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Charlotte: Dr. Richards' Littles 7

Page 9

by Pepper North

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Charlotte watched Dr. Richards turn around and begin to collect equipment: a large enema bag, a long flexible nozzle, a bottle of something. She turned to look at Benton. “Please, Daddy. I don’t want an enema.”

  Benton smiled at her. “I know, sweetie. No Little girl wants an enema but you want to feel better, right?”

  “I feel okay,” Charlotte promised.

  “Do you want me to press on those sore places to remind you?” Benton asked with steel in his gaze.

  “No. I’m sorry, Daddy. I’m just scared. I don’t like enemas,” Charlotte’s eyes started to fill with tears.

  Immediately, Benton leaned down to kiss her lips. “I’m right here, Charlotte. Dr. Richards is a very good doctor. He takes care of his own Little girl. He knows what Little girls need. He’s not going to hurt you. I promise.”

  “I promise too, Charlotte,” Dr. Richards wheeled the enema bag hanging from a stand over to the exam table. “Now, let’s get started. I’m going to lubricate your bottom and then I’m going to slide this nozzle deep as I start the water.” Dr. Richards covered his large, index finger with goo before spreading her buttocks and pressing the finger around and into her rectum. Immediately, he pressed in the long nozzle. It stopped abruptly. Dr. Richards started the water and then, put pressure on the nozzle slowly her bottom allowed it to slide in deeply until her anus was able to clench on a narrowed band to hold it in place. “Very good, Charlotte.”

  The water rushed into Charlotte’s intestinal tract. Dr. Richards reviewed with Benton how to rub her tummy in circles to help the water move deeper and to help Charlotte with the cramps that sometimes came from enemas. Once everything was in order and the bag was emptying the cleanser into Charlotte, he pulled an instruction sheet from a folder on his desk. He called Benton over and, turning their backs to face the desk, they discussed the enema schedule that he wished Charlotte to follow.

  Charlotte heard daily treatment and that there would be different types of enemas and amounts of enemas. She also heard Dr. Richards stress that she would need to wear a diaper because there would be a greater chance of accidents until they had her system regulated. They discussed different fluids and cleansers to use and retention time. Charlotte closed her eyes.

  Finally, when Charlotte thought her stomach would burst, the enema bag gurgled its empty song. Charlotte struggled to sit up only to be restrained by the straps.

  “Slow down, sweetheart. The enema needs to settle inside you for a while to work it’s best. Let’s see if we can find anything to distract you,” Benton said calmly.

  “Dr. Richards, can I ask you some questions?” Charlotte asked with her eyes closed as she tried to keep her anus clenched to hold the water inside.

  “Of course, Charlotte. What do you want to know?” Dr. Richards answered expecting questions about her treatments.

  “I’m in the process of designing a better display of medical equipment at Gordon’s. I think all the customers come to you. Would you mind telling me what medical equipment you would recommend for Daddies and Mommies to get for some different categories?” She turned to look at Benton. “Would you write these down for me, Daddy?”

  Both men looked at each other in complete surprise. Dr. Richards recovered first and said, “Tell me the first category, Charlotte.”

  “What would you recommend as the basic medical resources all parents of Littles should have in their medicine chests? I think it would be best to have about five items in each category except for the last one.” Charlotte panted as the enema roiled inside her.

  “Okay, let me think. For a basic medical kit: a thermometer set, lubricant, an enema bag, cleanser, a pacifier with soothing gel, and an anal plug set,” Dr. Richards leaned back against the desk as Charlotte’s Daddy wrote on a borrowed pad of paper. “What’s the next category?”

  “What are secondary items that would enhance those things in the first categories?” Charlotte asked urgently. “Can I go to the bathroom yet?”

  “Fifteen more minutes, Charlotte. Secondary items, huh? Well, I’d recommend: an enema syringe, a dilator set, a size appropriate inflatable nozzle, a vibrator, and diapers.”

  “How about in the category of furniture or equipment?” Charlotte asked urgently.

