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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 32

by S. E. Law

  “Sienna, it’s not as terrible as it sounds—”

  But I cut him off again.

  “Oh REALLY? What isn’t terrible about this situation? That you’re part of a dirty swingers club, or that you traded me to another man for your own benefit? Tell me what’s not bad about that!”

  My dad bows his head, waiting for me to say my piece. Angrily, I pound my fist on the table, making the rickety surface shake. When my dad doesn’t look up, I sit down, trying to compose myself.

  “Fine, tell me your side of the story then,” I bite out. “I can’t wait to hear how you justify this.”

  Tyler sighs again, still looking at his clasped hands. They’re big, bronzed, and coarse and I shudder a bit, thinking about how he must have touched Layla so many times with those hands. To be honest, the thought is a little arousing, but I clamp down on it. This isn’t the time to be nice. This is my opportunity to get answers, and I’m going to make the most of it.

  My dad inhales deeply again, and finally looks up to meet my eyes.

  “Okay, I admit that there was some selfishness involved—”

  “You think?” I snap rudely.

  “Stop, Sienna,” my dad says, holding one hand up. “You’re not giving me a chance. Just let me finish.”

  I nod.


  My dad sighs again.

  “Layla and I met during her initiation. I was her initiator, if you will, and I wasn’t expecting anything tremendous to happen. Initiations are a rite of passage for our female members. During the initiation, they’re taken care of by a selected father, and given a night to remember. It’s special, definitely, but most dads and daughters don’t stay together after an initiation. It’s usually just a one time thing before she begins her stint as a working daughter.”

  I stare at him.

  “But you and Layla hit it off.”

  My dad sighs again, wiping a big hand over his eyes.

  “We did more than hit it off, Sienna. There were fireworks between Layla and me. By the time of her initiation, I’d been divorced from your mom for a while, and I was giving up hope that I’d ever find someone again. Of course, I was using the Dads and Daughters service whenever I pulled into a truck stop, but I was also dating a couple women here and there. The dates all fell flat, and it was pretty brutal. I was depressed, honey. I know I didn’t show it on the outside, but I was beginning to think I was going to be single forever.”

  I squint at him.

  “You were depressed?”

  My dad nods, his expression somber.

  “Yes. It’s not something that a parent wants his child to know. We want to appear strong and confident, and not as a messed-up, anxiety ridden ball of nerves.”

  I stare at him.

  “You suffer from anxiety too?”

  My dad sighs.

  “Yes. No. I don’t know. That part of my life was tough Sienna. The divorce was absolutely the right thing to happen, and it was a relief after the papers were signed. But I was also anxious, depressed, and upset. Long hours on the road by myself didn’t help because the job is so solitary. I didn’t have anyone to talk to, and it’s not exactly easy to keep a weekly appointment with a therapist when you’re traveling all the time.”

  I stare at him.

  “I had no idea,” I say in a quiet voice.

  My dad nods.

  “And that’s the way it should be, Sienna. You’re my child. I don’t want you to worry about me. I wanted you to be happy, and to do all the things a young girl would do. I wanted you to try out for sports, for cheerleading, for the glee club, and enjoy yourself. You only have one childhood, after all.”

  I shake my head.

  “I could have helped, if I’d known.”

  My dad shakes his head, smiling at me slightly.

  “I appreciate your concern, but sweetheart, I don’t want you to help. This isn’t your life. These are my demons that I had to work through, and it’s not fair for me to drag you down as part of it. I’m the father, and I take care of my family. That’s the way it should be.”

  I nod slowly. I’ve always been proud and grateful for the way Tyler’s sacrificed so that we can have the life we have. I just didn’t know he was sacrificing that much during that difficult period.

  “So you met Layla,” I begin slowly, “and life began to turn around?”

  Tyler nods, his expression brightening a bit.

  “I went into the initiation thinking that it would be very average. Of course, I was initiating a beautiful young girl, but it would be a day of soft touches, physical gratification, and then not a lot more. I would show her how a man treats a woman, but then we would move on with our separate lives.”

