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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 33

by S. E. Law

  I laugh.

  “Well, I’m not that young anymore. I’m eighteen, and I’m ready for my initiation. So should we get to it?”

  My dad chuckles as well before giving Layla a quick swat on her behind.

  “I’ll leave you girls to it. Meet you back here when the ceremony begins?”

  The older girl flushes and casts an adoring look at Tyler.

  “Of course,” she murmurs. Then she brightens and beckons to me. “Come on, Sienna. I’ll show you the way.”

  My dad strides off with one last wave as I follow the older girl down a hallway. There are doors on either side, but I’m not sure what they lead to.

  “Oh this?” Layla asks. “This is just the office section of the club. Dads and Daughters is actually a national organization, and I think they’re going international as we speak. There’s a lot of administrative work regardless, so they built offices when they constructed this lodge.”

  I’m astonished and stare at her.

  “Really? I thought the club was an informal network that was loosely structured. I didn’t know they had offices, much less an international presence.”

  Layla grins at me from over her shoulder.

  “I think the dads want you to think that it’s a piddly-wink non-profit that barely gets by. But no, they’re really well-organized and pay their taxes and everything. Not that I’m on top of that,” she says with a laugh. “But there’s more to Dads and Daughters than meets the eye.”

  I nod even as we continue to walk down the hall. We take a right, then a left, then another left. We’re walking past all sorts of rooms, including what look like conference rooms, kitchens, and rec rooms, as well as a bunch of closed doors.

  “This place is huge,” I breathe, my heart racing.

  Layla turns and nods.

  “Yeah, the dads pulled out all the stops when they built the Lodge. The original founders decided they might as well go all out since they were starting from scratch, so they constructed a compound, if you will. They bought a bunch of acreage far from the rest of the city for privacy reasons, and then hired the best contractors. The Lodge is just the main building. There are actually lots of other buildings on the property.”

  I nod.

  “Holy cow,” I murmur. “I had no idea.”

  “Most people don’t,” Layla says with a grin. “That’s the point. Dads and Daughters rigorously protects its privacy, and it’s better that way. I don’t think most people would approve of what the club does, if you get what I mean. Okay, here we are,” she says with a chirp, opening the door to a lovely bedroom. There’s a giant king-size bed in the center with a maroon duvet on top. Lots of pillows are scattered about, and there’s a huge wooden armoire in the corner. But Layla leads me inside the room and throws open the door to an en suite bathroom.

  I gasp at the sheer luxury of the en suite. Everything seems clad in white marble, and there’s a giant porcelain tub with clawed golden feet. Huge mirrors make the bathroom look even bigger than it already is, and I gawk at the enormous corner shower stall that could fit a party of ten.

  “Who’s taking a shower here?” I ask. “Why do they need so much space?”

  Layla gets a wicked look in her eye.

  “Well, the dads can get really inventive, if you understand what I mean. Sometimes, more space is needed than what you’d expect. But we’re here for your initiation, so things are going to be relatively straightforward today. Come on, into the tub,” she says, reaching to help me off with my shirt.

  “What?” I squeak. “Right now? But I showered before I came!”

  Layla merely rolls her eyes.

  “Sienna, this is an initiation. You need to be clean everywhere. The dads like it that way. Come on, into the tub,” she says, her voice all business.

  To my surprise, I let her help me off with my clothes, and then Layla turns on the spigot in the bathtub. Hot water pours into the porcelain tub, making the bathroom steamy. I step delicately into the water and sink below the warm bubbles, luxuriating in the feel.

  “You went through this as well, right?” I ask Layla as she putters about.

  “I did,” she nods, her voice going dreamy. “It was a wonderful night with Tyler, in case you were wondering.”

  I nod, blushing a bit.

  “But you guys met at a hotel, right? I thought it was a Dads and Daughters party.”

  Layla smiles.

  “It was. Initiations don’t always happen here. They can happen anywhere in the world, in any setting. The dads try to make it luxurious, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there are initiations happening in igloos and yurts. They’re fancy igloos and fancy yurts, but they’re initiations all the same.”

