After Everything Has Been Said and Done
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He knew he hurt me,
but for the record, I know I hurt him too.
I wasn’t pretty enough for him.
I feel like that was the first wound that impaled his heart.
Sure, just a simple selfie could make his dick hard, but was it really my beauty or was it the ideas he had imprinted in his mind of what he’d like to do to me, and he saw me as willing?
Despite my facial unattractiveness, I probably made his ego quiver at the idea of being seen with me in public which is why I was kept his dirty little secret.
8 months in and no one knew about me?
That probably devastated him more than it could ever impact me.
This is where the second wound comes into play.
His excuses seized his triumphs and I know my weight hurt him too.
It wasn’t from me sitting on his lap and him begging to insert
“just the tip,” no,
it was the idea that I wasn’t a size zero and his friends might think he had a fetish.
His sister was a twig and it saddened him to imagine the thoughts his mother would have when the holidays would come around and I wouldn’t be too shy to ask for a second slice of pumpkin pie even though I don’t like pumpkin pie.
The last wound I remember inflicting was being too clingy which was possibly the reason he decided he couldn’t take this awfulness anymore. Ignoring me for days was okay, but the moment I started seeing my worth, it all became too much for him.
You didn’t have to lie to me, I wanted to know about the destruction I caused you.
I want to apologize for making your heart feel the torment that I provoked.
The Answer Remains Unknown
How can you live
knowing you emotionally
and mentally
and physically
fucked a person up?
Seasons Change
You’ll bury yourself in books
to keep your mind distraught.
He wasn’t the one for you
just someone that you bought.
Not with actual money,
but with your body that you purposely objectified.
After Everything Is Said and Done,
you’ll realize he wasn’t worth the time
I used to like the color yellow.
Everything about it was vibrant and uplifting.
Even the sun uses it for display so that the entire world can admire its beauty.
On days of darkness, we live in gloom.
Once the golden rays peek back through, we awaken and do the things we were created to do.
Yellow was your favorite color.
Maybe it still is.
Out of all the color choices in the rainbow, why did you have to choose yellow?
Since you left, I’m cursed to see yellow on a daily basis only to be reminded of you
and to question why I dislike the hue so much.
flaxen: pale yellow color of dressed flax
La Douleur Exquise
I died a little each night
that I cried myself to sleep.
I wasn’t enough for you.
I would never be enough for you.
Please don’t look at me with mayhem.
My final goodbye is my final goodbye.
Maybe now you’ll see what it’s like
to have your lungs on fire
and your eyes bloodshot,
all because your heart is mourning the loss of someone alive,
and you’ll know that it was their choice to walk away from you
entirely because you weren’t as fulfilling for their needs as they thought you would be.
La douleur exquise: the exquisite pain of wanting someone that you know you can never have and knowing that you will still try to be with them.
Do you know what makes life so different in comparison to books?
“I don’t love you anymore,” hits a little bit harder.
I just want to be found by you
I started surrounding myself
with boys that didn’t matter
thinking I could forget
the one that did.
They keep telling me to walk away
it’s easy, they say
you’ll thank yourself, they say
he’s the one that’ll be regretting it, they say
but the problem is, they are just saying this.
They are just using words.
They are not the person experiencing the feelings.
In my opinion,
they shouldn’t even have a say,
so why do I keep thinking they do?
logomachy: an argument about words.
You left me.
You decided I wasn’t enough.
You had every chance I could ever give you and then some.
You chose to walk away.
You decided that you didn’t love me.
All of this is on you.
Finally, I decided that you don’t get to decide anything for me anymore.
You do not get to adjudicate my anger.
You do not get to tell me that I cannot be happy.
You do not get a say when I’m with him and we run into each other for the first time.
You do not get a say when I do not wish to speak to you.
You do not get to tell me that you want me back,
and you definitely do not get to tell me that you did in fact love me.
For once, you do not own me.
Even though you caused all of this entirely, you do not get a say on how I choose to let you go.
novaturient: desiring or seeking powerful change in one’s life, behavior, or situation
I finally learned
that my mental health
is way more important
than the idea of two fingers
stuck inside
and me moaning out your name
insouciant: free from worry, concern, or anxiety; nonchalant
You don't have to tell me you lost feelings for me,
I fucking felt it.
filipendulous: hanging on by a thread
he left
I cried
isn’t that such a beautiful goodbye?
Hey Good Lookin’
He liked the oldies.
“They hold power and wisdom,” he’d tell me.
He’d serenade me night after night with the love only people born in the 1920’s would know.
Soon enough, I found myself presetting stations, listening to them wherever I drove.
Their voices grew louder and his grew quieter.
It wasn’t long before I figured out he was only using me as a warmup.
He became her main event.
He cut his hair and changed his style.
One must please their audience, should they not?
I now have one preset on my radio that I will always skip over.
My heart doesn’t have the strength to hit clear, but I know my ears would bleed if they had to hear the God-awful noise I once believed was love.
We were perfect on paper,
but our 3D printer couldn’t seem
to work out our kinks.
I was so in love with you
that my own existence became irrelevant.
backpfeifengesicht: a face in need of a slap
Keeping My Own Head Above Water
Not once did you try to save me.
p; You let me drown.
As I held your face between my hands, I believed I loved you.
I had never seen your eyes so bright.
The blue that outgrew the grey could make the Caribbean jealous.
Hell, it made me jealous.
Your hands sat perfectly on my hips,
and your smile was beyond the typical image of a smile.
