Book Read Free

Trusting Again

Page 16

by Lo'Ren A Mayler

  Nikki was telling the truth from the beginning. How could she let someone she doesn’t know influence her decisions?

  “She must be talented indeed,” Mia couldn’t keep the sarcasm from her voice.

  Sam tilted her head slightly, “Why do you say that?”

  “She would have to be amazing. I mean, a talent like being in two places at the same time. How many women have that kind of skill today?”

  Mia stood and walked away, leaving Sam to think about where Nikki really was last night. I shouldn’t have done that. Why didn’t I just let it go? There was never a possibility of her saying nothing. It had bothered her too much. The insinuation was more than she could take.

  Nikki walked into the cafeteria and sat next to Sam, they had not spoken since last night.

  “Hey Sam. What’s going on?”

  Sam held her head high, “As if you don’t already know.”

  Nikki watched Sam storm out of the room. Guess she is still upset about our conversation last night. Nikki was hoping they would be able to move past it. Especially since Sam was pretending to not care yesterday.

  She spotted Mia sitting with some students and any thoughts of Sam melted away. Mia was smiling, laughing and interacting with everyone. It was like seeing her for the first time. This woman was not distant and observant. She was caring and happy to be included in everyday affairs. Stop looking at her. You can’t, not here. You will see her tonight. Nikki shifted her attention to her food and pretended not to notice Mia’s slender neck when she threw her head back laughing. She did not look at the way her lips moved as she was speaking or wish she was the person Mia touched midsentence.

  Just as Nikki looked away, Mia noticed her sitting there, with no Sam in sight.

  “Hey,” Mia said nudging Nikki with her shoulder.

  Nikki’s face lit up.

  “Sorry I didn’t get a chance to come see you, been a busy day.”

  “So I heard. Told you everything would work out. Did you get the flowers?”

  Mia blushed, “Yes they are beautiful. Thank you. I was hoping they were from you.”

  “Who else were you expecting flowers from?” Nikki arched a brow, genuinely curious.

  “No one. I just wasn’t sure they were delivered to the right person, there was no card.”

  Nikki leaned towards Mia to whisper in her ear, “Thank you for sharing your bed. Hope you enjoy mine. Just didn’t seem appropriate for the office.”

  The sound of Nikki’s voice in her ear made Mia shiver. Visons of them waking in her bed filled her mind all over again. She could feel goosebumps cover her body at the sound of Nikki’s whispered “good morning”. It was like a loop all day. A craving she couldn’t satisfy. She should be upset by the assumption, in truth Mia knew they would have a hard time keeping their hands to themselves. If she was really honest, she didn’t want to try to resist Nikki anymore. It had been exhausting, attempting to ignore it, to keep a lid on her feeling. The jar was overflowing and the lid was about to burst off. One more nudge from Nikki and she would surely lose herself.

  “You’re terrible.”

  “You don’t know the half of it.”

  Nikki moved away from Mia before she did something stupid. “So, I guess celebration is in order.”

  “Oh no. I’m not big on crowds.”

  “Who said anything about crowds?” Nikki leaned in so no one could hear. Purposely grazed Mia’s thigh with her hand, causing a shiver. “I was thinking more like you, me and maybe a little…”

  Mia didn’t let her finish the thought, “If you want to make it to the end of the day alive, you will stop talking.”

  “What? I was going to suggest you unwrap a present of some kind, a big one, with a large bow,”

  Mia closed her eyes. She pictured undressing Nikki. A bow wrapped around her chest. No! I can’t think about this here. Don’t think about Nikki... Of those amazing hands traveling over my skin...

  Nikki was trying to tease Mia, but ended up torturing herself as well. When Mia closed her eyes, Nikki wondered what she was seeing. Where they in her truck with Mia on her lap? Lying in Mia’s bed? Were they memories or events that had yet to pass? What she would give to see in Mia’s mind. When Mia opened her eyes, her pupils were dilated. Her breath was slightly labored and her fists were clenched on her lap.

  “I’m gonna go.”

