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Bless This Love

Page 20

by S M Mala

  ‘You have a charmed life.’

  Joe laughed, holding her hand as they walked down the main street an hour later. ‘All you have to do is sing and you get six months, full pay? Then just sing.’

  'But no Stevie Wonder!' she said, exasperated at the idea.

  'Do you know any other songs?'

  'Yes, but that's not the point. He thinks I’ve got to sort out my head and find out what I want in life. I’ve been begging him to sack me for five years. And now there’s a possibility he might, I’m not quite sure if I want to lose the job.’

  ‘What do you want to do?’

  ‘I have no idea. I get paid far too much for doing so little, and I still moan. Oh, and I have to write for the porn channel but I don’t have to go back into the building.’ Joe grinned at her as she frowned. ‘They’re looking after Ted Green, not me.’

  ‘Like I said, that’s my job.’

  ‘Where are we going?’

  ‘For a walk.’

  ‘Okay,’ she said, happily going along with what he was saying.

  ‘You know it’s my birthday on 17th September?’ Joe said, grinning widely. ‘Maybe we could have a coming out party.’

  Suri immediately stopped and turned him to face her.

  ‘I want to give you the best birthday ever!’ she said, flinging her arms around his neck. ‘Can I?’

  ‘You can do anything you want to me.’

  Then she kissed him, letting out a sigh before he continued their stroll.

  It wasn’t a normal walk as he was marching. Joe seemed to have an idea of where he was heading. They went along a long busy side road and towards some streets with very large houses.

  ‘I need to do something,’ he said, smiling brightly. ‘We have to stay for half an hour and then we can go.’

  ‘Stay where?’

  ‘It’ll be fine,’ he sighed, and she wondered what he was up to.

  There was noise coming from one of the houses and she wondered who he knew.

  Joe stopped outside the large gate and looked at her.

  ‘Suri, I love you. This is where we begin.’

  She still didn’t have to foggiest what he was talking about.

  ‘Reverend Isley and-.’ Mrs Rodgers, a haughty woman who was friends with Janet Peters, looked on in horror when she saw Suri. She had come rushing to the door, hopefully thinking Joe was alone. ‘Ah!’

  ‘I know,’ smiled Joe. ‘I say that all the time when I see her. This is Suri Thomas.’

  ‘I know,’ she said putting on a fixed smile. ‘How are you Suri?’

  ‘Very well, Mrs Rodgers,’ she said, doing half a curtsey and seeing Joe roll his eyes. ‘Much obliged to be able to come to your home.’

  ‘Oh?’ replied Mrs Rodgers, confused by the response.

  She was a large woman with dyed brown hair. Always in bright colours, today she had on an orange dress which made her look like the fruit.

  Trying hard to release her hand from Joe’s, Suri realised he was holding on tightly.

  ‘We can only stay for a little while,’ he said as Mrs Rodgers ushered them in. ‘I’m making dinner tonight.’

  ‘Really?’ Suri said, her palm starting to sweat.

  ‘Please help yourselves to drinks. I have to check on something.’

  Mrs Rodgers hurriedly walked away. Suri could see she was heading out to the garden.

  ‘I’m not staying,’ Suri said while Joe walked her towards the people serving beverages. ‘This isn’t my idea of fun and after Sunday, you know they don’t want me here.’

  ‘But I want you and I’m going to do this properly.’

  ‘You want me dead, don’t you?’

  ‘Reverend Isley!’ Janet Peters said all smiles and pink chiffon. ‘How lovely to see you. You’ve brought a guest.’

  ‘I have. This is-.’

  ‘I know who she is,’ Janet Peters replied, the smile still fixed.

  ‘And I know who you are,’ Suri replied quietly and looked up at her, straight in the eye.

  ‘I wonder if I could have a word with you, Reverend Isley. Privately?’

  ‘Sure,’ he said, releasing Suri’s hand and following her out of the room.

  A quick glance towards the garden, she could see their appearance had caused some interest. Suri turned her back and got a large glass of wine, knocking it back.

  Her insides were trembling, and she felt both angry and upset.


