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Longing For His kiss

Page 26

by Sherri Hayes

  His cock was already sitting up to take notice. “Yes, gattina?”

  “I think I’d like to go home now.”

  Alexander took a deep breath in and released it, letting hot hair blow against her cooled skin. “Your home or mine?” He didn’t want there to be any miscommunication.

  She turned to face him, circled her arms around his neck, and rested her forehead against his. “Yours. I want to see where you live.”

  The drive back to St. Louis seemed to take forever. It didn’t take any longer than the drive to the restaurant, of course. The only reason it felt that way was because he wanted to get her naked. And in order to do that, he first had to get them to his apartment. He’d thought, briefly, about pulling off the side of the road and having some fun, but dismissed it. Not only would it be awkward in the small space, but what he wanted to do to her wouldn’t be easy to accomplish in a vehicle.

  With every mile they drew closer to the city, the room in his pants decreased. It was a good thing he’d worn slacks otherwise he would have been in quite a bit of discomfort by the time they pulled up in front of his apartment.

  He took her hand in his and led her inside. After turning on the lights, he motioned for her to have a look around. “I’ll get us something to drink.”

  Grace appeared torn, as if her want to get on with their evening warred with her curiosity. In the end, however, her curiosity won out. Or maybe it was her submissive nature letting him set the pace. She strolled through his small apartment as he grabbed some glasses out of the cabinet and filled them with water and ice.

  Alexander found her in his bedroom, looking out the window. He handed her one of the glasses.

  “Thanks,” she said, bringing the glass to her lips.

  He took a drink of his water and set the glass on the nearby table before moving to stand behind her. “What are you thinking about?”

  “I was wondering where we’ll live. Did you want to stay in the city?”

  Her train of thought surprised him. He spun her around to face him. “Grace, there’s no rush. I know I said I want to get married, but I wasn’t exaggerating. We can take this as slow as you want to.”

  She shook her head. “No. You were right. Life’s too short. Kurt and I missed out on so much when he was deployed and I can never get that time back. I don’t want to do that again.”

  Alexander held her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers with the gentlest pressure. “Maybe we should try living together first.” She opened her mouth to argue, but he pressed a finger to her lips, cutting her off. “See if you can put up with me.”

  Grace hesitated before nodding.

  He smiled, and leaned in to kiss her again. “See, that wasn’t so hard.”

  As their lips mingled together, thinking became more difficult. He crushed her against him and ran his hands up and down her back, cupping her ass. Her breathy moans only fueled the fire he’d been trying to bank for the last hour.

  “I want you,” he mumbled as he kissed his way down her neck.

  “Take me, Master. I’m yours.”

  That was all he needed to hear. Alexander removed the glass from her hand, placing it next to his on the table. He flipped her around and pushed her against the wall, facing away from him. Reaching for the zipper of her dress, he yanked it down. The dress parted, revealing her skin beneath. He pushed it off her shoulders and watched as it fell to the floor at her feet, leaving her in her bra and a pair of stockings.

  Pressing himself flush against her back, he ran a hand down her side and over the curve of her hip. “Are you wet for me?”

  Without waiting for her response, he slid his hand between her legs.


  Grace gasped at the feel of his fingers sliding over her pussy, and then plunging inside her. The weight of him against her, pressing her against the wall, keeping her there, only added to her arousal. She could feel his erection pressing into her backside, begging to be let out of its confines.

  “It’s too bad we didn’t go to Serpent’s Kiss tonight. I would have made sure to make you come so everyone could watch.”

  Thinking about it had heat rushing between her legs.

  He must have been able to feel her body’s reaction because she felt a satisfied rumble erupt from his chest. “You like that, don’t you? No worries, gattina. Soon I’m going to have you coming in front of the entire club. They’re all going to be watching as I make your pretty pussy sing.”

  His words were barely able to sink in before his hand was gone and he was turning her around. He took hold of her forearms and held her still while he kissed her, his lips hard and demanding. She loved every minute of it. Now that she’d made her decision, she wanted to feel him filling her, surrounding her, making her his.

  Before she knew what was happening, he was lifting her into his arms and carrying her to the bed. “What—”


  “But your leg—”

  Alexander tossed her onto his bed and swiftly removed his clothes. “I will probably never be able to carry you up a flight of stairs, but a few feet to the bed I can manage. Now, where was I? Oh, yes.”

  She propped herself up on her elbows and watched as he went to his dresser, knelt down, and opened the bottom drawer. When he turned around, he had a rope in one hand and something she couldn’t see in the other. Whatever it was, it was small.

  “Give me your wrists,” he ordered.

  Grace held her wrists out to him, palms up.

  He flipped them over and began binding them together. By the time he was finished, she felt the beginnings of subspace coming on, that calm, floaty feeling she loved.

  After checking to make sure the ropes weren’t too tight, he used the loose end to tug her toward him. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her lips. It wasn’t nearly as aggressive as the last one, but still possessive. “I love you.”