  Nikki bit her lip to stop what she really wanted to say, I’ll come with you.

  “That might be a good idea.”

  Nikki watched Mia walk out into the hall.

  Mia went straight back to her office. She closed the door and started her breathing exercises. Instead of calming her mind, every time she closed her eyes Nikki was there. The shape of her firm arms, the flutter of her heartbeat in her neck, the curve of her hips. Mia’s pulse was racing and she couldn’t do anything to stop it. She heard the door open. Mia didn’t open her eyes, she knew she didn’t have any appointments for another hour.

  “Please wait outside. I’m just finishing up my lunch hour and will be with you in a minute.” She heard the door click shut and muttered, “Thank you.”

  Just a minute, I just need to get her out of my mind. I am calm, I am collected and I am not thinking of Nikki. Not imagining the depths of her eyes engulfing me in their warmth or the way her hair moved with the slightest breeze. I won’t think of the smell of her cologne in my bed. Of the feel of her body pressed against mine. Most importantly, I cannot think of what would have happened if we hadn’t gotten out of bed. “Damn it”.

  Mia jolted up when she heard the door lock. She opened her eyes to behold Nikki, standing with her hand on the door.

  “Nikki you can’t keep coming in here like this.”

  “Sure I can. I need to speak with the athletic counselor.”

  She was right. No one would think anything off about them being behind closed doors.

  “Okay, what do you want to talk about coach?”

  “Actually, I think I am in need of some counseling. A little personal advice,” Nikki said as she walked towards Mia.

  “Oh really? What seems to be the problem? Pesky coworkers, family drama, students acting out?”

  “No. None of that,” Nikki said with a laugh.

  “Then what is troubling you?”

  “There’s this girl.”

  Mia’s stomach fluttered. Hearing Nikki say she was the focus of her thoughts got her keyed up. Taking on her most stern, professional façade, Mia sat back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Uh, huh. What about this woman is bothering you?”

  Nikki rounded the desk. Every step drawing them closer. The anticipation was killing Mia. Why does she always do this? The long slow approach. Her clothes felt too tight. The fire she had been trying to douse became a roaring flame.

  “You see, I can’t stop thinking about her. I’m afraid it is interrupting my concentration. All I can think about is kissing her again. What do I do? Do you think you can help me?”

  Mia stood up, “Really, only kissing her? That’s all you want?”

  Mia lightly pushed Nikki out from behind her desk.

  “No. That isn’t all. I want to…”

  Mia stepped into Nikki’s waiting arms and kissed her. She was tired of the cat and mouse. Tired of waiting. Nikki backed Mia up to the desk and lifted her onto it.

  “What was it you wanted again?” Mia said as if it was a challenge.

  Nikki kissed her with renewed intensity. Her hands sliding up and down the outside of Mia’s thighs. She couldn’t stand it. Each kiss was everything and yet not enough. Nikki moved her hands up Mia’s stomach to feel the breasts she had admired for so long.

  When she felt the hands that cascaded across her chest, Mia felt like she was going to explode. She wrapped her legs around Nikki to pull their bodies closer.

  “Oh Mia, I want so much more than one kiss.”

  Nikki trailed kisses down Mia’s neck. Enjoying the soft skin that was alre
ady out in the open.

  “Nikki we can’t.”

  She was starting to move lower, over Mia’s exposed collar bone. Mia heard herself moaning and couldn’t stop. She leaned back to give Nikki better access and stifled a cry as Nikki kissed the top of her breasts. Then she felt the unbuttoning of her blouse. If it didn’t stop now, Mia knew they wouldn’t finish without someone screaming out. Mia stilled the busy hands, causing Nikki to look up. She didn’t know how she could possibly stop, she felt like her skin was burning from Nikki’s touch.

  Mia stared into the raging ocean that was Nikki’s eyes. Running her hands up Nikki’s arms was not helping to derail the pulsing that had started at her core. Mia couldn’t resist one more delicious kiss. As she leaned into Nikki, she lost her resolve. Heck she forgot the world even existed. All that endured was the heat between them and the need that was building. She wasn’t sure she could ever stop touching Nikki. Her kiss was so soft, warm and full of promise. Please don’t stop touching me, her body pleaded.