Just in the way we kissed made our bodies become one.
I think you believed you loved me too,
and that was why it became too much for you.
I’m sorry I couldn’t make you stay.
I’m sorry I wasn’t her.
I hope she sees everything I saw in you and more.
I hope she convinces you that love is vulnerable and despite what you think, it is worth fighting for.
Just because I wasn’t the person that could make you see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t possible.
alexithymia: a person has trouble recognizing and describing their emotions
I Want My Sanity Back
I have this fear lurking deep inside my mind.
When I met him, the idea itself went away,
but then he did to me what he did to me,
and afterward he just left with no remorse.
As each day comes and passes,
I find this fear slowly crawling its way up my spine
and seeking a place to reside.
He comes back to me from time to time,
but my body doesn't belong to him anymore.
Or does it?
Happy Endings Are Just a Myth
I waited for you to text me
A long and slow wind
I sat and thought about what you would say
It was hard to keep the tears from my chin
I was so damn curious about how you would apologize
My heart sank as I thought about all of the lies
Honestly, I don’t think you understand
I needed that text more than my body needed actual air
Months later, it finally came
It was a “hi, how are you?”
I physically felt as my heart sank
When I didn’t reply, you assumed I was fine
but boy, you should have read in between the lines
Out of the blue you thought it was acceptable
to send me your fucking nudes
The lump in my throat clogged
I have never felt so used
Why is it such a problem for you
to keep your dick inside your pants?
Maybe if you did,
I would still do my occasional happy dance
Your hands were cold
and your eyes were wild
I kept saying “no,”
but you treated me as if I were a child
My father raised me to never allow a man to bring me harm
but my father never had to experience the struggle outside of the farm
I cried and cried
and you lied repeatedly
My thighs still ache with the points you made
To this day, that is something I never wanted you to take
You had no right
but I had no fight
You won
I lost
How hard is this life?
I used to say I’d forgive you,
but I could never get the words to come from your mouth
A simple apology is all I wanted,
something to prove you knew what you did was wrong
Just an apology is all I needed
Something to show me that I am still strong
I prayed daily for you to come back.
I prayed for your safety.
I prayed for your well-being.
I prayed for God to forgive your sins,
especially the sins you did to me.
I prayed for whomever was to love you next,
would love you with so much love that your faults would disappear, and you would love them with equal or greater value.
I prayed so much that I cannot recall the moment where it became pathetic.
Today, I deleted that preset on my radio.
Maybe for once it was you who prayed for me.
anagapesis: no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
I Owe You Nothing
I will not apologize for not replying to your texts anymore.
I will not apologize for keeping my head down and walking away quickly before you can confront me each time we see each other in public.
I will not apologize for never answering your calls.
I will not apologize for grasping the fact that it was your choice to leave me after everything you had done to me.
I will not apologize for waking up and realizing that keeping you in my life was worse than breathing in the pain from losing you.
I will not apologize for letting myself have the triumph of learning to be free and accepting the things that actually matter in my life instead of letting a boy control my well-being.
I will not apologize for acting like you do not exist.
After everything you put me through, I question if you even did.
There’s a boy at my work
who looks just like you.
The first day I saw him, I thought you were him.
I got a chance to know him and realized just how polar opposite you two are.
It’s kind of funny though.
His girlfriend resembles me.
In fact, her and I could be twins.
When I look at them, I see you and I in an alternate universe.
A universe where we didn’t hurt each other.
A universe that made sure we worked out all of our faults instead of making them worse.
A universe that wasn’t constantly against us.
The more I’m forced to see him, the more I wish to speak with him.
The more intrigued I am in this life.
The more engrossed I became in their love.
In a sick, twisted way, I feel like I’ve gotten more closure from this complete stranger than I ever did with you;
a boy who stole an entire year of my life.
They say we have seven people in this world that look just like us.
What if our other six are together and you and I were just the only two that were doomed from the beginning?
convivencia: “living together,” in the sense of living or working closely with other people with whom you share feelings, desires, or a common purpose
every cell in our body is destroyed
and replaced every seven years.
It’s comforting to know that 6 years from today,
I will have a body that has never touched yours
and I can finally wipe you clean from my soul.
Moral of the story is:
I will never be a good enough woman for you
because you will never be a good enough man for me
You know that mood of annoyance
that sets in
if you don’t climax
when your brain is set on orgasming?
Yeah, that’s how I feel every time I see you.
I’ve learned that it isn’t about moving on,
but rather about moving forward.
Trust me when I say that ignoring you isn’t hurting me.
I would love to reply to your texts, answer your calls, and possibly see you face to face one last time,
but I know that it wouldn’t be healthy for either of us,
ecially for me.
I’ve made my peace with all of the pain we caused each other:
all of the pain you’ve caused me.
I’m moving forward.
I think you should too.
orenda: a mystical force present in all people that empowers them to
affect the world, or to effect change in their own lives
How much pain
and rejection
must I go through
before I stop believing
in the concept of love?
Nodus Tollens
We flirt
and kiss
We coo
and charm
but the moment I tell you my past,
and the reason why I won’t just “fuck,”
you’re suddenly not interested in me anymore.
nodus tollens: The realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore.
1:32 am thoughts
Tonight, I found my light at the end of the tunnel.
The world isn’t as cruel as I’ve been blaming it to be.
I’ve been messing around with boys
only to realize I should’ve been seeking a man.
When you touch my skin,
it feels as if you are touching my soul.
My body becomes zealous for you.