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Can't Change Nature

Page 5

by H. D. Nels

  He looked up at her acknowledgement of the relationship he and Simon had. She reached him by not making it seem anything less than the love of his life. “You can give her contact information to Simon’s family. They should also have help to deal with the loss of their son. Either the Halls or I or all of us can go with you to your first session. That’s up to you to decide. I’ll be coming around often to see how you’re doing if that’s okay.”

  Mike nodded and mumbled his voice hoarse. “Thank you, Isobel.”

  She reached for Mike’s hand. “One more thing, Mike. Go to Simon’s funeral. It will be hard to say goodbye for the last time but you will regret it more if you don’t.” She left and Michael went downstairs to shower and get dressed.

  * * *

  Garrett drove Michael over to the Brule’s house. Mr. Brule answered the door. He looked haggard but gave a sad smile to them.

  “I’m Garrett Hall. I want to extend my condolences on the loss of Simon. May we come in for a moment?”

  He led them to the living room where Mrs. Brule sat with eyes to match Mike’s. She’d had a long night crying. Mike gave her a hug.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay, sweetheart. Simon loved you so much.” Her voice broke.

  “I loved him too. I will miss him.”

  Mr. Brule walked over to Mike and hugged him. “You were good for him, Michael. He wrote in his journal you’d refused to lie for him. I’m proud of you and grateful for that.” He mussed Mike’s hair and walked off to the kitchen.

  “We really have to get back. Please come by to visit Michael. We always have a pot of coffee on.”

  They stood to leave when Mr. Brule came back. He had a photo of Simon and Mike when they were kids, which he put in Mike’s hand. “The funeral is Thursday.” It was all he said as they left.

  * * *

  Michael wore the suit he’d bought for his first big date with Simon, to the funeral. He sat quietly during the service with Simon’s parents on one side and the Halls on the other. Later at the cemetery, Mike looked around surprised to see so many people there. He saw Barry give a sad smile and nod at him. There were kids from school, Bert and the crew from work, Isobel, and even Detective Tucker. At the end of the ceremony, Mike placed a single rose on the casket as they lowered it. Mr. Brule came over and hugged Mike and a single tear slid down his cheek.

  “I will miss him a lot, Mr. Brule.” He squeezed Mike’s shoulder and walked off. Mike just stood there with his head bowed when he felt a tentative touch on his shoulder. He looked up and saw his mother standing there.

  “Michael, I’m so sorry. We’re so sorry. We didn’t understand and our ignorance has caused you so much pain.”

  His father came over to stand beside them. “Get your things, Michael; you should be home at a time like this.” Mike looked at his parents.

  “I have a home and thank you for coming. I know you always liked Simon before you found out he was gay. I learned that being gay isn’t a choice. It is the way we’re made; it’s in our nature, and you can’t change nature.”

  He turned and walked over to Sharon and Garrett. “Can they make me move back into their house?” He nodded towards his parents. “Dad wants me to get my stuff and go home. I told them I have a home. Can they make me go?”

  Isobel came over to stand with them. “I heard what you asked, Mike. No, they can’t make you go with them. They gave up that right months ago, but it is helpful to keep in contact with them.”

  He nodded and walked over to his parents. His mother looked like she had been crying. “Can I buy you lunch? I’d like to tell you about Simon and things I’ve been doing since I moved out.” He went to tell the Halls he would eat with his parents and would be home later.

  Mike’s father drove them to a café where Simon and Mike used to eat whenever they went out. As soon as they went inside all the staff came over to give Mike hugs and express their condolences. A young waitress said, “I will miss Simon. He always made me laugh with those silly jokes. You two made a perfect couple.” She grabbed menus and led them to a table beside the window overlooking a nice garden.

  Mr. Ward looked at his wife. “Mr. Hall was right when he told us how many people like and respects our son.” He turned to Mike. “We’ve got a lot to talk about, but most of it can wait. We used my rehab as an excuse to not face our responsibilities as parents and accept you. Things were not easier with you gone. I’m sorry for what we did, Michael. I understand that you don’t want to come home.”