  The look in his eyes left her no doubt that was true. How had she gotten so lucky to find not one but two men in her lifetime that could love her so deeply? She hadn’t stood a chance. There was no way she couldn’t have fallen for Alexander. “I love you, too.”

  He cupped the side of her face and brought their foreheads together. “I promise I will make you happy, Grace. I will do everything in my power to make sure you are safe and loved.”

  “I know you will.”

  One side of his mouth quirked up as he lowered his hand from her face and ran it down the length of her arm. “I’m also going to make sure you’re fucked senseless on a regular basis.”

  And just like that, the air in the room was charged once more.

  “Lie back and scoot yourself toward the pillows.”

  She followed his instructions, using her legs to wiggle her body up toward the headboard.

  “That’s good.”

  Once she stopped moving, he reached above her head and secured the rope to the headboard. He checked her wrists again, and walked to the other side of the room. When he returned, he had a metal wheel with spikes on it in his hand. Grace tensed.

  “Have you ever had one of these used on you before?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  He spun the spikes around the wheel with his finger. “I figure since we’re going to be doing a demonstration, we should probably practice ahead of time with some of the toys.”

  “Will it hurt, Master?” It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him. She did. Completely. But she’d never seen one of those things before and it looked painful.

  “That depends on its user.”

  Grace swallowed.


  “Yes, Master.”

  He started by running it along her abdomen. She could definitely feel the spikes, but she wouldn’t say they were painful.

  Changing direction, he moved upward, making a circle around her breast before drawing a line down the center and over her nipple. “For those who enjoy edgier play, they can increase the pressure and draw blood.” He repea
ted the process over her other breast. “But I know that’s not something you’re into and neither am I.”

  He continued to run the spiked wheel over her body, trailing it down each of her legs and back up again. Each time he got dangerously close to her sex, but at the last minute would change direction. The longer it went on, the more relaxed she became and the more she enjoyed the sensation.

  “Spread your legs for me.”

  It wasn’t until he spoke that Grace realized he’d stopped. She did as he asked, spreading her legs wide.

  Alexander knelt between her parted thighs and ran his finger from her clit to her ass. “Did you plug yourself the last two nights, gattina?”

  “I didn’t Thursday, Master.” She wondered if he would punish her for disobeying.

  “Given the circumstances, I will let it slide this time.” He brushed his thumb against her clit several times. “Next time, though, your ass will be paying the price.”

  She heard a noise and looked down. Alexander had put on a latex glove. Given his previous question, she knew something was going to be going up her ass.

  He lubed up his fingers and used his other hand to spread her open before inserting his fingers. Grace blew out a breath and tried to relax. She used to enjoy anal play. It had just been a while.

  “That’s it.” He eased two fingers in and out, gradually stretching her. Once he was satisfied she was prepped enough, she felt him remove his hand. Within seconds, it was replaced by something that felt rubbery. The feel of it reminded her of a dildo, which it very well could have been. She wasn’t at an angle where she could see exactly what it was.

  As the object was inserted into her ass, she took several deep breaths, giving her body time to adjust.

  “I would love to fuck your ass tonight, but you’re not quite ready for that yet.” He gave the butt plug, or whatever it was, a little twist, causing another gasp to escape from Grace’s lips. “Soon, though.”

  Then whatever he’d placed in her ass started buzzing. The vibrations lit up her nerves and had her sex throbbing in no time.

  He wasn’t finished, though. Something touched her clit, and then it started humming as well. She realized immediately what it was—a bullet vibe. Small, but effective. And it was about to send her spiraling over the edge.

  The feel of his cock nudging the entrance to her pussy only added to everything else she was experiencing. “Please, Master. I want to feel you inside me.”

  Alexander grasped her hip with his free hand and, with a jerk of his pelvis, he plunged inside until his balls were pressing against her sex. She was full, utterly and completely, and she’d never felt better.

  He rode her relentlessly, living up to his promise of fucking her senseless. As usual, he drew out her pleasure for as long as possible, until she couldn’t stand it any longer. She really hoped his neighbors weren’t home, because if they were they’d undoubtedly heard her scream as she’d been overcome with her orgasm.

  Afterward, they made their way to the shower, taking their time washing each other, and then curled up together in his bed. As she was drifting off to sleep, she couldn’t help but wonder how different her life would have been if Alexander hadn’t delivered her that letter. Would she have ever put herself out there again, or would she have spent the rest of her life alone, clinging to her husband’s memory?

  Luckily, she would never know the answer to that question. Alexander was now part of her life. She looked forward to what the future had in store for them. Whatever it might be.

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  Alexander came up behind Grace and pulled her against his chest. “Ready for tonight?”

  Grace chuckled. “No. Not even a little bit.” She leaned in to him, taking comfort in his arms.

  “You’ll do fine.” He rubbed his hand along her backside. “Did you have any problems with the prep?”

  The prep. Cleaning herself out for tonight’s play. It wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t the most pleasant thing she’d ever done. “I managed.”

  He ran the tip of his nose along her neck, sending shivers down her spine. “I promise I will make it worth it.”