  “You should go,” Mia said in between kisses. Please don’t go.

  “Your right. We can finish this later on.”

  As Nikki pulled away, Mia grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Mia wrapped her legs around Nikki’s center once again, keeping their bodies pressed as close together as possible. Running her fingers over the solid back and pressing her breasts into Nikki.

  God she feels so good. Why do we have to be at work?

  “You make it hard to do the right thing.”

  Mia laughed, “Me? I’m not the one whispering in your ear at lunch.”

  Somehow Nikki had the sense to back away. They stood staring at each other for what seemed an eternity. Both battling, willing themselves to walk away. Mia’s hands shook as she buttoned her shirt. Mia couldn’t believe she was trying to be more dressed. It was the last thing she wanted.

  “Want some help with that?” Nikki asked as she watched the path she had created disappear.

  “No, if you help, you will just unbutton more of them.”

  Nikki laughed, “You’re probably right. And I wouldn’t stop with the shirt.”

  Nikki’s eyes definitely got the message across. Mia wanted to ask if she promised to unbutton more, to touch her and not let go until her every need was satisfied. Don’t start, you can’t. If I ask Nikki for what I want or even hint to it… No just focus on your buttons. Don’t look at her. Mia felt surer of herself once the buttons were securely in place.

  “I think I’m going to enjoy our meetings coach.”

  She ran her hand over Nikki’s stomach, reached for her hand and walked them towards the door.

  “I think we will definitely connect more than I did with Mason. Maybe we should have daily meetings,” Nikki said with a wink. She leaned down and kissed Mia as the bell rang.

  “See you tonight.”

  Tonight. She closed the door behind Nikki. Mia was frozen in time. She didn’t want to leave this moment. This one second when all the world came together and life made sense. When Mia could just be herself and enjoy the company of a beautiful woman. Why did they have to be at work? Mia’s nipples were hard and she knew she was going to have to go clean herself up. Maybe her makeup survived. She would have to check it before stepping out. Mia looked around her small office and noticed the papers that had fallen due to the vigorous activity. The pens, normally organized neatly in a holder, were strewn about her desk. When had they fallen? If they had gone on any longer, Mia was certain the monitor would have plummeted to the floor as well. What was I thinking? It was like her body had a mind of its own and she had no control over it. She didn’t know what to do. They worked together. This can’t keep happening. There had to be a way to stay professional while at work. They could conceivably set some rules, guidelines to keep them in check. Daily meetings, what was she thinking? We can’t even be in the same room together! How did Nikki think it was a good idea for them to be alone in an office? Just thinking about Nikki raised her blood pressure. Nothing would ever get done. We will have to talk about it later. Oh god, tonight! Mia had not even thought about what to make for dinner. She would need to leave as soon as school ended to pick up supplies. I don’t have her address. And I don’t know when to be there. The only thing Mia knew for sure was that she couldn’t wait for tonight. She had no clue what she was going to cook, but she knew with absolute certainty what she wanted for dessert.

  Nikki went straight to the bathroom to check for lipstick, messy hair, anything that would give away what she had been doing just a minute ago. Mia was like liquid fire under her touch. I just hope no one heard us. Mia was, Nikki smiled, very vocal. As she stared into the mirror she tried to calm herself. She was all worked up. Thankfully the peak in her nipples did not show through the shirt. There was very little lipstick to clean off. Her hair was always a little messy, so not much to fix there. There was almost no sign of what had just transpired. Unless you were to take her pulse, look into her eyes or happen to notice the huge grin on her face. How was she going to wait until after practice to see Mia again?

  The phone rang as she entered the office, “Coach Reed.”

  “Hello coach.”

  Nikki sat down in her chair and smiled at the sound of Mia’s voice.

  “Do you miss me already? I could come back if you need to talk some more.”