  Mike’s mother sniffled. “We made some poor choices, baby, and can’t change those. But we sure can do things differently including going to PFLAG meetings. We’ll learn as much as we can about LGBT issues and baby we will support you the way we should have from the start.”

  Mike smiled. “Thanks, Mom, I know what LGBT stands for, but what is PFLAG?”

  Pulling a pamphlet from our purse, she said, “Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. It is a group designed to help people better understand. It fights homophobia and educates and I’ll be proud to go.”

  The young waitress took their orders and even though they argued, Mike paid for the meals.

  It wasn’t too long after that when Michael returned home. Garrett and Sharon were puttering around doing some cleaning. Mike said nothing, just walked over and gave each a hug. Then he headed down to his apartment.

  Sharon sighed. “I’ve met no one his age that has so much character. He is amazing.” Gar nodded in agreement. “I hope his reunion with his parents went well. I’m guessing it wasn’t too bad since he seems fine right now.”

  The doorbell rang and Gar opened the door. “Hi, Mr. Hall, I’m Barry. Mike and I work together. I’m the guy who brought him home when he got drunk on shooters. I came by to see how he’s doing.”

  Garrett stood aside and motioned for Barry to enter. “Good to meet you again, Barry. Mike’s downstairs in his apartment. Why don’t you say ‘Hi’? He could use the company whether he wants it or not.” He showed Barry the way and headed back to the living room.

  At the bottom of the stairs, Barry knocked on the wall. “Hey Mike, Mr. Hall suggested I come down to see you. Is it okay if I come in?”

  Mike walked over, gave him a hug, and led him to the living room.

  “Bert says to take as much time off as you want. There were many people at the funeral today. Everyone likes you and Simon.”

  Mike just nodded. “Can I get you a coffee or anything, Barry?”

  “I’ll have whatever you are thanks.”

  Mike poured two glasses of juice. “I’d like to go back to work Saturday. I’ll try to not drag anyone down. I miss Simon but if I keep busy, it shouldn’t be so bad.”

  They talked for a while before Barry had to leave. Mike didn’t have much of an appetite and went to bed early. So many things were going through his head but eventually, he drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Five

  Time passed and Mike’s hurt faded becoming a hollow feeling in his heart. The high school was closer to the apartment than his previous junior high. He’d also had enough saved to buy his motorcycle. He was excited because in a few short days he turned sixteen and could get his learner’s permit. Once he got a license, the plan was to buy his bike. There was a lot of activity upstairs with the Halls. Something was going on but since they weren’t including him he put it out of his mind. His phone rang.

  “Hi, Bert, what’s up? You’ve never called before.”

  There was a brief pause. “Call display always throws me off. Mikey, I’m just calling to let you know you got Saturday off. It’s your special day and I give everyone the day off, with pay, on their birthday. Enjoy it. See you at the usual time on Sunday. Oh, and Colin Wilson was asking about you again. Have you given any thought about modelling for him?”

  Mike rolled his eyes. “Thanks for Saturday, Bert. I don’t have plans but I’ll find something to do. As for Mr. Wilson, I had so much on my mind I forgot all about it. I’ll dig out his ca
rd and get in touch with him soon.”

  Mike went upstairs looking for Garrett and Sharon. “Could I get your opinion about something? There was a guy who came to work a few months back and offered me a job. He’s been asking Bert about me again.”

  That caught Gar’s attention. “He goes to the bar? What does he want you to do and how would you fit another job into your already crowded schedule?”

  Mike cracked a rare smile. “Not that crowded. His name is Colin Wilson, and he wants me to model for his website, I think. Bert says he’s always asking about me and will do anything to get what he wants. I’ll make good money but I’m not sure I want pictures of me naked out there.”

  Gar frowned. “He wants you to pose nude? Mike, you’re a decent person and I’m not making a moral judgement here, but at your age, I don’t think that work is a good idea. Just saying.”