  She turned and saw Mrs Henderson, who had been very good friends with Rory’s parents.

  The woman also witnessed what happened that fateful day, but because of other complications, it was thought best not to get her involved.

  They had spoken a few times afterwards about it. At one point, Suri was angry she hadn’t spoken up but then realised, no one would believe Mrs Henderson either. There was no point her going through the same hell as Suri had done.

  ‘I haven’t seen you for ages,’ the older woman said, hugging and kissing her.

  ‘I’m not quite sure if you should do that,’ Suri said, smiling. ‘I didn’t know you’d come back here to live.’

  ‘I wanted to come back,’ she said, squeezing her arm.

  In the decade she hadn’t seen her, Penelope Henderson hadn’t changed much. She was still a beautiful woman who smacked of proper class and elegance. Blonde hair and the gracefulness of a swan. Everything was to be admired in her.

  ‘I’m sorry to hear about your husband passing away,’ whispered Suri, seeing Mrs Henderson look sympathetically at her.

  ‘Three years ago and counting,’ she quietly said, taking Suri’s chin to look into her eyes. ‘And I expect you know the feeling, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes,’ she replied, looking away and not wanting to show it still hurt.

  ‘And Janet Peters is still getting at you?’ she frowned. ‘To this day, she still doesn’t know what happened between me and Edgar.’

  ‘I’d never say anything.’

  ‘Suri,’ she said, pulling her away. ‘I sometimes wish I’d spoken out. I know that woman made you suffer and still is.’

  ‘What would be the point? You’d have lost your marriage, friends and who knows what.’ Suri glanced at the people darting her dirty looks. ‘Ostracised for speaking the truth. I want something for people to remember Rory by, and I’m being stopped.’

  ‘I know she treats your mother appallingly. Poor Mary! She’s such a sweet person.’

  ‘She doesn’t deserve it.’

  ‘Neither one of you does,’ she sighed and then smiled. ‘I saw you the other day. Kissing the Vicar outside the church. It was very sweet.’


  ‘Are you seeing each other?’


  ‘Are you having a problem speaking?’

  ‘Janet Peters has just taken him for a quiet chat. I think that will include telling him I’m not invited to any social functions inside or outside the church. In a matter of minutes, I’ll be evicted.’

  Mrs Henderson took Suri’s arm and escorted her out to the garden, where people parted as if they were like the red sea, when they both walked on the green. She knew they were all probably gossiping.

  'Are you seeing Reverend Isley? Because I'll tell you a secret. I spotted him with someone who looked like you a few weeks ago. I heard he met someone and broke up. He was so miserable for weeks. The one day I had to leave the church early, he was running over to you and looked very upset. And now, suddenly, he's been happy.'

  There was nothing Suri could say.

  They'd been caught.

  'I'm in love with the Vicar,' she whispered. 'Totally and utterly. He called it off, you see. There had been a situation a while back, and he got into trouble. Unfortunately, he met me which made him scared when I told him about Janet Peters not being a fan. We split for four weeks, and it was horrible.'

  'That explains the choice of songs on Sunday,' she half smiled. 'It was painful to watch him close to tears for most of the ti
me. And what does he think about you?'

  'He says he loves me but...' She glanced at where Joe had walked off. 'Janet Peters will put her foot down. You women on the church committee will probably give him an ultimatum, and I'll be on the scrap head again.' She felt dismally unhappy on saying it. 'But I got to spend some more time with the Vicar and I'm happy.'

  'Rory's parents always ask about you,' she whispered, looking sadly at her. 'You suffered too, and I know it has been hard. If you love him, like you say you do, then I hope you work it out. Janet Peters will never forgive you.'

  Suri took a deep breath. She didn't want to talk about it.

  'One day you have to speak up. Tell everyone what happened. You see, I know they gave you his diary and if you don't want to put the record straight, at least you could do it for Rory, once and for all.' Mrs Henderson then shrugged her shoulders. ‘You can name me.’

  ‘I can’t.’