  “Except that’s not what happened,” I say slowly.

  “No,” Tyler agrees. “Something sparkled in the air between us. I’d forgotten what it can be like to be with a woman who is your other half. To be with someone who’s incredibly beautiful, but also loving and giving at once. It was only our first time together, but Layla meant something to me, and after that, I knew I needed her. I wanted to be with her, except there was the problem of her dad.”

  I nod.

  “Of course, because Dads and Daughters is supposed to be a one-off swapping club. You enjoy various daughters, and teach them the intimacies of physical love, but you don’t get into serious relationships.”

  Tyler looks at me oddly.

  “Is that what Jock told you?”

  I think for a moment.

  “Not in those exact words, but that’s what I was deducing from our conversation.”

  Tyler looks down for a moment, his expression pensive. Then he looks up and begins again.

  “Well, the actual story is a bit more complicated than that. You see, the foundation of the club is one-off swapping. He’s right about that. But quite a few of our members pair up with a daughter for the long-term actually. Layla and I aren’t the only ones.”

  I stare at him.

  “Wait a minute. So you’re saying that there are actually couples that come out of Dads and Daughters?”

  Tyler smiles for the first time during this entire conversation.

  “Yes, and quite a few too. You know Harold and Maude Longford from over on the west side? They met through Dads and Daughters. So did Marielle and John Stark, over on Cherry Street.”

  I stare at him.

  “Marielle and John are married and have two kids!” I exclaim.

  Tyler grins.

  “Yeah, and it’s a happy marriage too. But the long and the short of it is that they met through Dads and Daughters, and a relationship blossomed. They tied the knot way back when, and their union has led to children. It’s a beautiful thing.”

  I think for a moment. This changes my assessment of Dads and Daughters entirely.

  “So there are love matches that come out of the group.”

  “There are,” my dad confirms. “And Layla and I are one of them. I needed Layla at the time in my life, honey, and she delivered me from my dark thoughts. She was a lifesaver, and I will always be grateful for meeting her.”

  I nod.

  “But it was against the rules of Dads and Daughters to date her exclusively.”

  Tyler shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

  “Is that what Jock told you? No, it’s not against the rules. Dads and daughters can pair up exclusively if that’s what they want to do. But being exclusive isn’t what Jock wanted for his daughter. He wanted Layla to go out there, free as a bird, and get experience being with various men. But that’s not what she wanted, Sienna. Layla fell in love with me, and we wanted to be together.”

  I squint at him.

  “Well, why didn’t you then? Why did you succumb to Jock?”

  My dad looks ashamed again, glancing at his hands.

  “I wanted Layla so much, sweetheart. I was in a precarious position in life. My mental health wasn’t great then, and when Jock came to me belching fire and brimstone, I caved
. I said I’d give him first dibs on you when the time came. It seemed like the only way, and relatively harmless too. After all, Jock’s been an initiator many times now, and he’s known for treating his girls right.”

  I stare at him.

  “So when he gave you the egg, you knew what was going to happen.”

  My dad looks ashamed again and nods slowly.

  “I didn’t know for sure, but I had a hunch that he was going to play with you a bit through the sex toy. After all, that Ring device was in the news recently. You know the home security system offered by Amazon?”

  I nod.

  “Yeah, I read a couple articles about it. Supposedly, a couple installed the Ring in their daughter’s room, and then a criminal hacked into it. When their eight year old daughter was home alone, a built-in speaker began piping music, and a strange voice began speaking to her from the device. Needless to say, she was freaked out and screamed for her mom.”

  My dad sighs.

  “The modern world is scary, isn’t it? These nanny cams and home security systems can be hacked by anyone. But yes, I suspected that Jock was going to do something along those lines.”

  I stare at Tyler.

  “Do you hear what you’re saying, Dad? You passed on a sex toy to me from your friend, and guessed, rightly so, that he was going to use a spy cam to watch me with the B-O-B.”

