast, they grabbed a shower and got dressed for school. It felt so good to have this connection with Simon. Mike never knew love could feel so great and with him, it seemed like he had everything. People may think fifteen-year-old boys can’t know what love is like, but Simon and Mike would gladly prove anyone wrong.

  * * *

  Mrs. Hall left a note for Mike saying they would like to have a talk that evening so he called Bert to see if someone could cover him at the bar. Bert said it would be no problem to do that for his star employee. Mike got home from school and figured he should start laundry before the bedclothes got crusty from all the dried spunk. How can two people make so much mess? Who cares as long as we make lots more? He got the washer started and headed upstairs just as Mr. Hall got home.

  “Thanks again for dinner. That was really a good meal.” Garrett looked Mike over. “You have this shit-eating grin plus a few love-bites on your neck. Fair to assume things went well after dinner?”

  Mike was sure he’d babbled. “I fucked him and he came without touching himself. Then I fucked him through the sofa and on the rug later. I drilled him in the shower. I have things in the washer now and don’t worry, I’ll wash the walls but I have to borrow a ladder to clean the ceiling. His dick is bigger than mine so I don’t think I can handle him inside me.”

  Garrett shook his head. “Mike, TMI. Easy there stud, you don’t have to use up your whole quota in one night. And may I suggest that if you tell Sharon about it you tone down the graphic language? And don’t go giving her ideas. The ceiling?” He groaned, “I painted last fall.”

  During dinner, Mrs. Hall told Michael about the visit by the social worker. He wasn’t sure what would happen, and they assured him everything was fine for now, but that the police might have to talk to him about his parents throwing him out.

  Mike said, “I don’t want to get them in trouble. They aren’t bad people. I guess they can’t handle having a gay son.”

  Dinner was subdued and Mike wished Simon was there for support. They had a date for Sunday so that was something for him to look forward to.

  * * *

  “Hey Mike, it looks like we’re in for another busy night. Stay away from shooters, please. I didn’t mind getting you home but I don’t think the folks were too happy about the shape you were in.” Barry was looking handsome as usual.

  “Thanks, Barry, I owe you. I thought they would kick me out but all I got was a greasy breakfast and a serious talking to. They really are good people.” The bar was filling up, and it seemed more guys were lining up to get served by Mike.

  “Hey Mike, how about taking that vest off?” That was Ralph, a regular patron. He always tried to cop a feel so Mike made it a point to stand back when serving him. A new face showed up.

  “Double vodka and coke. Get one for yourself too.”

  Mike smiled, “Thanks for the offer but I need to stay sharp for a busy night ahead.” The guy handed him a card. Colin Wilson, CEO of Marvelous Models.

  “I like what I see. Why don’t you get in touch when you get off? We can set you on a career that will give you the attention your body deserves.”

  Mike pocketed the card and nodded. “I’ll give that some thought. Excuse me; I have to serve a few more rounds here.” Wilson paid with a fifty and told Mike to keep the change. He smiled knowing it would be another night closer to his bike.

  “That guy can’t keep his eyes off you. What did he say to you?” Barry was protective of his younger co-worker.

  “It’s all good. He offered me a job modelling or something. He thinks I have a good body.” Mike laughed when Barry did an exaggerated assessment sweeping his eyes top to bottom over the young bar tender’s body.

  “He could be onto something there. You’ve got a real hot body. Don’t go wasting it on some sleazy glossy magazine or website or whatever he has. I’d have to buy copies then.”

  Mike laughed and shook his head as Barry walked back to the door. It turned out to be an amazing evening and Bert gave Mike his share of the tips plus a five hundred dollar bonus.

  “Bert, what’s this for? I’m grateful and all.”

  He looked sheepish. “Colin Wilson asked that I talk to you, to remind you to contact him. He’s big in the business and when he sees something he likes he goes hard for it.”

  The young man felt a chill. “I told him I’d give it some thought. I like my job here and with school, I’m not sure when I’d have time to do more.”

  Bert patted Mike on the back while they walked to the door. “Just give it some serious thought. This bonus will seem like nothing if you’re working for Wilson. Good night, Mike.”

  Chapter Four

  Simon knew he was distracted, even more so than usual. He was excited to join the Collectors gang and even got to meet Colin Wilson. He said their mission was to find cool guys who would fit into his modelling group. They got a commission for every recruit and Wilson wanted young guys. Simon wasn’t too keen on persuading kids to join the modelling agency but some guys showed him how eager the boys were and that they could do well. He had been hanging with the guys late some nights, so he asked Michael to let his father know he was with him if he ever asked. Mike refused and Simon got angry at first but then figured hey that’s my Mike. Honest to the bone.

  Simon got a call telling him to go to Mr. Wilson’s office. He skipped some classes since Wilson was the man who could make or break his future in the gang.

  Wilson barely acknowledged Simon and jumped right to the point of the meeting. “You hang with a kid who works at The Griffin. His name is Mike and I want to get him to pose for me.”

  “Michael is my boyfriend. He started working there. Are you sure he’s the one you’re thinking about?”