  Mike nodded. “I think I agree but they have been pushing this and for a while. After Simon’s death, they left me alone. But now they’re back at it again. I like Bert but I don’t want him on my case every time I go to work. Maybe if I do it once they’ll let it go. I don’t know.”

  “Oh hey, what do you think about me inviting my mom and dad over to dinner? Bert gave me Saturday off and as you both well know, I’m a decent cook.”

  Sharon smiled. “That’s an excellent idea, Mike. And yes, you are amazing in the kitchen. I’m glad your parents are coming around to accepting you for who you are. Saturday would be a good day for dinner.” She looked over at Garrett and winked.

  * * *

  “Michael, I’m going out to pick up a few things. Want to come along for the ride or to get anything?” Gar called down from the doorway to Mike’s apartment.

  He hurried upstairs. “Sure, Gar, I need some stuff for the dinner for my parents. I would take the bus later but this will be handy.”

  Garrett said to bring his gym bag since they could put in a quick round of racquetball while they were out.

  “Are you sure we’ll have time? I don’t want to cut it too close and make mom and dad wait for dinner.”

  Garrett laughed. “Relax, we’ll have plenty of time and I know they’ll enjoy whatever you make for them.”

  They picked up a few things and headed to the gym where Mike shamelessly whipped Garrett’s butt.

  “What the heck are you grinning about?” Gar frowned at Mike. “You know, showing your elders a bit of respect occasionally isn’t a bad thing.” Then he laughed. “You’re good but I will find your weakness and when I do, there will be no mercy.”

  They showered and headed home.

  “What’s up with all the cars parked around? I hope there will be room for mom and dad when they get here.”

  Gar put an arm around his shoulders as they walked to the door. “No worries, there’s room for them.”

  Mike opened the door and as one, a whole room full of people shouted. “Happy Birthday, Michael,” and began singing. Mike’s mother came over and kissed his cheek.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Hall had this planned before you invited us for dinner.”

  His father came over and shook his hand, then pulled him into a hug. “You’re growing up too fast, boy, but I’m glad we’re seeing it.”

  Everyone gave him hugs, kisses, and the party began. Barry’s hug was firmer and longer than the others and he gave Mike a quick kiss.

  “Happy Birthday, handsome.” Mike felt his heart skip a beat and felt guilty.

  Isobel and Simon’s parents were also there and gave him his birthday gifts with genuine affection. Throughout the party, Barry kept appearing at his side.

  “Now that you’re sixteen, you can get your learner’s permit. I’ve got a car and will take you on practice drives if you want.”

  Mike beamed. “You’ll really do that? I’ll try not to make you crazy. Thank you, thank you so much.”

  During the party, Sharon and Garrett noticed more of the old Michael showing through. He was moving through his grieving and ready to get on with his life. They both agreed that they would see more of Barry around the place too.

  * * *

  Garrett couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling he had about Colin Wilson and his pursuit of Mike to model for his website. He planned to ask around to see what he could find out. He thought the best place to start was with the police.

  “Detective Tucker, how can I help you today?”

  “Hi Detective, my name is Garrett Hall. You might remember Michael Ward who rents our basement suite. I was wondering if I might ask you about something Mike brought up with us.”

  There was no hesitation. “How’s Mike doing, Mr. Hall? He held up well at Simon’s funeral and I meant to stop by to pass on my condolences.”

  Gar smiled knowing Michael was respected by everyone he met. “He’s doing well and moving on. He told me that a man named Colin Wilson has been asking him to model for a website he runs. Apparently, it involves nude modelling and Mike isn’t too comfortable with the idea, but they won’t leave him alone.”

  Tucker made a growling sound. “I don’t like the sound of that either but I haven’t heard of Wilson before. Let me do some checking with other departments and I’ll get back to you.”

  Gar thanked him, left his number, and hung up just as Mike came strolling in with a huge grin, waving a piece of paper.