  ‘He’s with Annabel now. My cousin,’ she whispered and looked a little sad while Suri nodded. ‘I’m happy for them and Edgar is a wonderful man. We had a silly fling at the wrong time, and he blames himself, for keeping his eye off the ball. Somehow he thinks if he weren't preoccupied with me then this wouldn’t have happened.’

  ‘I think it would have, regardless.’

  Then she noticed Joe marching towards her.

  'Drink up,' he said, and there was a fixed smile. 'I want to take you home.'

  She noticed Janet Peters was walking towards her group of other evil friends.

  'Reverend Isley,' Mrs Henderson said loudly. 'I think it's marvellous about you and Suri. She's a wonderful girl, and I hope she makes you very happy.'

  'Oh, she certainly does and she certainly will in half an hour,' he replied, making Mrs Henderson laugh, and then looked at Suri. 'Dinner's calling.'

  Taking her hand, he kissed it then pulled her out of the house as she left her half full glass of wine on the table.

  'Joe, don't go getting into trouble over-.'

  He kissed her so passionately; she nearly fell backwards. His tongue filled her mouth as he held her very close.

  'I love you, Suri Thomas. Don't you think for one moment otherwise, do you hear?'

  She nodded.

  'Because you know when it's right.' He took her hand and put it on his heart. 'You feel it here. God's telling me I'm not making a mistake with you. I know it.'

  'I hope so,' she smiled.

  'Dinner then bed or bed, dinner, bed. I'm raring to go.'

  'Did she upset you? Janet Peters?'

  'She upset herself.'

  'I like your eggs.'

  Suri was grinning at him, stood in her kitchen. Joe was naked other than wearing an apron. And she wasn't talking about his omelette making skills. He had the perfect backside.

  Like two little boiled eggs.

  If she could crack them, they would be soft in the middle, while firm on the outside.

  'My little chef, why were you in a rush down the road?' she asked, watching him beat the dear life out of the mixture. 'Even I built up a sweat and I wasn't even walking fast.' Suri hesitated. 'Did she say something about me? I won't be upset. She's said most of the things to my face, one time, or another.'

  He didn't say anything and she knew he was angry. His face was like thunder while trying to make out he was okay.

  Her mother regularly had the same expression when it came to Janet Peters.

  'Did you enjoy your shower?' she tentatively asked, stepping closer. 'Joe? Can you please talk to me? Don't lock me out.'

  The head fell forward, and he stopped what he was doing.

  'She told me that seeing you would ruin my career and work in the church. I asked her to give me some good reasons, and she said it was your fault her child died. If it weren't for you meeting Rory, Felicity would be alive. I'd never betray your confidence, but she was rather vile, and it hurt me.' Joe turned to look at her. 'It hurt to hear her speak about you like that. I'd do anything to show doubters what you're like, and you were the innocent one. It's wrong, the way she thinks she has the authority. She doesn't.'

  'Being someone who is part of the local community and on the church committee, she is everywhere. I've not done anything bad. I didn't know Felicity was in love with him. I couldn't see it.' Suri sat at the dining table. 'How could I? I was in love with him.'

  'And now?'

  'And now what?'

  'How do you feel?' Joe looked a little sad when he asked. 'Do I match up?'

  She smiled.

  Looking at her naked chef, who was only wearing an apron from an old cookery channel she used to work at, he was feeling vulnerable,

  'If you put your omelette away, I'd like to show you how I crack eggs.'

  Doing everything in her power, she was riding him slowly in the bedroom. All she wanted to do was demonstrate how much she loved him. His hands were caressing each breast.

  Her fanny was throbbing as she moved up and down.

  All he did was watch her, closing his eyes and occasionally gulping.



  'Are you okay?'

  'I'm wonderful.'

  Then she stopped and shook her head from side to side.

  'What?' he asked anxiously.

  'I love you,' she said, coming off him and lying down by his side. 'But Janet has certainly affected your mojo.'

  His breathing got heavier as he turned on his side to look at her.

  'I think she hates the idea of you being happy when she's not. And that's not fair,' he whispered, stroking her face. 'You didn't make anyone stab each other. Why should you suffer?'

  'But why should I be happy?'

  'Because you're with me.'