  Of that she had no doubt. Almost three weeks had passed since that night in his bedroom where she’d told him she loved him for the first time. It had been a turning point for them. He’d stopped holding back and so had she.

  They still hit a few bumps in the road every now and then. Like two nights ago when she’d been putting some of Alexander’s things in the closet. He’d been slowly transferring his things to her house, both having agreed that, given the size of his apartment, him moving was the better option. She’d pushed some of her clothes aside and came across one of Kurt’s dress uniforms. She hadn’t been able to get rid of it when she’d packed up and come to St. Louis, but she’d completely forgotten it was there. Alexander had found her sitting on the floor of her bedroom, holding the uniform in a death grip. She’d been out of it for the rest of the evening.

  As usual, Alexander was nothing but understanding. He’d lowered himself onto the floor beside her even though she knew getting down there had to be a challenge because of his injury. No words were spoken as he held her in his arms.

  But tonight wasn’t about Kurt, or her past, or his. Tonight was about the two of them performing a scene in front of the entire club. She was scared out of her wits, but she was also incredibly excited. He’d been getting her ready by introducing her to all the toys he was going to use on her, letting her ask questions as they went. It had eased many of her concerns.

  “We need to get going. I want to look over all the equipment before too many people get there.”

  It was almost seven by the time they arrived at Serpent’s Kiss. They’d barely walked in the door before Ali noticed them. She waved to Grace from across the room where she was standing with a woman Grace didn’t recognize.

  “Go on over and say hello. I’ll be busy for a bit,” Alexander said.

  “Yes, Master.”

  Ali smiled as Grace approached. The two had gotten to know each other much better over the last few weeks. It was nice having another sub she could talk to. Beth was great, but there were some things only another sub would understand, and Grace wasn’t sure she would ever be that comfortable talking about that kind of stuff with Drew, sub or not.

  “Are you ready for tonight?” Ali asked, unable to contain her enthusiasm.

  Grace blew out a breath. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “I’m sure you’ll have fun. Your Master knows what he’s doing.”

  Yes, he did. He’d proven it time and time again.

  The woman she didn’t know elbowed Ali.

  “Oh. Sorry. Grace, I’d like for you to meet my best friend, Kim. She came here a couple of months ago to check out the club and now she’s decided to join. Isn’t that great?” Maybe Ali’s enthusiasm wasn’t all about tonight’s demonstration.

  Kim started to offer her hand, and then pulled it back. “It’s nice to meet you. Ali was telling me that you’re fairly new to the club, too.”

  “I joined a little over a month ago.”

  “Oh wow. And you’re doing the demonstration tonight? I’m not sure I could be that brave,” Kim said.

  Ali giggled. “Grace is an exhibitionist. We’ve gotten to see that firsthand a number of times.”

  Grace felt her cheeks heat. “I didn’t used to be.”

  Kim nodded toward the platform along the back wall. “Is that your Dom?”

  Turning to look in the direction Kim was, Grace saw Alexander bent over a small metal tray, examining its contents. “Yes. That’s my Master.”

  “Isn’t that a bit unusual?” she asked.

  Grace tore her gaze away from Alexander and back to Grace. “Unusual?”

  “To find a master so quickly. You said you’d only been a member of the club for about a month.”

  Ali looked to be about to say something to her fri
end, but Grace didn’t mind the questions. If Kim was new to the lifestyle then it was understandable that she’d want to know as much as possible. “We met before, but didn’t realize we were both into BDSM until we saw each other here.”

  “That had to be awkward.”

  Grace snorted. “I ran away.”

  Kim furrowed her brow in confusion.

  “When I saw him across the room, I freaked out and left as quickly as my feet would carry me.” She frowned. “It was a rash decision, but at the time I didn’t see any other option.”

  “I probably would have done the same thing.”

  This time Ali was the one who snorted. “No, you wouldn’t. Knowing you, you would have marched up to him, your head held high, and demanded to know what he was doing here.”

  That didn’t sound all that submissive to Grace, but then again maybe Kim wasn’t a sub. Ali hadn’t really said.

  Kim laughed. “Maybe.”

  “There’s no maybe about it,” Ali said. “I know you.”

  Katrina made her way over to them. “How are you ladies this evening?”

  “Good, Mistress,” Grace and Ali said in unison.

  Kim’s response showed how new to the lifestyle she really was. “Good.” Then she seemed to realize her mistake and added, “Mistress.”

  Katrina didn’t seem fazed by the slip. Subs had the choice, or their Doms did, of whether or not to attach an honorific to a Dominant’s name at the club. The only exception to this was Mistress Katrina. She was the club mistress and every sub used her title without exception. It wasn’t written in the rules or anything, but it was what was accepted and expected. “All ready for tonight, Grace?”

  “Yes, Mistress Katrina.” Grace glanced once more in Alexander’s direction. This time he appeared to be examining the table itself. “Master is making sure everything is the way he wants it.”

  She followed Grace’s gaze and grinned. “I should probably make sure he has everything he needs.”

  Katrina excused herself, leaving the three alone again.

  “Have you been in the lifestyle long?” Grace asked Kim, curiosity getting the better of her.


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