  “Furniture? How about a sturdy enema support, like an enema horsie? In addition, a Mommy or Daddy would need: a changing table with exam stirrups, a potty chair, a high chair, a bathtub equipped with a sprayer, and a crib with high railings. You’re almost there, Charlotte,” Dr. Richards smiled. “What’s the last category?

  “Punishment. What would Daddies and Mommies need for punishment?” asked Charlotte as she gritted her teeth.

  “That’s easy. I would suggest they start with: a sturdy paddle, naughty boy and girl cream, a set of restraints, and a naughty chair. Each Little responds to different types of punishment. This would be a good place to start and then, parents could add or drop items that were not effective with their Little one.” Dr. Richards said as he pulled a large, rolling basin out from the end of the exam table and sat Charlotte up with her legs still restrained in their splayed position. “You’ve done a great job with the enema, Charlotte. When I pull the nozzle out, relax your muscles and just let the cleanser out.”

  “I can’t go in front of you both,” Charlotte wailed.

  “Sure, you can, sweetheart. It’s just your Daddy and your doctor. We need to see what’s inside you so we can treat your tummy. Here comes the nozzle,” Dr. Richards pulled the long nozzle slowly from her bottom and immediately the water, suds, and poop exploded into the basin.

  Charlotte tried to stop the flow but the pressure had built up inside her and she couldn’t contain it. Tears began to leak from her eyes. Charlotte looked up at the ceiling horrified.

  “Sweetheart, you’re okay. All Little girls are messy sometimes. Their Daddies always love them. Let me show you,” Benton whispered to Charlotte. He reached one hand between her spread thighs and began to rub her delicate folds and tap gently on her clitoris.

  Charlotte’s eyes immediately flew to meet his. She watched her Daddy smile as he helped her forget about the mess emerging from the deep enema. “Daddy?” Charlotte said as her voice began to catch in her throat.

  “Yes, sweetheart. Your Daddy loves you. Show Daddy how much you love my touch. Can you orgasm for me?” he asked quietly.

  She nodded shyly and closed her eyes concentrating on the growing sensations. When she felt Benton slide two fingers into her vagina, Charlotte was launched into another strong orgasm. Her Daddy supported her back as she tried to recover. Eventually, the flow of liquid from her insides slowed and stopped. Charlotte just floated along comforted by her Daddy and her orgasms.

  Two effective rinses and a long-lasting birth control shot later, Charlotte and her Daddy were ready to leave. They had appointments for the next three Mondays to see Dr. Richards and a schedule for different types of enemas each evening for the coming three weeks. Charlotte had been dressed in a thick absorbent diaper and her tee-shirt. It felt very bulky between her legs and she tried not to waddle as she walked out of the exam room. She held tightly on to her Daddy’s with one hand while the other covered up her mouth as she yawned repeatedly. The spanking followed by meeting Dr. Richards and having an enema and rinses had exhausted her. She tried not to think about the large sack of supplies that they were taking home with them. She really didn’t want to think about those suppositories to help her poop.

  Out in the lobby, the two men stopped to laugh. Angelina and another slightly built woman with blond hair were dancing the twist to rather loud music and trying to convince Paul to join them. He was laughing so hard that he was holding his stomach. They heard him say, “You two are going to keep me young and in shape,” as he began to show them how to really do the twist. The Littles were delighted and clapped their hands as they threw themselves into the dance. Finally, the song finished and it was silent in the waiting room. The t
rio heard Dr. Richards and Benton laughing and turned to see the three of them standing just outside the exam room.

  Zoey came flying across the floor. “Daddy, Daddy, you have to join us. Paul is showing us how to do these neat old dances. They’re even older than you. Paul’s a good teacher. He can teach you, too.” She skidded to a stop and looked at the Little and Daddy next to her Daddy.

  She looked up at Benton and held her skirt out at the sides before doing a graceful curtsy. “Hi, I’m Zoey. I think I’ve seen you before at Gordon’s. You were wearing a shirt with the name of the store on it and carrying a box for a customer. Do you work there?” she asked curiously.

