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Heartbreak And Past Mistakes

Page 13

by Chenell Parker

  It took a whole day of begging and pleading, but Javier finally managed to make things right with Lyric. He had been working his ass off on their new case, but he always made time for them to do something together. Two whole weeks had passed since their last argument and he was happy that things seemed to be looking up. He just prayed that it stayed that way, especially after the day that he had planned. He really needed them to be in a good place since he and Mr. Malone were leaving to go out of town soon. They were teaching a workshop on behalf of the DA’s office for up and coming attorneys. It was an honor for Javier to even be considered. He just hated that he would have to leave Lyric for an entire week to do it.

  “Baby, wake up,” Javier said as he nuzzled his nose in Lyric’s neck. She smelled like vanilla and he was ready to get back into bed with her. If his family weren’t due to be there in a little over an hour, he probably would have.

  “I don’t want to. Remind me again why I agreed to do this,” Lyric replied.

  She said yes and she regretted it as soon as she did. Having lunch with Javier’s family was not on her list of things to do on a Saturday. Lyric usually hit up the mall and gym on the weekends, but Javier’s constant begging won her over. That, among other things, made the decision just a little bit easier.

  “It might have something to do with the shopping spree that I promised you tomorrow,” Javier laughed.

  “Bribery works every time,” Lyric said as she stood up and stretched.

  “Damn baby,” Javier said as he admired her body.

  Lyric had ass for days and it was all natural. He tried to resist but it was too hard. He grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap. He pulled Lyric’s face closer to his and stuck his tongue in her mouth. The towel that was wrapped around his waist revealed his growing erection and let her know just how turned on he was. After removing the temporary barrier, he threw it to the floor. He tried to enter her while she was on top, but Lyric stopped him before he could.

  “Condom,” Lyric insisted as she moved her body to the side of him.

  “Come on baby. One time without a condom won’t hurt. It’s not like I’m having sex with anyone else. Are you?” Javier asked as he held his breath and awaited her answer.

  “No, I’m not, but that’s not the point. I’m not ready for kids just yet and I’m not as consistent as I should be with my birth control. I need all the protection I can get.”

  “Having kids isn’t so bad. We would be great parents,” Javier replied.

  “I don’t doubt that but I’m just not ready yet. I don’t want to be like my parents were when they had me. I want to enjoy life as much as I can before I start having kids. And I would prefer it if I was married before I did,” Lyric noted.

  “Well, since I’m gonna be your husband someday, we can start practicing now,” Javier smirked.

  “As flattered as I am that you want to marry me one day, you still need to use a condom,” Lyric insisted.

  “We don’t have anymore. We used the last one early this morning,” Javier groaned.

  “Oh well, I guess you’ll have to settle for the next best thing,” Lyric replied as she stood to her feet.

  Javier got excited when she dropped to her knees in front of him. Lyric gave the best oral sex that he’d ever received. She did everything in the bedroom better than the women who came before her. She was nasty and Javier loved the freaky side of her.

  “Shit Lyric,” he hissed when she wrapped her lips around his dick and used her mouth like a suction cup.

  Javier ran his hands though her naturally curly hair as he thrust his hips upwards. He loved to look at Lyric when she went down on him and she always looked right back at him. She had him under her spell and he couldn’t even think straight. When his doorbell rang, Javier cursed the day that the sudden intruder was ever born.

  “No baby, don’t stop,” Javier begged when Lyric stopped her oral pleasure.

  “What if that’s your family Javier? I’m not even dressed and I have your dick on my breath,” Lyric replied.

  “It’s not them. They’re not due to get here for another hour or more,” he said almost desperately. He needed Lyric to finish doing what she was doing, but the constant ringing of the bell didn’t help his argument much.

  “Go see who it is Javier. We have all the time in the world to finish what we started,” Lyric replied as she stood up and walked to the bathroom.

  “Who the hell can this be?” Javier fumed as he opened his drawer.