  “Oh wow,” I breathe, sinking even lower into the bubbles. “This is wild.”

  “It is,” agrees Layla, handing me a razor. “Now shave yourself where it counts.”

  I raise a leg out of the water, waves sloshing a bit.

  “But I already shaved right before I came, see? It’s all smooth already.”

  Layla merely smiles at me and turns her head.

  “Not your legs, Sienna. Down there. Your pussy needs to be bare.”

  I gawk at her.

  “You must be kidding.”

  She shakes her head.

  “No, I’m not. You’ll be displayed for the dads before Jock and Jack claim you. It’s part of the ceremony. The dads like to see all new girls, and so you want to be in tip-top form.”

  I gasp, staring at her.

  “I’m going to be displayed? What does that mean?”

  Layla nods, her cheeks going a bit pink.

  “It means they’re going to look at you nude, Sienna. They want to see your private parts, in order to appreciate all the young women who join the club.”

  “Oh my god, I’m being inspected?” I squeal. “Like a horse at auction?”

  Layla laughs, her high tinkle ringing through the bathroom.

  “No, not like a horse. But yes, you will be displayed, and you’ll probably be asked to assume a number of positions as well. So I would definitely try to look nice and make the most out of it. You want the dads to like you, Sienna. Even though you’ll be with Jock and Jack for your first time, there will be more dads in the future. Why not stoke their interest now? It’s the perfect opportunity,” she says with a wink. “Now, I’m going to leave you to it, and I’ll be back in half an hour to escort you to the ceremony chamber. Here,” she says, draping a garment over a chair in the bathroom. “Put this on after you’re done. It’s going to be fine, Sienna. You’re pretty as is, so it won’t be hard,” she says with another encouraging wink before departing.

  The door closes and I sink deeper into the water, trying to process all this new information. My initiation is turning out to be more than I expected. I thought I’d be brought to Jock and Jack directly before enjoying a steamy evening in their arms. But instead, there’s an actual ceremony with a presentation before all of the dads. Oh my god, am I ready to be displayed as a pretty object for their desire? Is this what I really want?

  Slipping back into the slick bath, I smile coyly to myself. The truth is that I can’t wait. I’m a long ways from the old, shy Sienna, and now, the bad girl is taking over.



  Layla and I stand quietly in the hallway, in the shadows. There’s an opening leading to the great room, where the dads are gathered in a circle of chairs. There are more than I thought; at least a few dozen by the looks of it. Soft rumbles of their speech greet my ears, and it feels as if every cell of my body is attuned to the men.

  “You look beautiful,” Layla whispers to me with an encouraging smile. “You were always beautiful, Sienna, but tonight, you look stunning.”

  I blush, a little shy. After the older girl left, I shaved myself everywhere. I was never messy down there, but this time, I took the landing strip right off so that I’m bare and delicately pink. The process itself was quite titillating, and I grew
hot thinking about Jock and Jack. Will they appreciate my efforts?

  I hope so, because I took quite a bit of time with my hair and make-up too. My curls are arranged prettily around my shoulders, and I’m wearing just the tiniest bit of pink lip gloss. I figured a nude look is best, given that I’m supposed to be both innocent and sensual.

  “Do I look okay in my dress?” I whisper.

  Layla turns and gives me a thumbs up.

  “Perfect. You’ll drive them wild.”

  I giggle quietly to myself. The dress that the older girl left for me is a white silk slip with tiny spaghetti straps. The delicate cloth drifts over my curves, skimming them in a sensual and subtly provocative way. My legs are bare to mid-thigh, and Layla also whipped out a pair of four inch stilettos with clear heels to complete the look.

  “Aren’t these a little skanky?” I asked, wrinkling my brow when I looked at them. “I thought only strippers wore clear platforms.”

  Layla just rolled her eyes.