  “I do work there every day. I’m lucky enough to own the store. Charlotte is my newest cashier. I’m also lucky enough to be her Daddy. She’s new to being a Little so I know she’ll look forward to talking to you and Angelina a different day. She’s a little too tired to dance with you today. I’m going to take her home and tuck her in her crib for a nap,” Benton explained as Charlotte leaned against him.

  Zoey walked over and carefully wrapped her arms around Charlotte’s waist and gave her a gentle hug. “I’m so glad to meet you, Charlotte. I’ll look forward to chatting with you soon.” She stepped away and added enthusiastically, “I love naps! My Daddy lets me take one every day. Naps are so good for you. Then, when you get up, you have energy to dance. Come on Daddy!” Zoey tried to pull him with her.

  “Zoey, I will be there in five minutes to play with you. Right now, I’m going to walk Mr. Gordon and Charlotte out to their car. You go ahead and start without me,” Dr. Richards shooed her away. He walked the pair out to the car and held the bag of supplies while Benton secured Charlotte into her car seat. “She’s almost asleep already, Benton. I think you’ll have a quiet trip home.” The two men shook hands and Benton climbed in the driver’s seat.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Charlotte worked furiously on the display when she didn’t have any customers in her line and after work. Finally, she was ready to show Benton her idea to get his approval before starting to remodel the medical supplies section of Gordon’s. She gathered her floor plan along with samples of the signs and drawings of the new display. One evening after the store closed, Charlotte asked Benton to come down to the store with her so she could show him her ideas. She made him go into the office while she got everything organized quickly and then she knocked on the door to tell him it was safe to come and look.

  Charlotte shifted her weight nervously from one foot to another. “Gosh, he’s got to like it,” she thought to herself. Some of the other employees had gotten sneak peeks of her ideas as she put the displays together. They were all really impressed with her work. Charlotte crossed her fingers for luck.

  Benton looked over everything carefully before turning to her with a serious face. “When I asked you to come up with a plan for the medical supply section, I thought you’d decorate with colorful bandages and gauze. I had a feeling that you were talented but Charlotte, you are amazing. We are wasting your talents at a cashiering position. I think you’ve just become the official decorator of Gordon’s! Who drew this life-size cartoon figure of Dr. Richards? It looks just like he’s fallen into a comic book.”

  Charlotte’s smile had spread over her face as she heard his approval and enthusiasm. She jumped up and down in excitement. “It turned out really good, didn’t it? I’m not always too good at drawing people but we’ve seen Dr. Richards so many times, it was easy. Can I start putting it together on Monday when the store is closed?”

  “Only if you will allow me to be your helper to lift the heavy stuff. I’ll stay out of your way and let you work but I don’t want you to hurt yourself. I’m also going to switch the schedule around because if you’re working on this on your days off, you’ll need to have time off later in the week.” He held up his hand as she started to protest. “No arguments, Charlotte. Your work assignment just got changed from cashier to designer.”

  “Can I work on the cash register from time to time? I really like talking to everyone. I’ve met a ton of people,” she asked with a persuasive smile.

  “Yes, sweetheart. I’ll let you work the cash register occasionally,” Benton agreed smiling back at his precious and talented Little.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Two weeks later, they had a special grand opening event for the redesigned medical supply section of Gordon’s. All their regular customers were invited to come see the new area and to enjoy different coupon specials on many items. There had been a big buzz around their community as Charlotte had started working. Everyone wanted to see what she had created.

  Charlotte stood in the store fifteen minutes before the event was to begin. She was dressed in a beautiful, hot pink dress with matching pink sandals. Her Daddy was wearing a tuxedo with a hot pink bowtie and vest. Everything was ready. She was pleased with how the display had turned out. She just hoped everyone else liked it. “What if no one comes, Daddy?” she asked turning worried eyes up to meet her Daddy’s dark eyes.

  “They’ll come, sweetheart,” her Daddy smiled. “They’ll come.” He patted her on the bottom winking at her when they heard the crinkle of her diaper. Then, he walked to the front of the store to open the doors.