  He grabbed a pair of boxers and sweat pants. After throwing on a t-shirt, he put on his slides and rushed to the door with a deep frown etched on his face. His features softened a bit when he looked out the window and saw the delivery van from the restaurant parked out front. He’d forgotten all about the food that he ordered for their lunch. Since Lyric hated the food from the restaurant that they went to before, he let her choose the meal for their second gathering. Her and Nova always went to a hole in the wall soul food restaurant that wasn’t too far from the job, so Javier got the food from there. Admittedly, the food was great but his mother would die if she ever laid eyes on the drab looking establishment where it came from.

  Once he had all the food inside, Javier tipped the driver and got right to work. His mother wouldn’t be caught dead eating out of a disposable pan, so he had to transfer all the food into chafing dishing and put the warmers underneath. Javier was happy that he and Lyric stopped when they did because it was getting close to the time that his family would be arriving. He still had to put on some decent clothes, but everything else was done.

  “It smells good in here,” Lyric said when she walked into his kitchen.

  Her expensive perfume permeated the air but that wasn’t what had Javier mesmerized. Lyric had on a long striped maxi dress that stopped right at her feet. She moisturized her hair and had a headband around it. Besides lip gloss, her face was free of makeup but she was even more beautiful without it. Javier couldn’t remember ever being so gone over a woman, but Lyric had his heart in the palm of her hand.

  “You look beautiful baby.” Javier smiled as he kissed her cheek.

  “Thanks boo. You better go get dressed. Mommie Dearest and Chester the child molester will be here soon,” Lyric said, referring to what she called his parents.

  “I thought you agreed to be nice,” Javier smirked.

  “I am being nice. You might want to hide the wire hangers, just in case she looks through your closet,” Lyric laughed as Javier went to get dressed.

  Although Lyric had met his parents once before, it would be her first time meeting his sisters Madison and Morgan. Madison was married but she didn’t have any kids. Morgan was more of a free sprit and she never settled down with more than one person for too long. Morgan was the youngest and the most rebellious of the three of them. She didn’t do anything that her parents expected of her and she lived her life the way she wanted to. Madison was an elementary school principal and their parents were very proud of her. Morgan was supposed to be a school teacher but she ditched that idea to become a personal stylist. She had made a name for herself in the music industry but that wasn’t good enough for their parents. It was a disgrace for them to have two professional kids and one who dressed people for a living, as Maxine would often say. Morgan was Javier’s favorite because she told it how it was and didn’t care about anyone else’s feelings. Maxine was always so dramatic and she always called her out on her bullshit.

  When the doorbell rang a few minutes later, Javier was almost done getting dressed. He didn’t want Lyric to answer the door but he didn’t have a choice.

  “Answer the door baby!” Javier yelled from his bedroom down the hall.

  Lyric frowned, even though he couldn’t see and proceeded to the front of the house. She heard Maxine’s annoying ass voice on the other side of the door and she was almost tempted not to answer it. She could have been out somewhere with Bronx instead of dealing with Javier’s family. Lyric hadn’t see him in two day and she
kind of missed him. She would never say that to Bronx though because he was cocky enough.

  “Hello.” Lyric smiled as she opened the door and welcomed Javier’s family inside.

  His nasty ass daddy was the first one to enter, followed by another woman who looked like Maxine’s twin.

  “How are you, Lyric? It’s nice to see you again,” Javier’s father said as he spoke to her ass and not her face.

  “I’ve been fine Mr. Livingston. How about you?” Lyric asked.

  “Never better,” he replied as he continued to gawk.

  Maxine cleared her throat to snap him out of his daydream, when another woman walked in and extended her hand.

  “Hi Lyric, I’m Morgan. It’s nice to finally meet you,” she said with a genuine smile.

  Lyric liked her from the moment she opened her mouth and she already knew that she was going to be the only one in Javier’s family that she got along with.

  “Hi Morgan, it’s nice to meet you too.” Lyric smiled as she shook her hand.