  “Check this out, old timer. I got me a learner’s permit and soon I’ll be on the streets like everyone else, complete with road rage. Barry will give me some lessons in his car.”

  Gar tried to act indignant. “Old timer? You like to live on the edge, kid. And while I’m sure Barry is a good teacher, you’ll get a better break on insurance rates if you take a Driver Ed. course. Congratulations, although I will now be terrified when driving, knowing you’re out there somewhere.”

  They both shared a laugh. “I got enough saved to buy a motorcycle. I found one a while back I really liked. Want to come with me when I go to get it? I need my license first but they’ll hold it for me with a down payment.”

  Gar nodded. “I’d like to but do you think maybe your father might want to go with you? It would help you both to share experiences like that.”

  Mike frowned, “You’re right as usual. Do you think he really likes me again and didn’t just feel sorry for me because Simon died?” Then he answered his own question “I think he’s trying to understand. I’ll see if he wants to come with me. Thanks, Garrett.”

  * * *

  “Hello, Mr. Hall. I’m Detective Chad Williams. My colleague Bill Tucker was asking about a Colin Wilson. He’s known to us in Vice. May I come in?”

  Garrett motioned for him to enter. “Did Detective Tucker fill you in on my tenant and Mr. Wilson’s effort to get him to do modelling?” Garrett went to get them both coffees.

  “He did, sir, and this could be a break we’ve been looking for. Wilson is very careful in his approach but we know he’s involved in child porn and trafficking boys for prostitution. Apparently, he starts by offering them lucrative jobs as models, and once they’re hooked, he blackmails or coerces them into the trade. With Michael’s help, we may finally nail him.”

  Garrett felt a tightness in his chest. “Just how would you want Mike to help? Will he be in any danger? I mean, he’s just a kid and I for one wouldn’t want anything to happen to him. My wife will go to any length to protect him. Can you tell me more about Colin Wilson?”

  The detective sipped his coffee and nodded. “He runs several gangs who are technically rivals but both work for him. One recruits boys for Wilson. The other is involved in the drug trade. Mike’s friend, Simon, was with the first gang until a kid in the drug outfit killed him. Wilson has no problem with his thugs hurting each other, or worse, to keep them aggressive. We plan to end his career and need Michael’s help to do so.”

  Mike came strolling in with a huge smile and Barry by his side. “Speaking of the man himself, Michael, this is Detective Williams. He knows about Colin Wilson and wants to speak with you about a few things.
It seems Mr. Wilson may be responsible for Simon’s murder.”

  Mike’s smile melted. “He’s been bugging me to model for him. Why do you need to speak to me? What does he have to do with Simon?”

  Barry put a protective arm around Mike’s shoulders. Detective Williams explained it all to Mike who was more than eager to help.

  “You won’t be able to wear a traditional wire. Wilson will want you to pose naked and it will show if you undress. We could disguise it as something else.”

  Mike grinned at Barry. “If I get my nipple pierced can the equipment hide in a barbell?”

  Williams smiled. “With today’s technology, we’d have no problem getting a piece of body jewellery to hide recording equipment. Are you sure you’d want to do that?”

  Mike nodded. “Would it be okay if Barry comes too? He can also get a nipple pierced if he wants to that is. I’m sure I can talk Wilson into letting him come with me.”

  Barry grinned back at Mike and lifted his tee shirt to show an already pierced nipple. “I’ll go with you. I told you, I got your back.”

  Garrett shook his head as he walked to the kitchen mumbling something about kids and sharp objects.

  * * *

  Michael contacted his father to see if he would go with him to get his motorcycle. “I can grab a bus and come to your house or meet at the dealer, whichever you prefer.”

  His father was quiet for a moment. “I’d love to come with you, Michael. I’ll pick you up at your place.”

  “Thanks, Dad that would be great. And if you’re up for it, bring your gear. I’d like a game of racquetball with you like we used to play.” Mike had a wide grin.


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