  'I'd rather let you go than have you upset.'

  He started to laugh.

  'Suri, I can't offer you much, you know that.'

  She turned to look at his beautiful face, not wanting anything.

  'But all I've got is my faith, my work and now you.' Joe grinned. 'I want all three, and I will work out how.' He looked down at the condom on his dick, pulling it off. 'Can we do it without? I'll be careful.'

  'Make love to me any way you want,' she said, opening her thighs. 'I want to make us happy.'

  Joe moved closer and put his hand between her legs, rubbing her nub gently and kissing her breasts. She looked down at his dark hair and noticed the pink lips sucking on her nipples.

  The sight was a turn on.

  'I love you,' she whispered, feeling his fingers start to work faster, her juices helping him to heighten her pleasure.

  Then her thighs felt taut, and she knew she was close. He picked up his speed, and she knew she was going to belt out an orgasm.

  Suri groaned, shivered and shook to his touch, unable to stop, and then he went on top. Their eyes locked, and he pushed in. His muscle was inside her, and he moved so slowly, looking at her all the time.

  Touching his face, she knew her heart beat was fast and looked into his eyes.

  He was such a handsome creature; she couldn't look away, watching him smile and then his face contort into pure pleasure.

  There was nothing she wouldn't do for him.

  ‘I love you,’ she whispered. ‘Don’t stop.’

  His speed started to pick up, and they watched each other succumbed to lust and love.

  It was magical.

  And for the first time in ages, Suri believed another human being loved her.

  That was all she wanted.

  ‘Just a few pennies.’

  Suri was stood away from the church but made sure she was by her usual bench. Tin in hand and tag around her neck, she avoided the Sunday worshippers and rattled her coins.

  From where she was standing, she could see Joe was by the gate, greeting people coming in but constantly kept looking over.

  He had been with her up until late Saturday afternoon. They’d spent most of the time making love and talking. Time just flew until he tried to coax her to sing, and she re
fused. He didn’t seem upset, just bemused by her reaction.

  Today she was going to try and break into song, but she felt odd.

  Singing for Joe.

  She didn’t think her voice was up to scratch, and it would show.

  To her side, she had a large crate for food donations knowing no-one would put anything in. She’d bought six packets of cheap noodles and some rice to show willing.

  Knowing she’d have to focus, Suri rattled her tin and walked around the green, being ignored once again. It was a bit overcast, and she then smiled at her handsome lover being greeted by all his flock.

  The sigh came oozing from her throat as she smiled.

  ‘That’s not how you’re going to raise money, is it?’ she heard from behind and turned to see Edgar standing with Annabel, who laughed. ‘I take it the committee aren’t happy with your attempts at helping?’

  ‘Hello Annabel,’ Suri replied, glaring at Edgar. ‘Congratulations on your impending nuptials.’

  ‘I hear you’re singing,’ she gently said, shaking her long straight blonde hair.

  Edgar’s wife-to-be was similar to Janet Peters but prettier and far more curvaceous. There was a certain haughty beauty but gentle features.

  ‘Here’s some money!’ Mrs Henderson said from behind her, cramming a five pound note into the tin. She then turned to kiss Annabel and Edgar. ‘You’ve heard she’s knocking off that hot little Vicar over there.’

  ‘Heaven forbid! You know too,’ mumbled Edgar, starting to smile. ‘I’ve got a sheet of songs for you to practise singing for the wedding. I’ll email them to you later.’

  Letting out a loud huff, Suri knew she was stuck.

  ‘Suri, are you going to sing?’ Mrs Henderson asked, looking delighted. ‘That would be wonderful!’

  ‘It’d be a miracle if I could perform,’ she mumbled in response. ‘Edgar, can’t you get Joe to do it? He’s so much better than-.’

  ‘I want you,’ he said quietly. ‘That would make me very happy.’

  She shook the tin in his face and watched him push his hand into his pocket. Edgar dropped in all his loose change. Then she noticed he looked strained when glancing over. Turning, she noticed Janet Peters walk in surrounded by Mrs Rodgers and Mrs Markham, all three throwing disgruntled stares.


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