  “He’s tall, handsome, well-built, and new. I want you to bring him for an audition. I’ll make it worth your while. Be there on Saturday at my warehouse. Make it happen.” He turned and walked away. Simon guessed that meant they dismissed him.

  “No, Mr. Wilson, Michael will not be on your website. He and I have a future together. I don’t think being your model is part of that.”

  Wilson turned on Simon and pointed with his index finger as he spoke. “Kid, you don’t have a say in this. I want you to get him here. It isn’t a request. You’re a member of my group and that means you follow orders.”

  Simon felt a chill but stood firm he wouldn’t be bringing his Michael to the shoot. He skipped the rest of his classes and wondered if he should talk to his boyfriend about Wilson.

  They’d planned dinner for Mike’s landlords. Simon was glad for the chance to make up for the other night when Mike went all out and Simon just blew him off. He was Simon’s dream man. They grew up together and now they were partners.

  Mike’s folks never took to the gay thing and kicked him out. Simon’s parents were good with him being queer but they figured he’d well without Michael distracting him from school and other important stuff.

  It was so cool to see the place
that Michael moved into. Simon swore to make the next visit as perfect as he could for him and the Halls. Michael invited them to a special dinner and together they planned to prepare everything. On the way to his boyfriend’s house, Simon stopped and got dessert. He knew Mike loved chocolate and whipped cream and these things looked perfect.

  * * *

  The rest of the weekend went fast. It seemed like time was flying by and the school year would be over soon. High School began next year and Mike had to give thought to a career. He liked Mr. Hall’s type of work.

  Sunday morning he hooked up with Simon and they wandered the malls, grabbed some decent food, and caught a movie.

  They left the theatre walking to Carburn Park. Mike linked arms with Simon and glanced over at his boyfriend.

  “So, Simon, when are we going to do a repeat of Wednesday night? I was thinking maybe you’d like to sleep over tonight. We can work on some new moves.”

  Simon looked over at Mike with a wide grin and opened his mouth to speak. There was a loud bang, and he looked startled for a moment then just dropped, crumpled to the sidewalk.

  “Simon? Please, Simon, talk to me.” Mike saw blood pooling out around him and heard people shouting. He looked up to see a dude wearing a ski mask pointing a gun at him. Someone else shouted, and the guy looked around before running off. Mike tried to see where Simon was bleeding and picked him up as he cradled his upper body in his arms. Simon wasn’t breathing.

  * * *

  Garrett and Sharon waited up pretending to be having a conversation, but they both knew the other worried about where Michael was. It was past midnight and he would have let them know if he was staying out. The doorbell rang and Gar looked at his wife.

  “I don’t even care if his bouncer friend has to pour him home again as long as he’s okay.” Sharon nodded, and they went to the door. Mike was standing there beside a man who identified himself as Detective Bill Tucker. Garrett motioned them in and Tucker began by apologizing for the late hour.

  “There has been a shooting downtown and Michael’s friend died at the scene.”

  Mike looked over at the detective, angry. “He isn’t my friend, he’s my boyfriend.” Despite the defiant look on Mike’s face, a tear rolled down his cheek.

  Sharon wrapped her arms around him and kissed his hair. “Oh Michael, I’m so sorry. Come and sit.” She took him to the living room while Garrett and Detective Tucker talked. After Tucker left, Garrett went over, knelt in front of Mike before hugging the boy. It was then that Mike’s emotions broke through. His shoulders heaved, great sobs hiccupped out of him, and his tears were breaking their hearts.

  “Detective Tucker says you were with Simon when he was shot and later helped them contact Simon’s family. They think the information you could give them will help them catch the guy sooner. The police don’t think you’re in danger now but they will have unmarked cars on watch around the neighbourhood. Michael, I know this is hard for you. What can we do to help right now?”

  He shook and between sobs his voice was soft. “I need to shower and change. I’ve got Simon’s blood on me. They gave me this coat to put on because they took my clothes for evidence. Simon was smiling at me and planned to sleep over, and then he was dead. He was just fucking gone. He can’t fucking leave me like that. I love him. I want him back.”

  His heart was breaking right before their eyes. “Garrett will get your sleep clothes, Michael. Shower up here and sleep in the guest bedroom. You shouldn’t be alone tonight.” He stood and nodded as Gar headed downstairs.

  Once he fell asleep from exhaustion, Gar and Sharon sat up talking. “He will need counselling after seeing his boyfriend gunned down. I’ll call Ms. Clark tomorrow. We also need to have him checked by a doctor. He may not be physically harmed, but shock can take a toll. I’ll brief the principal and guidance counsellor tomorrow morning.”

  Gar nodded. “I think he should also visit Simon’s parents. They can probably take comfort from each other.”

  “You’re a wise man Garrett Fraser Hall. I can’t imagine how I’d feel if I lost you. We’ll help Michael heal but it will take time.”

  Sharon fell asleep in Gar’s arms and what seemed like moments later they both sprang up. The shrill screams coming from the guest room told them Michael must be re-experiencing the murder in his dreams. Gar took the young man in his arms, held him and soothed him. Mike half woke. “He’s really gone isn’t he, Gar?”

