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Detective Stacy Kirchner has given up on finding Mr. Right. Convinced a happily ever after simply isn't in the cards for her, she focuses instead on building her career and making her small house a comfortable home to share with her cat, Chloe. Without warning, she finds herself thrust into a world filled with uncertainty and deception. Struggling to keep ahead of a malicious prankster hell-bent on destroying everything she's worked for, Stacy is blind-sided by her feelings for dark and mysterious Galen Gordon.After a series of devastating losses, Galen Gordon is moving forward. The former FBI agent is settling comfortably into life in small-town southern Indiana. He's finally ready to risk losing his heart again, to reach for what he wants--a life with Stacy. All he has to do is convince her the idea has merit. That, and keep her alive in the face of growing danger.