  “I know you’ve already met my mom and dad, but this is my sister, Madison,” Morgan said, since the other woman didn’t bother to speak.

  “Hi,” Madison said dryly, being as much of a bitch as her mother.

  “Come in and have a seat,” Lyric said as she closed the door behind them.

  “Where is my son and why wasn’t he the one to greet us?” Maxine asked.

  “I don’t see why that matters, as long as someone let you in,” Lyric replied.

  Maxine was with the bullshit already but Lyric had time for it. When Javier came rushing down the hall, she had never been so happy to see him.

  “Hey everybody. Sit down and make yourselves comfortable. The food is ready and I have some wine for whoever wants some,” Javier said as he greeted his family with hand shakes and kisses.

  “I’ll take some wine,” Morgan said.

  “Not too much Morgan,” Maxine spoke up.

  “I think being twenty-seven years old means that I’m grown, mother,” Morgan replied as Lyric giggled.

  Yep, it was official and Morgan was indeed her favorite.

  “No need to be disrespectful Morgan. You did drive here on your own,” Madison intervened.

  “And? It ain’t like I never drove while drinking before. Hell, the daiquiri shops have a drive-thru,” Morgan replied.

  “Is everybody ready to eat?” Javier asked, trying to change the subject.

  “Who prepared the food?” Maxine questioned.

  “I had it catered from a restaurant,” Javier answered.

  “In that case, I would love some,” Maxine replied with her eyes fixated on Lyric.

  “Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel,” Lyric said, reciting the names of some designers as she followed Javier to the kitchen.

  “What are you talking about Lyric?” Javier asked her.

  “I’m thinking of the reasons why I agreed to do this bullshit,” Lyric replied.

  “Whatever you want is yours baby, I promise. You’re here to stay Lyric and my family will just have to deal with it. There is no me without you. They can take it or leave it,” Javier replied. He had his reasons for inviting his family over. Lyric was just as important to him as they were and they needed to know that.

  Once they got the glasses and wine on the table, everyone fixed their food and sat down to eat. Conversation was flowing easily, mainly because Lyric only talked to Morgan. Javier talked to his oldest sister and their parents and it felt like the room was divided. That was fine with him too because the tension wasn’t as thick. Over two hours had passed and Lyric seemed to be comfortable with them being there.

  When her phone rang a few minutes later, Javier discreetly looked at the screen to see that it was Mr. Malone calling. It had to be important because he never called her on the weekends. Lyric excused herself to take his call and Javier was right. Mr. Malone was working on something, just like always, and he misplaced some of his important notes. Lyric always kept her laptop in her car, so Javier had to rush outside and grab it for her. She went to his bedroom to assist Mr. Malone while he used that time to talk to his family.

  “So, I uh, invited y’all over here for a reason,” Javier said low enough so that Lyric wouldn’t hear him.

  “Yeah, we know. You want us to fall in love with that trollop,” Maxine replied with a roll of her eyes.

  “Can you please not do that mom? Don’t call her names,” Javier said, defending Lyric.

  “What’s going on son? Is something wrong?” Douglas asked.

  Instead of answering, Javier reached into his front pocket and pulled out a black velvet ring box.

  “Oh God, just take me now,” Maxine gasped as she slid down in her chair as if she were fainting.

  “Javier, no! You can’t be serious. She is not the one,” Madison said as she fanned their mother dramatically.

  “Well, I like her,” Morgan spoke up.

  “Thank you, Morgan,” Javier said while grabbing his little sister’s hand and kissing it.

  “I like her too,” Douglas spoke up, surprising his son. He never went against his wife for any reason so that was a surprise.

  “I guess you do. She can barely walk out of the room without your eyes being glued to that disgusting thing that she calls a backside. The damn thing needs its own area code. It’s huge and it’s gross.” Maxine frowned.

  “And I wish I had one,” Morgan said, and she and Javier laughed.