  “Do you really want to go out there in bare feet?” she asks. “Your pedicure is great, but trust me, the heels really complete the outfit.”

  With that, I nod. I don’t usually wear heels in my regular life, but tonight is a special night. I can handle it, even if I’m a little wobbly in the shoes.

  A hush dies over the crowd, and a low male voice sounds out. I can’t hear what it’s saying, but then Layla gives me a small shove.

  “It’s show time,” she says with an encouraging smile. “Come on, go out there, Sienna!”

  I stumble forwards, my skirt flying up a bit. Oh god, I’m not ready! But it’s too late because I’ve stepped from the darkness of the hallway and into the glare of the spotlight. I stop and gasp because intuitively, I feel dozens of male eyes eating me up. The room is a bit dark, so their faces are in shadow, but I sense that every single one of the dads is handsome and huge. They’re arresting, with strong, square jaws; piercing eyes; and wide shoulders. Holy cow, the dads are true alpha males.

  But like a magnet, my eyes are drawn to two sets of eyes over on the left. Jack and Jock aren’t just staring at me; their look is sheer possession. The blue gazes lock onto my female form, and I can’t help but shiver, as if they’re already caressing me. Mmm, how long will the ceremony last? I want to be with Jock and Jack asap, and my insides go moist with anticipation.

  A low male voice sounds out, and I realize that someone’s using a speaker.

  “Sienna Nelson, daughter of Tyler Nelson. Eighteen and brunette, with brown eyes. Sienna has Double Ds, with a twenty-two inch waist and thirty-six inch hips. Step to the front please.”

  I gasp. How did they get my measurements? I suppose anyone could have eyed my figure, but the numbers are right on the dot. Clearly, these men know their way around women.

  With trembling legs, I step to the front where there’s a small area lit by spotlights.

  “Turn around, please,” the male voice sounds again.

  I turn, looking over my shoulder, unsure. My knees wobble again. Drat! It’s these high heels.

  “Face forward,” the voice intones once more.

  I turn again, so that I’m facing the audience of men. Quite a few of the male figures have become rigid as they sit, unmoving even as their eyes rake up and down my form. Hell, I think a few of them are barely even breathing, although there are slight twitching movements at their crotches.

  “Disrobe, please,” the voice commands again. The voice is neither friendly nor unfriendly; it’s merely neutral, almost like a computer.

  But this is the moment I’ve been waiting for. I’m nervous, but I tell myself that all the girls who’ve been initiated have gone through this process before me. With trembling fingers, I reach up and slip one spaghetti strap down one shoulder, before pushing the other one off the other shoulder. The white silk is like a breeze. It wafts down my form and puddles around my feet, leaving me as bare as the day I was born. Quickly, I kick it away so that I’m nude before these men, my breasts heaving as my secret spot grows hot.

  Oh my god, this is so wrong. I should feel violated doing this before the dads, but instead, I feel dirty, naughty, and so good. In fact, I like this. I want them to appreciate my generous assets, and give a little shimmy of my hips to make my tits bounce.

  Immediately, a slight ripple works its way through the group, as the men shift uncomfortably and adjust themselves. I smile again, wiggling my hips a bit, and my hands rise up to cup my big Double Ds. They’re lush and creamy, with hard cherry tips and I jiggle them slightly, smiling a coy smile as I do so.

  The groan from the crowd goes even louder and I giggle under my breath a bit. I’m about to do more, but then the voice comes over the speakers again.

  “Turn please.”

  Hmm, they want to see my backside, do they? Well, I can give them even more of a show. I turn in my clear heels, until my back is to the men. Then, looking over my shoulder with a smile, I part my legs a bit so that they’re in a vee and begin bending over. The tension in the room grows as I go lower and lower, my big cheeks rising in the air. I keep going lower until my hair brushes the ground, and my big boobs are hanging down in front of me.

  But the group knows exactly what it wants. The voice rings out again, commanding and firm.

  “Hold yourself open, please.”