  Tyler looks down, going quiet.

  “I know, Sienna. I’m a terrible father. It was a moment of weakness, and I hope you’ll forgive me.”

  But instead, I up the ante.

  “Not only that, but it wasn’t just Jock on the other side! It was his brother Jack too! I basically had two men watching me while I … well, did that on the bed!”

  My dad’s face flushes a deep purple, and he clenches his jaw.

  “You mentioned that somehow, Jack Larson, got into the picture too. How did that happen again?”

  I stare at Tyler.

  “Jack said he happened to walk in right when Jock started camming with me. So as a result, I basically pleasured myself in front of two men.”

  Tyler’s jaw clenches again.

  “Well, that wasn’t supposed to happen. We can make that right if you want. I’ll talk to Jock and Jack about it. We’ll get something from them in return. Negotiate a deal because that wasn’t supposed to happen.”

  But this is where I step in.

  “Dad, I’m not sure I want you to do that.”

  Tyler pauses and looks at me.

  “Honey, what do you mean? This is the first good news that I’ve heard in this entire conversation. It’s not good per se, but every cloud has a silver lining. This is our edge to work over Jack and Jock Larson. They’ll have to listen when I bring the two-on-one up.”

  I shake my head slowly again.

  “No, Tyler, I’m not sure if that’s what I want because actually, I’m interested in Dads and Daughters. The concept makes sense and the fact that real people have fallen in love via the group makes it even more attractive to me. Maybe I want to be a member of Dads and Daughters.”

  Tyler goes stock still and stares at me.

  “After everything you’ve heard, Sienna? After what’s happened to you? Are you sure, sweetheart? I just don’t know what to say.”

  I nod slowly, even as my heart races. This is the right choice, and I can feel it in my guts. I just need to articulate it to my father so that we can work out next steps.

  “Nothing that terrible happened to me, Tyler. Sure, I was surprised by Jock and Jack speaking to me while I used the egg, but I got over the shock. In fact, it was a pleasurable experience,” I say, my cheeks flaming.

  Tyler nods.

  “Good,” he harrumphs. “At least those idiots got that right.”

  I nod.

  “They’re not idiots, Daddy. In fact, I’d say that Jack and Jock are quite attractive. I had a good time with them, both last night with the egg, and this morning when I met them for coffee downtown.”

  My dad stares at me.

  “So you’ve been talking to them,” he says slowly.

  “I have. They told me about Dads and Daughters, and also about how you and Layla played a role in this. They told me about initiations and what’s expected of the daughters, and the truth is: well, I think I’d like to join. I’d like to be initiated as a daughter into the club.”

  Tyler stares at me, his mouth practically hanging open.

  “Are you sure, Sienna? After all this, you want to join?”

  I nod, biting my lip.

  “I think I do. In fact, I know I do. I don’t have much experience with men, and I think Jock and Jack are the right ones to show me the way. But is that okay, Daddy? Are girls ever initiated by two men?”

  My dad shakes his head.

  “It has happened in the past, but it’s rare. We only do it if the girl makes the request herself.”

  I nod.

  “Then do you think you can set it up for me? Can you contact the club members, and set up an initiation?”

  My dad doesn’t answer right away. Instead, he passes a hand over his eyes before swiping down his face to clutch at his jaw.

  “This is incredible,” he breathes. “After all my fuck-ups, for this to happen.”

  “You’re not a fuck-up,” I say quickly. “You were a man in need, Daddy, and if I’d known you were so depressed, I would have done anything to help you get better. This is my way of helping, Dad. Actually, we’re way beyond that now. We don’t owe Jack and Jock anything. I want this, and I’m asking for your help to set it up.”

  My dad shakes his head again, completely befuddled.

  “Okay, Sienna. I’ll look into it, and I think the club is going to give you the green light. But are you sure this is what you want? Like you said, we don’t owe the Larsons anything. Not now. You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

  I nod, a small smile creeping to my lips.