  “Now is not the time Morgan,” Madison chastised.

  “I think you should do it Javier,” Morgan replied.

  “Javier Livingston, I swear on the lives of my unborn grandkids that you will never see me again after today. You propose to her and you can just consider me dead. You’re out of my will and out of my life,” Maxine said as she stood to her feet.

  “Don’t do this Javier. Do you see what this is doing to mom? Are you trying to kill her?” Madison asked as she helped her mother sit back in her seat.

  “How is that fair though, Madison? Nobody said anything when you wanted to marry Dexter. They welcomed him with open arms,” Javier pointed put.

  “Dexter has never disrespected me the way that she has. How can you even think about marrying a woman who speaks to your mother the way that she spoke to me?’ Maxine fumed.

  “You started it though mom,” Javier replied as he tried to keep his anger at bay.

  “And you’re still defending her. Had I known that this was the reason for the invite, I would have graciously declined. If you care anything about me, you wouldn’t do this Javier. You wouldn’t break my heart by giving her the Livingston last name,” Maxine said as her eyes filled with tears.

  That was nothing new to him because his mother could cry on cue. Maxine had ways to get what she wanted and it always worked.

  “Maybe you should wait a while son. Just think about it some more and see if this is what you really want,” Douglas spoke up.

  Just like always, Maxine was victorious and got her way. Feeling defeated, Javier put the ring back into his pocket and nodded his head. Morgan looked upset that he backed down, but she didn’t speak on it. She always did what she wanted to do and she wished her older siblings would some day follow her lead. Javier and Madison lived to please their parents, but Morgan just didn’t give a fuck. Maxine needed to worry about her own marriage. It was no secret that Douglas was cheating on her but she turned a blind eye to his wrongdoing.

  “Just forget that I even said anything,” Javier said.

  “Thank God,” Maxine said, smiling triumphantly.

  “This is not a victory mother. I still plan to marry Lyric but there’s no need for you to worry. I won’t mention it to you again and you don’t have to be at our wedding since you hate her so much,” Javier said, making Morgan smile that time.

  Maxine stopped smiling and shook her head in disgust. She didn’t mean anything that she’d said to Javier. He was her only son and her favorite child. She couldn’t imagine turning her back o
n him, but she just knew that her idle threat would work just like they always did. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, her son was in love with Lyric and they were stuck with her.

  “I just need time Javier. I don’t want to miss one of the most important moments of your life. I also don’t want to hate the woman that you plan to marry. I do think that you’re moving too fast though. One minute you said that you’re just dating and not in a relationship. Now, you want to pop the question and give her our last name. I’m just so confused by it all. How do you plan to make her your wife when she’s barely your girlfriend?” Maxine questioned.

  “I told you that a long time ago. She is my girlfriend and we’re in a relationship now,” Javier said, even though he knew that it wasn’t entirely true.

  “Did you guys ever discuss marriage?” Madison asked.

  “Not really,” he admitted.

  “Exactly, so how do you know if she’s even ready for that right now?” Maxine questioned.

  “Yeah, big brother, you might want to have that discussion with her first. No need to propose if she doesn’t say yes. I like her and I’m all for it, but I don’t want you to get hurt,” Morgan said.

  They gave him a lot to think about and he had to admit that they were right. As much as he loved Lyric, he had to make sure that she loved him just as much. Javier had just recently confessed how he felt about her, but he still didn’t know if the feelings were mutual. Javier didn’t even have a chance to respond before Lyric came back into the room.

  “Is everything okay baby?” Javier asked when she sat in her seat that was right next to his.

  “Yeah, everything is okay. You know how he panics whenever he can’t find something that he needs. That’s why I keep my laptop with me everywhere I go,” Lyric replied.

  The rest of the night went on smoothly but she was happy to see his family go. She and Javier cleaned up everything and prepared to turn in for the night. While Lyric was busy looking on her phone, Javier took the ring out of his pocket and hid it in the closet where it was before.


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