  “He is, Mike, and it will be hard for you to get used to that. We’ll be here for you, son. Just take your time and go with your feelings even though they aren’t good right now.” Mike mumbled and drifted off to sleep again. Garrett went back to bed and the rest of the night was quiet.

  First thing in the morning, Sharon made her calls and put on the coffee while Gar called his work to take a few days off. Ms. Clark said she would come by the house early in the afternoon. Garrett made an appointment for his doctor to see Michael later. They let Mike sleep for as long as he needed. The phone rang and Garrett hurried to answer before it woke the young man.

  “Hello? Yes, this is Garrett. He had a rough night and we’re trying to get support networks set up to help him. Yes, he told us… we understand… I’ll tell him you called.”

  He put the phone down. “That was Detective Tucker. It seems Simon’s murder wasn’t random. Rival gangs are fighting for turf. He was calling to see how Mike is doing. The kid made a huge impression at the station. Goddamn it, Sharon, a fifteen-year-old shouldn’t have to deal with this kind of crap. I need to go out for a little while but I won’t be long.” He kissed her and got his keys. “Call me if you need anything. Otherwise, see you in a couple of hours, tops.”

  Sharon sat and poured another cup of coffee. While her mind was thinking of ways to help Mike deal with this, the doorbell rang. It was a young man she recognized from the night he brought Mike home drunk.

  “Barry? Come in, what brings you here? Can I get you a coffee or juice?”

  He sat at the table. “Coffee would be great. I wanted to check up on Mike. He didn’t show up for work yesterday and didn’t call. Is he okay?”

  Just then the topic of conversation wandered into the kitchen. His eyes were swollen from crying and his voice raw. As soon as he saw Barry he went over to hug him. “Someone killed Simon yesterday. I thought he would shoot me too. He had the gun aimed at me but someone shouted at him and he ran away.”

  Barry’s mouth fell open, lost for words.

  “I don’t know what to do, Barry. Simon and I loved each other and now he’s gone. I don’t know what to do.”

  Barry tightened his hug. “Easy, Mikey, you don’t have to know what to do right now. You will in time, but right now get over the shock. I’ve got your back, just like at work. I’ll let Bert know if you want to take a few weeks off but think it over for a few days. Don’t decide anything right now while your head and heart are so full of hurt.”

  Mike nodded and wandered back to the bedroom. Sharon smiled at Barry. “You’re wise for a man your age. He needs friends like you, especially now.”

  * * *

  It broke Garrett’s heart to see the pain Mike was going through. He felt helpless to do anything about it. During breakfast with Sharon, he decided, on the spur of the moment, that Mike’s parents needed to hear about this. He got his keys, kissed Sharon and made his way to their home. Garrett rang the doorbell and Mrs. Ward answered.

  “Good morning, I’m Garrett Hall. Michael is renting an apartment in our home and I need to speak with you and your husband. It is very important.”

  She nodded and held the door open. Garrett followed her into the kitchen. Mr. Ward was sitting there with a scowl on his face. “I heard what you said, Mr. Hall. Say your piece and leave.”

  Garrett thought for a moment. “Your son is a good kid. He works hard, does well in school, and is well mannered and polite. He’s well respected by everyone who knows him.”

  Ward slapped his hands on the tabletop. “You c
ame here to tell me how good that little queer is? Take it somewhere else Hall, he’s not welcome here. He sent social services after us.”

  Garrett felt a surge of anger. “Mrs. Ward, have you ever heard your son scream for his mother when he’s having a nightmare? I did last night. Someone shot his boyfriend who died in Mike’s arms downtown yesterday. The gunman was about to shoot Michael as well when someone stopped him. He’s fifteen for god’s sake and he lost his parents to ignorance and his soul mate to murder. Don’t either of you have an ounce of compassion? How can he be so good and be the product of your intolerance and hatred? He needs a family. What would you be feeling if you had to go to the morgue to identify Michael’s body lying cold on a slab, the way Simon’s parents did? It almost happened. You know where he lives since you came sneaking around to return the cards and letter he mailed to you. Social services came to you after you called to complain that he was living with us. You’re both shameful.”

  Garrett turned and left before he said something he might regret. He thought it would feel good to get that off his chest but the heartache for Mike outweighed it. If he had stayed a few moments longer, he would have seen the look of shock and dismay on their faces.

  Garrett and Ms. Clark came in together. Sharon put on another pot of coffee and they sat around the table. They filled her in on as many details as they had. She got a copy of the police report and had a good idea of what Michael went through.

  Garrett stood up. “I’ll go get him.”

  They both came back and Mike looked about as bad as he had when Barry came by.

  Getting straight to the point, the social worker said, “I’m Isobel Clark, a social worker. You can call me Isobel if I can call you Michael. Is that okay with you?”

  He nodded. “Mike, is fine, Isobel.”

  She sipped her coffee. “You are fortunate to have Mr. and Mrs. Hall. There are also many other good people who will work with you to help you through this. You can expect to feel strong emotions and I know an amazing counsellor who can help. Her specialty is working with people, especially young people, who are grieving. She helped folks who lost husbands, wives, and children and can help you work with your feelings over the loss of your boyfriend.”


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