  “I know, Daddy. But this is what I want, and to tell you the truth? I’m looking forward to it.”

  Tyler still looks confused, as if a ton of bricks just crashed onto his head. But he nods again, and takes my hand, clasping it in his big one. His fingers shake a bit and I squeeze reassuringly.

  “Okay sweetheart,” he says. “I just want you to be sure. I may not have been the best dad the last couple of years, but I want you to know that I love you. I care about you because you’re my one and only child. I only want what’s best for you.”

  Tears spring to my eyes.

  “I know, Daddy, and I love you too. But this time, I’m taking fate into my hands. It’s time for me to be in the driver’s seat, and Jock and Jack Larson are the perfect men to make it happen.”

  With that, it’s settled. Tyler is going to inquire about an initiation for me, at the hands of the Larson men. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way, but a hot thrill of excitement runs through my sweetest spot in anticipation. After all, I had fun with Jack and Jock and the egg. What will it be like to be with them in person, hot and heavy? I can’t wait to find out.



  I step into the lodge, amazed that it even exists. When we first pulled up to the structure, my mouth fell open.

  “This belongs to the club?” I asked, staring at the imposing log building.

  “It does,” confirmed my dad, switching off the ignition of the truck. “There aren’t too many guys here yet, but they’ll be arriving soon for your initiation.”

  After all, Tyler conferred with the group and they approved my initiation into Dads and Daughters. Even better, they approved my initiation at the hands of Jock and Jack Larson, and I’m practically humming in my seat, unable to wait.

  I haven’t seen Jock and Jack since our meeting in the coffee shop, but my memories of the men keep me awake at night, tossing and turning with restlessness. Those piercing blue eyes, the handsome chiseled faces, and most of all, those huge bodies. What are they like down there? The two men are at leas
t six three, with thighs like tree trunks. That means that must be big in their private parts as well, right?

  I can’t wait to find out as part of my initiation, but I’m not sure what’s going to happen during the process. All of that is still unclear to me. Are they going to whisk me off, and we’ll do our thing? Or is there more pomp and circumstance?

  As the door of the lodge closes behind us, I look around. It’s a high-ceilinged, airy space with a rustic touch, as if we were standing in a fancy cabin in Aspen. Decorative wood beams hold up the ceiling, and there’s comfortable looking furniture with brightly-colored cushions on deep sofas, and a roaring fire in one corner. A few deer heads are up on the walls, along with some old oars and rifles.

  “They did it up like a hunting lodge,” my dad says with amusement, seeing my stunned look.

  “Yes, if you like elite hunting lodges that cost millions of dollars to build,” I say in a daze. “Wow.”

  At that moment, Layla appears. The curvy girl is always so gorgeous, and my dad’s face lights up when he sees her. They lean in for a chaste peck, although I see Tyler’s hand sneak around to pat her rump adoringly. They break apart and turn to me with fond looks.

  “Hey Sienna,” the older girl greets. “Welcome to the Lodge.”

  “Hey,” I say with confusion. “But what are you doing here?”

  Layla smiles while still holding hands with my dad.

  “Well, today is your initiation, and the club has asked me to help you get ready. It’s not a big deal or anything, but they like new girls to have an older girl guide them. I’ll talk you through some of the specifics and what to expect. Also, I wanted to let you know how much we appreciate this,” she says quickly while sharing a glance with Tyler. “I know this came as a surprise to you, and all that stuff with my dad and uncle? Well, it’s a lot to swallow.”

  I nod graciously.

  “I know, and it’s okay. I had no idea that Tyler was depressed, and I’m just happy that you were able to help him in his time of need. Plus, I requested your dad and uncle as my initiators. Did you know that?”

  Layla shares another look with Tyler, and then smiles.

  “Yeah, your father told me. I’m glad you’re okay with how things have turned out, Sienna. I was so worried, and well, it’s a lot for anyone to absorb, especially a young girl.”


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