  Nikki was ready to race to the door as soon as Mia said so.

  “No. That is not why I’m calling.”

  She tried not to let the disappointment reflect in her voice.

  “Oh okay. Then how can I help you?”

  “You know we made plans, but you neglected to give me a time or an address. Kind of makes it hard to show up without those. That is, if you still want me there.”

  Yes!!! Anywhere! Anytime!

  “Sorry, something else was on my mind. I’ll text you the address. I should be done around five. Is six good? That way I don’t smell like dirt and sweat.”

  Nikki could hear Mia laughing.

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you at six.”

  “Can’t wait. And Mia.”

  A breathy “Yes?” came through the phone and Nikki lost her herself in desire.


  Shaking herself back to the present Nikki replied, “Sorry, I’ll let you know if I get held up at all from practice.”

  Nikki was starting to think that Mia was purposely torturing her when she said, “Yes coach.”

  “You have to stop that.”

  “Stop what?” Mia asked innocently.

  “Stop making me want to jump through the phone and make you scream yes.”

  Nikki heard the small moan through the receiver. She had to tighten her grip to not drop the phone.

  “You okay?” Nikki asked when there was no response.

  “I will see you at six. Did you have anything particular in mind to eat…” Mia stopped midsentence when she realized what she said.

  “I can think of a thing or two.”

  “I gotta go.”

  The line went dead. Nikki guessed why Mia was calling. She thought the phone was a safer choice than them being in the same room together. While on the phone there was no chance of kissing or touching, it did not stop Nikki from teasing her mind.

  When the final bell rang, Mia raced out of her office. Weaving through the halls and into the parking lot. She had barely made it through the day. Thankfully no one noticed her lack of focus. Instead of planning out her sessions in her free time, she was planning dinner, looking up directions and envisioning the night to come. She figured she would have to go straight to the store. When she got home she would shower, change and prep dinner a little, that way dinner could be done cooking sooner. Mia knew exactly what to get and was out of the store in less than fifteen minutes. All the while, thanking the grocery store gods that there was no line. Once home Mia prepped the vegetables first. By prepping first she didn’t need to worry about getting her clothes dirty. She was making pot roast, Mia wanted to keep d
inner simple. If she did something complicated it would occupy more of her time and she wanted to be able to pop it in the oven and forget about it. Besides Mia didn’t know what type of kitchenware Nikki had, probably none. How could you not know how to cook? Practically everything today has instructions printed on the package. Even raw chicken says the temperature and time per pound to cook it. Or, you know, there was this newfangled thing called google.

  Mia was putting everything straight into a pot. Just bring everything you need. Hope she has plates. Mia laughed to herself. That she even had to ask was possibly the most ridiculous thing to ever cross her mind. Of course Nikki had plates and silverware…I better ask. Mia decided to text. She wouldn’t make it through hearing Nikki’s voice again.

  Mia: Do you have plates and silverware? Do you need me to bring them?

  Her phone chirped as soon as she set it down.

  Nikki: No. I’m a cave person and it never occurred to me to have such things. Lol.

  Okay, maybe I’m over thinking this.

  Nikki: Don’t worry. I have plates and cups and silverwares. I even have a stove. I just don’t use it.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Nikki noticed Michael Augostini off to the side of the gym. He was always trying to get out of participating and today was no exception. The gymnasium was filled with kids, split into four teams playing volleyball. Reed tried to keep things fair. While she would let the students pick teams, however, she would not make the jocks captains. No one should have to be picked last every time. If she thought Michael would try, she would have let him pick his own team. As usual Michael had chosen to be an alternate.

  If Reed didn’t make sure substitutions were made, he would stay on the sidelines the entire period. Nikki blew her whistle, “Subs.” Michael lazily got up, shuffling his clunky black boots the entire way to the back of the court. No matter how many times she spoke to him, Michael never wore sneakers. Reed realized before long that she had to either send him to the principal or let it go. Nikki hated to make a big deal about something so small. She would rationalize that at least he had on closed toe shoes, it’s not like Michael would ever run.


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