  People began to arrive in droves. Everyone was dressed up in fancy clothes. Several store employees had come in to help and were ladling punch and cutting pieces of cake for the customers to enjoy. Laughter and chatter filled the store.

  Finally, it was time to unveil the newly redesigned area. Charlotte had expanded the medical supply section to include additional items that were all grouped together in categories. Each section had a different Dr. Richards cartoon figure with his suggested supplies. Charlotte had color coded them as pink or blue for products made for male Littles or female Littles. Items that would work for both sexes were color coded in purple. If there were different sizes, the smallest were on the bottom rows and the largest were on the top. It was bright and colorful. Other cartoon characters appeared in the displays to give guidance and to point out additional items that could be helpful.

  Many people were crowded into the enema section. Not only were enema bags and nozzles featured but the enema horsies and restraints had all been relocated together for convenience. Different cleansers and lubricants were woven into the display. The Dr. Richards figurine explained the importance helping Littles be regular to Mommies and Daddies. All sorts of equipment were being loaded into carts much to the dismay of those Littles who were trying to convince their parents that they really didn’t need a colonic tube that long. Finally, the Littles all gave up and gathered at the refreshment table.

  When Charlotte walked over to talk to them, Brad pointed dramatically at her. “You have created a monster. My Daddy has so much new equipment in his cart that I’m not going to be able to sit down for a month. He’s going to have me leaned over with an enema flowing inside me 24/7. It’s a good thing I like you so well or I’d be really pissed at you.”

  Charlotte froze in place, unsure of how to respond to this. When Carrie started to laugh and then everyone burst into giggles, Charlotte allowed herself to grin. “Who do you think had to test drive every new item to see how it worked? You should just be glad that you’re not me.” Several Littles threw their arms around her in mock comfort.

  “Ahem!” came a loud call for attention. Charlotte looked up to see Zoey standing in front of her tapping her toe. “Are you the artist who drew the cartoon of my Daddy?” Zoey demanded.

  “Yes . . . I drew them,” she admitted quietly.

  “You are awesome!” cheered Zoey loudly drawing attention from all the shoppers. They all just smiled at the collection of happy Littles. Zoey was well known for her exuberance. “Could you make me one for my nursery? I love them!”

  Charlotte relaxed. “I might be talked into drawing one for you. What would trade me for one?” she teased the doctor’s Little.

  “I could get you a bottle of cleanser that has b
een remixed to take out most of the cleanser,” Zoey whispered. She didn’t see the other Littles waving their hands discreetly as a warning.

  Charlotte looked past Zoey and froze.

  “Oh, crap! My Daddy’s behind me, isn’t he? I’m in so much trouble,” she whispered loudly before turning around with a big smile. “Hi, Daddy. Did you hear my joke? She almost fell for it,” Zoey explained quickly.

  “I’m searching your nursery this evening. If your joke is hidden in your room, your bottom is going to be very sore – inside and out,” he said with a steely look. All the Littles said, “Oooooh!” Dr. Richards turned that serious look at Charlotte. “So, you’ve made me into a cartoon, huh?”

  “Yes . . . I’m sorry. I can take them down,” Charlotte apologized quickly.

  “Don’t you dare! Those are the funniest things I’ve ever seen. You are very talented, Charlotte. Maybe you would be interested in designing a play area for my waiting room? The paint and decorations are great for the Mommies and Daddies as they are now but the Littles need a fun place to relax when they come to see me. If you’re interested, I’ll talk to your Daddy to schedule a time for you to come look around and get some ideas,” Dr. Richards looked at her with one raised eyebrow.

  “I’d love it. I actually already have some ideas,” she answered quickly.

  “I had a feeling you did,” Dr. Richards smiled at her. “You and your bottom have been spending a lot of time in my office.” He watched her turn bright red when the Little crowd burst into “Oooooh!” again. He patted her on the shoulder and said fondly, “Congratulations, Charlotte. You’re a big success!”


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