  This time, it’s my turn to gasp. Oh my god, hold myself open? Are they serious? I look through my legs at Jock and Jack, but they don’t meet my eyes. Instead, their blue gazes are glued to my huge, creamy ass, and Jock literally growls in anticipation, unable to wait.

  It’s true. This is what they want. Slowly, I run my hands up the sides of my thighs, making a show of stroking my creamy skin. My palms continue upwards until they’re at my waist, and then they slide backwards until I’m gripping one big cheek in each hand. This is it. It’s showtime.

  Slowly, my palms pull my orbs apart until my pink slit is bared to the men. My brownie winks at them, and I moan lightly, hardly able to believe I’m doing this. I’m literally opening myself for their gaze, and the hushed groan of appreciation makes me go hot and needy inside.

  But the dads are experts. Just when I think things can’t get dirtier, the voice sounds out again.

  “Please pull yourself open more fully. Two hands on either side of your pussy.”

  What? They must be joking! This isn’t already enough? I’m completely bare for their gaze, and to my shame, my kitty’s already swollen and glistening beneath the lights. But they want more? Oh my god.

  As if in a trance, one hand slides down a bit, and I reach between my legs while jutting my bottom even higher into the air. My soft fingers land on either side of my tiny hole, and slowly, I pull my folds open, revealing the hot pink interior. It’s lush and practically steams before the men’s eyes, begging to be tasted. My clit is huge and throbbing and I mewl a bit, giving the dads everything.

  But this is what I want. I want to become a daughter of the club, in the full sense of the term. I want to learn exactly how to please these men, and to find ecstasy in their arms. I want everything, in short, and I won’t stop until I get it.



  I pace within the bedroom, my strides sure and swift.

  “What the fuck?” I growl. “What the fucking fuck?”

  My brother sits in an armchair, loose and relaxed although I can tell he’s just as tense as I am.

  “We knew she’d be delicious, but we had no idea she’d be that delicious,” he remarks. “But that’s teenage girls for you. Always full of surprises.”

  I let out a harsh bark of laughter.

  “Yeah, but pulling herself open like that? Holy fuck!”

  “It was amazing,” Jack muses. “Yeah, Sienna was really beautiful, and I can’t wait to get inside her.”

  After all, the final part of the ceremony is here. After Sienna finished her display, she was escorted from the main area while we were brought to this bedroom. True to form, there’s very little
in the room save for a huge bed and some heavy wooden furniture. There’s no need for extras, given what we’re about to do.

  After all, it’s our job to show Sienna a good time. Not just a good time, but we want to show her how mind-blowing it can be to be with a man. We want her to scream, howl, and hopefully pass out again, the way she did when we were first together. We want to devour her assets, and then mark them as our own with male possession.

  It shouldn’t be like this. Usually, initiations are one-off events before the parties go their separate ways. But we’re already in this too deep. I’ve been watching Sienna for years now, and my chance has finally come. I’m going to make sure she leaves the bedroom limping and sore, her kitty and ass dripping with male seed.

  “Calm down,” my brother intones. “She’ll get here when she gets here.”

  I’m about to snap a sharp retort when suddenly, there’s a soft knock on the door. Like a madman, I stride over and fling it open, revealing the curvy form of Sienna herself.

  She smiles.

  “May I come in?” is her gentle voice.

  I step aside, unable to speak or even breathe. She’s decked in the white silk slip again, and the shadows of her body taunt me, driving me wild. She floats into the room, and I shut the door with a resounding thump behind her. Jack is already on his feet, his huge form tense as he eats up the curvy girl with his gaze.

  “Take it off,” he commands, his words sharp, even curt.

  “No hello?” she asks with a teasing smile.

  Clearly, Sienna isn’t intimidated. With a sweet smile, she slips the dress off her shoulders and it shimmies down her body before pooling on the floor. Then she steps out from the circle of fabric, dressed in nothing but high heels and a smile.

  “Oh fuuuuck,” is my low moan.

  “Shit,” grinds out my brother, his blue eyes flaring with light.


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